Month: December 2021

Why I decided to participate in the #JoinIn Twitter hashtag

Firstly, I should make it clear I am writing this mainly because I want more people to be aware the #JoinIn Twitter hashtag exists. It’s important people know there is someone out there to support them. Even if it isn’t possible to do this face to face right now.

I previously volunteered for a befriending service and did home visits with an elderly person. But the service also offered much-needed telephone conversations. As you can imagine, this could mean the world to a lonely older person. Therefore, I’m aware of how valuable this contact can be.

To clarify, this isn’t about me being a hero or superior to anyone else. I truly believe we are all muddling through life. Any one of us could be lonely one day, or find ourselves in the depths of depression during the Christmas period. If everyone could understand this, or always try to lead with a kind heart, I don’t think the stigma surrounding mental health would be as bad as it is. 

#JoinIn Twitter hashtag

What happened on Christmas morning?

All I can tell you is, I felt compelled to support others on Christmas Day. And the #JoinIn Twitter hashtag was my way of doing it.

I will be honest and say when I first saw the campaign in the lead-up to Christmas, I was dubious about committing. The only reason for my reluctance was self-preservation. I’ve learned to look after myself first. I obviously also want to help others and it’s the reason I started my blog. But how can I help others without preserving my mental strength?

Despite my reluctance, something happened on Christmas morning which made me feel I needed to participate. I looked at our little family and I felt grateful. Lucky to be seeing my parents and finally getting to teach my toddler about Santa. 

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    Giving back

    I genuinely loved interacting under the #JoinIn Twitter hashtag on Christmas Day. I still had quality time with my family, but I was also proud to give something back. The Twitter community helped me out of a dark place. To recover from a mental breakdown.

    In a similar way to my blogging journey, this then made me think of all the people who wouldn’t have this luxury. We couldn’t see some family members because of a positive covid test. Therefore I was all too aware some people might just be isolated this year to avoid spreading the virus. 

    These selfless, kind people needed someone to connect with. To clarify, this isn’t about me being a hero or superior to anyone else. I truly believe we are all muddling through life. Any one of us could be lonely one day, or find ourselves in the depths of depression during the Christmas period. If everyone could understand this, or always try to lead with a kind heart, I don’t think the stigma surrounding mental health would be as bad as it is. 

    I’ve found receiving and giving the following to others really does help to transform your life. 









    I wish everyone would show more of these qualities. The world would be a better place.

    #JoinIn Twitter hashtag

    For anyone who needs it right now, feel free to sign up to my freebie library and download the self-care checklist

    self care checklist

    How it all started

    Sarah Millican is an amazing human being for starting the #JoinIn Twitter hashtag and also taking time out of her Christmas day to chat with everyone. I honestly think it’s so lovely. Through her shows, she also raised an amazing amount of money for Mind. A charity doing amazing work to support those with mental health problems.

    When confronting my own mental health issues in the past, I’ve always found therapy helped. Something about talking to a stranger means you lower your guard and can often be more honest. I truly think the same concept works online. I’ve sometimes felt more supported by strangers online than people close to me.

    My wish and the reason I am writing this

    I want to spread the word to everyone. this support exists on Twitter. I would like the chat to continue and I know there are some people who want to do this.

    The main thing we all need to be aware of is there is someone there to talk if you feel you need it. And that is priceless. It warmed my heart to see the exchange of kind messages!

    Final thoughts

    Please come and chat with me in the comments below and let me know what you think of the #JoinIn Twitter hashtag.

    I would love to hear from you.

    mummy conquering anxiety

    5 reasons playing online games is part of my self-care routine

    This is a collaborative post. However, all thoughts are my own

    I dont know about you but I love playing online games on my phone. I’ve just renewed my phone contract and I am so happy to finally have a phone which is useful for blogging and has adequate storage. It just makes playing games all the more fun.

    Maybe you’re looking for something to play during the holidays, in those quiet Christmas moments. Something to focus on, a challenge to accomplish. You might want to escape the family for a while or zone your mind out amidst the holiday madness.

    Well, look no further. Here is a list of five extra benefits you may be getting whilst playing online games on your phone.

    Playing online games helps me to switch off mum mode and learn to focus on just one task. You don’t move on until this task is completed. It trains me to form habits other than trying to constantly multitask.

    playing online games


    As a problem solver, I can easily get bogged down in a heavy, stressful task and want to solve it immediately. This can lead to unhealthy levels of anxiety. Because essentially you are not being productive when you are in this mindset. To manage the danger of me crossing over into problem-solving chaos, I need a simple task to flex my problem-solving muscles.

    Playing online games is a perfect solution to this. I can spend as much time as I want playing. The task usually ends quite quickly and I can then choose to either put the phone down and play later or carry on. I get to satisfy my need for problem-solving but in a healthy way.

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      Concentration on one task

      I am guilty of trying to do several tasks at once. As a mum, you learn these habits. Great for when you are alone with a baby in a shop, not so great when I want to consciously sit down and focus on one blogging task at a time.

      Playing online games helps me to switch off mum mode and learn to focus on just one task. You don’t move on until this task is completed. It trains me to form habits other than trying to constantly multitask.

      Sense of achievement

      Who doesn’t love the feeling of achievement?

      I will admit I am competitive. But this trait is also what drives me to work hard to achieve my dreams. The topic of this blog is conquering anxiety. I wake up each day and work hard to keep my mind positive and work towards my goals.

      This being the case, it’s great for me to nurture these traits and practice feeling good because I have achieved something.

      playing online games

      Stress relief

      I started playing on my phone when I was getting the little one to sleep and she was watching her tablet. It’s a great way for me to wind down. My mind races and I honestly spend the late evenings mulling over all the things I need to do but feel like I don’t have time to.

      To keep my anxiety in check, I must have something to focus on which completely takes me away and focuses my mind on a simple task. The danger I’ve run into in the past is gaming websites with advertisements, hooking you into paying money, or the feeling of wanting more. This tips the balance into not being great for my anxiety levels and can be dangerous, as I have an addictive personality. This website doesn’t have advertisements, which is perfect for me.

      I was rusty at playing solitaire, but it brought back wonderful memories of playing it with my grandma. What amazing things we could do back in the day with just a deck of cards. You can view my progress below. And as you can see, I eventually completed the game.

      playing online games

      Want access to my freebie library? Click the button below

      Express yourself

      If you’re looking for some unique games to get your brain working, check out the other games on the site.

      I particularly loved playing Mahjong Solitaire, because it combined the card game and matching pairs. Almost easier, but rewarding. The panda game was also cute and I liked the block game because you can spin the tower to match two of the same blocks.

      playing online games

      Final thoughts

      Completing my online gaming journey and writing this post, made me realise just how important gaming is in our household.

      Both my hubby and I grew up playing games. I remember our first computer was an Atari and it didn’t do much. We now have several games consoles, because we are both nostalgic about the games we played when we were younger. I remember one of our dates was at a media museum and they have a floor where you can play retro games. 

      My little one has a lot of game-related apparel. We are slowly teaching her what all this means. Before I sat down to write this post, my hubby was relaxing by playing a game on his phone, after our little one had caused chaos in the house for a few hours with post-Christmas toys. I think I now must accept we are a ‘gaming family’.

      Do you play online games and will you be giving these a try? Let me know in the comments section below. I would love to hear from you.

playing online games

      An open letter to anyone who needs it right now

      It’s a rubbish time in the world right now. Therefore I felt compelled to write something about it and share my feelings. This is for anyone who needs it right now.

      So here goes!

      Before we begin, I appreciate this won’t solve all your problems or make the world a better place. But it will possibly serve to let you know you are not alone in your feelings. Hopefully, by the end of the post, you will feel a little better.

      This post won’t harp on about politics. The doom and gloom in the media is something I decided to ignore when my mental health was initially in serious crisis. Paying attention to headlines designed to increase your anxiety just isn’t for me anymore. I create this feeling in my head all by myself. These days, I am actively working hard not to allow negative thoughts into my brain. It’s exhausting. And with everything currently going on at this moment in time, I am struggling.

      I will be honest and admit you can’t fully ignore current events. I see people on Twitter discussing the news. I still want to interact with my fellow bloggers and followers and I use the platform as a news filter. If I see a post, which is clearly about current affairs, I choose to either pay attention and follow it up, or not. Mostly not. What good does it do me to delve into issues I cannot control?

      However shocking some people may find it, the time to speak out about how we feel is now. I want other people to understand the reality you face each day when you live with a mental illness.

      anyone who needs it right now

      Why I wanted to share how I am feeling?

      When I started this blog, the purpose was to share my honest thoughts and feelings about living with a mental illness. However shocking some people may find it, the time to speak out about how we feel is now. I want other people to understand the reality you face each day when you live with a mental illness.

      I’ve had a bumpy year. I dragged myself out of the depths of depression and the main factor causing me to feel this way still isn’t fully over yet. Even when it comes to an end, I will be thrown into a whole new way of life. Something I was previously excited about. At this moment in time, I am not excited about much and I just can’t shift the feeling.

      Even a new haircut has got me feeling indifferent. Usually, it makes me feel like a new woman.

      Download my self-care checklist

      If you need a physical reminder, download my self care checklist below:

      self care checklist
anyone who needs it right now

      You can sign up for my freebie library here.

      You are not alone

      If you are feeling the same way right now, I wanted to let you know, you are not alone.

      I thought this would be a great time to share some motivational quotes, to hopefully help us all feel better.

      anyone who needs it right now
      anyone who needs it right now
      anyone who needs it right now

      We will get through this. Together

      For anyone who needs it right now, I am here to tell you it will be okay.

      Because of my recent experiences with mental illness, I can assure you however you are feeling at this moment in time, it will change. And it can get better. There is hope, even if you feel like there is none right now.

      The online blogging community supported me throughout a tough time. All I can tell you is I felt compelled to create a platform to share my experiences. What I didn’t expect or anticipate was the level of support I received. I will be eternally grateful for the kind words, motivation, and lovely comments on my blog.

      Merry Christmas

      Whatever you’re doing over the holiday period, I wish you the following.

      Take what you need






      Family time







      Time to recharge





      What you can expect from me in the New Year

      I am not one for New Year’s resolutions. If you want to transform your life, I think you should do it right now! Not just in January of each calendar year. After hitting rock bottom, it prompted a change within me.

      For January 2022, I have some hard-hitting, but honest mental health posts scheduled. I also have some amazing guest posts I can’t wait to share with you. And I will finally be free of the circumstances weighing me down (yes, you will get a blog post ALL about it!). I will also have time to regroup, assess my priorities and do what I love the most – BLOG.

      anyone who needs it right now

      Final thoughts

      This is me signing off until after the Christmas period. I have blog posts scheduled and I will be checking in on social media.

      Come and connect with me below

anyone who needs it right now

      How to feel amazing after decluttering and deep cleaning

      To coincide with the creation of our living room feature wall, I decided to have a full house makeover. Decluttering and deep cleaning had been on the list for too long and it was time to solve the problem.

      I couldn’t paint every wall, but I could use this as an opportunity to complete the household tasks which urgently needed doing. 

      decluttering and deep cleaning

      Here is a step by step of my decluttering and deep cleaning journey

      Moving furniture & rugs and doing a deep clean

      All the parents out there will be aware toddlers throw bits of food and any old item into the hardest to clean spaces. Therefore it’s always wise to see what’s lurking. It also feels great to know the house has had a spring clean and it won’t need doing for a while.

      It makes me feel better. I used to be fixated on cleaning and always having a show home, but living up to that standard just isn’t possible with a toddler running around.

      My mental health isn’t impacted by trying to live up to an impossible standard. Don’t get me wrong, I clean the house. But I usually just do the basics around other fun activities. The old me would try to tackle the whole house in one sitting and I wouldn’t stop cleaning until it was pristine. Who has time to be that person?

      Taking the curtains down to wash them 

      We had to paint anyway, so why not wash the curtains whilst we were at it. Mucky little toddler prints don’t help when you have floor-length patio curtains. Both the glass and the curtains need washing regularly.

      Getting them out of the washing machine, smelling fresh, made me feel like we’d bought a new item for the living room and brought a sense of calm.

      Putting up pictures our little one knocked down 

      I love how this post is turning into things going wrong due to little toddler hands, but this is our reality!

      She’s been curious about the pictures hanging on the walls and knocked a few down in the process. Little niggles like this bother me. The old me would have put them back straight away, but the new me just doesn’t have the time or energy to worry.

      That said, it felt good to set aside some toddler free time to restore the walls to their former glory.

      Putting the shower screen back up

      We are lucky enough to have two bathrooms, but one shower is out of action at the moment because the shower screen fell down. It’s a good job I was there to catch it because it’s made of glass. Anyway, it’s been stored behind our other shower cubicle for months and needed sorting out. 

      But we’ve been too busy going on holiday and enjoying ourselves. Autumn and winter are the months for DIY tasks in the home. It’s great we can now access the other shower, especially early in the morning when one of us has to be up for work and the other doesn’t.

      Throwing out the toddler toys

      With Christmas around the corner, it was time to finally get rid of the baby toys. As you can imagine, we have boxes and boxes overflowing with toys, some of which we haven’t seen for months because they are stuck at the bottom. (Anyone thinking of Woody telling everyone to rotate the toys).

      It cleared my mind to finally organise the toy boxes and move some toys back to the little one’s bedroom. She doesn’t need to be constantly watched now when playing and she can wander into her room unsupervised for a little while.

      Clearing out the rest of the house

      I went on a serious mission to throw out anything we dont use or take it to the charity shop. Along with the toys, there were household items, clothes, things we have all outgrown. I am happy we were able to contribute to charity.

      Clearing out always has a great impact on my mental health and doing this before Christmas and a drastic change of seasons had a bigger positive impact on me.

      Final thoughts

      Are you due to have a declutter? Have you recently had one and feel better for doing so?

      Do you love decluttering and deep cleaning?

      Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

decluttering and deep cleaning

      Why you should sign up for the 6 week Self-Image Overhaul

      AFF – Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

      It’s no secret I’ve had a turbulent year. However, I am pleased to confirm I am almost done with the main factor which was weighing me down, and I intend to update you more on this in January 2021.

      If you feel the same, the 6 week Self-Image Overhaul could be for you.

      6 week Self-Image Overhaul

      How did I recover from my breakdown

      I will be honest and say I am a different person now and I am still not fully healed. I will feel a lot better when the thing weighing me down is over and done with.

      These are the techniques I used



      Naps and resting when I needed to

      A huge mindset change is the main factor that saw me through the dark days. Each day I work hard to not let anxiety creep in and some days I still fail. But that’s okay!

      An opportunity to change things

      I was given an opportunity to change my life because I literally hit rock bottom. But I also know there are amazing coaches out there who can unlock your full potential and help you change your life for the better.

      Personally, as a result of a mindset change, I feel refreshed, confident, like I’ve ditched the dead weight and I am hopeful and optimistic about the future. Something I haven’t felt for 15 years.

      AFF – 6 week Self-Image Overhaul

      Check out this amazing course, run by Andrea Hunt. One day left to enroll in the course.

      You can click on the link for more details and sign up, but this is the general overview:

      Take an honest audit of your life and create your intentions and your WHY in 6 areas

      Align your true values with your life vision to get clear on your purpose and where’s it’s missing in your life

      Take control of your internal dialogue + self-talk – where you sabotage and how to quiet that mean little voice inside

      Stop hating your body – creating compassion and love for better self-love and health

      Figure out your emotional needs so you can meet them and create better boundaries

      Creating the success mindset, embodying a better you and creating long term sustainability!

      Final thoughts

      Let me know your thoughts on this amazing opportunity to change your life.

      Are you signing up for the 6 week Self-Image Overhaul?

      I would love to hear from you…

      6 week Self-Image Overhaul

      This Time Next Year Tag – Mummy Conquering Anxiety

      I need to say a huge THANK YOU to @kvburton657 and @LinzBroganBlogs.

      Check out their posts here and here.

      This Time Next Year Tag

      Because I cannot shy away from the blogging buzz, my second blog is almost ready and will hopefully be launched towards the end of December.


      Thank the person who tagged you

      Thank you ladies for including me in the This Time Next Year Tag. I am honoured to be tagged by the queen of Christmas! Also very happy to receive another tag. I did intend to release the post earlier, but I’ve had another rubbish week with something weighing me down at the moment. It’s almost over and I will be posting about it in January 2021. Writing about the negative experience is helping. But this post is all about the happy times the festive season brings. Therefore, let’s park the negative for now.

      I love these types of posts because they allow us to get to know bloggers a bit better. I hope after reading this one, you will feel like you know me better.

      Write your goals for next year

      By this time next year, I want to be running three blogs full-time. Most importantly, I want to keep interacting with the blogging community and my lovely readers. It is no exaggeration to say this blog pulled me out of the darkness. For this, I will be forever grateful. I love logging into Twitter in the morning and it makes my heart smile to receive such amazing support.

      Sign up to my monthly newsletter below

      Subscribe to receive my monthly newsletter

        We won’t send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

        Write how you’re going to achieve these goals

        This Time Next Year Tag is another great place to set out my goals and ensure I remain accountable in hitting them.

        My blog is almost at the point it is self-sufficient, aside from writing and admin. There is a long list of amendments I want to make, but the crazy initial stages of setting up a blog are over.

        Because I cannot shy away from the blogging buzz, my second blog is almost ready and will hopefully be launched towards the end of December.

        I then have the domain and social media accounts for a third blog. Hopefully, this will be up and running in January 2021. I even have TikTok for this one, hehe!

        Therefore, I aim to continue working hard and keeping in mind my driving force:

        I NEVER want to return to a toxic office environment EVER again

        I NEED to protect my mental health moving forward

        I WANT to spend time with my little girl and make room for a second child in our lives.

        What amazing motivation to keep going!

        This Time Next Year Tag


        I am losing track of who has and hasn’t been nominated so far. So apologies if you already have!

        I want to nominate some of the people who have supported me so far (there are more than five and you all know who you are if you’re not nominated below)







        I have set a reminder to complete the task this time next year. Can’t wait.


        How to buy a house with poor credit

        Following my recent revelation about the goal of buying our dream home, I wanted to address a side topic I think may be of use to other people. 

        There is a perception poor credit can impact your chances of getting accepted for a mortgage loan. I want to discuss this in more detail below.

        We were definitely in the category of a family who had a slightly reduced income, and over a prolonged period of time, and this led to financial difficulty. Shame is the main feeling I had when we were struggling to make ends meet each month. 

        buy a house

        Disclaimer – I am not a financial adviser. Please do not use this post as a substitute for financial advice. 

        Information for anyone impacted

        Experian provides practical tips about how to show you are able to maintain payments, even if you have bad credit. They also include useful information and links to other organisations offering help. 

        Show lenders you’re a responsible borrower by meeting all your regular payments – e.g. utility bills and credit card payments – on time and in full.

        Review your spending – try to reduce costs where you can, and keep your monthly outgoings consistent. Aim to have money left over at the end of each month.

        Try to review your credit report regularly – make sure it’s up to date, and that the information on it is accurate. If you do find anything that needs correcting, contact the relevant lender and ask for an amendment – or get in touch with Experian, and we’ll speak to the lender for you.

        If you have a good explanation for past financial difficulties, such as redundancy or ill health, consider adding a note of correction to your report for lenders to see.

        Only set your sights on a property you can realistically afford, as there aren’t too many mortgages around at 95-100% loan to value.

        You may need a guarantor, typically a parent or an older relative, to reassure lenders that monthly payments will be covered if you can’t keep up with them.

        You can check your eligibility for a mortgage with Experian. Whether you’re a first-time buyer, moving house or looking to re-mortgage, we can show you which lenders are more likely to accept you.

        Remember, you’ll also need a decent deposit in place – at least 10-20% of the property price.

        Source – Experian

        Our financial situation and the difficulties we faced

        With the global pandemic, many families found themselves struggling financially through no fault of their own. We were definitely in the category of a family who had a slightly reduced income, and over a prolonged period of time, and this led to financial difficulty. Shame is the main feeling I had when we were struggling to make ends meet each month. 

        Financial planning was previously a passion of mine. I was great at managing finances. Therefore, money worries hit me hard. Especially as this happened during recovery from a mental breakdown and when I was facing redundancy from my job. Everything that could go wrong did.

        This experience taught me life doesn’t always happen according to the plans you have in your head, or the ideal vision of how you think something will pan out. You might have to face an incredibly bumpy ride before you achieve your dream. 

        For us, it’s almost like the rollercoaster is just about to stop. We need to recover, regroup, do some financial planning, and then make our next move in life. Because we are just on the cusp of making some future financial decisions, it is an exciting time for us. 

        buy a house

        House goals

        I’ve talked in my recent post about house goals. I currently enjoy searching Pinterest for home decor projects, how I want my garden to look, and whether I can reasonably afford the items on my home wishlist. 

        Speaking about house goals, check out these houses for sale in Toronto. When we first got together, the hubby and I talked about relocating to a big city. We loved the hustle and bustle. We also wondered about moving abroad and asked ourselves whether it would be an easier life. I think its human nature to believe the grass is greener somewhere else. For the foreseeable future, we are hoping to buy a house in the UK, but who knows what the future holds. 


        I wanted to write this post today to assure people, having bad credit doesn’t mean you cannot proceed with obtaining your financial goals and live out your home buying dreams. It’s healthy to have a goal in mind and to look at homes, in order to manifest it in real life. 

        Final thoughts

        I hope you enjoyed reading about my goals and the roadblock along our home buying journey. 

        Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

buy a house

        Time for a cup of tea and a little chat – come & join me

        I love a good Christmas gift guide and I am enjoying reading through everyone else’s guides this year. It gets me in the Christmas spirit. But today I wanted to change up the post and write something more personal. It’s time for a cup of tea and a little chat.

        A catch-up with my loyal readers and hello to my new ones. I am eternally grateful you’re all here. Simply because the interaction with you has helped me heal from a mental breakdown. 

        Last month I included a review of my goals in my monthly newsletter. I wanted to keep this exclusively for my subscribers. It’s now time to share a snippet of how October went and share my goals for November and the coming months. 

        You’ve all helped me achieve my dreams. It may sound corny, but it’s true. Back In May 2021, I was at rock bottom in my life and this blog literally pulled me out of the darkness.

        cup of tea and a little chat

        Subscribe to my monthly newsletter below

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          We won’t send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

          Review of my goals for October

          Check out my goals for the October post.

          This was the summary and whether I achieved the goals I set out…

          I want to smash Blogtober

          I am pleased with the progress I made during October and that I was able to decide to stop the challenge and put my mental health first.

          Up my game on Pinterest

          I have pinned more this month, and it is now easier because I am only releasing three posts each week.

          Still lots of work to be done on this topic though.

          I am considering buying Pinterest templates as I think this may help. Maybe taking a Pinterest course, because it is something I want to focus on more.

          350 blog views by month-end

          My blog views are still quite low and I have some strategies I want to try to improve this. Watch this space.

          1500 followers on Twitter

          I have 1724 followers. Thank you, everyone. Making connections with like-minded people means the world to me!

          3500 followers on Instagram

          I have 3276 followers, so almost there 🙂

          Get my first affiliate sale

          I have had an affiliate sale, but have not yet received the commission from it. Very happy with this.

          My other wins throughout the month of October

          My DA score jumped to 11 and I landed a partnership with a brand I wanted to work with before I set up my blog.

          I have also received my first paid partnership!

          I am over the moon with these wins because it confirms I was correct to start walking down this path and begin my blogging journey. I am turning my goals into a reality and I couldn’t be happier.

          Goals for November 

          I didn’t set fixed goals for November, but I can give you an update on where I am with the previous goals:

          Up my game on Pinterest

          I am pinning for every blog post and it is on my to-do list to organise folders and set up pin covers. I have also purchased Pinterest and Instagram branding for my new blog to ensure a consistent approach.

          With this blog, I did want it to be colorful and eye-catching. Simply because talking about mental health can be heavy. It was intentional to use vibrant colours and graphics. I want to cheer up my readers and I hope the blog does that.

          350 blog views by month-end

          I am pleased to report my blog views are slowly increasing daily and I am starting to see organic traffic coming through. The views for the last 30 days are over 400. I am thankful to have now smashed my target.

          1500 followers on Twitter

          I am now at 1860 followers and thankful for every single one of you! I genuinely enjoy chatting with everyone on Twitter and it never feels like work.

          3500 followers on Instagram

          Currently at 3277, so still some more work to be done on Insta.

          Get my first affiliate sale

          I now have three affiliate sales under my belt and it makes me happy. I have also recently bought Neesha’s e-book and I intend to learn everything I need to create passive income for my blogs. More importantly, recommend trusted products and services I use and I think could help others. I honestly love some of the products I’ve recommended recently. Check out my media kit below to find out who I’ve worked with so far.

          Future of the blog 

          I set out my goals for the future of the blog in an earlier post.

          I am currently working on my e-book. Creating lovely, printable worksheets and planners is also keeping me busy and now I’ve mastered my first one, I love doing them.

          The new blog is set up, but in the very early stages at the moment. Keep an eye on social media for announcements of the launch.

          What I did on my week off work

          On a personal note, I had a week away from work to relax and focus on the blog. As it turned out, reality meant I had a poorly toddler who didn’t attend nursery all week and a sick hubby. Although my week off got hijacked, I dealt with it pretty well and made the best of it. This proves my mindset has changed for the better. The old me would have gone into full meltdown mode and threatened to return to work. That’s what living under the negative pull of toxic anxiety does to you.

          I mean, there is always a silver lining. Even under sicky conditions, we had some family time on the sofa to play games and interact with one another. For this I’m thankful.

          I did also get some blogging done and I am happy to report I completed the following:

          Scheduled posts into January 

          Wrote all of my gift guides 

          Created and released my first freebie

          Secured some further blogging jobs 

          Set up my new blog (still, lots to be done) 

          New blogging schedule reminder

          I previously released a new blogging schedule. Just a reminder below about when you will be hearing from me.

          Final thoughts

          I need to thank each and every one of you. From those who read my blog, comment, interact, send blogging opportunities.

          You’ve all helped me achieve my dreams. It may sound corny, but it’s true. Back In May 2021, I was at rock bottom in my life and this blog literally pulled me out of the darkness.

          Come and share some of your blogging or life goals with me. I would love to know what you hope to achieve in the future.


          Buying a family home and why it’s a personal goal of mine

          AD – Today I wanted to let you in on another important aspect of my life. We currently rent our apartment and obtaining a mortgage and buying a family home is high on our list of priorities.

          But it isn’t as simple as just wanting to do it. 

          Pre pandemic, we heard people talk about ‘saving for a rainy day’ and ‘unexpected circumstances’. Well, those circumstances happened to us all. Everyone around the world was impacted in some way. I must say I feel lucky our situation wasn’t worse financially and my thoughts are with anyone who was seriously impacted by financial worries or Ill health over the last few years.   

          Buying a family home

          Disclaimer – I am not a financial advisor and none of the information contained in this post should substitute financial advice.

          Barriers in our the way of us buying a family home

          With current house prices in the UK soaring, it’s a difficult time for first-time buyers buying a family home. But obviously, it’s an amazing time for sellers at the moment.

          This Guardian article gives an overview on how the housing market reached this point and it’s quite grim looking at the historic decisions which may have led us here.

          Money or lack of it is the main reason why first-time buyers struggle to place a mortgage deposit on a house. The current schemes out there to help are designed to address this upfront cost. We will talk more about this later on in the post.

          Time to get personal…

          Our current financial circumstances 

          Many people are reluctant to discuss their financial circumstances and there can be shame around struggling financially. I believe it’s a personal choice about what information you disclose and I’m more open about money since we’ve learned the value of it recently. 

          It’s no secret we’ve struggled financially over the last year. I’ve talked about it a lot on the blog. Looking back, I think difficulty arose from reduced income, due to maternity leave and then the pandemic. The UK lockdown was announced about three weeks after I returned to work following my maternity leave. 

          Pre pandemic, we heard people talk about ‘saving for a rainy day’ and ‘unexpected circumstances’. Well, those circumstances happened to us all. Everyone around the world was impacted in some way. I must say I feel lucky our situation wasn’t worse financially and my thoughts are with anyone who was seriously impacted by financial worries or Ill health over the last few years. 

          The numbers don’t lie 

          For us, the mortgage deposit is something we can now realistically achieve over the next few years. If we work hard to save money and set out our priorities. Then stick to them! It feels great to finally be able to say we can afford it, without worrying about how we will pay our bills. Things are finally looking up for us.  

          One of the goals we have is to never financially overcommit ourselves monthly again. We did it just before the pandemic and it was the worst thing we could do. But hindsight is a wonderful tool. We didn’t have the privilege of it back then.

          From now on, the plan is to save a percentage of our income each month and pretend it doesn’t exist. I’ve lived frugally over the last year and I enjoy saving my hard-earned pennies. The goal of obtaining a mortgage and buying our dream house is something I’m passionate about achieving. Therefore I am motivated to ensure I don’t spend the money on other things.

          We must calculate our payments and continue to assess exactly what is affordable and achievable for us. House buying, just like anything else in life, can cause you to get carried away. But it’s important to stick to a budget and only make financial decisions within our remit.

          How I will use the numbers to inform my financial decisions when buying a family home

          I frequently use a mortgage affordability calculator to work out what we could potentially afford. Because I also want to achieve a work-life balance, we may have less monthly income to work with. All of these factors need to be considered and I will pay attention to the numbers before making future home-buying decisions. 

          Another significant factor open to change and we need to keep discussing, are calculations for the deposit, interest rates, and what the mortgage loan would look like over several years. I mean nobody can predict the future. My parents were hit with an interest rate hike of 10% when we were kids and almost lost the house. We must plan for all eventualities when making the biggest financial decision we will probably ever make. 

          Buying a family home

          Schemes in the UK to assist us 

          Although buying a family home isn’t always easy, I am happy there are certain schemes in the UK, such a Help to Buy, which helps first-time buyers achieve their mortgage goals. 

          We also both have a Lifetime ISA and we now intend to pay significant amounts of money into it, to reach our home buying goals.

          The market 

          Naturally, when dreaming of buying a family home, I frequently check out the housing market and Rightmove is my preferred website. As a couple, we regularly discuss the area we would like to live in. 

          Because life with a toddler brings certain responsibilities, we also have to consider schools and how it will be for a little one growing up in the house. Where I lived in my younger days became the focal point of growing up, and it’s where memories were made. My friends were those who lived on the same street. My parents still live in the area and we’ve known people who live there for years.

          The downside was, I lived in a village, which meant access to a town centre and amenities involved planning travel. Ideally, we want our little one to grow up where we live now. In a town, with transport links, cafes, parks. But the price tag for such amenities is high. For us, this means higher mortgage payments. The reality is it may come down to a decision of fewer amenities and lower mortgage payments. These are the compromises we are currently weighing up.

          Future goals for buying a family home

          Once I am eventually settled in my new home (I literally have a list of house goals, including a wine fridge!), I dream about being financially savvy enough to overpay the mortgage and get to a great place financially by doing this. We just need to get one foot on the property ladder first! And save for the wine fridge. I am finishing up this post to check out #housegoals on Pinterest.

          I am sure you will be hearing more about our home buying journey on this blog. Stay tuned!

          Final thoughts 

          I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my post and getting to know me a little better. 

          This is one of my main personal goals and I wanted to share it with all of you. A house of my own, to decorate how I want. How wonderful. 

          Do you own your own home or are you looking to buy one soon? 

          Like me, do you check out Rightmove and work out different variations of calculations?

          I would love to hear your experiences in the comments below. 


          5 last-minute online Christmas gifts for the ones you love

          We’ve all been there, right? You forgot someone special off the Christmas list and it’s the 19th of December. No retailer will deliver, but you need a special gift to say you’ve thought about the person in question. 

          These are some of the online Christmas gifts I’ve bought for loved ones in the past and would love to receive from someone. 

          A voucher or a last-minute tailored online gift doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. I’ve sometimes intentionally opted for this type of gift if I didn’t know what to buy someone.

          online Christmas gifts

          Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

          I’ve created a list of great online vouchers you can purchase straight to your inbox. For the special person in your life.

          An online course

          If you follow the blog, you all know I love learning and frequently do free and cheap courses.

          Is there a person in your life who loves learning? What a great idea for an online Christmas gift.

          Centre of Excellence currently has the following offer on courses. Their online courses are user-friendly and I have bought several in the past.

          Offer – 70% off for all courses

          Until 30th November 2021

          CODE: SKILLED70

          When you get to the checkout with the discount code, there is an option to gift this to someone, as shown below.

          Easy peasy.

          English Heritage Membership

          We loved our year of English Heritage membership pre-pandemic and fully intend to sign up again. Now our little one is a bit more active and needs entertaining, it will be the perfect day out for us.

          They have a discount offer at the moment.

          15% off Gift & Annual Memberships – T&C’s – Only for use on Membership purchases.
          Code – EH2021

          A romantic meal in the local pub

          We have a few pubs near us where the food is upmarket and the drinks are fantastic. You pay a little more for your night out, but you have a lovely time and feel like you’ve been to a restaurant.

          One year we didn’t have a clue what to buy for family members and we got them a voucher for a night out. As it turns out, we ended up all going together for mothers day the following year, but their meal was paid for and it was a lovely night. What a treat.

          You can buy a voucher for the pub chain we visited here. Gift cards can be emailed to your loved ones. Simple.

          online Christmas gifts

          Village Hotels voucher

          We love an overnight stay at Village hotels. They have everything you need all in one place and it’s an affordable treat.

          Even better, you can purchase a digital voucher for someone you love. The recipient can look forward to a relaxing stay at a time of their choosing.

          The perfect online Christmas gift.

          Buy a Gift

          I have used this company many times in the past. Not only for online Christmas gifts but also birthdays and anniversaries.

          We once bought a weekend away voucher for my parents and they loved the experience. The beauty of it is most vouchers you buy, provide a range of dates and hotels you can visit. Meaning your loved one still has a choice about where they go and when.

          Final thoughts

          I hope these ideas have inspired you if you’re struggling to buy for someone, or you need an additional voucher to add to their overall gift.

          Feel free to use this list as a last-minute purchase, if you’ve forgotten someone. I am sure I will forget a lot of important tasks over Christmas.

          Let me know your thoughts on vouchers in the comments below.

online Christmas gifts