Learning the tools for managing stress is easier than ever these days. There are so many resources out there, but those who are obsessed with finding wellness tools to combat their anxiety may inadvertently be suffering from a different type of anxiety. Overthinking is a mental loop that can be paralysing and affects many different aspects of life. When we overthink our decisions, it will impact our well-being. So, if you are a chronic overthinker, let’s explore some invaluable resources that can help you dial it down.

Limiting Stimulants

Some people can benefit from slowing down. Changing your state sends a signal to your brain that you need to be calmer. It’s not as easy as telling yourself that you need to slow down but about sending those signals on a regular basis. Sometimes we need to ease ourselves into a slower pace by limiting our stimulant intake. Alcohol and caffeine can kick our overthinking into high gear. Reducing the consumption of stimulants can help calm the mind and alleviate the mental loop of overthinking. Understand your caffeine limits, but also look at products such as medical cannabis and CBD oil. Learning to change our state is key because when we make that conscious decision to slow down, our body and mind will eventually come to match it.

Simple Tools for the Chronic Over thinker


For many, writing down thoughts and worries is very cathartic. When we start to make regular notes about times when we’re overthinking, we will come to recognise certain patterns. When we see our overthinking stems from conflict with a certain person or a certain situation, we can then look at this on paper and take an objective view of the situation because it was not part of our consciousness at the time. This is particularly effective if you find yourself overwhelmed at home. If you find yourself in conflicting situations or a disagreement with a spouse makes you very stressed, taking the steps to write down your thoughts on the situation and having a pragmatic approach to your thinking can help you stop yourself from overthinking in the future when you encounter the same type of situation.

Regular Relaxation Practices

The importance of learning how to relax cannot be overstated. If you have an overactive mind, understanding the triggers is one thing, but as we’ve already touched upon, changing your state will also give you better control over how you feel. We have to remember that overthinking is linked with stress and anxiety. This, in turn, is the body’s reaction to a situation, even if it’s not particularly stressful. We all have that inbuilt fight-or-flight response, so having those moments throughout the day where you can focus on your breathing, even if for a couple of minutes, or engage in progressive muscle relaxation, as well as techniques to stimulate the vagus nerve, can be vital.

If you find yourself overthinking, you may need to go for a combination of these tools and tactics. If you are a chronic overthinker, you are not alone. It could be a persistent challenge, but with the right tools, you can break the cycle and recognise that overthinking is detrimental because it stops you from being present. When you are present in the moment, you won’t stress, and you will get so much more out of life.

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