Achieving personal development

5 Important Reasons Hypnotherapy Changed My Life

If you follow my blog or my TikTok – you will know I love a message about improving your relationships. And your outlook on life in general.

It’s all about communication and openness. It’s time to look back on the amazing reasons Hypnotherapy Changed My Life.

Upcoming collaborations – NEWS

I am excited to tell you, that I am in talks with other amazing business professionals, to progress my self-development and also talk about their wonderful businesses. Watch this space and be sure to subscribe to my blog, so you can be notified when a blog post is published.

You wouldn’t just keep a computer for 10 years, without regularly updating it, deleting files and giving it a refresh. The brain is the computer which rules our whole body – why wouldn’t we keep up with the maintenance of it?

Sam – Mummy Conquering Anxiety
Hypnotherapy Changed My Life

Quick note: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links; if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

Let’s think back to my hypnotherapy course

My hypnotherapy course ended in November 2022. At the time, I needed some self-development. But I knew that standard counselling or therapy wasn’t the option I needed. When you experience a lot of life-changing events in quick succession, it’s about reprogramming your subconscious mind, with the new life goals and patterns of behaviour you want to adopt. Kind of like a computer update.

You wouldn’t just keep a computer for 10 years, without regularly updating it, deleting files and giving it a refresh. The brain is the computer which rules our whole body – why wouldn’t we keep up with the maintenance of it?

A brief overview of what hypnotherapy does

The idea behind hypnotherapy is that it can be used to reprogram the unconscious or primal parts of the brain that function to avoid pain and seek pleasure.

EveryDay Health

5 of the main lessons I took away from my hypnotherapy course

We largely live our lives on autopilot, paying attention to our logical brain.

Hypnotherapy allows us to switch off the automatic brain, which allows us to reprogram our subconscious.

Reprogramming our subconscious can allow us to get rid of old habits, which no longer serve us.

Due to the primal parts of our brains, still ruling a lot of the daily decision-making, we can react with snap decisions, which don’t always serve us.

Practising meditation and listening to hypnotherapy recordings can empty your overall stress bucket. Making you more able to deal with the daily stresses we all face.

What hypnotherapy taught me about human behaviour

I’ve written posts on my blog about toddler emotions and gentle parenting:





However, I was surprised to learn that ALL humans can react quickly and sometimes with anger. The way our brain processes situations is largely automatic and it will often produce a default response to situations.

If your default response is outdated because you haven’t reprogrammed your unconscious in a while. Your behaviours in daily life might not be in line with how you want to respond to certain situations. This is a simplistic overview, the mechanics of the brain are much more complicated.

The initial relaxation element of hypnotherapy starts by dampening down the activity of the frontal cortex. Limiting the effectiveness of this area of the brain, central to attention, planning, and making decisions, increases activity in other areas engaged in filtering and integrating information.
We become more open to information, more suggestible, and capable of creating more intense sensations in our minds (Thomson, 2019).

Positive Psychology

Hypnotherapy & how it changed the way I think

Completing training in the workplace and the fact I love to learn – meant I was already aware of the fight or flight reflex. But understanding it fully, helped me understand a lot about my struggles with anxiety. And the reason I reacted the way I did in certain, stressful life situations.

How hypnotherapy helped me become a better parent

Hypnotherapy alone cannot allow you to know everything about the emotional health of a child. And how to employ emotional intelligence when faced with tough situations. But it can open your mind to the science behind our behaviour. Essentially a child is unable to regulate their emotions and they need an adult to do this for them. Their outbursts, and meltdowns (however you refer to it) are nothing personal and they don’t have any control over them.

This allows me to understand that emotional meltdowns are simply a sign of communication – or a way to ask for help from the adult closest to you. If we think about times when we, as adults, have been so angry we cannot verbally put into words what is happening. Sometimes toddlers don’t have the words, but they express the emotion in other ways. To signal help is needed.

Discussions with our toddler

Hypnotherapy made me realise that toddlers and adults sometimes react without thinking. If we don’t understand something, our default response could be anger or frustration.

Whenever there is a disagreement in the house, or adults don’t agree on something, we use this as an example. To explain that in life, not everyone thinks the same. People will annoy each other, disagree, and argue. And that is completely okay. It’s what makes us all human.

Wonderful books about toddler emotions

I was recently struggling, to go further than this and say – mummy and daddy love you regardless of behaviour. Nothing changes our love for you. Then I came across this amazing book. See the TikTok video.


#duet with @iamsimplyysophie #istillloveyou I cannot tell you how much I love this book! 📖 As a Mum to a #toddler who struggles with certain things, it’s an important message! In the midst of #emotional #toddler #meltdowns & outbursts, it’s an important message for any child! One I was trying to verbally convey, before I first discovered the book! Now we sing the words to the book together & I tell my little girl, it’s how #mummy & #daddy feel about her ❤️ We now want to gift the #book to a #familyfriend & it will be sent from my little girl to her #schoolbestie 😥 Excuse me whilst I have a little cry. ❤️ Let’s all spread a message of #acceptance & #love PLEASE go & check out all the amazing books this creator has designed, to help children who struggle ❤️ #gentleparenting #mummycontentcreator #schoolrunmum #mummyconqueringanxiety

♬ original sound – iamsimplyysophie

If you want to do some further reading on this subject, I have included some books below:


You can read all about my hypnotherapy journey by clicking on the button below:

Hypnotherapy Changed My Life

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Hypnotherapy Changed My Life

Navigating The Busy Season: A Guide To Practicing Mindfulness

Life’s a wild ride, isn’t it? Some days, it’s like walking on a rainbow, while others feel more like a whirlwind of endless tasks that make you feel like you’re running a never-ending marathon. During those turbo-charged times, finding a smidge of calm can seem as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. But let me let you in on a little secret: it’s exactly during these fast-paced times that mindfulness plays its trump card.

Practicing Mindfulness
Via Pexels

Plan And Prioritize

Each morning, before you leap into the day, spend a quiet moment setting an intention. It could be as straightforward as saying, “Today, I will keep my cool, no matter what.” Next up, it’s time to tackle your to-do list – but smartly. Highlight what needs your attention the most. You’ll be acting instead of reacting, and trust me, that feels so much better.

Breathe And Pause

Ever noticed how your breath is like your trusty sidekick? Always there, right when you need it. So in those intense, I-can’t-catch-a-breath moments, it’s time to get back to basics. Take a break, breathe in deeply, hold for a sec, and then breathe out. This nifty trick, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, is like your personal stress-busting superhero that you can call upon anytime you need.

Mindful Eating

Here’s a thought: when life turns into a whirlwind, meal times often feel like just another task. But what if we turned them into an opportunity to practice mindfulness? Next time you’re eating, really savour your food. Enjoy its colour, texture, and aroma. Take in all the flavours as you chew. Not only will you be more present, but your tummy and overall health will thank you too!

Practicing Mindfulness

Mindful Chores

What if we could turn everyday tasks into mini-moments of mindfulness? Sounds intriguing, right? Be it folding laundry, washing dishes, or sweeping the floor, start focusing on what you’re doing and how it feels. Watch how these routine chores turn into peaceful pockets of mindfulness.

Harness The Power Of Music

Who doesn’t love a bit of background music, right? It can be a great buddy when practising mindfulness. Can’t find the right tracks? Why not explore torrent sites for music or check out mindfulness apps that offer chill playlists? You’ll be surprised how the right music can set the tone for your day.

Seek Solitude

Carving out a bit of ‘me-time’ can be a total game-changer in a busy day. Find a quiet spot at home or a peaceful corner in a park, or even just a cosy nook in your office. Spend 10-15 minutes there, soaking in your thoughts or maybe doing some journaling. It’s like finding an oasis of calm in a desert of busyness.

Guided Meditation

New to mindfulness? Guided meditations are like a helping hand, guiding you through the practice. There are tons of apps and online platforms that offer step-by-step sessions. Even just 5 minutes can help you relax and clear your mind. Give it a go, and you’ll see what I mean.

Connect With Nature

Ever spent a moment just soaking in the great outdoors? The sun on your face, the wind in your hair – it’s like nature’s own brand of mindfulness. Next time you’re feeling stressed, try spending a few minutes outside. Feel the breeze, listen to the birds, watch the clouds. You’ll be surprised at how grounded and peaceful you’ll feel.

Laugh It Off

We’ve all heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine,” and boy, is it true! A good chuckle can cut stress, boost your mood, and even improve your health. So when things get tough, find a reason to giggle. Share a joke, watch a funny clip, or play with your pet – because nothing brings you into the present moment quite like a good belly laugh.

Digital Detox

Let’s face it, we’re pretty much attached to our devices these days. But taking a digital detox – even if it’s just for an hour – can do wonders for your mindfulness practice. Switch off your devices and do something offline. Read a book, cook a meal, or just enjoy a hot drink. Your mind will thank you.

Progress, Not Perfection

Last but definitely not least, remember this: mindfulness isn’t about becoming a Zen master or having an empty mind. It’s about being aware of your thoughts and emotions, and gently bringing them back to the now. And sure, your mind will wander – that’s just part of the deal! But the key isn’t perfection; it’s progress.

So, even when the pace of life tries to sweep you off your feet, remember you’ve got the tools to stay grounded. Mindfulness isn’t a quick escape from life’s busyness, but a secret weapon to navigate it more effectively. So take a moment, breathe, and just be. It’s like discovering your own personal island of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of life.

The Greatest Gift I Gave Myself in 2022 Was Self Improvement

With the Valentine’s Day hype now over, it’s a good time to reflect on the self-improvement gifts I give to myself. And how doing this benefits me hugely. My hope is that one day we normalise taking time for self-care. Instead of seeing it as laziness.

If you follow my blog, you will know in the past I struggled with my mental health. Mainly because I was super organised, controlling and pretty uptight. However, it’s clear now that underneath all that, I was an anxious wreck. And I certainly wasn’t a happy person. 

self improvement

It was time for a brain reset. Strangely my mental breakdown gave me this, in part. But obviously not in a healthy way. And I needed to, once and for all, align my habits and circumstances with what I truly wanted out of life.

Why I chose hypnotherapy

Although a series of life circumstances made me reassess my whole life, there was still something missing. I knew I didn’t want to seek out counselling or a therapist, as I had used these tools several times in the past. Some of it worked and some of it didn’t. The option of a life coach was considered. But when I settled on a hypnotherapy course, I basically got the whole package. A life coach, a guide, impactful meditation. And a range of tools to use in my life moving forward. This was a lifetime solution. And once you go through intense meditation sessions, your brain is permanently changed for the better. There is no going back, in the best way possible. 

Case study of our sessions

You might remember me posting on social media about Kevin, my therapist, writing a case study summarising our sessions together. It’s great to read through the progress we made. And I hope this will give you all an insight into how a hypnotherapy course can help you. 

Why not sign up to download the PDF document and read it? Maybe you are ready to begin your hypnotherapy journey… 

Read all the blog posts in my hypnotherapy series

Looking way back to my past self

Sometimes when you’re in the moment, you cannot stand back from the situation enough to use hindsight and make informed decisions about what happened. As a process, hypnotherapy doesn’t look too far back to your past self. The theory is that it doesn’t matter. And I agree with this.

However, I’ve recently been having a huge clear out of my camera roll (it’s a must as a blogger – all those TikTok videos take up a huge amount of space) and noticed a few things about who I was five years ago (I use the five-year mark because this is around when things started changing for me):

There were numerous helpful quotes saved to my phone, from social media. Now I try to be the one creating these images for other people.

I reflected on group photos with people who are no longer in my life. They were not on my wavelength and they were a total drain on my energy. Whilst I wish others well in life, I must surround myself with non-toxic people. I’ve learned, you don’t have to be everyone’s friend. And it’s okay that people are on totally different paths in life.

There were endless images of self-development notes I started writing. The inner work on myself began several years ago. I just didn’t realise it at the time. It wasn’t easy to comprehend where this journey would take me. I resigned myself to a life of stress because I genuinely thought that was how everyone lived.

Ultimately, a series of events which happened over the last five years would force me into changing my circumstances and myself, whether I liked it or not.

self improvement
Read more about my circumstances on this page

The impact of not aligning your goals, priorities, values and character traits

I now feel in synch, with my priorities, goals and how I live my life. Imagine planning a train journey. You book activities in Norfolk for a 7-day period, but your train is heading to Wales. You’re in the wrong place. heading in the completely wrong direction. That’s how I felt for years!

Imagine starting a construction job, but you don’t have the materials to begin the first stage. I felt like this daily – like a really important component of my life was missing! Like my life, the people around me, and how I was living, were totally out of sync with my goals. Once major changes happened in my circumstances, it was clear I still had old habits, which also didn’t match my circumstances. 

It was time for a brain reset. Strangely my mental breakdown gave me this, in part. But obviously not in a healthy way. And I needed to, once and for all, align my habits and circumstances with what I truly wanted out of life.

I will be honest and say, everyone, is a constant work in progress. There is always work to do on yourself and we as human beings, should never stop progressing.

Reflecting on my hypnotherapy journey

It’s now time for me to reflect on my hypnotherapy journey and summarise the benefits and what I learned. 

It’s important to note that since completing the course, I’ve been able to cement considerable changes in my life. I had started making progress on significant life changes before I met Kevin. However, the power of hypnotherapy in implementing lasting changes is the reason I am where I am today. 

These are the main differences in who I was before 

Be Intentional in everything I do

Set boundaries in ALL areas of my life

Say no when I need to protect my mental health

Value my time 

Be kind to self 

Experience joy daily

Practice gratitude

Consciously participate in fun activities with my toddler

Talk openly about emotions and problems in order to solve them

Help and guide others who may be feeling low

An example of how my life has transformed

A great example is my career, I spent 15 years in a stressful, demanding career and I genuinely thought everyone endured this level of stress. Turns out it wasn’t what everyone experienced in their working lives. During my hypnotherapy journey, I completely changed my career and finally pursued my passion for helping people. I put in a lot of work and successfully applied for two job roles. I am finally putting one of my main character traits and values top of the list – HELPING OTHERS!

I still have bad mental health days – just like everyone else

To clarify, I still have bad mental health days. If you follow me on TikTok you will know this. But how I deal with the bad days or weeks, is what makes a huge difference. And honestly, I wouldn’t be in a position to do that as well, without the tools the hypnotherapy course gave me. Resilience to deal with your life circumstances and challenges is the best gift I ever gave myself.

I approach each day now with a mindset of what can I achieve. What is the list for the day? Let’s smash this. I work hard, but no longer play hard. Our new family goal is watching the pennies, saving and planning for the future. 

Final Thoughts

I am so thankful I had the opportunity to go on this wonderful journey with Kevin. It’s the best thing that could have happened to me. And I truly believe that everything happens at the right time. Sometimes things come along that you really need. And this was one of them!

Have you tried hypnotherapy?

Is it something you’ve been thinking about trying?

Have you downloaded the case study yet? I would love to hear your comments on this below.

self improvement

Life Won’t Stop Throwing Challenges Our Way So The Key Is Mental Strength

AD / PR – please note – the sessions have been gifted in exchange for my honest thoughts about the process

The theme of mental strength came up in my latest Hypnotherapy session with Kevin. And it’s an important topic I want to explore a little more. 

The fight, flight, and fear responses are triggered by our primitive brain and is essentially a safety mechanism which was useful many years ago. It saved the lives of our ancestors. But is it fit for purpose in today’s modern world? 

I think it’s still useful, but the world has changed dramatically. Let’s be honest, in 2022 the world a scary place. The planet and its inhabitants are unstable and the feeling something bad could happen at any moment is anxiety-inducing in itself. 

Put aside the current condition of the world, and imagine only staying within your family circle. Keeping yourself locked away in your protective bubble. You will still face disagreements, loss, and hurt. There is no avoiding the fact that life will throw us a curve ball, at some point. And it’s only a matter of time. 

Rather than dwell on the fact this unpredictable moment is coming, I have chosen to strengthen my mind. So that, when this situation arises, I can respond and react differently. 

And it’s going really well, so far. I already feel better. But we have lots more work to do in order to build my mental strength. 

mental strength

Previous posts in this series

If you want to follow my hypnotherapy journey, you can check out the two posts below:

Achieving Personal Development – My Journey With Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy

A Powerful Concept – The Ability To Change Our Brain

Download my new workbook – a freebie designed to organise your busy life

Sign up

mental strength

Your reaction is a choice 

I know these words are true. But it isn’t as simple as just saying this sentence. I certainly don’t feel this way. Currently, I can’t fully control my response to situations that trigger me and this is why I need help to build my mental strength. The science behind hypnotherapy is hugely beneficial, to try to understand how it impacts my thinking (and therefore my behaviours).

At the moment, we are exploring tools to stop the moment anxiety gets out of control and assess the reaction. A lot of research says our reaction is often the thing which causes us the most distress, rather than the event itself. It’s our response to it which is problematic. Obviously in reality it isn’t as simple as this. And the research is more complex than I can explain. 

Your reaction is a choice 

I hope one day soon I will truly feel the full impact of these words and I can shout them from the rooftops. And fully take control of every reaction I have in life. That’s the goal!

Why choose a therapist to assist you in building mental strength?

There are some people out there who believe you can read a book, or watch YouTube videos to become an expert, I was previously one of them. However, some experiences you need to be guided through. Especially when we are talking about accessing and changing the subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy is about understanding how the brain works. Knowledge is power. But there is a lot to learn and this can only be done properly by taking it one step at a time. In this respect, weekly or fortnightly sessions provide enough time to consume the information and provide meaning.

I have to put the work in!

Kevin provides me with tools to do my own work. He’s like a guide. How much of the reading I choose to do in between sessions and how many trance recordings I practice in my own time, is completely up to me.

The work we complete during the sessions is also dependent on my life circumstances and the people around me and how I form relationships. We are also looking at the problems I currently face in being able to fully thrive as a person.

Final thoughts

I think people often go to therapy thinking someone will fix them (I did in the past) but change doesn’t happen without the individual wanting to make a change and working to do it. 

If you want to start your journey of change, you can book a FREE discovery call with Kevin here.


Check out a summary of my blog stats, the brands I have worked with and recent feedback I’ve received.

For collaborations, or any other queries you can contact

I look forward to hearing from you.

A Powerful Concept – The Ability To Change Our Brain

AD / PR – please note – the sessions have been gifted in exchange for my honest thoughts about the process

Throughout this post, I want to introduce you to a powerful concept. In the past, I have looked into neuroplasticity and how the brain functions. But I only scratched the surface. My latest hypnotherapy session provided a comprehensive overview of the brain model: essentially how the brain functions according to its different parts. And more importantly, how this can impact our automatic responses to stressful situations.

The information Kevin provided me with blew my mind. Pun intended! Talking through how the brain functions react during panic attacks and how you pick up bad habits, which then become programmed responses, really resonated with me. It’s how I’ve lived for the past 15 years. But this type of solution-focused hypnotherapy asks you not to dwell on the past. It’s time to use it as a lesson and move forward. To a better, brighter future.

powerful concept

The brain model 

Understanding the brain model made me think about the mechanisms at play when my anxiety levels rise. It also makes me feel less guilty about the flight or fight reactions I experienced in the past. Another benefit is it definitely makes me feel more sympathetic towards anyone else showing their emotions through anger. There is always an underlying reason behind someone’s behaviour. When talking about toddler tantrums recently, someone said to me “all behaviour is communication” and it’s so true. 

Knowing my brain just reacts in a certain way, which is beyond my control, and this happens so fast before your logical brain can kick in, allows me to view anxiety differently. I now feel empowered with this knowledge and I feel like I have the building blocks to move forward.

perma hypnotherapy
Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Kevin as a therapist 

We visit a particular therapist because they make us feel at ease and Kevin certainly does that. The way he uses humour to break up heavy topics helps me immensely. Similarly, I feel comfortable going through the trance part of the session with him. His voice is very soothing and it was an enjoyable experience to completely switch off. Something I feel I haven’t achieved for a while.


What I love about these sessions is the onus that the work is done by me and only I have the power to change things. The therapist is there to guide you. The weekly homework is there so I can put into practice what I’ve learned. It was great to read through the information he sent and also try a few of the trance recordings for myself.

It is important to note, that although I don’t expect a quick fix, I am certain this journey will improve how I respond to life circumstances. I have started on level one of my building and although I have a way to go, I am starting to walk the path to a more fulfilled life.

In every area of life, understanding what is happening to us and why helps. Knowledge is power!

To book a free discovery call with Kevin, visit this page. Kevin can also be reached via Perma Hypnotherapy and directly at

powerful concept

6 Areas I’ve Of My Life Which Have Drastically Improved – Perma Hypnotherapy

Perma Hypnotherapy – AD – long-term collaboration/series of blog posts

Now we are coming to the end of my hypnotherapy journey, it’s fascinating to look back at the process and how the mechanics of the Perma Hypnotherapy model work. And how my life has drastically improved. I completed the journey without having the roadmap to hand. But I have naturally improved each of these areas of my life. And it’s only at the end of the journey, that the full picture of the work we completed is revealed.

I finally feel ready to take on this role. Like I am recovered from my mental breakdown fully, and it’s time to grab these opportunities with both hands. And it’s exactly what I recently did.
Why not finally use my experiences to do some good in the world and help other people? It doesn’t feel like work! It feels like I am finally thriving.

Sam – Mummy Conqering Anxiety

Stay tuned for a final, collaborative blog post from Kevin and me – to follow within the next month

drastically improved

The areas of my life which have drastically improved…







PLEASE NOTE: This post contains some affiliate links. If you go through affiliate links to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be helpful for other people

“The optimists believe defeat is just a temporary setback.”

Martin E.P. Seligman, Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life

How I implemented change

There were many techniques and processes we used throughout our hypnotherapy sessions. But one, in particular, stuck with me. The way Kevin explained this process during our sessions, was by giving a certain part of the brain an instruction to improve or change things. Then the worker or factory makes it happen, behind the scenes. This is the reason that people who complete hypnotherapy courses often see drastic changes, seemingly out of nowhere. Changes are happening on a sunconcious level and this is definitely something I experienced.

Let’s take a look at how each of the areas of my life has dramatically improved as a result of completing this Perma Hypnotherapy course


My finances before hypnotherapy

I didn’t always have a good relationship with my finances. Back in the anxiety filled days, I would impulse buy things to make myself feel better. Unsurprisingly it never worked and usually made me feel worse. Lately, we’ve had a tough time financially as a family, due to the life-changing circumstances we’ve experienced. 

My finances right now and looking to the future

It’s only now I am taking more control of my life and the direction I want to go in, that I am prioritising financial health. Because of this, I feel less fearful about my financial future and a lot more optimistic. As a family, we have financial goals and we have actually started to tackle some of them.

I think the main feeling I have is EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY – I no longer live in fear that we might have a lack of money or one of us will be made redundant. I am safe in the knowledge that if that happens, we are resilient enough to get through it.

“Optimists recover from their momentary helplessness immediately. Very soon after failing, they pick themselves up, shrug, and start trying again.”

― Martin E.P. Seligman, Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life


The last 10-15 years of career history

I spent years in a high-paid career that I kind of fell into. Don’t get me wrong, at times I enjoyed it, but ultimately it wasn’t in line with my values, or what I wanted to do with my life. 

It is unsurprising that when I did the character strength test, helping other people came top of the list. It seems I wasn’t going to find my calling until I was fulfilling this need. Not only did my mental breakdown allow me to help other people via a blog, (a communication channel I love – writing and getting great feedback, from an amazing online community – who helped me during my darkest days) but it also allowed me to make career changes.

The significant changes I recently made

It was time to finally use the skills and confidence I had gained from the hypnotherapy course to change my situation. I spent a lot of time putting together a fresh CV, using my transferable skills and essentially selling myself. The old me would have come up with an excuse not to apply for the job. The new me just went for it and threw myself into the challenge. Despite still feeling anxiety.

You want to know the main thing I did during my two career change interviews? I was honest. About my mental health, and my reasons for wanting to help people. It’s as if I connected on a human level and feedback from the first job role, after my redundancy, was that my lived experience was taken into consideration. And valued. It was amazing to hear this.

Where am I now?

Because of funding, it was unlikely I could stay in my current role past the new year. Therefore I made a recent decision to apply for another job in the charity sector, doing something I absolutely love. This role involves slightly more hours as well, which will help our financial family goals.

I finally feel ready to take on this role. Like I am recovered from my mental breakdown fully, and it’s time to grab these opportunities with both hands. And it’s exactly what I recently did.

Why not finally use my experiences to do some good in the world and help other people? It doesn’t feel like work! It feels like I am finally thriving.

“Here is the exercise: find one wholly unexpected kind thing to do tomorrow and just do it. Notice what happens to your mood.”

― Martin E.P. Seligman, Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being


Constantly changing beings

Human beings are constantly changing and we should always want to update and improve ourselves. This is exactly what the Perma model does. It asks you to reevaluate your character strengths and values based on your current life situation. In giving your brain new instructions, related to the life goals you have, you naturally ditch old behaviours that don’t serve you anymore.

How life circumstances can and will change your values

We’ve all heard people talk about ‘life-changing events’ and until you’ve gone through this process yourself, it doesn’t make much sense. Over the last four years, here are some of the life changing events I have experienced: Pregnancy, antenatal depression during pregnancy, started taking anti-depressents when pregnant, severe anxiety about the pregnancy process, a traumatic birth, mental health problems for two years following pregnancy. Returning to work following maternity leave, for the pandemic to hit less than one month later. Adjustment to working from home. Financial impact on our family. Change of routine (partner off work for 12 weeks as vulnerable and nursery closing). Followed by a mental breakdown due to work pressure (literally being afraid to return to my own home and open my laptop). Returning to work, reluctantly. Redundancy a few months later. A further five months off work, which I had to use to recover and financially funded myself. Changing careers and slowly putting my life back together using self improvement techniques.


Motherhood is a great example of how my values completely changed. Subconsciously, my full-time, demanding job was no longer fit for purpose. But I didn’t realise this until things went horribly wrong. The day I sat down to do the character strengths test, it was apparent that some of my values had changed. Motherhood was now my priority and I needed a career to fit around this, to create a work-life balance. Working with my current life situation, instead of against it. 

Home life

Home life during my demanding career

Based on everything I’ve described above, you can imagine our home life wasn’t previously very happy. In my most demanding career days, working 12 hours (not including travel time), I was completely exhausted. I would ask my now-hubby not to talk to me all evening. I was beyond tired, pretty much all the time and this was no life for each of us. Yes, I earned a lot of money, but I never had the time or energy to spend it. When I did, we would splash out to “reduce the stress”.

We are not always conscious of our decisions

However, at the point of giving birth to my little one, I didn’t consciously realise this job wouldn’t fit my circumstances anymore. Let alone decide it wasn’t even something I wanted to do. As human beings, we plod along on autopilot, and it’s completely okay if you’re doing this. The key factor is that you need to be happy, not stressed out and mostly content with your actions.

If there is something missing, as there was with me, it might be time to look into a Perma Hypnotherapy course.

drastically improved


Our family life

My hubby and I are both strong-minded. We have some communication problems, due to our brains being rewired completely differently. It’s taken us time, patience and hard work to understand each other. As you can imagine, during my mental breakdown and the aftermath, I wasn’t a very happy or easy person to be around,

When I started this hypnotherapy course, I felt like I could make some changes on my own. But I had an overwhelming feeling that something was still missing. I knew I needed help or guidance of some sort, and I am so glad Kevin arrived and posed the opportunity for working together.

Because it’s been so vastly life-changing – it is truly one of the best experiences of my life.

Our relationship communication following my hypnotherapy course

I am not going to tell you our communication is perfect. We will always face the same barriers as before. The significant difference is now, I am more open, honest and in control. By in control, I mean I often walk away when communication isn’t going well. I understand that the brain reacts automatically to stressful situations. A bit like when there is no point talking to a toddler mid-meltdown. Well, the same applies to us as adults. Our primitive automatic response kicks in and it’s best to calmy compose yourself before entering into the discussion, if you can.

What hypnotherapy has helped me do is be more in control of this response. I’ve spent time, meditating, and working on myself, and I am now able to realise when a situation will become heated, or when I am about to react badly myself. Something I never mastered in my life before now.

A little mention for the parents

It’s important to mention the role of parents. Our communication was poor before we had children. Any parent out there will be aware children bring with them new challenges. We are lucky these days if we can fit in any adult conversation, with a loud toddler running around. It’s therefore important to make time to discuss adult matters or reconnect with one another. We now make time. Yes, every day is far from perfect and it’s sometimes a while until our next reconnecting time. But I am confident and assured it will happen. More importantly, I now realise that spending time doing reconnecting has huge benefits for our family. And it’s, therefore, a must!


Because of the significant link between physical and mental health, I have struggled physically for a number of years. Mainly with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. My health is still not perfect, but I do now understand when my anxiety symptoms are causing a physical reaction in my body. And I can tell the difference between a food related or mind related reaction.

In moments where I am suffering physically, I try my best to overcome whatever is causing me stress or anxiety, in order to alleviate the symptoms.

Final thoughts

I now have a toolbox I can use to maintain a great standard of wellbeing. Mastering trance sessions has helped me access a place of calm within myself and talk to myself on a sunconsious level. To reevaluate where I am in life and make any nessecery changes.

Kevin provides practical guidance and support – as well as a vast amount of accessible resources which you have for life! I am thankful for this journey and looking forward to the bright future I have ahead of me.

If you’re ready to start your self improvement journey, get in contact with Kevin. You wont be disappointed.

“The takeaway lesson from positive psychology is that positive mental health is not just the absence of mental illness.”

― Martin E.P. Seligman, Flourish: A New Understanding of Happiness and Wellbeing

Check out all the previous posts in this hypnotherapy series

Achieving Personal Development – My Journey With Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy

A Powerful Concept – The Ability To Change Our Brain

Life Won’t Stop Throwing Challenges Our Way So The Key Is Mental Strength

Let’s Talk About Character Strengths And How They Can Be Used To Our Advantage 

The Reward of Transformation Is Worth the Struggle

Using Self Hypnosis To Achieve Life Goals

drastically improved

Using Self Hypnosis To Achieve Life Goals – Perma Hypnotherapy

AD – long-term collaboration/series of blog posts

I will soon be coming to the end of my Hypnotherapy course. What a journey it’s been. 

I feel totally transformed as a person, and I wanted to provide a further update on where I am. Both with my self hypnosis skills and my current life situation. Read on for more details about Perma Hypnotherapy and how to book your therapist!

self hypnosis

I don’t recognise the person I am now. But I am so happy to meet this new version of myself. And my only intention now is to keep progressing in life. Dealing with stress when it arises and becoming resilient to the challenges life throws our way.

Hard work pays off

To clarify, this journey has been long, enjoyable, difficult at times and emotionally exhausting. You can’t expect to change your subconscious brain, or master self hypnosis, without an impact on your emotional energy. This is the nature of inner work. It takes time and effort to make significant changes.

However, regular breaks in between sessions and a whole heap of self-care have helped. 

Booking a therapist 

Should you decide now is the time to improve your life, I recommend having a therapist to guide you. It enables boundaries to be set, a slow, methodical approach to the work you are doing. Agreed sessions help me to remain focused and accountable. 

Also, the wealth of knowledge I’ve been given by Kevin just isn’t something I could have picked up from Google or textbooks. I wouldn’t know where to look. I think it’s important to have a qualified guide who can adapt the work you do, to your individual needs.

Following this great course, I now have the tools I need to move forward with self-hypnosis.

Self hypnosis

Practice makes perfect, in any area of life. Now I’m at the end of the process, I’ve cut down my meditation time, from 40 minutes to just six. Which means I can still fit it in around a busy lifestyle. More importantly, I’ve taught myself a technique for reducing the stress life causes. 

Recent past VS future self

The Perma model is all about looking to the future and creating the version of ourselves which serves us best. One of the exercises we completed was looking at a recent past image and also a happy one I could envision for the future. During my sessions, I had the recent past image of too many things going around in my head and being overwhelmed. Then a really happy memory had been playing with a balloon with my little one at soft play.

I wanted to create a visual – and you can see the difference…

self hypnosis

I am actively creating a happy image whenever I can fit in family time and memory-making. But I am under no illusions about the reality of anxiety. It will always be here. It’s a mechanism that can help people, with me it just needs a bit of control. Something I am now equipped to do moving forward.

Life update 

From an anxious, nervous wreck, to a more confident person. I’ve applied for another job position I’ve wanted to do for a while. Really, it’s my dream job and means the career change I made back in May was the correct decision and has led me to this point.

From where I was mentally and career-wise, this is huge progress. I am proud of myself. Something I’ve probably never said before! Ever.

Final thoughts

Finally, my wants and desires are lined up with my priorities and goals. All because I am being open and honest, putting the work into myself and finally standing up and taking the opportunities I want. 

I don’t recognise the person I am now. But I am so happy to meet this new version of myself. And my only intention now is to keep progressing in life. Dealing with stress when it arises and becoming resilient to the challenges life throws our way.

perma hypnotherapy

Perma Hypnotherapy – The Reward of Transformation Is Worth the Struggle

“Yes, your transformation will be hard. Yes, you will feel frightened, messed up and knocked down. Yes, you’ll want to stop. Yes, it’s the best work you’ll ever do.”

Robin Sharma

AD / PR – please note – the sessions have been gifted in exchange for my honest thoughts about the process

My recent struggles

I haven’t had a great time over the last few weeks. We’ve had yet another sickness bug in the house. On top of this, I’ve felt burnout, stress and depression. Whilst I am now starting to look back on the situation with hindsight, a few weeks back I was in the midst of serious brain fog. And I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. Negative thoughts started creeping back in and I was in self-destruct mode for a short time. I am currently in the midst of transformation and didn’t expect a setback.


Self-care requires constant maintenance

It’s a great reminder that I will never really be free of anxiety or stress. None of us will. And the vital part is self-maintenance. Like physical self-care, mental well-being is something we must stay on top of. 

Transformation isn’t sweet and bright. It’s a dark and murky, painful pushing. An unravelling of the untruths you’ve carried in your body. A practice in facing your own created demons. A complete uprooting, before becoming.

Victoria Erickson

The techniques I am learning

The techniques I am learning in my solution-focused hypnotherapy course, centre around emptying your stress bucket regularly. I’ve experienced the catastrophic implications of not doing this. And I intend to never return to that place again.

Recognising the self-destruct feeling

Lately, I was feeling, reckless, and rebellious and was starting to pay attention to the negative thoughts inside my head. Now this phase has mostly passed, I am able to look back with logic and say my relationships weren’t the greatest. In our house, there was no priority on genuine communication, which eventually has consequences. This, coupled with stress, burnout and physical illness, isn’t a good combination.

I felt like you might just before something great happens. Ever felt totally anxious or flat before an exam, driving test, or a change of some kind? I feel like these growing pains are a sign, that change is happening. And I have to ride it out and continue.

How is my hypnotherapy course going?

I am now halfway through my hypnotherapy sessions. During the trance parts we are initiating change directly with my subconscious mind, therefore I don’t consciously know some of these changes are happening. As quite a controlling person, it’s an adjustment period for me.

Transformation is difficult for a reason

If the transformation was easy, we would all just say one positive sentence to ourselves and that would be the end of it. How dangerous would this be for anyone susceptible to negative thinking though? it could easily go the other way. We have to work hard to implement lasting change.  

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

Lao Tzu

Final thoughts

In this update, I wanted to be honest about how things have been going with me. To be honest and say that transformation can be a struggle.

BUT it is worth your time and effort – keep going.

Ready to start your transformation journey? Book a free discovery call with Kevin.

perma hypnotherapy

Let’s Talk About Character Strengths And How They Can Be Used To Our Advantage 

Perma Hypnotherapy – AD – long-term collaboration/series of blog posts

My hypnotherapy sessions so far

These blog posts, following my sessions are literally me providing a snippet of what I’ve learnt each week. It’s a slow process and I don’t have the complete picture yet. But I’m getting there. Building on my existing character strengths is helping.

The top nine character strengths on my list were no surprise to me. I am completing my homework, which delves deeper into your character strengths and what they mean. The learning parts of these sessions are so interesting, and then we put them into practice, with homework and pre-recorded trance sessions.

A few things occurred to me whilst completing this exercise on character strengths:

  • I was sad because, during the period of burnout from work and my subsequent mental breakdown, I showed none of these character strengths at all.
  • I’ve said the words before “I was a shadow of myself” but reading about these traits in depth made me feel it. Doing this work reaches your subconscious and allows you to access parts of your brain which were unreachable before. Naturally, this can be revealing and also quite emotional.
  • For a long time, I’ve questioned why my mental health turned for the worse and whether it was my fault. I think it’s human nature to assign blame, but that’s also a pretty narrow-minded view. And I realise that – I always have. 

Why I started these sessions

When I started these sessions, I said I was searching for answers because a piece was missing, and I wasn’t able to be fully happy. There was still a part of me that was stuck, even though I have dramatically changed my life recently. 

Let’s rewind for a second to one month after my mental breakdown – this is what I wrote on that day:

I never want to return to this place, and the key is building mental strength and resilience.

Character strengths

The character assessment I was asked to complete is the VA institute on character test. However, I did it before when I was younger, because I remember all the questions. That said, it’s been over 15 years since I’ve been able to provide any real meaning to it. 

Read my earlier posts in this series

Achieving Personal Development – My Journey With Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy 

A Powerful Concept – The Ability To Change Our Brain

Life Won’t Stop Throwing Challenges Our Way So The Key Is Mental Strength

Why are character strengths important?

What if we could learn how to see and appreciate our and others’ strengths rather than being debilitated by a weakness focus? How would that positively impact resilience, well-being, achievement, and life satisfaction? How might that help us rise to the challenges we face? Truly wise people—individuals, parents, teachers, coaches, and leaders—create the conditions for themselves and others to genuinely flourish. Developing an awareness of these strengths helps us to focus on “what’s strong” instead of on “what’s wrong.”

VA Institute on character


I honestly can’t wait to jump back on the laptop and go through the rest of my character traits. This journey is exhilarating and exciting. I look forward to embracing the new version of myself at the end of it. 

We are all a work in progress and therefore we should shout from the rooftops about our progression. I hope this series emphasises that.

Final thoughts

I believe we are all on a journey. Relationships, learning experiences and growth come to us at the right time. Maybe when we are willing to acknowledge the areas we need to grow in. 

If you’re ready to start your journey to well-being, book a free discovery call with Kevin today. 

perma hypnotherapy

Achieving Personal Development with Perma Hypnotherapy

AD / PR – please note – the sessions have been gifted in exchange for my honest thoughts about the process

Earlier in the week, I posted on social media about an exciting zoom meeting I had. I promised further details. Well, here they are. Welcome to Perma hypnotherapy.

If you follow my blog, and my second blog, you’ll know I’m on a journey of transformation. When you go through life-changing events, it’s inevitable you will change in some way. I’ve tried to use my challenging circumstances to my advantage. I’m on my way to achieving personal development.

perma hypnotherapy

Whilst I’m proud of the progress I’ve made, there is still work to be done and I’ve been looking for a solution for a while.

Now I’ve found one. 

Introducing Kevin Whitelaw

Kevin is an accredited Solution Focused Hypnotherapist from Edinburgh, Scotland and a member of the  Association for Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy.

You may be experiencing issues such as anxiety, poor sleep, imposter syndrome, depression, or rebuilding after a significant life change or you’re ready to invest in yourself: developing new skills to sustain your well-being. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy supports you in moving forward to live your best life.

Having managed these issues himself, Kevin is well-placed to understand the challenges of turning that vicious cycle into a virtuous cycle and going on to build a new – better – life. 

His services include Solution Focused Hypnotherapy sessions online at affordable prices. He even offers a free, no obligation, discovery call to understand your situation and establish how he can best help you.

So, if you’re experiencing these issues, or are ready to invest in yourself, a session with Kevin will help you find your answers and feel more confident with the path in front of you.

Kevin can be reached via Perma Hypnotherapy and directly at

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What is solution-focused hypnotherapy?

As the name would suggest, solution-focused hypnotherapy looks to help people achieve positive change. Rather than focusing on the ‘problem’, this approach centres around the solution. Using practical strategies, solution-focused hypnotherapy looks to inspire change in a relatively short period of time.

Hypnotherapy Directory

Why I am excited about this new approach to achieving personal development

Some of the points we discussed which particularly resonated with me, were the solution-focused sessions. I no longer want to fixate on the past, but I do want some tools to become a better person for myself and my family. Toddlers are impressionable and this is a key time in my little one’s life. Naturally, I want to set a great example for her. 

I’m taking you on this journey with me. From now on you will see regular blog posts and updates about my sessions. I don’t know where this journey will lead me. But I am certain it will help me improve.

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