Residential Trip
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Heading off on a residential trip is the highlight of the year and an event that creates memories your teen will never forget. Now travel restrictions have eased, students have the opportunity once again to enjoy fantastic trips to destinations around the world. From skiing in The Alps to Madrid student trips for teens studying art, there are a whole host of destinations ideal for a college residential. Educational trips help to enrich students’ learning in many ways and provide the opportunity to experience different cultures and try new things. If your teen has a trip coming up and will be away from home for a few nights, you may be wondering how best to prepare them for this exciting experience. Here are some top tips to help prepare your teen for a residential trip:

Ensure You Have All the Information

While not every teenager is unorganised, you may not want to rely on them to relay crucial information about the trip. Finding out the details, such as arrival and departure dates and the equipment they need to take, is something you may want to research yourself so you know what is happening. As you will inevitably be the one paying for the trip, it is a good idea to find out the payment schedule as soon as possible so you can ensure you know when each amount is due and avoid any nasty surprises.

Residential Trip

Start Shopping Early

If loads of kids will be taking part in the trip, it is a good idea to start shopping for equipment early. Shopping sooner rather than later is the best way to ensure you get bargains and avoid paying more than needed for the equipment. Buying equipment at the last minute will always mean you pay over the odds, so the sooner you get your equipment list and start shopping, the better.

Speak About the Trip in a Positive Way

Teenagers can sometimes be reluctant to try new things and leave their mates behind for a few days to go on a trip. Speaking about the trip positively and encouraging them to take part may help and make it easier for them to get the most from this fantastic experience. 

Make Sure They Help With the Packing

While it may seem easier to tackle the packing by yourself, getting your teenager involved is essential. Packing their stuff will ensure they know exactly what they are taking, making it less likely anything will be left behind when they come home. Although your teen may protest they are too old for name labels, ensuring that they have their names written on their belongings is vital to avoid anything getting lost.

Avoid Rushing on the Day of the Trip

Ensuring you leave for the meeting point in plenty of time is vital to avoid any panics on the day of the trip. So, getting your teen up early and leaving with enough time to spare to allow for any traffic along the way is essential.

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