AD / PR – please note – the sessions have been gifted in exchange for my honest thoughts about the process

At this point in my hypnotherapy course, I feel like I will always work on myself. The fact that our stress buckets constantly fill up with life’s challenges, means it’s ingrained in me that I have to empty it regularly. I simply cannot forget the techniques I am learning.

I will be honest and say that finding meditation time, as a busy mum, is difficult. It’s lovely to take part in the planned hypnotherapy sessions. This is time just for me. And I look forward to it. 

Still Progress to Be Made

So what’s changed since I last updated you? 

The only way I can explain the confidence changes I am experiencing is by explaining the feeling that something is happening in the background. I know I’m different. A better version of me. I’ve progressed. But because I haven’t actively taken part in the change process, I sometimes wonder what is happening behind the scenes. This is the curious, controlling part of me. And I also need to work on that!

Processes working behind the scenes 

Subconsciously certain things are happening. At work, we got the opportunity to apply for additional responsibilities for a role I would love to do. Without really thinking, I just sat and typed my application. I was present and open throughout the whole process and viewed it as a learning experience. 

My previous reaction to stressful situations

I mean nobody likes job interviews, do they? 

If you follow my blog, you will know that in the past I have completely crumbled in situations like this. Even having my interview for this current job, I took Kalms just beforehand and I was nervous. This time it’s different. 

Broadening my horizons… finally 

Because we are on a fixed-term contract at work, I am also taking the same attitude about other opportunities. And instead of not believing in myself, I am thinking about whether the company and the terms are right for me. I have literally never thought like that before in my life. All I can remember is suffering from low self-confidence. And believing I should attend all interviews, and take any opportunity offered because there wouldn’t be another one.

The work must continue 

Because these recent changes are so positive, I know I must continue setting aside time for myself. And during these periods of time, I must look after myself. Whether that be something I love doing, or meditation to achieve these great results. I am happier for working on myself. 

Final thoughts 

I have another session coming up tomorrow and after a break of three weeks, I am so looking forward to it. 

May the personal development continue, long after these wonderful sessions with Kevin have ended. 

Still Progress to Be Made