Welcome to my post about Paddleboarding in the Lake District. My review of Jo Moseley’s second book, with stunning images and helpful information to get started.

I previously reviewed Jo’s last book Stand-up Paddleboarding in Great Britain: Beautiful Places to Paddleboard in England, Scotland & Wales – you can read the full review and buy the book in the post below:


Paddleboarding in the Lake District

Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

Jo’s background and why it matters

If you’ve read any previous posts on this blog or viewed my social media accounts, you will know I am a huge fan of rising from the ashes after facing adversity. It’s how this blog was born! And I encourage everyone else to change their situation for the better – when they can.

Jo’s backstory is one of adversity, followed by a growing passion for exercise, which became some of the most amazing achievements.

In May 2013, I found myself sobbing in the biscuit aisle of Tesco’s, looking at the chocolate Hob Nobs and wondering how my life had come to this. I was 48, a busy working Mum, flying solo with my boys.
Both my parents were undergoing chemotherapy at the time and I was overwhelmed, anxious and desperate for a good night’s sleep. What I didn’t realise was that I was going through the early stages of the perimenopause at the time. 


Quote from Jo Moseley

How I can relate to this

“You’re never too old to do something wild and it’s never too late to make a difference.”


I can relate to this quote. At nearly 40 years old, I finally feel the most confident and free I ever have. But it’s been many years of adversity in the making.

Paddleboarding in the Lake District

My review of the book – Stand-up Paddleboarding in the Lake District – Jo Moseley

I pride myself on being organised, and what I love about Jo’s book is the detail. You will find coordinates on specific places you can set off on your paddleboard. When reading, you can be safe knowing Jo has already done it and therefore, you are safe.

You can easily use the book as a guide. Like a map. If you’re visiting a specific part of the Lake District and you are taking your paddleboard along, you can be sure there will be instructions on how you set off on your paddleboard and experience the freeing feeling of nature.


How to get started

I love this section of the book because it is filled with honesty about how to get started. When we start a new hobby, we often default to buying things, but Jo suggests starting with paddleboarding lessons to see how you like the activity.

From a confidence perspective, I love that this section exists. Often when you start a new physical activity, confidence and knowing how to start are the two most important things. The things that would literally stop you from completing the first step. This section of the book reduces the fear and anxiety you can experience when deciding to try something new.

You can check out my other blogs here. And I write about my love of running on the Roaring Pumpkin blog.

Where to park, eat and drink

Aren’t these the most important aspects of any trip? Where to get your snacks – much-needed fuel for any exercise and parking or where to stay in a hotel, is the most vital information. And it’s the first thing I look at when planning my trip. It’s great that Jo includes these all important details in the book.

The photos

For anyone who has visited The Lakes before, you will know the images are simply stunning. And the photos included in Jo’s book are a joy to look at.

In the images, she looks so happy and free and these images inspire anyone wanting to try paddleboarding.

Paddleboarding in the Lake District

You can read a great interview with Jo here.

Buy the books – Bookshop.org


Buy the books – Waterstones

Other pages to check out on my blog & information you need to know about

My Vinted article for Thrift Plan Enjoy blog is featured in The Sun newspaper

TikTok video here.

I am accepting guest posts on my blog. All the details you need are here.

A summary of the guest posts I wrote for other people

Why I Hid My Anxiety From Everyone For Years

5 autumnal themed accessories I will be purchasing this year and why they add value to my home

Why There Is No Time Limit For Recovery From Mental Illness

Together In Mamahood interview: Sam, Mummy Conquering Anxiety

The Reality of Severe Anxiety – Guest Post by Sam

Head over and check them out. It’s great to have my writing on other people’s sites. Follow me on Twitter for updates on my guest posts.

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A summary of my recent writing on other platforms

In recent months I’ve also expanded where I publish my writing. Some of what I want to say doesn’t fit with the topics on this blog and it’s refreshing to publish on another platform.

Why it’s important to look after your mental health, especially when outside factors are so out of control


Paddleboarding in the Lake District

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