Blog tag posts

Getting To Know Me – Behind The Blogger Challenge!

I’ve had a rough week and due to this, I’ve felt unmotivated when it came to blogging. This is what led me to accept the Behind The Blogger Challenge.

Despite my woes, opening Twitter on Friday morning, I had a lovely surprise with @DTblogs tagging me in his getting to know me post. 

I love these kinds of posts. They allow us to get to know bloggers better and it’s fun. I genuinely felt a pang of excitement at knowing this was now the first task on my blogging to-do list for the weekend. What a great way to get back into blogging!

With the week off from my job, I can spend time doing what I love. A mix of blogging and resting. Bring on the daytime naps with the little one. Hopefully this post is the beginning of getting ahead on my blogging tasks.

Behind The Blogger Challenge

Here are some things you don’t know about me and I haven’t yet talked about on the blog. Let’s get into Behind The Blogger Challenge

I completed two 10k races 

I am no runner. But I gradually worked up from smaller runs. I found running helped my mental health and it became addictive to set my mind free and just go for it. 

Conquering not one, but two 10k races, I am immensely proud of myself. It was one of the toughest challenges, simply because it did not come easy to me and in all honesty, I didn’t train enough for either race. But I did it! And I still have the medals on display. My little one plays dress-up with my Race For Life, 5k medals. Who knows, maybe we will dress up and do one together to honour my family members taken too soon by cancer. 

All my grandparents were taken by cancer 

A grim and scary fact, but something which affects families across the world. My relatives were impacted by different forms of cancer and therefore doctors have assured me the heredity risk is low. However, I went through an extremely angry period in my late teens because I never met my grandma due to this awful disease. It’s probably what prompted me to participate in these fitness events. I have predominantly raised money for cancer charities. I think it’s also why I am spiritual and somehow feel a connection to my loved ones.

I wear glasses 

It didn’t happen until I was in my early 20s, but my dad always warned me it would. 

Luckily I can still see quite well without my glasses and mainly need them for working and watching television. Or these days when I’m in zombie mode. Your eyes don’t function properly on five hours of sleep and a busy day ahead of you. 

These days I have trendy colourful frames and they suit me. I also feel more intelligent when I wear glasses for work. What is it with that perception people have? 

I am civilly partnered but we call it marriage

I have a blog post in my drafts all about this, so one day you can all read about it. 

The basic gist of it is, we wanted to be a partnership, neither of us like much attention (we were glad it was a restricted guest allowance during lockdown) and we wanted an even, fair legal partnership. Therefore we decided to be civil partners. 

You can turn it into a marriage further down the line and if we ever did, I envision an all-inclusive in Mexico for three weeks, with the little ones older and involved. Mexico was our first holiday as a couple and what an unforgettable experience. Whilst I was there I checked out the wedding brochure and it’s cheap to do, compared with UK prices. 

I eat raw patatoes and frozen chips 

Before anyone asks, I’ve done this for years. Not as a result of pregnancy. Although during pregnancy I completely went off most of the foods and drinks I loved. Strange. 

I think the raw potato thing comes from Sunday dinners at home when my mum would leave potatoes soaking in the pan and they looked yummy. I also like the crunch. I can’t explain the frozen chips thing, but every single time I cook them I eat at least 1 or 2 before putting them in the oven. 

I volunteered to visit the elderly

I was previously part of a charity that receive referrals for befriending an older person, who may be vulnerable and in need of company. As you can imagine, this was very rewarding and I am always on the lookout for new volunteer opportunities. Unfortunately, due to being pregnant and super busy all the time, I had to stop.

If you’re interested in doing this, check out the Age UK befriending service.

Behind The Blogger Challenge

Final thoughts

Honestly, I’ve loved writing this Behind The Blogger Challenge piece and I feel like I was meant to be tagged in it. It’s brought back my writing mojo.

I nominate these amazing bloggers to accept the challenge if they feel able to do so:









Mummy & mental health blogger with an overhauled perspective on life

An overhauled perspective on all things in life. What better way to celebrate this, than writing this tag post!

Being unapologetically you is all about sharing the things that make you happy and help you become a better person. Never be afraid to be you. 

Izzy Matias started the Be Unapologetically You blogging tag. It’s a celebration of what you love without being shy or ashamed about it! 

Almost six months since starting the blog, I am a bit more comfortable with revealing other details about my life and it feels great to open up about the aspects of life I love.

Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

How does the tag work?

Be Unapologetically You Tag Rules: 

1. Use the Be Unapologetically You banner in your post. It can be your featured image or not. It’s totally up to you. 

2. Include the link to this blogging tag ( in your post. 

3. Answer the 7 questions in this tag. 

4. Nominate between 5-10 bloggers, link to their blogs, and tag them on social media to notify them. 

5. Most of all, have fun!

Reminder: you don’t need to include the “Be Unapologetically You Tag” in your blog post title if you don’t want to. 

overhauled perspective

Be Unapologetically You Questions: 

  1. Introduce yourself and your blog while sharing one trivia about you that not that many people know. 
  2. What topics do you love geeking out about that you would say are topics that give you bliss? 
  3. Do you blog about them? Why or why not? If not, would you like to blog about them one time? 
  4. Would you say that you are living life by being unapologetically you? Why or why not? If not, what would your life look like if you were unafraid to share more about the things that make you happy? 
  5. Permission to geek out & be unapologetically you: share with us one thing you fangirl or fanboy over and how you became a fan of it. It can be anything. Your love for soy candles, your favorite food, a boy band or an underrated film.
  6. What do you love the most about being a fan? 
  7. Share a fun or unforgettable fan experience. 

Before we get into the questions, I wanted to say this tag is perfect for me at this moment in time. Following a mental breakdown and redundancy from my job of almost 10 years, I have an overhauled perspective on life. I feel like a new person, with a fresh outlook. And I intend to make the most of this transformation and finally create the life I want to live.

Let’s dive into the questions

Introduce yourself and your blog while sharing one trivia about you that not that many people know. 

I’m a mummy to a feisty toddler and a wife, living in the North of England, UK, and making it a priority to enjoy life.

Following my recent breakdown, I believe talking about our mental health struggles is key to recovery. My blog focuses on parenting and mental health, but I also explore other lifestyle topics.

Something people may not know about me, is I eat raw potatoes and I mentioned it in one of my other tag posts. I don’t know where it came from, but I still love them to this day. Although I can’t eat too many, because I don’t think the starch is very good for you.

What topics do you love geeking out about that you would say are topics that give you bliss? 

In keeping with the trend of being unapologetically you, I have to talk about my love of gaming. I always thought it was just my hubby who was the geek. However, I am starting to realise it’s also me who loves geeky games. I think it comes from playing these with my dad and brother when we were younger. We have a Sega console and I love playing the old games and feeling a sense of nostalgia.

These days, I also love playing games on my phone as a way to destress. With a job search underway, a tempremental toddler and generally busy life, I need moments to decompress and a task I can easily dip in and out of.

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    Do you blog about them? Why or why not? If not, would you like to blog about them one time? 

    When I first started the blog, I didn’t initially talk about these subjects. Almost six months since starting the blog, I am a bit more comfortable with revealing other details about my life and it feels great to open up about the aspects of life I love.

    As the title of this post suggests, I have an overhauled perspective on life. It is inevitable when you go through life changing events.

    Stay tuned to the blog for more on my mental health journey and my life adventures, whilst I go through this transition period. My second blog will be launching in the next few weeks and a third one in the next few months. I also plan on doing some freelance writing. The hope is I will gradually feel comfortable sharing more about my life.

    Would you say that you are living life by being unapologetically you? Why or why not? If not, what would your life look like if you were unafraid to share more about the things that make you happy? 

    I am getting better at being more open. Simply because I realise this makes you more authentic and in turn, happier. Discussing my honest thoughts on the blog was the pivotal factor that aided my recovery from a mental health breakdown. I am so over hiding my true self. Whilst I will probably always keep some things private, there is a lot to be said about opening up.

    I do have more work to do in this area though. I hid my anxiety from everyone for 15 years. Therefore I am at the beginning of my opening up journey and it is all new to me.

    overhauled perspective

    Permission to geek out & be unapologetically you: share with us one thing you fangirl or fanboy over and how you became a fan of it. It can be anything. Your love for soy candles, your favorite food, a boy band or an underrated film

    I am a sucker for a candle or wax melt. Gone are the days I used to spend £50.00 in the Yankee candle shop on my lunchtime at work. These days I am all about deals, supermarket candles, and melts seem to be cheaper.

    But yes, I have a great love of candles. If you’re looking for some cheap, but lovely smelling candles, I suggest checking out the range at Wilko. I use their tea lights and jar candles, because they smell amazing, but they are also affordable.

    What do you love the most about being a fan? 

    The candle business is huge in the UK, but having them dotted around the house brings a sense of calm. It wasn’t until my breakdown I relaised how important these touches are. A relaxing bath and a candle literally helped to get me out of bed and start the day. Granted, it didn’t solve all my problems. A combination of factors did and this includes medication. However, self-care is a vital part of recovery.

    I just love my passion for them because I know it aids my need to keep up self-care. And I always welcome a sense of calm in the house.

    Sign up for my freebie library. Each week there will be a new freebie added to help organise your life and take away some stress!

    overhauled perspective

    Share a fun or unforgettable fan experience

    When I previously had my lunchtime candle spending sprees. And spent all the extra money I was earning in the name of stress, I regularly purchased some cute Yankee candle Votive holders (these were also cheap to buy compared with the jar candles). One night, me and my now hubby were chilling and it broke due to increased heat. A bit of the jar cracked and popped across the room and we are lucky it didn’t hit anyone. I am always careful to this day, ensuring the wick isn’t resting on one side of the jar.

    It was my favorites candle holder as well, hehe!!

    I nominate…

    Real Life of LuLu

    Lisa Marie




    Final thoughts

    I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

    Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

overhauled perspective

    This Time Next Year Tag – Mummy Conquering Anxiety

    I need to say a huge THANK YOU to @kvburton657 and @LinzBroganBlogs.

    Check out their posts here and here.

    This Time Next Year Tag

    Because I cannot shy away from the blogging buzz, my second blog is almost ready and will hopefully be launched towards the end of December.


    Thank the person who tagged you

    Thank you ladies for including me in the This Time Next Year Tag. I am honoured to be tagged by the queen of Christmas! Also very happy to receive another tag. I did intend to release the post earlier, but I’ve had another rubbish week with something weighing me down at the moment. It’s almost over and I will be posting about it in January 2021. Writing about the negative experience is helping. But this post is all about the happy times the festive season brings. Therefore, let’s park the negative for now.

    I love these types of posts because they allow us to get to know bloggers a bit better. I hope after reading this one, you will feel like you know me better.

    Write your goals for next year

    By this time next year, I want to be running three blogs full-time. Most importantly, I want to keep interacting with the blogging community and my lovely readers. It is no exaggeration to say this blog pulled me out of the darkness. For this, I will be forever grateful. I love logging into Twitter in the morning and it makes my heart smile to receive such amazing support.

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      Write how you’re going to achieve these goals

      This Time Next Year Tag is another great place to set out my goals and ensure I remain accountable in hitting them.

      My blog is almost at the point it is self-sufficient, aside from writing and admin. There is a long list of amendments I want to make, but the crazy initial stages of setting up a blog are over.

      Because I cannot shy away from the blogging buzz, my second blog is almost ready and will hopefully be launched towards the end of December.

      I then have the domain and social media accounts for a third blog. Hopefully, this will be up and running in January 2021. I even have TikTok for this one, hehe!

      Therefore, I aim to continue working hard and keeping in mind my driving force:

      I NEVER want to return to a toxic office environment EVER again

      I NEED to protect my mental health moving forward

      I WANT to spend time with my little girl and make room for a second child in our lives.

      What amazing motivation to keep going!

      This Time Next Year Tag


      I am losing track of who has and hasn’t been nominated so far. So apologies if you already have!

      I want to nominate some of the people who have supported me so far (there are more than five and you all know who you are if you’re not nominated below)







      I have set a reminder to complete the task this time next year. Can’t wait.
