When you have kids, your social life takes a back seat. There are simply not many opportunities to meet potential new friends who are also parents. But being a single parent doesn’t mean you can’t make friends. As a single parent, it’s even more important to have support and company because the responsibilities of taking care of your kid alone can be pretty challenging at times. That being said, as a single parent, you probably don’t have much time to go out and meet people regularly. You might be worried about how to meet people as a single parent – especially if you don’t know many other single parents in your area already. However, this is precisely why I am writing this blog post for you!

single parent

Here are 5 tips on how you can meet new people as a single parent:

Join clubs for children or families

There are lots of clubs and meet-ups for parents in all areas. Look for clubs in your area that are related to the interests of your child or family (e.g. a playgroup, a parent-teacher association, a school club, a chess club for children, a reading group for parents and kids, a yoga class for parents and kids, a sports club where your kid can participate, etc.). You can also search online for clubs in your area that are open to all people, and not just families. This will give you a chance to meet lots of parents who have interests similar to yours. You can also join clubs for single parents. Starting a club of your own is also an exciting option if you can find like-minded people.

Join online forums for parents

There are also forums for parents. Some are more general, while others are more specific to a particular area of interest. It’s a good idea to do some research and find out which online forums for parents might be related to your interests. There are many places you can find like-minded parents or other single parents who can offer support, such as singleparents. org, Gingerbread, or other sites such as Mumsnet.

Try internet dating

If you’ve been thinking about trying online dating, this is the perfect time! Meeting new people through online dating can be significant and help you develop new interests and hobbies. You can also meet other single parents through online dating. If you’re worried about how to meet people as a single parent, dating websites can be an excellent way to get started. In the first instance, you only need to meet people if you’re ready to, as you can communicate via the app. While there are many horror stories about online dating and people being scammed, there are also success stories; you need to be careful and always trust your instincts when talking to new people or sharing real-life details of who you are and where you live.

Be active in your local community.

Another good idea on how to meet people as a single parent is to be active in your local community. This can be an excellent opportunity to meet people with your interests. If you have time, consider volunteering for an organisation in your community that interests you. This can be a great way to meet like-minded people, and it can also be a great way to make your child proud.

From helping out at local churches, homeless initiatives or community centres and organising local events or meet-ups, you can find people to talk to, a new friendship group and even find something you enjoy doing that benefits your mental health, your family life and your social life too.

Take up a new hobby

Last but not least, you should also take up a new hobby. Hobbies are a great way to meet people. Depending on the hobby you choose, you might meet other single parents this way, or you might meet people who don’t have children. Regardless, hobbies are a fun way to make new friends. Think about what you really want to learn and then find local classes or clubs that engage in this. It could be as simple as joining a gym to get fit and healthy, learning a language or taking evening classes online to help forward your career or boost your credentials.


Being a single parent can be challenging, but it doesn’t mean you can never meet new people again. You can make friends as a single parent; it just takes a little effort. The above 5 ways to meet people as a single parent should help you get started.

single parent

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