A rip-roaring moose family reunion songbook starring one extremely surprised host and exactly 256 moose (no more, no less).

How many moose is too many moose? Two? Four? Eight? Sixteen? What happens when a herd of moose invites themselves over? In Too Many Moose, a herd of moose have a rip-roaring family reunion full of dancing, cartwheels, pillow fights and more!

This book will push your imagination to the ridiculous with energetic children’s music, oddball humour and endearing, lively animal characters that dive into comical antics.

Tiny Tree Books
Too Many Moose

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The review

I was so excited to read this book with my little one. Unfortunately, when we pulled out the book to read together, she was in a little bit of a grumpy mood. But I knew this was the perfect time to read the book and instil some laughter into our evening.

The book did not disappoint. The little one was laughing her head off and she loved the rhyming element of the story.

This book has been added to our little shelf next to her bed and we will enjoy reading it many times in the future.

Cart Wheels & Pillow Fights

In Too Many Moose, a herd of moose have a rip-roaring family reunion full of dancing, cartwheels, pillow fights and more! 

Every young child loves a fun tale of cartwheels and pillow fights. When we’re out and about playing in the grass and doing cartwheels, we are at our happiest. Our little one loves the day we change the bedsheets at home. She loves lying on the bed while we waft the sheets over her. Small simple pleasures in life and we could all learn a lot from the joy a child feels in these moments.

Want to read more about the joy of participating in childlike activities?

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If you want to purchase a book for your family or maybe as a gift for someone, which is filled with joy, fun and laughter – this is the story for you!

Too Many Moose

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