As a family, we’ve loved Bluey for a long time. We can relate to Chilli & Bandit. Bluey is as much for adults, as it is for kids. And I love that we can all sit down, as a family, to watch the show and thoroughly love every minute of it. In this post, I discuss my favourite Relatable Bluey Parenting Moments.

If you follow me on TikTok, you will have seen my reaction to the most recent episode of Bluey. Where fans eagerly awaited the outcome of whether the Heeler family would sell their house. And move to a new city. A huge upheaval for any young child. But we know Bluey loves to tackle social issues and difficult topics – teaching our children, and parents how to be emotionally intelligent.

As a family, we incorporate gentle parenting into our parenting style. And we love the gentle way Chilli and Bandit explain things to the girls. We are here for it. Bluey will always have a special place in my heart.

Side note – I started writing this post following Season 3 – Episode 49 – The Sign. However whilst writing, Bluey then released Season 3 – Episode 50 – Surprise. And I honestly cannot stop thinking about an older version of the character Bluey and the fact that all kids and parents grow up. We will never be this way again, at this very moment. Time is precious and it flies by quickly. I love that the show captured this sentiment, shared by many other parents.

Check out the TikTok videos I made about Bluey


For anyone wondering, I’m still in tears – every time I see a clip from the latest #bluey episode ❤️ I can’t even watch the full thing again yet! #blueytok #blueyheeler #blueyfans #mummyconqueringanxiety @Sam | Mummy Conquering Anxiety

♬ ORIGINAL VID TAKEN DOWN BY LUDO LOL – ????????♧B1g.F3lla♤????

Life can be difficult, as a parent to young kids. When you’re working hard to give them a great life. You’re tired every day and the little ones push your buttons. My blog is all about acknowledging the reality of parenting and just how difficult it can be.

Sam – Mummy Conquering Anxiety Blog

The recent episode – Season 3 – Episode 49 – The Sign

What an emotional rollercoaster the episode was. So much happened in the lead-up to the final moments. And all these little moments were like a win for the family and their extended family. We also saw some background characters getting their little wins in life. And we were cheering them on as we watched.

Relatable Bluey Parenting Moments

Why I’m writing about Bluey on my blog

Since the episode aired I’ve followed other parents’ reactions on TikTok. Every time I see the clip or hear the song, at the end of the episode, it makes me emotional again! 

Writing is the way I express myself. It always has been. And this is a topic I’m enthusiastic about. For all those commenters on TikTok videos saying “they are just cartoon dogs” you probably shouldn’t read on – whilst I respect any opinion which is different to mine. I’m just not sure our opinions align. And that’s okay. It’s what makes the world go around.

Bluey fans. Parents, and anyone interested in the amazing, emotional, relatable show – stick around.

Relatable Bluey Parenting Moments

Let’s dive into the Relatable Bluey Parenting Moments – the show presented us with, long before the eagerly-anticipated recent episode:

1. Season 1 – Episode 14: Takeaway

Parenting takeaway: Sometimes you have to ditch your plans & have fun with the kids

The episode shows the chaos that can ensue when young children have to wait around and become bored. Parents – the struggle is real. And I love that the Bluey creators show how difficult it can be. Especially if you are lone parenting with two kids. The episode is also hilarious to watch. And heartwarming that Bandit eventually joins in the fun, with the kids. Chilli knew all along – the kids wouldn’t have the patience to wait.

2. Season 1 – Episode 3: Keepy Uppy

Parenting takeaway: Sometimes fun can cross over into not so much fun for the littlies

It might be a dad thing. But the dad in our house sometimes takes the fun too far. And maybe this is what dads are supposed to do. We can all relate to Bandit:

Did I make it a little too fun? It’s a hard one to get right.” Any parents will know that it is a hard one to get right. The whole parenting thing in general.

3. Season 2 – Episode 40: Octopus

Parenting takeaway: We aren’t always the best at everything

As parents, we’ve all experienced a slight bit of jealousy. Sometimes, I feel like I can’t play games as well as Daddy can. Daddy probably envies me for my organisational skills. As parents, we learnt to play to our strengths. And not be offended if the little one goes to one parent over the other. She seeks different qualities from each of us.

This episode explores finding your way, as a family, when having fun.

4. Season 2 – Episode 26: Sleepytime

Parenting takeaway: You are the whole world to your kids

This episode gets me in the feels. Because it is so heartwarming and the music brings out all the emotion. All our kids know, is us. Their immediate family. At such a young age, they rely on us for everything. Which can be overwhelming at times. But beautiful. The episode reminds me to cherish these moments with the little one, whilst she is still little.

5. Season 2 – Episode 43: Duck Cake

Parenting takeaway: All parents lose it sometimes – and that is okay

I’ve talked on my blog and TikTok about being triggered as a parent. Every human being walking this earth has automatic reactions, that we can’t always control. That is okay. Bandit shows a real human side in this episode, which then causes the kids to listen. Sometimes, when there is chaos in the house – these moments are needed. it’s a good lesson for the kids on cause and effect. Teaching them that life has consequences – everyone, even adults, can become overwhelmed.

Relatable Bluey Parenting Moments

6. Season 2 – Episode 50: Grandad

Parenting takeaway: no matter how old you and your kids are – they will always be your kids

The end of the episode always gets me emotional. The episode explores the relationship of a daughter and dad when old age creeps in and the roles are slightly reversed.

At the end, Chilli asks if her dad remembers her running around when she was young, to which he replies “It wasn’t a long time ago; it was yesterday.

7. Season 1, Episode 22: The Pool

Parenting takeaway: you will never remember everything you need for a trip out with the kids

Writing about this episode is giving me flashbacks to the baby rucksack days – when you need three fully packed bags, just to walk to the shop. It’s difficult when you have a small baby and need a lot of supplies.

Getting out of the house is particularly challenging because we have an easily distracted child. I sometimes let out a huge sigh of relief when she is strapped in the car seat and I can just breathe.

The episode also shows us the teamwork between Chilli and Bandit. And not saying, “I told you so” – even when you really want to.

8. Season 2 – Episode 9: Bingo

Parenting takeaway: siblings are vastly different in personality traits

As parents to a soon-to-be five-year-old, we love the episodes that focus on Bingo. This one doesn’t disappoint. It explores Bingo learning to play alone – a favourite moment of the episode – “The fridge doesn’t like me.” What a cutie!

9. Season 2 – Episode 17: Fancy Restaurant

Parenting takeaway: Romance doesn’t always mean big gestures

I love this episode. Showing us all that romance doesn’t have to mean fancy restaurants. Sometimes, it’s just the little things parents do for each other that matter. Like eating the horrible plate of food the kids made. Hilarious and heartwarming.

10. Season 1 – Episode 28 – Grannies

Parenting takeaway: Give your children the option and let them choose the right path

In this episode, the girls teach Grandma to floss. But the parenting lesson is more about whether you prefer to be right or have fun. And what a great lesson to teach young kids.

It also reminds me of my younger days, at my Grandma’s house – doing special things together – which will be ingrained in our memories forever.

11. Season 3 – Episode 24: Faceytalk

Parenting takeaway: Life isn’t always perfect but the fun continues anyway

This is the most played episode in our house. We love it and laugh throughout. We also have a child very similar to Muffin, but I think all children have muffin moments, don’t they?

The moment which strikes me is Muffin’s parents arguing in the background on Faceytalk. Bandit carefully explains the girls should mute the volume until they have finished speaking. Moments like this make me feel validated. We all argue, especially as parents – and I love that Bluey shows us the reality of this.

Life can be difficult, as a parent to young kids. When you’re working hard to give them a great life. You’re tired every day and the little ones push your buttons. My blog is all about acknowledging the reality of parenting and just how difficult it can be.

Check out my other parenting blog posts below

Downloadable Worksheets and Learning Books for ages 4-7

Is Gentle Parenting Effective? Read Our Story

14 Age-Appropriate Chores to Encourage Independence

How to Nurture Cognitive Development through Play

5 Things That Happened When We Started Gentle Parenting

10 Tips for Raising Confident Kids

12. Season 2 – Episode 16 – Army

Parenting takeaway: Despite worries, the kids will be okay making friends at school

Absolute hats off to Bluey for exploring the topic of ADHD, with this lovable character. It’s a topic which impacts our family and therefore, one of our favourite episodes.

It’s also a great look at the way children might view these difficulties – with remembering things. In our family, we explain to the little one that other people can have different brains and they sometimes do things a bit differently. We are slowly starting to broach the subject in an age-appropriate way. And this episode helps us do that.

13. Season 2 – Episode 41 – Bin Night

Parenting takeaway: Spend time talking to your kids about their day works wonders

This episode follows Bandit and the kids carrying out a mundane task. Obviously to the girls, this is very exciting. And it prompts a conversation about something which is troubling Bingo. All is well in the end though. Talking it through with a parent helps Bingo.

14. Season 2 – Episode 1 – Dance mode

Parenting takeaway: Don’t let the fear of looking foolish, stop you from having fun

This is one of our top three episodes. I mean, the song is enough to make you love it. But watching the embarrassment of the parents. Which then turns into total fun – never gets old.

Don’t be afraid to dance like nobody is watching. Have fun with your kids and try not to care what other people think.

15. Season 2 – Episode 6 – Stumpfest

Parenting takeaway: Parents need their outlet and playtime

It’s healthy for parents to do something which doesn’t revolve around kids. It’s also healthy for the kids to realise this and not always be with their parents. We’ve always wanted a range of social settings for our little one – nursery, staying at the grandparent’s every weekend and generally doing her own thing – when it’s appropriate. I think it’s good for young children.

The most heartwarming thing about this episode is Chilli explaining to Bluey that the dads are playing. Bluey then goes on to help them play their game.

bluey and bingo

16. Season 3 – Episode 43 – Dragon

Parenting takeaway: Sometimes difficult topics can be explored whilst spending time together

There is a reason parents and therapists use drawing as a technique to speak to children. In this episode we see Chilli tell a heartwarming story about her Mum, to encourage Bluey to continue drawing. It also touches on the topic of Chilli’s Mum no longer being around.

The family encourage Bluey to persist with a task and also explain a very difficult topic to the girls. It’s also emotional when Chilli fondly remembers her mum.

17. Season 3 – Episode 26 – Fairytale

Parenting takeaway: Sometimes kids are mean to each other and deserve consequences

This episode is in my top five – because of the nostalgia. How many parents have told their kids stories about “back in the day”? This story sees Bandit admitting he was pretty horrible to his Brother and there should be consequences.

The most emotional moment is when Bandit says he met Chilli at the caravan park when they were kids. Lovely, wholesome, family moment.

18. Season 1 – Episode 43 – Camping

Parenting takeaway: People come in and out of our lives, probably for good reason. And teaching kids this is important

On the subject of camping, we love this episode. Despite a language barrier, the kids (Bluey & Jean Luc) have fun together and feel like they made friends. Only to miss each other when one of them leaves the campsite. It is lovely to see a teenage Bluey reunited with Jean Luc though. And very emotional.

19. Season 3 – Episode 1 – Bedroom

Parenting takeaway: Sometimes plans have to be changed, according to what the kids want and need

As a parent, you quickly learn to go with the flow. If emotions bubble up, or a little one needs comfort, it’s time to change something. immediately, if possible!

But this episode also explores encouraging your kids to give it a try. Another great lesson for kids to learn.

20. Season 3 – Episode 31 – Onesies

Parenting takeaway: Sometimes people have to deal with their own emotions and explaining this to the kids can be a good thing

There will always be difficult subjects to tackle in life and Bluey always gets this right! Brandy comes to visit, and after some fun with onesies and the older sisters (Chilli & Brandy) reenacting a dance they did when they were younger, Chilli can explain to Bluey why Brandy is sad. And that we don’t always get what we want in life. Even if it’s something we desire.

Summary of Relatable Bluey Parenting Moments

Season 3 – Episode 49 – The Sign

Season 3 – Episode 50 – Surprise

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