Month: January 2024

5 Important Reasons Hypnotherapy Changed My Life

If you follow my blog or my TikTok – you will know I love a message about improving your relationships. And your outlook on life in general.

It’s all about communication and openness. It’s time to look back on the amazing reasons Hypnotherapy Changed My Life.

Upcoming collaborations – NEWS

I am excited to tell you, that I am in talks with other amazing business professionals, to progress my self-development and also talk about their wonderful businesses. Watch this space and be sure to subscribe to my blog, so you can be notified when a blog post is published.

You wouldn’t just keep a computer for 10 years, without regularly updating it, deleting files and giving it a refresh. The brain is the computer which rules our whole body – why wouldn’t we keep up with the maintenance of it?

Sam – Mummy Conquering Anxiety
Hypnotherapy Changed My Life

Quick note: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links; if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

Let’s think back to my hypnotherapy course

My hypnotherapy course ended in November 2022. At the time, I needed some self-development. But I knew that standard counselling or therapy wasn’t the option I needed. When you experience a lot of life-changing events in quick succession, it’s about reprogramming your subconscious mind, with the new life goals and patterns of behaviour you want to adopt. Kind of like a computer update.

You wouldn’t just keep a computer for 10 years, without regularly updating it, deleting files and giving it a refresh. The brain is the computer which rules our whole body – why wouldn’t we keep up with the maintenance of it?

A brief overview of what hypnotherapy does

The idea behind hypnotherapy is that it can be used to reprogram the unconscious or primal parts of the brain that function to avoid pain and seek pleasure.

EveryDay Health

5 of the main lessons I took away from my hypnotherapy course

We largely live our lives on autopilot, paying attention to our logical brain.

Hypnotherapy allows us to switch off the automatic brain, which allows us to reprogram our subconscious.

Reprogramming our subconscious can allow us to get rid of old habits, which no longer serve us.

Due to the primal parts of our brains, still ruling a lot of the daily decision-making, we can react with snap decisions, which don’t always serve us.

Practising meditation and listening to hypnotherapy recordings can empty your overall stress bucket. Making you more able to deal with the daily stresses we all face.

What hypnotherapy taught me about human behaviour

I’ve written posts on my blog about toddler emotions and gentle parenting:





However, I was surprised to learn that ALL humans can react quickly and sometimes with anger. The way our brain processes situations is largely automatic and it will often produce a default response to situations.

If your default response is outdated because you haven’t reprogrammed your unconscious in a while. Your behaviours in daily life might not be in line with how you want to respond to certain situations. This is a simplistic overview, the mechanics of the brain are much more complicated.

The initial relaxation element of hypnotherapy starts by dampening down the activity of the frontal cortex. Limiting the effectiveness of this area of the brain, central to attention, planning, and making decisions, increases activity in other areas engaged in filtering and integrating information.
We become more open to information, more suggestible, and capable of creating more intense sensations in our minds (Thomson, 2019).

Positive Psychology

Hypnotherapy & how it changed the way I think

Completing training in the workplace and the fact I love to learn – meant I was already aware of the fight or flight reflex. But understanding it fully, helped me understand a lot about my struggles with anxiety. And the reason I reacted the way I did in certain, stressful life situations.

How hypnotherapy helped me become a better parent

Hypnotherapy alone cannot allow you to know everything about the emotional health of a child. And how to employ emotional intelligence when faced with tough situations. But it can open your mind to the science behind our behaviour. Essentially a child is unable to regulate their emotions and they need an adult to do this for them. Their outbursts, and meltdowns (however you refer to it) are nothing personal and they don’t have any control over them.

This allows me to understand that emotional meltdowns are simply a sign of communication – or a way to ask for help from the adult closest to you. If we think about times when we, as adults, have been so angry we cannot verbally put into words what is happening. Sometimes toddlers don’t have the words, but they express the emotion in other ways. To signal help is needed.

Discussions with our toddler

Hypnotherapy made me realise that toddlers and adults sometimes react without thinking. If we don’t understand something, our default response could be anger or frustration.

Whenever there is a disagreement in the house, or adults don’t agree on something, we use this as an example. To explain that in life, not everyone thinks the same. People will annoy each other, disagree, and argue. And that is completely okay. It’s what makes us all human.

Wonderful books about toddler emotions

I was recently struggling, to go further than this and say – mummy and daddy love you regardless of behaviour. Nothing changes our love for you. Then I came across this amazing book. See the TikTok video.


#duet with @iamsimplyysophie #istillloveyou I cannot tell you how much I love this book! 📖 As a Mum to a #toddler who struggles with certain things, it’s an important message! In the midst of #emotional #toddler #meltdowns & outbursts, it’s an important message for any child! One I was trying to verbally convey, before I first discovered the book! Now we sing the words to the book together & I tell my little girl, it’s how #mummy & #daddy feel about her ❤️ We now want to gift the #book to a #familyfriend & it will be sent from my little girl to her #schoolbestie 😥 Excuse me whilst I have a little cry. ❤️ Let’s all spread a message of #acceptance & #love PLEASE go & check out all the amazing books this creator has designed, to help children who struggle ❤️ #gentleparenting #mummycontentcreator #schoolrunmum #mummyconqueringanxiety

♬ original sound – iamsimplyysophie

If you want to do some further reading on this subject, I have included some books below:


You can read all about my hypnotherapy journey by clicking on the button below:

Hypnotherapy Changed My Life

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Hypnotherapy Changed My Life

Tips That Will Lead You To Better Mental Health

Your mental health is an important aspect of your overall well-being. You must pay attention to how you are feeling and take good care of yourself daily. 

The good news is that there are actions you can take that will help your cause. If you do nothing then you risk feeling down or low more often. Instead, be willing to take charge and change some of your habits. Here you can learn some tips that will lead you to better mental health.

Find Ways to Rest & Recharge

It’s in your best interest to take breaks to rest and recharge often. It’s especially important if you’re a busy person with a lot of responsibilities. For you, it may be doing something such as playing online games on your phone or computer. Before you dive in, it’s worth checking reviews to get a better idea of what will be worth your time and which sites to play on. You need this time to yourself so that you can take your mind off of your to-do list for a little while.

Exercise & Move More

Many benefits come with getting regular exercise including reducing stress and anxiety. One of the biggest changes you’ll notice is a boost in your mood when you begin working out more often. Working out and moving more is not only good for your physical health but also for your mental health. Find activities that you enjoy doing and put on some of your favourite music to help keep you motivated. Exercising will allow you to clear your mind and reduce any stress you’re experiencing currently. If you don’t have time for an intense sweat session then at least consider getting outside for a walk in nature.

Better Mental Health

Focus on the Positives & Be More Grateful

Your attitude and mindset also play a role in how good you feel each day. Do your best to keep your self-talk and general outlook positive. It may help to keep a gratitude journal that you can write in and review often. Doing so will help keep what’s going well top of mind and there won’t be as much room for negative thoughts to enter. There’s likely a lot that you have to be thankful for if you sit down and take some time to think about this matter. Practising gratitude is one way to instantly lift your spirits and put a smile on your face.

Make Sleep A Priority

You should also make sure that you’re getting plenty of good sleep each night if you want to improve your mental health. Make getting enough sleep a priority and you’ll discover that you feel happier and have more natural energy. Do your best to get on a sleep schedule so you’re going to bed and waking up around the same time each day. Also, participate in a relaxing bedtime routine that helps slow your mind and puts you at ease. You’ll find that you fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer when you avoid playing on your electronics right before bedtime.