When starting a blog, self-doubt is real. I’ve lived with self-doubt ruling my daily life for 15 years. It was a daunting prospect to set up something I’ve created and promote it to the world (hopefully ‘the world’ will eventually see what I write).

Because I consider myself the least technology savvy person you could come across, it is a huge achievement I’ve managed to set up and run a blog by myself.

It’s now time to look back at my proudest achievements and future goals for the blog.

my proudest achievements

This is the definition of ‘achievement’ from Oxford languages


1.a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage.”to reach this stage is a great achievement”

my proudest achievements

Continue reading for a rundown of my proudest achievements


I wasn’t bad at researching, given my essay writing traumas at University. Also, the fact I love finding out new information helps.

Because I literally started this journey by researching late into the night for months, I became great at it. I felt compelled to start a blog. I couldn’t explain why, but something inside me told me I must do it.

Of course, when I googled how to go about doing this, I was directed to Pinterest. It’s how I know all of us bloggers should persevere with our pins. Even though I know it is tedious. Imagine becoming a brand new bloggers source of information. That’s ultimate #blogginggoals.

When I get an idea in my head, I love researching information to support what I’m saying, or highlight there is a lack of information about a particular issue.


I’ve always loved writing. A lot of my proudest achievements include writing.

However, I honestly believe the more you do something you get better at it. With the help of Grammarly and Yoast, I am now in the flow of how to write and format a blog post.

And other writing opportunities are also coming my way, as a result of me starting the blog.


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Unsplash Being a freelance writer is an incredibly rewarding job. You get to work from the comfort of your own…

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Why Attending A Literature Festival Is An Amazing Experience

I love reading books and writing about everything in my life, and I also love participating in the stories other…

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It all started here – now I am working on my third blog launch 

My online blogging journey began in July 2021. It was born out of hitting rock bottom and feeling compelled to…

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How guest posting improved my domain authority score in the first six months

By offering a guest post slot on my blog for other people, I felt like I was giving something back. I…

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Getting over my fear of social media

I honestly think social media made my existing anxiety issues worse in the past. It fed into the negative voice in my head and increased my innate ability to constantly compare myself to others. Because I’m an introvert, I was overwhelmed by seeing everyone’s whole lives playing out online. Even though they were my friends.

Setting up social media accounts for the blog comes with boundaries. Whilst I genuinely love interacting with other people, this is only in relation to the blog. I can take a break or stand back from social media whenever I choose to. It’s exactly what I’m doing if I need to. I also make good use of the block button when it’s required.

my proudest achievements

Being organised

I thought I was organised before. Blogging literally involves wearing several hats daily. Therefore you have to be organised enough to focus on one task and set realistic deadlines. You are accountable to yourself and therefore you have to meet the deadlines you set, otherwise, you only have yourself to blame.

Technical knowledge

SEO, Google Analytics, keyword research.

You will have heard these terms, but probably don’t understand what they mean (I still struggle with the technical side).

I slowly worked my way through each of these tasks and all the other technical and analytical tools you need. I am proud that I’ve only had to ask for help on a handful of occasions and the rest I have figured out for myself. There is always a useful blog post or YouTube video to provide vital information for the task at hand.

Working solo

I loved working from home during the pandemic and I would love to do this full time from now on. I am a homely person by nature and being close to my little one and nursery is helpful. Cutting out traveling time is a huge bonus.

Because you are at home, you have to stay motivated. Luckily I am a very self-driven and organised person. Therefore working solo suits me.

New projects

My proudest achievements have probably been managing several new projects at once.

From August to October 2021, I submitted four guest posts to other bloggers. I was asked to write for a charity anthology. I also produced three adverts for brands. This was in addition to posting on my blog and completing two weeks of blogtober.

I will now be moving on to my future projects, which involve more work and can be time-consuming. I am confident it will all be worth it in the end though.

Watch this space.


For a while, I thought ranking on Google was a myth. You look at the stats and think how can this be a thing, nobody is viewing my blog. Then one day it happens.

It happened to me following a weekend away with family. I was feeling deflated. I had writer’s block and my confidence was lacking slightly. I checked my DA score in the bar on holiday and it was 9. I was over the moon. It was a pivotal moment where I felt my hard work had paid off.

Armed with this new information (thanks to Google), I was excited to start the big projects in my goal planner. It was a proven fact that hard work pays off. Therefore, my logic told me more hard work was required.

Improving design and photography skills

When I first started blogging, I thought I would use Canva and that would be the end of it. However, there is no avoiding the fact you will be required to take some photographs. I am learning as I go along. Luckily, my hubby has a professional camera and an eye for a great image. He is helping me with the photos and teaching me. Still lots of work to be done on my photography skills. Hopefully, this goal will factor in a future list of my proudest achievements.

Final thoughts

Who knows where this blogging journey will take me next. It’s great to look back at what I’ve achieved.

Let me know in the comments what you are proud of? What have you achieved lately? What are your personal and professional goals?

I would love to hear from you.

my proudest achievements

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