For some, having accessibility within the home is important. There are also occasions when accidents or injuries happen and having an accessible home can be helpful during those times, whether they be a temporary aid or a permanent one.

Not all homes have been created with accessibility in mind, even though to do so, wouldn’t really do much in compromising the space. In fact, it can make the home feel more spacious as a result.

Check out these tips, to create accessibility in your home.

Install ramps on exterior doors

Ramps are a great addition to the home as they can help those in wheelchairs or those that can’t lift their legs high up, access the home. Some may only install ramps on the front door but what about the back? Anyone who might want to go outside, out the back, might find it beneficial to have a ramp installed on the back door too!

Ramps come in many shapes and sizes, with some being permanent solutions and others being temporary ones, depending on their use. A perfect solution to creating accessibility.

Create wider door frames

Wider door frames are always worth having when it comes to creating accessibility in the home. These door frames can help those in wheelchairs or those who might need a bit of extra room when it comes to squeezing through. For example, someone on crutches may greatly appreciate having a wider door frame in place.

These can be fitted fairly easily and there are still plenty of options that can be used when it comes to their style and appearance of them.


Consider mobility in the bathroom

When it comes to accessibility, one of the most important places to have mobility in the home, is in the bathroom. A bathroom is a place where mobility shower cubicles and hand rests are worthwhile to have installed. A walk-in shower cubicle is an easy way of adding accessibility and it looks visually stunning too!

If there’s not enough room for a walk-in shower, add a pole to the side of the bath to help a person ease themselves in and out of the bathtub. 

Have a door entry system in place

A great addition to the home that brings both accessibility and security to the property is a door entry system. For those times when a person might struggle to open the door by the handle, a door entry system is a better way to get into the home.

The door entry system can also help add that extra layer of security to the property.

Make sure the floor space is always clear

The floor space is an area of the home that’s important to try and keep clear as best as possible. There are going to be days when the clutter gets on top of you. However, it’s good to try and clean as you go and to purchase any additional storage in order to stay on top of the mess that can often form.

Creating accessibility in the home is great for those who need to cater to their less-than-able household or any guests that might be invited to the home.


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