I hope this post will allow you to get to know me better.

Because I struggle with control issues, due to my anxiety, I’ve realised my love of baking is possibly about a total loss of control: causing mess, chaos and the final outcome is always uncertain!

Maybe I just need some time to completely switch off and let go. I think my mind is glad of the rest. I enjoy the process and get seriously creative with ingredients and decoration. 

In my real life I like everything in order, lists are my best friend. But when I bake, I don’t stick to recipes, I’ve tried many vegan alternatives in the past. 

Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

I just love experimenting.

I firstly need to explain I believe I’ve Inherited this talent. About 5 years ago I gave it a try and was strangely amazing at baking. Even down to the small details. I would randomly know when my items were baked without setting a timer, and self-taught decoration tips very quickly, using YouTube videos. 

get to know me better
baking chaos

It’s time for me to tell you all about my baking journey…

I firstly need to explain I believe I’ve Inherited this talent. About 5 years ago I gave it a try and was strangely amazing at baking. Even down to the small details. I would randomly know when my items were baked without setting a timer, and self-taught decoration tips very quickly, using YouTube videos. 

For years I was on a mission to practice my skills by baking for every occasion I could. The only problem with baking as a hobby, or attempting to turn it into more, is you need a lot of time. Which I don’t usually have! 

There is also a lot of debate about whether turning a hobby into a full-time job is beneficial, or whether you would take the joy you experience away from it. I find baking therapeutic, but would I still find it therapeutic if it was my main source of income? Here at some tips, if you feel like becoming a pro-baker. I decided a while ago, it’s something I want to do for fun.

Someone say The Great British Bake Off??

There was talk of me applying for GBBO at one point and I actually read through the application and almost started practicing. Imagine that! Maybe one day.

I’ve even experimented with ingredients and the science behind a baked product. I don’t need weighing scales and I’ve substituted a lot of components to focus on healthy baking or using cheaper ingredients.  

Why I stopped baking 

It’s difficult to gauge exactly when and why I stopped baking. I previously booked annual leave from work to make amazing creations for family members’ special occasions. Maybe it was my all-or-nothing mindset, telling me if I couldn’t make something fantastic there was no point. 

Then life got in the way. The lead-up to my recent breakdown meant I struggled to find time to do anything enjoyable in life. I listened to my anxiety brain and told myself there was no time for baking or anything else I enjoyed in life for that matter. I’ve said goodbye to the negative thoughts now and you can read more about that here.

Has the baking spark come back? 

Since my breakdown, I’ve made an effort to bake, in order to restore some part of my sanity, which was lost in this whole sorry mess. 

It made me feel whole again and took my mind off the severe anxiety I was experiencing. I enjoyed giving out the baked goods and sending them to family and friends. This was one of the main motivations for baking in the first place. You can check out the other techniques I used to recover from my breakdown here.

get to know me better

Who made the cakes during my hiatus? 

During my hiatus from baking, there were times I needed baked goods for special occasions but just couldn’t bring myself to be the baker of these items. The thought of it made me stressed, instead of excited.

For these times, I enlisted the help of online sellers. I ordered a tray of brownies for my partner’s 30th birthday and put them on a very expensive cake stand. This is his fave dessert so they went down a treat! I think they were all gone within an hour. Lesson learned. Next time I will hide the baked goods until later in the party. I think he managed to squirrel some away before the party-goers descended. He isn’t the sharing desserts type, haha! 

Where should I seek out these brownie sellers, you ask?

For those times you’re just not feeling creative, need something as a gift or treat for a friend, or just want a Saturday night in and a box of brownies (no judgment here), look no further….

Today I need to tell you about Bake Me A Gift. They are offering 10% off your first order, using code: AF2110. Valid until: 31st Dec 2021.

Grab your brownies here and make someone happy this Christmas!

For the times I simply can’t be bothered to bake, or I’ve got my fill of self-care elsewhere, online brownies will be my only option.  

Final thoughts 

Are you a bake-off potential candidate or maybe never baked anything before? I would love to hear your stories in the comments below…

get to know me better