Month: September 2021

The secret to a happy and fulfilled life is actually really simple

During my anxiety years and especially during down periods, I told myself I couldn’t go out do things and it was the worse thing I did to myself. A travesty. I cut myself off from happy times, spending time with people I love, enjoying the little things in life, all because I subscribed to black & white thinking and had a script full of self-limiting beliefs constantly running over and over again in my head. And I let it happen…

It’s time to carve out a new healthy path and ditch the old way of thinking. It previously damaged my mental health and I must avoid this ever happening to me again in the future. You can read more about when my mental health struggles began here.

Want to know the secret to living a happy and fulfilled life? Read on…

It was also nice to shop without the little one running around. There is a perception parents shouldn’t leave children out and I feel guilty when I do! But it is so important, we as parents, take time for ourselves. I breathed a sigh of relief in the first charity shop because I had images running through my brain of the little one grabbing every item off the shelves and me telling her off. It was reassuring to know I didn’t have to contend with this today, she was at nursery being entertained instead.

The secret to a happy and fulfilled life is actually really simple

Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

Today, my mum suggested a trip to the charity shops and some breakfast. A simple activity I would usually be inclined to say no to due to lack of money. She kindly treated me to a coffee, sandwich and gave me some spending money, because she knows money is tight for us at the moment. I’ve told her I visit the supermarket and walk around adding up what I’ve spent. My parents know what this feels like to count the pennies and we are so lucky to have them helping us out. Shout out mum & dad if you ever happen to read this!

Our trip and why outings work wonders for your mental health 

Because we are still on holiday as a family, I had the family car today, which made the trip easier. I usually travel around by public transport or walk, which I don’t mind. It does me good. We ditched the second car years ago because it wasn’t cost-effective. Today, having a car, was a luxury I am not used to. 

Wandering around, without a care in the world, not knowing what time it is, and browsing the shelves, was therapeutic. 

It was also nice to shop without the little one running around. There is a perception parents shouldn’t leave children out and I feel guilty when I do! But it is so important, we as parents, take time for ourselves. I breathed a sigh of relief in the first charity shop because I had images running through my brain of the little one grabbing every item off the shelves and me telling her off. It was reassuring to know I didn’t have to contend with this today, she was at nursery being entertained instead.

We had a chat about loads of topics I can’t even recall now, catching up about life and you know what, this time is much more valuable than worrying about money issues. Yes, we all need money to live and you can achieve wellness by managing your money correctly (I don’t want anyone to have the worries I’ve experienced over the last year due to financially overcommitting), but you also have to live life and ensure you get out of the house to do activities that fit within your budget. 

There are plenty of free and cheap things you can do and I am passionate about sharing my tips with others. You can read more about how you can have fun on a budget in my blog post here.

My mental breakdown this year has shown me you have to set aside time to spend with family, spend a little money, and enjoy your life. If you take the time to do this, all the other parts will fit into place and surely you will be in a better place to tackle difficult issues you may be going through. 

My charity shop haul 

Living a happy and fulfilled life means doing something you love! And I love shopping.

As I am so excited and refreshed following my outing this morning, of course, I had to write a blog post about it. I’ve even become one of those bloggers taking pictures of everything (well roping the hubby in with his great phone camera, IT skills, and photoshop knowledge). I am no expert (I will leave the flatlays to a professional website, like Canva), but here is the picture of my haul:

charity shop haul
happy and fulfilled

The items I bought and why I loved them

Of course, I had to get the little one some toys and activities to entertain her. We are the stage where we need constant entertainment to reflect the experience she gets at nursery. It’s so much fun, but also hard work.

She loves Peppa Pig and now has a Peppa Pig torch which was £1.25. I know she will be overjoyed when she comes home from nursery today and sees this toy, and the look on her face is well worth £1.25.

I also got her an activity book for 50p. She isn’t yet at the stage where she can work through the activities, but she loves colouring books and drawing all over the pages. She will get endless enjoyment for 50p. Winner!

The Meccano set is parts only and I didn’t realise this in the shop, but for £1.99 I am not going to moan about it and she can do some building. It’s also an excuse for us to add other Meccano parts to her Christmas list. 

I got some home decorations to spruce the place up a bit, ahead of my larger autumn purchases (a future blog post will cover the topic of what I purchased!). We needed a fresh bowl of Pot Pourri and it was just sat on the shelf as if it had been waiting for me, because I’ve been talking about it loads this week! £2.00 – bargain!

The little gold pot will be an addition to our rose gold decor (I previously bought the other items from Poundland). It was 40p.

We all need body lotion in our lives and I love seeking it out in charity shops. There are so many unwanted gift sets given away. You get a cheap item, whilst also raising money for charity. Win, win. 50p for this lotion. I can’t wait to try it.

On winter days, I love wearing these headbands. They keep the hair off your face and also cover your ears. I haven’t got a light coloured one, so had to purchase this. £1.99. Can’t go wrong with something so useful.

Books – these were 50p each and I will be adding them to the stack of books I intend to read. I might even do a before and after blog post, to encourage me to read them all. Lack of reading isn’t because I don’t love doing it, it’s getting the time with a toddler who believes every physical item in the house is hers.

Why I’m now happy and fulfilled 

I’ve spent years shying away from some activities out of fear, lack of money, or lack of time. 

My mental breakdown this year has shown me you have to set aside time to spend with family, spend a little money, and enjoy your life. If you take the time to do this, all the other parts will fit into place and surely you will be in a better place to tackle difficult issues you may be going through. You can read more about how I recovered from my breakdown here.

It would have been easy to say no to going out today, due to money worries, but it’s exactly because of the money worries why I needed to get out of the house, get some fresh air, spend some time not caring about a thing, and having quality mummy daughter time. 

The point is, don’t live such a busy life you need to pay money to feel somewhat normal. How about living a more mediocre life and having quality time to spend with family and friends? What’s the point in earning so much money anyway, if you’re always too tired to spend it?

happy and fulfilled 
i had a script full of self-limiting beliefs constantly running over and over again in my head, and I let it happen

Simplify life 

In the past, my mum & I might have visited Village Hotels for a spa day. Whilst we will return at some point, I am now looking for cheaper alternatives to get out of the house and still have fun. 

Having fun and finding fulfilling activities is simple, we as human beings tend to overcomplicate it. These are some of the things I used to say to myself when working 12 hour days:

  • To feel better I need a spa day
  • I am so stressed from working 12 hour days, I need to treat myself 
  • Work hard, play hard
  • I deserve it
  • I am too tried to spend the money I earn

I previously equated living a happy and fulfilled with spending money. This doesn’t always bring you happiness. I would much rather do something free with my loved ones, like sitting in the park.

Don’t get me wrong, if you want to do the above activities and have luxuries in your life, go for it. I will resume cheap spa days when I can afford it again! 

The point is, don’t live such a busy life you need to pay money to feel somewhat normal. How about living a more mediocre life and having quality time to spend with family and friends? What’s the point in earning so much money anyway, if you’re always too tired to spend it?

To read more posts on mental health, see the other blogs I’ve written below…

7 crucial steps I took to gradually recover from my breakdown

Recovery from my breakdown was not an easy task. Previously I viewed self-care as selfish. I would be doing something…

Read More..

Breathe Bracelets – 10 breaths bracelet

#GIFTED POST – When the lovely lady from Breathe Bracelets messaged me about her shop, I was excited about the…

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Why I’m revealing my honest feelings about a setback in my recovery from a breakdown

The reason I am sharing this post with you today Following a setback in my recovery, I wanted to share…

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8 questions I’m asking myself in preparation for gratitude day

World gratitude day is fast approaching – Tuesday 21 September 2021! In preparation for gratitude day, I’m thinking about all…

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Final thoughts 

What steps are you taking to live a happy and fulfilled life?

In the future, I want to create a life where quality time with family is balanced with working enough to pay bills and live comfortably. It is clear to me now, the type of job I was doing in the past and the long hours I worked, damaged my mental health. It’s time to prioritise happiness and the big secret is actually that it’s very easy to do, with a mindset change. 

Here’s to a happier and more fulfilled life for us all. 

What are you doing to balance family time with work-life? Do you think your views have changed since the pandemic?

I would love to hear from you in the comments below. 


8 questions I’m asking myself in preparation for gratitude day

World gratitude day is fast approaching – Tuesday 21 September 2021! In preparation for gratitude day, I’m thinking about all the things I currently do to celebrate life wins.

I have a daily gratitude journal and I try to spend some time each day reflecting on what I’m grateful for. Admittedly, it can be difficult to do when other things on the to-do list get in the way. 

However, now more than ever, I understand the benefits of taking time to reflect. 

Doing something I love and living my purpose through this blog recently, has helped me tremendously. It would be great to turn my passion into a full-time job. Let’s see what the future holds for me. In the meantime, it’s time to put the foundations in place and gradually build upon them.

Given my mental health struggles over the last few years, which you can read more about in this blog post, I’m planning to use this official day of the year, to not only practice gratitude but to put measures in place to actively process my emotions and learn from my negative experiences. Life throws negative experiences at us each day. The news from around the world can impact us and the pandemic hasn’t helped maintain a good standard of mental health. 

When life becomes difficult, it’s about managing your reaction to the current circumstances. And also remembering this moment will pass and happier times will come.

8 questions I'm asking myself in preparation for gratitude day

Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

As well as preparation for gratitude day, I’m on a mission to fill up my mental health toolkit with a range of options to cope with the bad days. 

I also plan to adjust my work schedule when applying for a future job role, to ease the pressure of juggling family life and working full time. It’s time to accept this needs to happen.

Doing something I love and living my purpose through this blog recently, has helped me tremendously. It would be great to turn my passion into a full-time job. You can read more about why I started blogging here. Let’s see what the future holds for me.

For progress to be made, I have to learn how to process my emotions correctly, as and when they come up. Even if it’s later that day, it’s good practice to start the next day afresh, without carrying baggage from the previous day.

In the meantime, it’s time to put the foundations in place and gradually build upon them.

Gratitude day has come at the perfect time and is a great place to begin the final stages of my recovery. Pass me the building blocks…

gratitude day preparation quote - be grateful

My strategy

The foundation for a happier and more fulfilling life surely has to start with a mindset adjustment. These are the points I want to cover:

  • How I think and what impact this has on me
  • Owning my thoughts, realising I create and control them 
  • Practising mindfulness

For me, these three things must be the basis for real change. 

For progress to be made, I have to learn how to process my emotions correctly, as and when they come up. Even if it’s later that day, it’s good practice to start the next day afresh, without carrying baggage from the previous day. These are some of the other self-care tools I used to recover from my breakdown.

In preparation for gratitude day, I’m starting to think about what I’m grateful for and these are the questions I’ve been asking myself over the last few weeks.

Looking back at yesterday, what was a positive? List all of the ones you can think of. 

What progress have I made today? List all achievements. 

What am I thankful for today?

What can I learn from my negative experiences? 

What negative emotions did I feel yesterday? 

How can I prevent these negative emotions tomorrow? 

If I am in a negative mood, how could my situation be worse? Look on the bright side.

What tools can I add to my mental health toolkit today? 

Why I’m choosing mindfulness

In the past when I’ve heard the term mindfulness: beware of your thoughts, you are what you think, etc I’ve never really understood what it meant. Until you’ve lived through an experience where you literally had no choice but to put these tools in place, I think it can feel a bit like an airy-fairy term a self-help guru would use. But it works… 

Over the years I’ve used these practices to help with my anxiety levels, but I’ve never put a toolkit in place and used it consistently, even when I am well. As part of my self-care routine moving forward, this will be a daily routine for me. I now have to put measures in place to avoid getting to such a low point mentally in the future.

This article explains more about mindfulness. Healthline also has some great tips & tricks to try if you’re suffering from anxiety. Headscape is a great app if you are looking to improve your meditation or mindfulness skills.

Some quotes to give us the inspiration to be more mindful and take time to reflect on what we are grateful for…

gratitude day preparation quote
gratitude day preparation quote

To celebrate gratitude day, why not send a personalised gift, a thank you or a special card in the post…

Or a special gift, to show someone how much you value them…

gratitude day preparation quote

gratitude day preparation quote
gratitude day preparation quote

You can read all of my blog posts here…

gratitude day preparation quote
gratitude day preparation quote

How are you preparing for gratitude day?

Do you have a plan in place to set aside time to think about what you’re grateful for?

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Thank you for reading my post today – I hope it has helped you 🙂


Introducing The Writer’s Job Newsletter – Why I’m grateful to be a writer

#AD – a review of The Writer’s Job Newletter

Gratitude day is the perfect time to talk about something I love – writing! In this post, you will hear all about why I’m grateful to be a writer.

Today, I will be sharing my thoughts on The Writer’s Job Newsletter. Firstly, I want to share with you why this newsletter had such an impact on me, and in order to explain this to you, we need to step back in time, just a few years.


When my love affair with writing began

Every day I’m grateful to be a writer. It’s in my blood.

I still have a nursery rhyme book I wrote lists in when I was tiny. From the age of 12, I was writing folders full of poetry. I wrote for our local newspaper and still have the clippings. I have a portfolio folder full of the pieces I wrote for work experience and throughout my university days and I one day dreamed about writing a book. I also toyed with the idea of becoming an English teacher.

I still have boxes full of diaries I wrote in during my younger days and sometimes go through them. It makes me feel nostalgic about those days. I really should read them again soon and get some inspiration for the blog. When we moved in together, I told my now hubby I was keeping these to one day contribute towards my book. It’s vital information I needed to keep, justifying the reason for taking up so much space in our storage cupboard.

It’s the reason newsletters like this are invaluable. It’s a quick and easy way for budding and established writers to gain access to people and organisations seeking their services. Everyone benefits.

During the worst times of my life, living through anxiety and depression, I’ve used journaling as the main technique to help me get through it. There is something about releasing the words onto the physical piece of paper. Therapists have taught me to rip them up afterward and complete a breathing exercise. Literally releasing the negative energy from my body and it really does make you feel better when you complete this exercise. If this is something you feel like trying, Zoella talks more about journaling here. The benefits of journaling and how to get started are also discussed in this article.

More on the therapeutic benefits of writing creatively

This Independent article, along with this article discusses the benefits of writing creatively and how it can improve your mental health. Whilst writing in a diary is a form of creative writing because your personal thoughts are recorded on paper, like a story, there are other creative ways you can process your emotions. On the flip side, some believe feeling strong emotions actually fuels creativity. You can read more on this here.

Personality type and how this impacts the way you express yourself creatively

Although I’m grateful to be a writer, it has some downsides. You sometimes become consumed by the creative process and it’s hard to step away when you literally have thoughts spilling out of your head. It can be exhausting at times.

I’ve asked myself this question in the past… Can personality type really impact how we interact with the world and possibly make us communicate in a different way to others? You can read all about my personality type here.

I write about it in this blog post, because interestingly my personality type indicates I am creative and a possible job includes ‘writer’. Is it therefore coincidence that I started a blog?

I remember taking this Myers-Briggs personality test as part of a training course at work and it honestly makes you realise a lot about yourself. If testing your personality to discover more about yourself is something you’re interested in, you can read more in this Hubspot blog.

You can also read more about the Advocate personality type here. For anyone who has read my previous blogs, I think we can all agree this is true – “Advocates may feel that they aren’t allowed to rest until they’ve achieved their unique vision of success, but this mindset can lead to stress and burnout.”

Why are writers so important – using our voice to affect change

Writers are vital, for not only sharing stories or reporting news events but also giving a voice to a cause or a topic we need to discuss in society. For this reason, newsletters like this are invaluable. It’s a quick and easy way for budding and established writers to gain access to people and organisations seeking their services. Everyone benefits.

With the Internet allowing us to make connections all over the world, hitting rock bottom this year meant I relied on the one trusted method I had to express myself – writing. And I felt compelled to start a blog. To use the one thing I was good at to help others. To tell my story and hopefully make a difference in changing the stigma surrounding mental health. You can read more on why I started blogging here.

I am grateful we have writers in the world and respect everyone who is bravely speaking out on the topic of mental health at the moment. Changes in society don’t happen overnight, but collectively we can make an impact.

time for action writers impacting change in society

Making connections and grabbing opportunities

I’ve made connections with some amazing people since creating my social media accounts and starting the blog. One of them being Della and I need to introduce you to the amazing newsletter she runs. 

Just knowing there is a newsletter out there containing paid freelance writing jobs makes me excited. It’s something I hadn’t seen previously and I thought it was handy to have this vital information in one place. It also brought me a sense of confidence. I felt worthy of such jobs and also wondered whether it would be something I would consider in the future. 

I am now actively looking for freelance writing opportunities and starting off small, but still taking action to reach my goals.

At the moment, my blog is there to help others, but it’s no secret I would be overjoyed if I could make a living from writing. The newsletter email also contains non-paid work, but great opportunities to gain experience and exposure for someone new to blogging, like me. 

My review

I’ve now received two Newsletters via email and found the links posted include varied subjects, from gaming to engineering, so there really is something for everyone. I love the fact the newsletter is set out into easy-to-read sections and includes paid jobs, calls to pitch, details of competitions, and other useful information.

HERE are the all-important links you need:

You can find the Twitter account here.

The Newsletter website can be found here. Pay them a visit and sign up – you won’t be disappointed!

Final thoughts

The newsletter will be my go-to when seeking out paid jobs or other opportunities which could help me achieve my future goals. I still get excited when I receive the email on a Sunday and I hope you will too.

As I am actively on the hunt for opportunities, I will keep you posted on any progress I make.

On gratitude day I thought it was apt to share why I’m grateful to be a writer and why I’ve always relied on this communication method to express myself…I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

Let me know in the comments below whether you’ve subscribed to the Newsletter and how useful you found it.

Please also remember to let Della know about your experience. I am sure she would appreciate the feedback.


Why I’m revealing my honest feelings about a setback in my recovery from a breakdown

The reason I am sharing this post with you today

Following a setback in my recovery, I wanted to share a piece of writing I did a few weeks ago when I was feeling pretty hopeless. 

At present day, I am still not feeling 100%, but I am feeling a lot better than I did when I was first signed off work, four months ago, due to a mental breakdown.

I have come a long way in my recovery, but down moments can make you feel like you’re going backward in the recovery process. This is exactly what happened to me, at the time of recording the below thoughts. 

The main message in my post today, is recovery isn’t linear and having down days along the way is no reflection whatsoever on the progress you’ve made up to this point.

Before getting ahead of myself or wondering what the future holds, it’s time to put the work into my recovery. I don’t know who I will be on the other side of this, but I’m looking forward to meeting the new person I will become. 

Why I'm revealing my honest feelings about a setback in my recovery from a breakdown

Read on for my honest account of a setback in my recovery – written on a down day approx 3.5 months after my breakdown.

The person I was before shortchanged herself. The future version of me deserves better and I intend to create a future that serves me and makes me happy

Diary entry

At the moment, I feel hopeless. 

Recovery from a mental health condition isn’t linear. The part of my brain which deals with reality is aware of this fact. But the part of my brain living on another planet, in another realm, tells me I should be healed by now. Why all of a sudden do I feel like this?

I know exactly where these damaging thoughts came from. My conversation with an inexperienced doctor, who basically made me feel like I was lying in order to stay off work, and also asked me why I didn’t just quit my job (they are aware I’m going through a redundancy process at the moment). I left the conversation feeling worse than before it took place and some pretty insensitive things were said to me, at a time when I’m already in a vulnerable state and unable to deal with difficult conversations.

This, coupled with a delayed catch-up with work about how I’m doing. It literally took every ounce of energy I had to make the call and answer questions and they made me feel like I should return to work. I know it’s all part of the process.

Again, my intelligent brain tells me both these people have procedures and questions to tick off, but my anxiety brain is telling me lately, I will have to return to work and nobody will help me, even though I’m clearly not healed yet. Why are people forcing me to do something I don’t want to do? Something I am clearly not ready to do!

I want to shout out loud, there is no time limit on healing from a breakdown. So why are people insinuating there is?

I feel angry, irritable, I am not in a sleeping routine or getting enough sleep and I am still unable to complete life tasks, like managing money, organising things, or concentrating for too long. How can I do my job when I am feeling this way?

I felt like this when I first left work due to my breakdown, and I feel like this again now. I’ve gone backward and the way I am feeling right now makes me ask myself whether I will ever be fully healed. 

What does the new me look like? What does the future hold? It is uncertain right now. I just feel hopeless.  

Up to now, I’ve done quite well in managing the ups and downs of depression. I’ve tried to remain positive and not let my anxiety brain take over, but it’s creeping back in. 

I don’t feel happy, I feel like something is wrong with me. I wonder whether it’s all my fault. What did I do in the past to cause my brain to malfunction? What happened to me? How have I got to this point in my life? 

feeling hopeless

In summary, because I am feeling this way, I think it’s now time to speak to a counselor or therapist. You can find details of therapists local to you here. This page also provides details of the support offered by Mind. Heads Together list charities they work with who offer support here.

Writing honestly about mental health for my blog naturally throws up a lot of feelings and I don’t think I know how to process them properly, without help. I will ask the doctor for some details and seek help.

I am also conscious leaving the former me behind is also part of a grieving process, mourning the old life I had. I will never be the person I was before: career-driven, highly motivated, willing to work all hours of the day, put up with bad management, or a toxic work environment. 

This process has taught me too much about the damage that person causes herself. I have a toddler now, things have changed and I have to adjust my priorities to fit my current life circumstances. 

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When the redundancy process is finalised and this hell ends, it’s time to find a job I enjoy doing, where I’m helping people and balancing family life at the same time. 

I would love to work from home on a permanent basis and be close to my family, in the event of emergencies or childcare issues. I will be actively looking for a supportive employer, a company that values mental wellbeing and family time. Up to now, I’ve been thinking about what I want moving forward and trying to manifest these things. At this moment in time, I am unable to be that positive person.

Before getting ahead of myself or wondering what the future holds, it’s time to put the work into my recovery. I don’t know who I will be on the other side of this, but I’m looking forward to meeting the new person I will become. 

Right now, the reality I am living in every day couldn’t be further from how I actually feel inside. It’s like I know everything happening to me is part of the process, but I feel the complete opposite to how people are telling me I should feel at this point. 

I want to shout out loud, there is no time limit on healing from a breakdown. So why are people insinuating there is? If you’ve had a setback in your recovery, there are details of charities that can help you below.

setback in my recovery - Why I'm revealing my honest feelings about a setback in my recovery from a breakdown

If you need help with a mental health related issue

Country Living writes a great article on various mental health charities helping people in the UK.

If you don’t feel like talking (I couldn’t communicate with anyone following my breakdown), you can use the shout text service.

There are also some further contact details for mental health charities on my if you need help page.

How do I feel at present day?

A few weeks down the line, I now accept I am ready to move on to the next stage of recovery. This will involve a phased return at work, possible adjustments to my working pattern to avoid this happening again to me in the future, and planning for my next career move, whilst awaiting much-needed redundancy updates.

In the meantime, I have apps, details for therapists, and books I need to read to aid my recovery. I will also continue to blog, as this is helping me process feelings.

Final thoughts

Every individual is different. I now realise a setback in my recovery isn’t as bad as my mind tells me it is. We all have triggers and our experiences and brain chemistry decide how we react to certain situations.

The way I was feeling when I wrote this diary entry, I was genuinely convinced I would never gain control of my life or have another good day in the future. But anxiety and depression lie to you.

I understand through experience what it means when someone says “recovery isn’t linear”. It means you will have days or weeks like this. Maybe it’s a natural thing that happens when you start to work through your emotions and understand what led you to this point.

My hope is anyone reading this, who is impacted by these issues, will realise better days came for me. And there is hope.

I am by no means healed, but I am on a journey of self-discovery and hopeful I can create a better future than the one I chose to live in previously.

The person I was before shortchanged herself. The future version of me deserves better and I intend to create a future that serves me and makes me happy.

Grab a cup of tea and read more blogs in the mental health category below

7 crucial steps I took to gradually recover from my breakdown

Recovery from my breakdown was not an easy task. Previously I viewed self-care as selfish. I would be doing something…

Read More..

Breathe Bracelets – 10 breaths bracelet

#GIFTED POST – When the lovely lady from Breathe Bracelets messaged me about her shop, I was excited about the…

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Why I’m revealing my honest feelings about a setback in my recovery from a breakdown

The reason I am sharing this post with you today Following a setback in my recovery, I wanted to share…

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8 questions I’m asking myself in preparation for gratitude day

World gratitude day is fast approaching – Tuesday 21 September 2021! In preparation for gratitude day, I’m thinking about all…

Read More..

mummy conquering anxiety signature

4 times I rocked Halloween parties with my homemade costumes

Before the autumn season gets into full swing, I need to admit publicly, Halloween is my fave occasion. 

And I LOVE making homemade costumes for the main event…

We have storage boxes full of decorations. I’m so excited we now have a toddler who understands the occasion more, which means she can get involved. 

I wish I lived in the US because I want in on the over-the-top celebrations. Everyone is out on the street, dressed up, interacting. We are a little more reserved here in the UK.

4 times i rocked Halloween parties with my homemade costumes

Maybe it’s because I repeatedly watched The Witches over & over at my Grandma’s house when I was little, or loved the iconic Halloween scene in ET (US friends, please tell me trick or treat night really is like this??), or because I am a little witchy myself. I just feel like this occasion was meant for me. 

In my excitement for the upcoming celebrations and my participation in #Blogtober, I had to share some of the trusted Halloween outfits I’ve made myself for our Halloween parties in previous years.

Disclaimer – for each of these outfits, I bought the basics and then adapted the outfit . ‘homemade’ is a bit of a stretch, haha!

I also apologise in advance for the puns. Sorry, not sorry!

Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

You can purchase all of the items discussed in this article using the below links:

Witch please, lets dive in…

1. Day of the dead theme

I love this theme. Having taken part in a fiesta when we holidayed in Mexico, this theme is amazing and really gets the party vibe going. 

One year we went all out with fancy dress, bought face paint and all the accessories. We had matching decorations and I even did some baking to fit in with the theme. Our guests followed our lead and their costumes were also amazing.

My hubby even let me do his makeup. We had a great evening.

There is something about dressing up which makes the event more fun. I talk more about the joy of fancy dress in this blog post.

Are you ready to make your Day of the Dead outfit?

day of the dead outfit

The tools you need to create this outfit…

These are the best face paints. I used them in my party days, when dressing up and going out for too many hours was a weekly thing (just the thought of it now makes me tired!)

The colours are great and they never left me with a rash or bad skin afterwards.

I still have my headband in the storage box and I really want to dig it out now. If nothing else, the little one would love dressing up.

I don’t know if I want to let her loose on my precious Halloween boxes though!

I love the look of this and want to add it to my day of the dead outfit. I am currently checking out events where I can wear the outfit this year, when I should be writing for the blog, haha!

This is just one of the dresses I found, but there are so many more, depending on what you’re confident enough to wear!

I still wonder how the wedding dress ended up in the charity shop: did someone get divorced, are they still happily married, just having a clear-out. Anyway, it’s now in our storage cupboard covered in blood and black makeup.

This is an additional accessory and it will bring your outfit to life (pun intended)

I have a few more accessories below which will look great…

Do you have any homemade costume ideas? Share them with me below…

2. Zombie nurse

Every time I looked for an outfit in this category, I wasn’t impressed with the ready-to-buy outfits online and therefore I decided to buy the basics and make my own.

Halloween nurse in jail

The tools you need to create this outfit…

You need a plain nurses outfit, then it’s time to start creating and make it your own! Adapting it for Halloween is fun…

You will need the following to make it your own…

I created my own version of this one. Think more blood, accessories, the wig above, and some creative face paint.

You can then add shoes, tights, fake glasses. Anything you want!

3. Zombie escape convict

I bought the basic outfit, covered it in blood (fun times), and added some of the accessories below.

The wig was my favourite addition to this outfit.

I also used face paints to create a scary look.

I remember this night well. I also wore red high heels and couldn’t walk by the end of the night!

See my Pinterest board for more ideas

4. Halloween bride

Don’t judge, but I once bought an 80’s style Halloween dress from a charity shop and spent an evening, when I lived alone, cutting it up and covering it in blood.

It was probably a result of all the pent-up man-hating, because I stupidly tolerated players back in the day! haha!

I still wonder how the wedding dress ended up in the charity shop: did someone get divorced, are they still happily married, just having a clear-out. Anyway, it’s now in our storage cupboard covered in blood and black makeup.

Halloween costumes bridge and groom

The tools you need to create this outfit…

As well as shredding most of the material on the dress, I also pinned the front up and added tights, to give the full Halloween look.

I used fake blood and black face paint to create a dirty, disheveled effect. Think nightmare-zombie bride. Wedding gone horribly wrong!

These are the tools you need…

I was ambitious with this outfit and made it for the Rocky Horror picture show. When we went out in Liverpool straight after the show, I don’t think people understood the concept. It was a great outfit, but I could have chosen a better audience for it. Maybe I will dig it out and find somewhere to wear it again… Hmm

What do you think?

There are so many other outfits you can create. This article is helpful. Cosmopolitan also has a great article on easy-to-make outfits.

From a purely cost-saving perspective, I love buying the basics and adding my own touch to the finished product. I want to make something unique, that nobody else will be wearing.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post. For anyone who is really interested in all things spooky and wants a quick stop tour of the history of Halloween. Here it is.

Witching you a Happy Halloween

From your ghostest with the mostest. If you’re such a haunt mess with your outfit ideas for Halloween, I hope this article has given you some ideas for total squad ghouls dressing up vibes.

I will stop with the puns now…

Please comment below if you liked these ideas or you have any others to share. I would love to hear from you.

You can use the search below to find other products for your Halloween outfit…

Also check out the amazing Halloween section at Wilko…

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