
How to Explore Emotions With Your Toddler

It is a proven fact, that the early years of our lives shape who we are and how well we cope with challenges in adult life. A traumatic experience in childhood can have lasting effects. Exploring emotions is vital.

All human beings have emotions. They start to develop at an early age, often when toddlers don’t really understand what they are yet. The common one in our house at the moment is missing other people. This involves a daily conversation filled with reassurance, that everyone misses the people they love.

Because toddler emotions are a challenge I currently face. And I know other parents definitely go through this cycle, I wanted to write a post dedicated to the best stories I could find, discussing children’s emotions.

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Let’s look at the research into why we should explore emotions

Why emotions are important

Understanding children’s emotions are critical to understanding their behaviour. Early years children feel a range of emotions, but often cannot express, interpret or process them like us.

With poor emotional skills, it could be harder for children to learn:

  • acceptance
  • resilience
  • confidence and control
  • how to articulate experiences
  • a sense of identity
  • empathy
  • a sense of self

What Is Social and Emotional Development

Children grow and develop rapidly in their first five years across the four main areas of development. These areas are motor (physical), communication and language, cognitive, social and emotional.
Social and emotional development means how children start to understand who they are, what they are feeling and what to expect when interacting with others. It is the development of being able to:

  • Form and sustain positive relationships.
  • Experience, manage and express emotions.
  • Explore and engage with the environment.

Positive social and emotional development is important. This development influences a child’s self-confidence, empathy, the ability to develop meaningful and lasting friendships and partnerships, and a sense of importance and value to those around them. Children’s social and emotional development also influences all other areas of development.

Parents and caregivers play the biggest role in social/emotional development because they offer the most consistent relationships for their children. Consistent experiences with family members, teachers and other adults help children learn about relationships and explore emotions in predictable interactions.

To nurture your child’s social and emotional development, it is important that you engage in quality interactions like these on a daily basis, depending on the age of your child:

  • Be affectionate and nurturing: hold, comfort, talk and sing with your baby, toddler and child.
  • Help your baby experience joy in “give-and-take” relationships by playing games like “peek-a-boo.”
  • Provide your toddler with responsive care, letting them practice new skills while still providing hands-on help.
  • Support your child’s developing skills; help him/her, but don’t do everything for your child, even if it takes longer or is messy.
  • Teach social and emotional skills, such as taking turns, listening and resolving conflict.

What happens if we don’t manage emotions

One of the most important ways parents or guardians can help is by listening to their children and taking their feelings seriously. They may want a hug, they may want you to help them change something or they may want practical help.

Children and young people’s negative feelings usually pass. However, it’s a good idea to get help if your child is distressed for a long time if their feelings are stopping them from getting on with their lives, if their distress is disrupting family life or if they are repeatedly behaving in ways you wouldn’t expect at their age.

Let’s dive into the list of stories that explore emotions with toddlers and children

Explore Emotions

What’s Troubling Tawny?

What’s Troubling Tawny? The award-winning second book in the Sumatran Trilogy! Tawny longs to make friends with another rhino, but her shyness holds her back. When she meets a hornbill called Tallulah, she is surprised to learn that she has a lot in common with the beautiful bird.

The Problem With Poppy

Poppy the porcupine has always wanted to make a friend, but her defensive nature prevents her. When a young tiger cub stumbles upon her one day in the rainforest, she reacts badly and scares him away.

Determined to change her ways, she sets out to find him, but little does she know that the tiger cub is about to have a problem of his own. In the face of danger, will Poppy find a way to save the day?

The Problem with Poppy is the award-winning debut picture book by British author Emma Sandford. Illustrated by Ukrainian artist Olena Osadcha.

Sarah’s Shadow

If you could change something about yourself, would you do it?

When Sarah Simpkins is teased about her shadow in the school playground, she finds herself wishing she didn’t have one.

That night she has the chance to make the wish come true. But will losing her shadow really make her happy?

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Let’s Be Friends Again

Purchase the book below:

Let’s Be Friends Again

Kids World Books – Sibling fights, tantrums and subsequent bonding is the theme of this story.

The story is narrated by a boy and he narrates rather than shares his experiences with his sister. The boy and the girl play together. They spend most of their leisure time together. Just like every sibling, they fight often and bond subsequently.

The boy finds some trouble with his sister. The boy sometimes babysits for his sister and she used to trouble him! However, she was a good listener and the boy used to tell some great stories. The boy refused to share his toys with her. Yet, the smart girl used to grab all her brother’s toys. The tantrum began when the girl played with his brother’s pet turtle!

The girl thought that the tank where the pet turtle was kept was too small for the turtle. She carried it to the pond and let it free in the pond.

The boy was as angry as he lost his pet turtle. He showed his anger in many ways. He shouted at her. He threw away his toys and kept on thinking about his turtle. His parents supported his sister. He planned to avenge the loss of his pet and imagined many things. (This is definitely a fun part that everyone would die laughing).

He couldn’t sleep for hours thinking about the pet. He then saw his sister playing in the garden so happy like never before. The boy was surprised as well as very angry seeing her sister happy.

He made a decision! What was that?

Let’s be friends again, the lovable brother and sister, their cute fights, rivalry, etc are narrated beautifully. It happens very commonly in every household.

Children and young people are still developing – they don’t have adult brains or bodies, so need help to understand and manage their emotions.

You’ve probably heard your parents or grandparents say “they’re just attention seeking” or “they’re being difficult”. But there’s usually more to it than this.

We often ask people who contact Children 1st Parentline: “What is your child trying to tell you when they’re acting like that?” Looked at this way, unwanted behaviour is usually about a child needing something – or their way of trying to work out how to manage something.

From a toddler’s need for comfort to a teenager’s conflicting desires for independence and security, testing behaviour is common and is often set off by everyday experiences rather than big events.

When Worley gets Brave

Explore Emotions


Jodi also thinks the book will come just at the right time for children who have had to shut themselves away all year and might be scared to try something new.

She added: “It is a lovely story for 4–7-year-olds about taking yourself out of your comfort zone to try new things.

“Worley’s story is a fab way to engage children with these cute little monsters and learn how to develop their confidence.

“The book also included suggested activities for parent and adult readers.

“I’m also now writing my second story for the series about Worley and Co!

When Worley gets Angry

Explore Emotions

How to teach children how to deal with anger, through the character of Worley and his friends.


She has produced books – which tell the story of very special monsters who face different emotions – in her efforts to help children talk about their feelings.

“Having suffered quite a bit as a kid – I lost my dad at 10 and my best friend at 14 – and had a lot of bullying and not nice things going on and I didn’t know how to cope,” she explained.

“That had a massive effect on me as an adult which led to a breakdown. I don’t want kids to go through what I did. The more people I can teach and I can help the better. I don’t think I would have had as big a meltdown if I already had tools to use.

“My characters are all monsters – I have a whole tribe of emotions monsters that teach children about emotions. Worley is the main one and he meets his friends with different emotions.

“The first one was teaching him to be brave and through the monster, you learn you might make a mistake but it will be fine. He realises he doesn’t need to be the best at everything.

“The second book is about anger. The book is written as a rhyme; basically, Worley gets angry and doesn’t know what it is. His friend George, the angry monster, teaches him it is ok to be angry and how to manage it.

“It is done in quite a fun way so children can understand.”

Explore Emotions

Buster Finds His Beat

Purchase the book below:

Buster Finds His Beat

A feel-good story about an autistic boy,
That will capture your imagination and fill you with joy.

Buster uses ear defenders to soften sounds he hears,
Find out what happens when he faces his fears…

Pick up your copy, you’ll be in for a treat,
As he uses the power of sound to find his own beat.

Explore Emotions


The first book in a new rhyming picture book series from D.M. Mullan and Kirsteen Harris Jones – welcome to D.M. Mullan’s Curious Tales… Hector van Groat If something is missing, and you’re feeling blue, you could learn from Hector, who feels this way too. This little genius lives in an upside-down boat, and he grunts from his hill like a grumpy old goat. “Hector van Groat needs no one but Hector because he is a genius, a crazy inventor”.

Explore Emotions

Where Is My Smile?

A beautifully illustrated picture book about mental health for young readers. Where Is My Smile? is the story of a little boy who can’t find his smile anywhere. He searches and searches, but it’s nowhere to be found. Where could his smile be? This delightful picture book is perfect as a bedtime story, and to help little children understand that it’s okay to be sad sometimes, but we can always find our way through it.

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed reading my list of books to inspire conversations with your toddler about emotions.

Do you have any of these books? Or will you be purchasing them? What techniques do you use to explore emotions?

I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

Explore Emotions

3 Ways To Help Our Children Cope With Moving Out Of Parents’ House

Moving Out Of Parents' House
Source – CC0 Licence

A major moment in our lives like a divorce can cause massive upheaval for everyone. When we are moving home, it’s safe to say that it can be a very stressful process. When you’re moving with family members, it’s important to remember that this can have an impact on your children as well. What do you need to do so everybody can have a smooth move? To lessen the impact when children move out of their parents’ house.

Ask for Help

As well as finding a reliable removalist that can cater to your needs you’ve got to think about the entire moving process. The removalists will help you on moving day, but it’s your responsibility to tie up loose ends. If you are trying to help your children come to terms with having to move at the same time, this can be a very difficult and overwhelming process for you. But you may want to get your children involved as this can help them and you. For example, if you ask them to help pack by putting some of their toys in a box or help you with the journey planning, it’s going to help demystify the process for them but it also gives you a little bit of a helping hand.

Moving Out Of Parents' House

Keep a Positive Frame of Mind (for You and the Kids)

You may feel stressed throughout the entire process, this means that the negativity can easily rub off on your children. If your children are upset and are trying to guilt you into not packing so there’s an off chance you may stay, the fact is that you’ve got to keep that positive frame of mind even, if that’s not how you feel right now. Comparing your new home with your old one is not going to help, and you have to remember that your children will push your buttons, so don’t pander to them.

Maintain your composure during the process of moving out of the parent’s house.

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Keep the Family Rituals Intact

To keep the moving process as swift and effective as possible, the old family routines will make a big difference. If you have younger children, you need to make sure that they stick to the same bedtime routines, meal times, and schedules, because this will feel less like a major shock to the system. Everybody is going to feel a sense of restlessness when they go to a new place, so the best thing you can do is to try and mirror your old life as closely as possible. You can set up their rooms the same as in your old home, which can help for younger children if you anticipate any changes in their sleeping patterns which, for most children, is par for the course. 

Of course, you must remember that you are going through a lot! Trying to keep your children happy throughout the moving process can be very tiring. Children will get frustrated because of the changes in their lives, but you also need to look after yourself and remember that if you are looking for a smooth move, you’ve got to make sure your mindset is in the right place as well.

Out Of Parents' House

Three Methods for Protecting Children During a Divorce

Decisions and conversations about divorce can be difficult. Besides deciding on custody and visitation, parents must also consider the impact of divorce on their children. As soon as you file for divorce, start taking precautions to keep your children safe. Dealing with the dissolution of a marriage is a trying experience for anyone. Nevertheless, if you want to keep your children safe from the effects of your divorce, you must put aside your own feelings and focus on what’s best for them.

Discuss Your Divorce with Your Children

Communication is essential in any relationship, but it is especially important during a divorce. There will be many difficult discussions between you and your spouse, but you must also communicate openly and honestly with your children. As a parent, you don’t want to keep your children in the dark about what’s going on. They must understand that, despite the fact that their lives will be altered as a result of the divorce, you and their other parents remain committed to their well-being. There are a variety of approaches you can take when trying to have a conversation with your children. You can get together regularly to talk about how divorce affects everyone.

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Make sure that the agreement you reach regarding your divorce takes into account child support

If you can, make sure that the amount and schedule of child support are written into the terms of your divorce. It is to everyone’s advantage if you and your partner can figure this out on your own. A judge will decide what is and isn’t fair if this doesn’t happen. If you’re going through a divorce, it’s important to think about your child’s current standard of living. You don’t want your split to have an impact on them. A family solicitor is your best bet when it comes to deciding how much child support you should pay. They will inform you about the penalty for hiding assets in divorce as well as anything you’re obligated to do as part of the divorce settlement. Ensure that the final divorce agreement includes the amount of child support and that it is signed and dated by both parties.

Make sure your kids aren’t exposed to any conflict or fighting.

You have the power to shield your children from witnessing your marital strife. You and your spouse should communicate at a level appropriate for a young child. In addition, devise a strategy for dealing with times when your emotions are running high. You could also try to persuade your ex to follow in your footsteps. De-escalating arguments can be as simple as going for a walk or stopping at a nearby coffee shop; it can also be as simple as having a designated space in your home where you can go to avoid conflict. Don’t bring your children into the fray when you’re having a heated argument. Instead of talking about your feelings for your spouse in front of them, it’s best if you avoid doing so.

Easy Ways To Improve Your Relationship

Are you having issues in your romantic relationship? Don’t worry, as this happens to almost every person at some point in their life. Whether you’ve been together for a couple of months or several decades, there’s always room to improve your relationship and help to show your other half how much you care. Fortunately, this guide aims to explain exactly how you can improve your relationship, as you can expect to find some of the most effective tips and ideas that you can utilise to show your partner some love and get the same positivity in return. So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then simply read on. 

Easy Ways
Image Source – Pexels 

Communication Is Key 

One of the most important features of any good relationship is communication. Keeping things to yourself is the worst mistake that you could make, as bottling things up will only lead to a total overflow at some point when you can no longer stand to hold your thoughts and feelings in. Communication is so key if you want to improve your relationship, but it’s fair to say that it can seem tricky to start talking openly when this isn’t something that you or your partner are particularly used to. Getting in touch with a friendly, trusted relationship therapist like Susie Tuckwell is one of the best options in this case, as having a third party walk you through the process in a dedicated environment provides you with the perfect opportunity to lay your cards on the table and get it all out there. You can also take the opportunity to spend a bit more quality time with each other too, as this will give you the chance to sit down and talk on a regular basis. Whether you choose to arrange a weekly date night or even commit to eating dinner together each evening, you just need to make sure that you have the opportunity to communicate so that the chance is there to be taken. 

Easy Ways

Make Special Occasions A Priority 

Making special occasions a priority can be of real benefit when you’re attempting to improve your relationship, as times like anniversaries and birthdays are the ideal days for you to shower your other half with lots of love and attention. Accidentally making the mistake of forgetting your anniversary could be a nightmarish experience that has a long-lasting impact on your relationship, so this is something that you must try your hardest not to do if you do not want to upset your partner. Make a note of the most important special occasions in your phone calendar so that you can get some kind of warning, and be sure to plan a brilliant day or night while investing in a gift that shows your love and appreciation in a personal, unique way. 

Improving your relationship has never been such a simple task when you can take the time to utilise some of the amazingly effective ideas that have been carefully described in this guide! 

Easy Ways

5 Ways To Cope With Betrayal

Dealing with betrayal is one of the most challenging things that human beings ever have to do. When the bonds of trust are broken with someone you love, it’s hard to heal.

Fortunately, there are ways to deal with betrayal and put your life back on track. Here’s what you need to do: 

Say How You Feel

In the immediate aftermath of betrayal, start by stating how you feel. Just writing down your emotions on a piece of paper can have a profound effect on your well-being and helps you get to grips with what you’re going through. 

In the midst of betrayal, people go through a whirlwind of emotions. You might feel anger, fear, loneliness, confusion, surprise, and sadness. When someone disrupts your reality, you don’t have an emotional template to fall back on, so you must discover it yourself. 

Avoid Retaliation

In many cases, people who have been betrayed have a solid urge to retaliate. When you think about what happened, you feel tempted to punish the other person, believing that they deserve punishment. 

However, this approach rarely works in practice. It’s often just a way to prolong the heartache and delay healing. Plotting and planning your revenge takes up valuable energy that you could put into taking care of your own well-being. 

Take Time Out

The next step is to avoid the person who betrayed you, taking time away from them if necessary. If your partner was unfaithful because of love addiction, there isn’t much you can do personally. Texting them every five minutes makes it much harder to deal with the fallout, and prevents you from spending time considering what happened. 

Avoid constantly checking their social media. Tell them that you’re going to take a break from communication. Spend time with people who can support you and have your best interests at heart. If the person tries to contact you, ignore them or get someone to respond to them on your behalf. Make it clear that you want a break but that you will be in communication in the future. 

Look At The Details Of The Betrayal

Betrayal can occur for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes it’s flat-out malice, but that’s rare. In most cases, it comes from a place of fear, weakness, or carelessness. Many people behave compulsively in ways they can’t control without ever wanting to hurt their victims.  

Once you examine the betrayal, you’ll start to see the human side of what happened. You might also empathise with the betrayer’s actions, seeing why they did what they did. 

Learn From It

Betrayal seems like a catastrophe and it is easy to place all the responsibility on the other person. However, learning from your experience is one of the best ways of coping with it. The more you can understand why the other person did what they did, the wiser you’ll become. 

Betrayal haunts the naive. Therefore, if you can gain more knowledge of how the world works, then you can live more successfully in the future.


5 date night ideas for tired parents

Before children, we used to date each other a lot. We had endless date night ideas. We went on a 5* holiday to Mexico, had numerous hotel stays. Nights out and shopping trips were a regular occurrence.

We would regularly go out for Friday happy hour and I would leave my work colleagues to go ‘date’ my now hubby. I classed it as being more important. We would order bottles of wine in a fancy wine bar, along with tapas. Sometimes I would go get my hair done first. Wonderful memories.

We had fun. I have no regrets about the lack of social interactions we have now.

Because we both lived life to the fullest at University, then together, we have no regrets. There isn’t a single day I’m resentful for the life I have now. It’s just another amazing chapter, which is different from the social life we had before.

date night ideas

Undoubtedly life has now dramatically changed. We have to be a little more creative with our date night ideas. There is no avoiding the fact we can’t just go out when we want to. Even on days off, we have nursery pick-ups to sort out, and responsibilities that come along with looking after a toddler.

Because we both lived life to the fullest at University, then together, we have no regrets. There isn’t a single day I’m resentful for the life I have now. It’s just another amazing chapter, which is different from the social life we had before.

Whatever life throws at us, it is important to fit in some time to still date each other. Anyone who’s experienced the full force of a toddler will know you can’t even have an adult conversation in their presence. They get angry at not being acknowledged. And sometimes this could mean toys being thrown at you. A ‘date’ for us could be as insignificant as an hour-long conversation, without ‘toddler’ interruptions.

We get time to just be adults, which is very important to being a successful parent.

Here is a rundown of the practical alone time we’ve managed to fit into our hectic schedule recently:


We love walking, but with a toddler, we are limited as to the walks we can go on until she is a little bit older. 

On a recent rare weekday together, when she was at nursery, we walked together and it was lovely. Just the two of us, talking, taking pictures, and saying hello to the other walkers. Because it was a weekday, it was fairly quiet and we had a beautiful landscape with bluebells and a lovely river all to ourselves.

We did this walk when I was newly off work following my breakdown and it helped me. I still look back at the pictures and think I’ve come a long way since then. During the walk, I thought I would never feel better again.  

Watching films 

The perfect date night idea. We can now only do this when we have a night together, without a toddler running around. Because we can, we usually end watching a three-hour film.

For me it has to be epic, otherwise, I am wasting my time. I am very picky when selecting films.

Who knows, we might even make it to a cinema soon!

date night ideas

Wandering around the supermarket 

It may sound simple, but wandering around a supermarket, a shop, walking with a coffee, is amazing when you don’t have to chase after a toddler or carry three large bags of supplies around with you.

There is also the element of doing something for ourselves. When we visit a shop as a twosome, we might purchase an item of clothing for ourselves, a scented candle. Instead of thinking about buying for the little one.

We get time to just be adults, which is very important to being a successful parent.

Going for a coffee

The ultimate date night idea. COFFEE DATE!

We recently popped into a brand new Starbucks drive-through and sat outside in the sunshine with a lovely coffee together, before a nursery pickup. 

It was amazing, to have time to chat and be still for a while. Nowhere to be and not a care in the world. we all need this!

A drive to nowhere

Sitting in the car admiring the view, listening to music, letting the world go by. I talk more about our love of driving aimlessly in the car in this post, Want to have fun on a budget? Need to entertain the kids? Follow my 10 easy steps…

Jump in the car and see where it takes you! The benefit of doing this without a toddler, is loud music, car chatter and not thinking about nappy changes, potential car sick of retrieving the dummy which as just thrown on the floor!

Final thoughts

Do you have any creative date night ideas? I would love to know in the comments below.

date night ideas

Why it’s the right time to put cards on the table and share more about my life

I will be honest and say, when I started this blog, I was mentally and emotionally in a bad place. It was two months since my mental breakdown and I felt I HAD to do something to help others. Writing for the blog and making connections throughout the mental health and blogging community was my lifeline. All of it pulled me out of a dark place. But I wasn’t yet ready to reveal more about my life. 

The reason for my hesitance was fear and lack of self-confidence. I still thought my toxic workplace could impact me and I wasn’t sure whether my writing would be well received. As I was already in a vulnerable position, it was the correct decision to start an anonymous blog. 

put cards on the table

Recently I slowly started changing this and you can see some of my posts where I reveal more about my life below:

Anonymous blog VS sharing more about your life

There are great reasons to start an anonymous blog. Internet safety is a huge factor and whilst I am willing to reveal more about my life, I certainly won’t be publishing every detail. You can read more about the pros and cons here.

Check out the interview I did for ClaireMac’s blog, where I discuss online privacy and how much I would be comfortable sharing about my child.

Introvert vibes

Throughout my life, I’ve often done things by myself, but community and honesty are what brought me back to living my life.

Along with my personal development and the significant changes I’ve made to my life, it was time to fully step into my comfort zone and embrace the change needed.

What’s next?

This month I’ve had my work cut out for me with a video editing project for my speaker slot at the Mental Health Blog Awards. It was my first time editing a video and to say I hit many roadblocks along the way is an understatement. But this is how you learn and grow. I am proud of myself.

As well as appearing at the awards, I am considering updating my social media profile pictures. Whilst I am not at the TikTok dancing stage just yet, it’s time for other people to connect with the face behind the blog. I will use whatever means necessary to get my message out there.

put cards on the table