AFF – Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

It’s no secret I’ve had a turbulent year. However, I am pleased to confirm I am almost done with the main factor which was weighing me down, and I intend to update you more on this in January 2021.

If you feel the same, the 6 week Self-Image Overhaul could be for you.

6 week Self-Image Overhaul

How did I recover from my breakdown

I will be honest and say I am a different person now and I am still not fully healed. I will feel a lot better when the thing weighing me down is over and done with.

These are the techniques I used



Naps and resting when I needed to

A huge mindset change is the main factor that saw me through the dark days. Each day I work hard to not let anxiety creep in and some days I still fail. But that’s okay!

An opportunity to change things

I was given an opportunity to change my life because I literally hit rock bottom. But I also know there are amazing coaches out there who can unlock your full potential and help you change your life for the better.

Personally, as a result of a mindset change, I feel refreshed, confident, like I’ve ditched the dead weight and I am hopeful and optimistic about the future. Something I haven’t felt for 15 years.

AFF – 6 week Self-Image Overhaul

Check out this amazing course, run by Andrea Hunt. One day left to enroll in the course.

You can click on the link for more details and sign up, but this is the general overview:

Take an honest audit of your life and create your intentions and your WHY in 6 areas

Align your true values with your life vision to get clear on your purpose and where’s it’s missing in your life

Take control of your internal dialogue + self-talk – where you sabotage and how to quiet that mean little voice inside

Stop hating your body – creating compassion and love for better self-love and health

Figure out your emotional needs so you can meet them and create better boundaries

Creating the success mindset, embodying a better you and creating long term sustainability!

Final thoughts

Let me know your thoughts on this amazing opportunity to change your life.

Are you signing up for the 6 week Self-Image Overhaul?

I would love to hear from you…

6 week Self-Image Overhaul

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