
Reflecting On My Tough Mental Breakdown Journey

My mental breakdown happened in May 2021. A culmination of a difficult pregnancy, work stress, birth trauma, no self-care whatsoever, lack of sleep for a prolonged period and caring for a small child. I found the whole period overwhelming and there were not enough hours in a day to juggle the unmanageable load. The breaking point seemed to come when my workplace started adding too much pressure on everyone. Up until this point I was keeping my head above water, even though hindsight tells me it wasn’t a healthy way of living.

You have some pretty random thoughts when you’re in the midst of a mental breakdown and you cannot decipher fiction from reality. All the thoughts passing through your mind become your reality and you rely on the people closest to you to tell you which ones you should listen to.

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mental breakdown journey
mental breakdown journey

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I know some people are dubious about awareness days. I totally agree with the point that mental health should be spoken about every. single. day. However, I will use awareness days to talk about my own personal experience. If one person who wasn’t aware of my situation, learns something new, I am happy. For me, it is all about raising awareness. In the hope that one day in the future, these small actions will amount to huge systematic changes.

Today I want to talk to you about where I am with my mental health journey and how long it took to be well again

Full system reboot

In previous blog posts, I discussed the feeling of my brain switching off and it couldn’t be restarted again. Throughout the aftermath of my mental breakdown, I spent my days pretty much switched off completely. Sitting on the sofa for hours on end, watching TV, but not really paying attention to anything. There was no sense of time. Depression made my cheeks hurt. I never thought you could get a cheek ache from a sad face, but you can.

My friends and family were very adamant about the fact I should continue a “normal” routine. I hate that word, because what is normal? It has a different meaning for each individual and I think the word acts as an unattainable standard. This is true in my life, anyway, so I avoid using the word.

Battling with your own mind is a daily challenge

During this period of recovery, every action, movement, and the daily task was a challenge. I had to work myself up to get a bath. My hubby pretty much forced me to go on a long walk one day and it took every ounce of energy I had to get out of the house. I still look at these pictures and remember the pain and general numbness I felt.

Childcare and mental illness

During this period, I absolutely focused my energy on looking after my little one, on the days she didn’t attend nursery. But, sometimes I just didn’t have the resources and therefore a lot of it fell to my hubby and parents to help out.

She also knew something was wrong and would come and “look after” me. Young children have a sixth sense and they can pick up on emotions, even if you think you’re hiding them well. I still feel mum-guilt for taking time out for self-care, sometimes. Especially napping in the afternoon if I need to. I’ve come to realise there are precautions I need to take in order to maintain a good standard of mental well-being. And I will always be honest with my little one, about emotions and why self-care is needed. Parents cannot parent well if we don’t look after ourselves. It’s a constant battle.

Bringing me back to life

My family and friends surrounded me with love, but I was emotional, worn down, and temperamental. It would be months before I had my life back, my personality and gained a sense of identity again. Depression strips you of all these things. The system reboot is what it says on the tin. You are stripped back to factory settings. A blank canvas. And hitting rock bottom is a horrible experience. But there is hope. Things can get better. But I won’t lie and say it is easy. It is one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life.

mental breakdown journey

The self-care routine that helped

During this period I was off work, and largely by myself, whilst everyone around me went about their daily lives. I spent my days having long baths, using all my trusted self-care products. My local park became my haven and I would sit on a particular bench, soaking up nature, thinking about life and watching the world go by. A world I wasn’t fully part of yet. In my mind, I was a bystander, invisible to everyone else.

My friends and family were very adamant about the fact I should continue a “normal” routine. I hate that word, because what is normal? It has a different meaning for each individual and I think the word acts as an unattainable standard. This is true in my life, anyway, so I avoid using the word.

I honestly never thought of the secondary impacts of being depressed. But there are so many. As the money organiser of the house, being switched off, reset, and rebooted isn’t exactly great for maintaining a household, or remembering to pay bills. I just didn’t care about organising life anymore. And it impacted our family.

I started baking to bring myself back to life and clinging onto anything I previously loved, to ignite a passion. To bring back a spark. But I still felt unhappy, and numb. I had affirmation cards and motivational quotes scattered around the house. These massively helped and I still use them to this day. I even visited the local spirit church, in the hope of finding some peace. It worked.

Toxic workplace culture

Reluctant to carry on as normal, when I was off work due to mental health problems, I was scared and filled with irrational fears. What if someone from work sees me? What would they think? Looking back, these thoughts were the negative anxiety voice in my head. And they were created from working in toxic workplace cultures for so long. Something I will never go back to!

Dichiperhing fiction and reality

My family were right. Normality, routine and self-care were all needed. A focus on my health, not the workplace which had basically sent me to this negative place in my mind. Why on earth did I still want to focus on them? But the mind does this. You have some pretty random thoughts when you’re in the midst of a mental breakdown and you cannot decipher fiction from reality. All the thoughts passing through your mind become your reality and you rely on the people closest to you to tell you which ones you should listen to.

What mental illness really looks like

I see a lot of debate on this. The answer – every single person will be impacted by mental illness differently. I hid my anxiety for years. therefore I looked fine. But I wasn’t. That said, I look back at the photos just after my mental breakdown and I remember how I felt. Going through them today actually makes me quite sad. I need to not dwell on them for too long.

The photos show bad skin, a blank look behind the eyes, and tiredness. Throughout my journey back to recovery, I sometimes compared these pictures with ones where I looked slightly happier. To me, it meant progress. When you’re in the midst of recovery, it is sometimes difficult to see any progress and look at the situation objectively.

mental health

There was an element of ‘putting on a brave face’ for my little one. But mostly, I accepted my situation and allowed myself to feel the pain and numbness. Something I had masked for so long was finally let out! In order to heal, you have to acknowledge your situation. And I had battled with anxiety for too long.

The journey back to life

I still have gripes about the NHS and the procedures in place to help someone who has suffered a mental breakdown. Looking back, the doctors didn’t really focus on support around me and my circumstances. I didn’t feel heard, or looked after. A doctor pretty much told me they cannot be responsible for me staying off work any longer and I would have to take it up with my workplace. A workplace they knew had put me in this situation and was not helping me during the period of time I was unwell. During telephone calls with the doctor, I was distressed, and emotional, asking for help. And I felt like a burden. They made me feel like I was being dishonest to get time off work.

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Sign up for my freebie library. Each week there will be a new freebie added to help organise your life and take away some stress!

Systematic change in mental health care

It is important to say, I know NHS staff are overworked, unpaid and bound by ridiculous policies. However, they are also human beings. For anyone who watched the recent Panorama documentary, when did we stop caring for other human beings, just because we have a certain job title?

I am writing this post today because there is clearly a lot of work to be done around mental health awareness. A systematic change must happen.

I’ve accepted I will never be fully healed. We are all a work in progress and life will continue to throw us challenges. Our job is to work on how we respond to adversity.

Allowing adequate time for recovery

At the time of writing this post, it has taken me a total of 18 months to consider myself fully recovered from my mental breakdown. Our financial circumstances took a hit as a result. I was expected to return to work, by both the workplace and the NHS when I wasn’t ready or well enough to. Why aren’t we looking after people who find themselves in this position? Both in the respect of health and finances. If you had a broken leg, your sick note would be issued for longer, without question and I am sure you would be entitled to some sort of financial help. Arguably, fighting a battle with your mind is worse than a physical ailment. So why as a society do we treat people with mental illness so unfairly?

Finances and mental health

I honestly never thought of the secondary impacts of being depressed. But there are so many. As the money organiser of the house, being switched off, reset, and rebooted isn’t exactly great for maintaining a household, or remembering to pay bills. I just didn’t care about organising life anymore. And it impacted our family. If you or your family are impacted by similar issues, Mind has a great section on how mental health can impact finances and vice versa.

Where am I in my life now?

At this point, I finally feel somewhat recovered. My hypnotherapy course has provided the tools I need to move forward with a weekly self-care routine. It’s a way I can look after my mind and keep myself healthy. I’ve accepted I will never be fully healed. We are all a work in progress and life will continue to throw us challenges. Our job is to work on how we respond to adversity.

Reading and writing help me and I am busy managing three blogs, launching a Gumroad shop and a T-shirt business.

I also finally feel able to take on more hours at work and look to the future. But also keep in mind that my family life is a priority as well. This being the case, I am taking steps to plan our next five years as a family. We need slightly more money to set in motion everything we want to achieve. But I still want us both to have one day per week with my little one. And of course, a family day together.

Final thoughts

Ultimately, hitting rock bottom allows you to create a blank canvas. You start afresh with brand-new building blocks. And you have the power to change things in your life that no longer serve you.

It’s strange to say this, but hitting rock bottom has transformed my life. Would I choose this experience if I could go back? No! But am I thankful for it? Yes.

mummy conquering anxiety

10 Ways To Improve Your Mental Well-being In Winter

I don’t always want to put the work in to protect my mental health. Keeping on top of it sometimes becomes a chore and the rebellious side of my personality wants to give up. But I don’t! Whilst I have weeks where I am just not feeling it. If I don’t have time for self-care, I usually catch myself and urgently utilise some much-needed mental well-being techniques I have in my toolbox.

I would encourage anyone else out to keep maintaining a good standard of mental well-being. Especially during the winter months.

Why do we as humans know how to physically rest, but we have a problem with guilt when it comes to looking after our mental health?

Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links. If you go through an affiliate link to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be helpful for other people.

mental well-being

You might have already seen my TikTok where I talk about my current feelings. I can’t shake the feeling of wanting to hibernate until March 2023. I feel lower than usual and have to work harder than ever to keep my head above water.

I’ve written on the blog before about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and how this can have an impact on our mental health.

I already have anxiety problems, which can sometimes lead to low periods and depression.

As I said in the TikTok video, each year I forget just how bad I feel. Lack of vitamin D, limited natural light and horrible, cold weather can impact our bodies negatively. Which can lead to implications for our mental and emotional well-being.

Here are my tips for maintaining a good standard of mental well-being during the winter months, including some worksheets to help you…


As of last weekend, I definitely feel pretty low mentally. Especially when it’s dark all day & the rain won’t stop. At this point, I feel like it will rain until March 2023 & I just want to hide under the duvet until then. For anyone currently feeling the same, some helpful tips will be posted on the blog over the weekend. Hope it helps ❤️❤️❤️ #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #sad #seasonaldepression

♬ Chill Vibes – Tollan Kim

1. MAKE time for self-care

I know it’s challenging to fit in time for self-care. And society still holds the opinion that resting and relaxing is wasting your time or pure laziness. This couldn’t be further from the truth!

Not looking after myself or getting enough sleep for a few months, led me to have a full mental breakdown. It then took me 18 months to fully recover.

If you’re a gym goer, you will understand rest days. Similarly, if you walk a lot for your job, you sit down at night and physically rest. Why do we as humans know how to physically rest, but we have a problem with guilt when it comes to looking after our mental health?

Make some time. Even five minutes can help you. I am now well-practised at meditation and can complete a hypnotherapy recording in five minutes. It may not seem like a lot of time, but it helps.

2. Plan in self-care time to avoid burnout

Felling low, and becoming irritable can creep up on us and we don’t always consciously know what’s happening. Allocating specific days and times for self-care can help.

I personally tell my hubby in advance that I will need childcare cover. To complete the hypnotherapy mediations, I then find a quiet room and some time to myself, without a toddler bothering me. I dedicate at least 90% of my time to her care, needs and spending time as a family. 20-30 minutes to refresh myself isn’t a lot to ask. And we shouldn’t feel guilty as parents when we need to ask for this time out.

3. Use some tools to assist you in your journey

Because of my history of mental health problems, I now have a toolkit on hand for my low moments. These are some of the things in there:

Meditation recordings saved to my phone

Mental health apps on my phone

Anxiety workbooks on the shelf next to where I work at home

Adult colouring books on my desk

I always stock up on bathtime self-care products

Candles, wax melts, burners

My light therapy box

Salt Lamp

Blankets, fluffy dressing gown

mental well-being
Some of the things which make me feel better

4. Talk to someone

In the mental health community, we all know talking to someone can be powerful. And it helps. In the aftermath of my mental breakdown, making connections with like-minded people, pulled me out of the fog and allowed me to move forward.

You might be reluctant to make social connections and I know the feeling of just wanting to hide away. But please talk to someone if you need to!

5. Change your routine

Stepping outside your comfort zone and doing something you wouldn’t normally do, can help break the depression cycle in your brain. For me, it became sitting in the local park, soaking in nature and literally putting myself back together.

Even walking a different way home from the park, during those dark moments in my mind, helped me. I felt very much like my brain wouldn’t reboot. But these different habits started to fill me with confidence and allowed me to think slightly differently. Gain a new perspective on life.

6. Do some exercise

Exercise alone won’t cure you of your mental struggles, but it will help you to feel better along the way. During those dark days, it can get you moving and out of the house. And slowly, you start to tackle other challenges.

Here are some other resources on the blog which may be helpful for you:


In this post, I include some great books about managing anxiety, written by those with lived experience. There are also some great workbooks to manage stress, which I still use to this day!


This page features a range of workbooks that I personally use. And a summary of all the mental health-related blogs I have written previously.


Parenting is a challenging time. Lack of sleep, a completely new routine and not having a clue how to look after a child, can all take a toll. I am actively adding to this page for any parents out there who may be struggling,


On this page, I share my journey of completing a Perma hypnotherapy course. And how it benefitted me massively. If it’s something you’ve considered, check out the blog posts.


Because reading helps me mentally, it was only right to dedicate a page to all things books. I am now even reading stories from other writers about their own mental health journeys.

mental well-being

7. Take your vitamins

I must admit, I sometimes forget to take my vitamins for a few days and I usually don’t feel great when it happens. I now take a vitamin D supplement, which helps me throughout the year, but especially in winter.

Everyone is different and will need a different supplement to fuel their bodies. Get some advice, or look into what works best for you.

8. Get enough sleep

I know from experience, some people just cannot get enough sleep. For a new mother, it just isn’t possible. Prior to motherhood, I never slept well because I had thoughts whirling through my mind all the time. So I get it.

If you can, try and get 7-8 hours of sleep, or however much your body needs. This is the time when our body repairs itself and it is therefore vital to our well-being.

9. Positive thinking

For me personally, positive thinking is about having affirmation cards littered around my workspace. It is also doing meditation recordings which contain powerful, life-changing messages. Mostly, it is being aware that our thoughts can impact us positively or negatively. And trying to turn things around if I am not having a great time mentally.


10. Be kind to yourself

The winter months can be harsh on both our minds and bodies. Do whatever it takes to be kind to yourself. Have an ice cream, and jump in bed for a nap. Spend time under the duvet. And don’t feel guilty for looking after yourself.

Final Thoughts

Every human being is different and will respond to these techniques and tools differently. I personally found that combining a range of these different strategies and tools, helped me become well enough to get through the dark days and then focus on mentally recovering.

Free download

I’ve created a self-care planner, where you can list all the areas you want to focus on. There are four sections, and each allows you to focus on a different area of your life. To bring an overall sense of well-being.

Other resources if you are struggling with your mental health

If you need someone to talk to about difficult feelings, The Samaritans are available 24/7. Call 116 121 for free any time. email or visit some branches in person

MindInfoline0300 123 3393 – this helpline provides information and signposting. (open 9 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays).

Anxiety UK – they have a helpline: 03444 775 774 Text support: 07537 416 905 (open Mon-Fri 09:30 am-5:30 pm)

The Stay Alive app is a pocket suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information to help you stay safe

Shout –  If you would prefer not to talk but want some mental health support, you can text SHOUT to 85258Shout offers a confidential 24/7 text service providing support if you are in crisis and need immediate help

SANEline – If you’re experiencing a mental health problem or supporting someone else, you can call SANEline on 0300 304 7000 (4.30 pm–10.30 pm every day).


The ultimate list of self-care package gift ideas for every occasion

If you follow the blog, you’ll know I’m all about self-care. In addition to other aids, it’s what helped me recover from my breakdown. I finally started looking after myself after years of not doing so. 

And sometimes we need some products to assist us with our regime. A self-care package. What better way to relax?

In this post, I wanted to draw your attention to some of the trusted products I’ve used for years. The type of gifts I open, smile, and think to myself my family knows me well. 

Getting a new self-care product makes me happy. It’s also an excuse to ask my hubby to cover childcare so I can spend time trying it out

self-care package

Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

The reason we ALL need a bit of self-care in our lives

These days, with lack of sleep and toddler madness, sometimes self-care for 15 minutes is all I have to make me feel a little bit better. And I take the opportunity. I’m currently writing this post with a face mask on, listening to yoga music. This is the first 15 minutes I grabbed to myself today and it’s 9 pm. I always need a self-care package on hand, for the moments I get to spend alone.

As a parent, making time for self-care is so important, and we should take time for ourselves. Even if it’s 5 minutes. Focusing on yourself will make you feel better. It will boost your energy and spur you on for the rest of your day. 

I learned the hard way, we should never neglect ourselves. Personal care is a basic human need and one I love to indulge in now. 

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    Speaking of indulgence, let’s dive into the list of must have products to add to your self-care package

    The Body shop 

    Shopping online at The Body Shop brings back so many memories. I remember buying the animal-shaped soaps because they smelled and looked amazing. 

    I was impressed by their ethos and I love scrolling through their range of products. 

    They come highly recommended by family and friends and are my go-to gift when I need to purchase something for Valentine’s Day. For any special occasion, you cannot go wrong with a purchase from The Body Shop. 

    Some of my product highlights 

    My brother loves the satsuma range and you will always find this in my shopping basket. 

    I love the sweet-smelling body butter and scrubs. The raspberry scrub smells good enough to eat. What an amazing addition to a relaxing bath, or even a quick shower for the busy mums out there. 

    For a previous anniversary, I purchased from the spa range. If you feel like getting romantic, it smells divine and you won’t be disappointed.

    Sign up to my freebie library. Each week there will be a new freebie added to help organise your life and take away some stress!

    freebie library
self-care package

    Sensory retreats

    I’ve been checking out the self heating eye masks and they look fantastic. They also come highly recommended, by customers leaving reviews and also top beauty influencers. You can find out more on their website.

    Getting a new self-care product makes me happy. It’s also an excuse to ask my hubby to cover childcare so I can spend time trying it out

    The beauty of it is, through sensory retreats, you can also buy now and pay later with Klarna. (PLEASE see their website for specific T’s & C’s.)

    self-care package

    Spectrum collections 

    I’ve recently been checking them out for an occasion I have coming up. My relative loves make-up and I am impressed by the huge range of cute brush collections I found on their site. 

    Alice In Wonderland bundle

    I am loving the Alice In Wonderland bundle and would love this as a present for myself. Hehe!

    Hello Kitty

    For the present I need to buy, I love the look of these Hello Kitty brushes.

    It’s also a huge incentive, free delivery applies to all orders over £40.00 and you can use the Klarna app for your purchases. Mine got used a lot over the Christmas period.

    Final thoughts 

    If you like any of the products discussed in this post, or you want to browse at your leisure (I love a good internet shopping session!), click on the buttons below. 

    Do you use any of these products and what will you be purchasing for Valentine’s Day this year? 

    Let me know in the comments below, I would love to hear from you. 

self-care package

    Pin it for later

    self-care package
    self-care package

    My Favourite Self-Care Products From The Body Shop

    AFF – products gifted in exchange for a review

    20% off discount code MCA20 until the end of the year (Including Advent Calendars)

    If you follow my blog, you will know I love The Body Shop. Since being a teenager and buying animal-shaped soaps on my trips to the nearest town centre with friends. I’ve loved the scents and the ethos behind the company. 

    In recent years, I now require high-quality products. It’s all about taking care of my skin and having a little self-care and indulgence in my life. As a busy mum, lack of sleep sometimes means bad skin, dark circles and all the other wonderful downsides of motherhood. A rescue plan to make me look and feel better is required.

    The Body Shop

    I was overjoyed when The Body Shop sent me a package full of their best sellers to review

    Let’s dive in

    Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask 

    I’ve been looking for a product to even my skin tone and I am so impressed with the results after using this scrub. It’s my go-to product now.  And I’ve already ordered more. As a busy mum, having an even skin tone and refreshed look means less maintenance. Given that I quickly rub concealer on my face, in the car before the nursery drop. Anything that avoids this extra task, I will pay good money for. 

    Over the summer, it is nicer to have no make-up on your face. These days it just sweats off me anyway. This charcoal mask is a weekly treat I can use to enable me to have a fresh face for summer outings.

    Almond Milk Body Butter

    I must admit, I love the fruity body butter from The Body Shop. But they do tend to be a little thicker in consistency. This one is my new favourite. Simply because it’s so light on your skin and totally refreshing for summer. I can imagine taking it on holiday abroad with me and feeling extra moisturised after a day in the sun.

    Hemp Hand Protector

    We’ve all heard of this one. I would say it’s one of the most iconic Body Shop products. I’ve wanted to try it for a while and my hubby is in need of some because he works outside in all weather conditions.

    The texture is lovely and it smells amazing. You can literally feel it immediately helping your skin. And I love that feeling.

    Ginger Anti-dandruff Shampoo

    This isn’t a product I would normally choose. I have dry, frizzy and unmanageable hair. However, the smell and the texture are so refreshing. And I actually really love using it now. It makes me feel cleaner than using my previous shampoo. Unlike other shampoos, you use a very tiny amount, which means it goes further than other products I’ve used in the past.

    Discount code

    If you would like to purchase any of these items, I have a discount code for you to use…

    20% off discount code MCA20 until the end of the year (Including Advent Calendars)

    (excludes the sale, gifts & gift cards)


    Check out my recent blog posts about The Body Shop products & their exclusive Advent Calendar launch

    The Body Shop

    The New Edelweiss Range From the Body Shop 

    AFF – products gifted in exchange for a review

    I’m so excited to talk about the new Edelweiss Range from The Body Shop. 

    20% off discount code MCA20 until the end of the year (Including Advent Calendars)

    Edelweiss Range

    The Edelweiss range – what is it all about?

    Discover the secret to smoother skin with Edelweiss skincare. Just like Drops of Youth™, but even better, now enriched with double the concentration of edelweiss. Our formulas help to gently clear pollutants and help protect skin against pollution. Made with 99% natural-origin ingredients, it helps to smooth and protect the skin, delivering 24hr hydration.

    A master of resilience, edelweiss is a tiny flower with all the power to survive and thrive on the mountainside. This magic marvel protects itself against harsh environmental conditions by producing its own antioxidant, leontopodic acid. That’s why we made this mighty little plant the star ingredient of our Edelweiss skincare. Enriched with edelweiss extract, our clever formulas help maintain skin’s natural moisture barrier and smooth the way to glorious, fresher-looking skin.

    Why do I need to look after my skin?

    No human being is getting any younger, sorry. And I’m personally showing signs of ageing. Including pulled muscles from sleeping, fatigue and sometimes problematic skin. 

    At this time of year, it’s even more important for us to look after our skin. And I’m so happy I now have a daily routine to complete with these products. 

    The packaging is great and seeing the items in my fancy little bathroom basket, encourages me to look after my skin. As a busy mum, it’s important to have a routine you want to do each day. Because let’s face it, some days I barely get time to go to the toilet alone. Skincare seems to come much further down the list of priorities. And from now on, I plan to bump it up the list!

    Let’s dive into these amazing products from The Edelweiss Range

    Edelweiss Cleansing Concentrate

    Edelweiss Range

    My thoughts on this product

    This cleanser from the Edelweiss Range is lovely to use. I sometimes don’t like using them, because washing the cleanser off with water can make my skin dry. But the consistency of this product is perfect. Just the right amount of foam when mixed with water. And it starts as a gel – something I have never seen before.

    It leaves my skin feeling fresh, without feeling dry!

    What does it do for you?

    Made with 95% ingredients of natural origin, our new Edelweiss Cleansing Concentrate washes away impurities and pollution, leaving skin feeling smoother, fresh and luminous – just ask the 119 women who tried (and loved!) our new cleanser in an independent user trial*.

    This skin-loving facial wash works its magic, leaving skin feeling awakened and purified, yet soft and comfortable – no tight feeling here!

    Ready for the best bit? We’ve enriched it with edelweiss, which is naturally (and rather uniquely) strengthened with leontopodic acid known for its antioxidant properties. The tiny edelweiss plant is so resilient and powerful that its extract has 43% more antioxidant power than retinol. Pretty extraordinary, right?

    This lightweight gel-to-water cleanser transforms from a translucent formula to a gentle bubbly foam suitable for all skin types. Our packaging is also 100% recyclable too. What’s not to love?

    How to use this product

    Massage a small dollop onto wet skin, lather and rinse.

    • Daily cleanser
    • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin
    • Leave skin feeling purified and renewed
    • Made with 95% ingredients of natural origin
    • Enriched with edelweiss
    • Certified by The Vegan Society
    • Dermatologically tested
    Edelweiss Range

    Edelweiss Daily Serum Concentrate

    Daily Serum Concentrate

    My thoughts on this product

    I love a good serum. You just know it’s doing your skin the world of good and this one is lovely. The bottle and pipet just make me feel great like I am investing in my skincare routine (made with recycled glass too).

    The actual consistency of the serum is lovely on your face. Probably the best face serum I’ve ever used.

    What does it do for you?

    • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin
    • Leaves skin feeling fresher and smoother
    • Helps protect the skin from pollution
    • Made with 99% ingredients of natural origin
    • Now enriched with double the concentration of edelweiss
    • Certified by The Vegan Society
    • Non-comedogenic (doesn’t block pores)
    • Dermatologically tested

    Our bestselling Drops of Youth™ Concentrate just got even better.

    Made with 99% ingredients of natural origin, it only takes a few drops of our new Edelweiss Daily Serum Concentrate to leave skin looking smoother, fresher, stronger* and plumped with 24hr moisture.

    But what makes our new concoction so exceptional? We’ve now enriched every bottle with double the concentration of edelweiss, which is naturally (and rather uniquely) strengthened with leontopodic acid known for its antioxidant properties.

    We’ve enriched our vegan serum with natural-origin peptides too, just for good measure. Derived from rice, peptides are known to help maintain the skin’s natural moisture barrier.

    This light, non-sticky, fast-absorbing formula also forms an invisible layer over your skin to help protect it from indoor and outdoor pollution (perfect for all you city types), which can lead to dehydration, dullness and premature skin ageing.

    How to use this product

    First up, have a good cleanse with our Edelweiss Cleansing Concentrate. This will help wash away all that grime, pollution and makeup, so your serum works even more effectively.

    Squeeze 2-3 drops of our serum into your hand and gently massage it into cleansed skin every morning and night.

    Give it a few seconds to sink in before slathering on our Edelweiss Smoothing Day Cream or Edelweiss Intense Smoothing Day Cream.

    Edelweiss Intense Smoothing Day Cream

    intense smoothing cream

    My thoughts on this product

    This product from the Edelweiss Range, is a light cream when it’s applied to your face and has a very subtle scent. Totally refreshing after a hard day at work, or in the harsh cold of the autumn months.

    What does it do for you?

    • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin
    • Leaves skin looking smoother and stronger
    • Leaves skin feeling ultra-soft
    • Helps maintain the skin’s natural moisture barrier
    • Helps protect against indoor and outdoor pollution
    • Made with 97% ingredients of natural origin
    • Enriched with edelweiss
    • Certified by The Vegan Society
    • Dermatologically tested

    Give your complexion a deeply nourishing treat with our new Edelweiss Intense Smoothing Day Cream – it’s the ultimate hydration boost.

    Made with 97% ingredients of natural origin, it only takes a tiny dollop of our new Edelweiss Intense Smoothing Day Cream to leave skin looking smoother, fresher, stronger and plumped with 48hr moisture.

    An intensely rich and nourishing cream, this non-greasy formula has a silky texture and melts into the skin effortlessly, helping protect against indoor and outdoor pollution and leaving skin feeling deeply nourished, firmer and ultra-soft.

    It helps retain moisture and maintains the skin’s natural moisture barrier.

    Scoop out a pea-sized amount and smooth it all over your complexion day and night. Enjoy that feeling of supple, silky-smooth skin.

    How to use this product

    First up, have a good cleanse with our Edelweiss Cleansing Concentrate. This will help wash away all that grime, pollution and makeup, so your serum works even more effectively.

    Scoop out a pea-sized dollop and massage into cleansed skin every morning and night.

    Give it a few seconds to sink.

    Check out all my previous blog posts… for The Body Shop

    Fancy a discount code on any purchases you make? Visit The Body Shop – 15% OFF CODE MCA15 until 9 am on 12th November

    Maybe you’re looking to start Christmas shopping. I have bought a few bits for my family already, but lots more to buy. Don’t forget the discount code when you shop…





    Final thoughts

    I hope you enjoyed reading my review of these products from The Body Shop.

    Do you have a skincare routine? I would love to hear about it in the comments below.


    The reasons I purchase with one trusted brand for gifts & self-care purchases

    I’ve talked about my love for The Body Shop on the blog before, and I’m here to tell you about it again. 

    From the nostalgia of buying animal shaped soaps and lip balms as a teenager. To now needing anti ageing remedies and high-quality make-up. Whatever your need, The Body Shop has something for you. They are a brand I’ve trusted throughout my life.  I have never bought a product that I didn’t consider completely high quality. Not to mention their great company ethos!

    Needless to say, I’m already smelling the raspberry body scrub and I’m getting my wishlist together. I am also currently on the website shopping for my wonderful mum, because she deserves something special.

    Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

    I am proud to be an affiliate for The Body Shop, because the reality is, I recommend them to everyone I know already. Therefore, I’m going to tell you about some of the special offers they have on at the moment.

    Why I love Mother’s Day 

    I’m all for celebrating the mummies. We do a very difficult job, never moan and just get on with it. Women are the ultimate superheroes and therefore, Mother’s Day is one of my favourite occasions. 

    This post is dedicated to all the amazing mamas out there. Whatever your situation, I hope you have a brilliant mothers day. Let me know in the comments below what you have planned.


    If you follow my blog, you will also know I am all about self-care. These moments of indulgence and restoration helped me recover from a tough time last year. Therefore, I make it a priority to look after myself whenever I can. Self-care purchases are part of my routine now.

    Let’s dive into the wonderful products on offer

    The Body shop is currently offering the following:


    Spend £30 and receive a free Mascara Gift Set (worth £15) featuring our Happy Go Lash Mascara and our Camomile Cleansing Butter – so you can nourish and love your lashes!

    Use code 13025

    Who doesn’t love a gift?? Or a cupboard full of products for self-care.

    Check out this handy guide on mothers day gifting

    Final thoughts

    Are you ready to make your purchases?

    Will you be buying a little gift for yourself? I sometimes, do! What self-care purchases do you have at home?

    I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

self-care purchases


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    Enter the giveaway to win an amazing self-care gift

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    self-care purchases

    4 Ways to Unwind and Destress As a Parent

    As a mum, let alone any parent, it feels nearly impossible to have some time to yourself, right? Not only do you have the kids, but you have work, you have a household to run (including chores), you have to tend to your spouse, and let’s not forget your friends and family. It’s a lot, and it can be overwhelming. 

    Being a parent is one of the toughest jobs in the world and there’s no doubt about it that it can be insanely stressful to the point of a mental breakdown. But how can you destress and unwind? While there isn’t some perfect equation, these are some ideas to help you hold on just a little longer.

    Find some “me time” to have each day

    Everyone, no matter what age they are, will need to have some “me time”. This includes your little ones as well, as they need to learn to find themselves as entertainment. Maybe your time can happen during your children’s nap time, or when you put them in bed for the night. 

    Just try to give yourself at least 30 minutes of “me time” each day. Just do whatever you want, as long as it helps you feel better. Many mums and parents, they’ll nap, read, exercise, or watch shows. Give this to yourself, you’re human, you need it.

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    Sign up for my freebie library. Each week there will be a new freebie added to help organise your life and take away some stress!

    Play with your children

    Sounds odd, right? Well, depending on the age of your little ones, playing with them could be exactly what you need. Why not let them play with you, something that you love? For instance, you love to go out and do some gardening. For your child, they will consider this as a form of playtime. You get to spend time with them, they get to have fun, and you get to pretty up the garden, it’s a win! Other ideas can include puzzles or even playing video games together.

    Give yourself a Spa Day

    You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg just to go to a nice spa. Why not bring the whole spa day at home? This can include buying a plush Richard Haworth bathrobe and towel set. Why not play some relaxing music, take a long bath, and have some champagne? Even if you can’t afford a full spa day, at least give yourself an hour or two of being alone and enjoying the self-care you can give yourself. Even something as short as this can help your mentality out.

    Look into other ways to de-stress

    Being around friends can be one of the greatest ways to just really destress and unwind. So never neglect trying out this method. Usually, hanging out with friends can be a great way to have some of that “me-time” while still getting to interact with friends and keep those connections strong as well.

     So, look into doing this, as this is a great way to give yourself the chance to let go. Never feel guilty for needing some time to destress, parenting is tough, and having little to no time to yourself can actually lead to burnout. 

    Unwind and Destress

    Board Games I Loved Playing As a Child

    Does anyone remember the iconic board games you used to play as a child? They even made those travel-size ones so your parents could entertain you on the aeroplane. Maybe as an adult, you have a life-sized chess set ( I really want one of those regal-looking chess tables, except I don’t know how to play!). Someone, please tell me in the comments, that they have battleships. Or operation? 

    In this post, I am going to delve into why we loved playing these games so much as children. And also why we remember them so fondly. 

    playing as a child

    The benefits of playing board games 

    Teaches you patience

    For anyone who ever participated in a family game of monopoly, you will appreciate the level of patience required. This game can cause ongoing family disputes. Let me know in the comments below whether this game has ever caused you a family rift.

    Playing a game of this nature requires small moves in order to lead to a bigger goal. Like goal setting as an adult. With the end result meeting your goal. Bring the winner, or make progress. Depending on how you look at life. Or how competitive you are.

    You experience winning and losing 

    We are in the process of teaching my little one, life isn’t always about winning. It’s a hard lesson to learn, even for an adult. 

    Playing board games will teach her about being both the winner and the loser. Hopefully how adults process these emotions, and how to act accordingly when each one of these eventualities happens. 

    Teaching a person that it isn’t always about winning, but it is about making progress and participating, is one of the best lessons to learn.

    They help you meet new people

    In recent years, the rise of board game cafes and other social spaces offering board games makes me happy. Hopefully, holiday lets might bring them back soon, now we are in a somewhat post-pandemic phase. I used to love checking into our holiday cottage and searching for the board games cupboard. 

    Does anyone remember the World Of Warcraft centres? You only have to take a look at Twitch or YouTube to realise the gaming industry is huge. However, I am still a fan of the old iconic games, and whenever we show my little one them, she is too.

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    Playing board games enhances creativity and self-confidence

    I am a huge fan of any activity which increases creativity and self-confidence. Board games can be particularly beneficial for quiet individuals and connecting with young children, as a way to focus their minds and allow conversationAs an introvert myself, I love being part of something but also have a chance to sit back and take in what all the other players are doing.

    Board games increase brain function

    It is well known that engaging in play assists in practising essential cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, decision making, and higher-level strategic thinking. These are all measures my little one’s nursery and the school put in place for her to attain. And also essential skills we want to equip her with, as parents.

    Encourages laughter

    The twists and turns in any board game, or forgetting to take your turn in monopoly, can create laughter throughout the participants. And we all love an activity which creates laughter. 

    You can play board games anywhere at any time

    There are no restrictions on your time when playing board games. You can practice by yourself, and lose yourself in learning how to master the game. Or you can spend hours trying to beat your opponents. I personally love any activity which allows you to lose time and immerse yourself in the experience. The world can be a scary place and escaping into a game can help your mental well-being.

    In the world of tech, it’s also easy to play on your computer or phone. Maybe bring back some of those fond memories, play on a tablet with your child or partner and reap the benefits listed above. 

    Board games promote family time

    Family time is something I am a huge advocate of. I’ve recently changed my circumstances to enable more time with my little one. And as a family, we try and do a few creative activities each day. Even when we have tablet time, we try to make this as interactive as possible and purposefully pick programmes and apps which allow for learning and development. 

    Help children understand how adults think 

    Toddlers love to mimic the world around them and it’s how they learn. What better lesson than sitting down and witnessing the critical, analytical thinking involved in a board game? It’s a valuable lesson we must teach our children. 

    My fond memories from childhood

    I still remember the joy and anticipation I felt each time I played operation at my grandma’s house. Such a simple game brought hours of fun. It allowed my grandma to join in, but probably also sit comfortably (something anyone caring for children needs to be able to do – as a must. As a parent, I realise that now).

    Battleships was another one of my favourite games and I would play with my dad and my grandad. When remembering these moments, they are etched in my mind so vividly. And I remember the pure joy attached to the moment.  

    Final thoughts 

    What are your fond memories from childhood?

    Tell me your favourite board game. And whether you play these online or with the physical item? Do you love to do both?

    I would love to hear from you in the comments below. 

    playing as a child

    Introducing The Gel Wax Melt by Village Wax Melts

    PR Productsthese gel wax melts were kindly gifted in exchange for a review. All thoughts are my own and I would never recommend something I wouldn’t purchase myself

    I was thrilled when Village Wax Melts agreed to send me their new gel wax melts to try. I hadn’t heard of this latest trend, but I am always hunting for melts packed full of fragrance.

    Gel Wax Melt

    I frequently talk on the blog about using self-care purchases to improve my mental health. Going through a mental breakdown highlighted how much I need this daily self-care. Buying a candle or wax melt and burner, is now on my weekly shopping list. Whilst I am working from home, it brightens my day. And depending on the fragrance, it can also calm stressful moments. What a revelation to try out a gel wax melt. I was also kindly gifted some other products, which I will discuss throughout this post.

    Gel wax melts

    I was so excited to try these and they did not disappoint. Before trying out this new product, I previously had to put my used burners in the freezer to remove the leftover wax. You don’t have to do this with the gel. It just peels out after use.

    They are also more highly scented and you can smell the fragrance as soon as you open the tub. I wanted to take some great photos and videos for the blog, but I was genuinely mesmerised by how it melts. And I found myself sitting there are ages watching the process. Doing this is calming in itself. Definitely, something I would purchase in future, instead of the usual wax melts.

    Wax melt selection

    Village Wax Melts also kindly sent me a range of normal wax melts to try. I loved the shape and the fragrances. I will be honest and say I was previously put off buying scents which mimic perfumes and aftershave. But I have to say that the savage (wax melt and gel wax melt) was so refreshing. I am sure we all wear perfume for a night out. But having that same smell burning in your home makes you feel fresh. Like you’re on holiday, in a busy bar, living life. The scent isn’t as overpowering as someone wearing it, but it’s lovely to brush past as you walk to the kitchen. I am now sold on perfume and aftershave-related scents and love also loved the Aliens scent they included for me. Scents which transport you to another familiar situation, are excellent.

    The scent I loved the most

    Out of the wax melts I was sent, my favourite one has to be Aperol Nights. Because I love them so much, I have nearly used them all. I suppose we all have different tastes, but this one is my go-to and I will be ordering it again.

    Final thoughts

    I hope you enjoyed my review of these fantastic products. Please go check out the website.

    Gel Wax Melt

    My Guide To The Best Apparel Out There Contiburing To Great Causes

    AD – this is a sponsored post

    However, please rest assured that I would only recommend brands I would buy from myself

    We all love a slogan T-Shirt, right? I have many, And something I love to represent with my style is the topic of mental health and helping the environment. If you also want to represent these important issues and let everyone know it’s okay to talk, then you’re in the right place. I am an advocate for great causes!

    I’ve wanted to write a guide on unique businesses offering these products for a while. And now it’s here. And, I have some fantastic brands lined up just for you. 

    Angry Cow 

    Great Causes

    A little bit about Angry Cow began

    We’re based in Portishead with a view of the Severn estuary and the Welsh hills! So, seaside air and a sense of light and space surround us. Sustainability and not contributing to a world with too much waste and stuff are really important to us, so the organic cotton and sustainable printing and manufacturing processes used to make our clothes and accessories are key.

    I’m a mum to two and in our family, we have a great love of nicknames. Names get mangled until they are unrecognisable. It’s how my husband’s mum became Moo – I call her that too! And my kids call their gran, Gran Moo. Like all mums, I lose my cool sometimes and think of myself as going into Angry Cow mode, so when my 5-year-old brought home a picture she’d drawn of a cow that looked so adorably angry – the name of the Angry Cow store was born!

    It’s a place to be creative and my 5-year-old has a hand in some of the designs as you might notice!

    A new collection for you to check out

    A is for Ant – name initials for kids

    Modelling some of the t-shirts

    Sarah kindly agreed to send both me and my little one our favourite design so we could create some fun content for you all. I love the shirt so much, that I am even wearing it for work. And everyone loves the design. I patricianly loved the slit design at the side, which makes it more comfortable for me and it hangs better.

    You can also get free shipping from Friday 29th July to midnight on Sunday 31st of July, when ordering through this store.

    Great Causes

    Other ways to contact

    You can find Angry Cow on Instagram, Facebook, or you can email.

    Great Causes

    Teela’s Jam

    Great Causes

    A bit about how Teela Jam began

    I created my t-shirt brand in January 2018 and launched a website alongside to showcase my t-shirt line. The birth of Teela Jam came about from the acronym T.E.A.L which means together express and love. I was feeling stuck after having my son, suffering from postnatal psychosis, and I wanted more out of my life. Teela Jam gave me a way forward to put out positive messages, get creative and advocate on issues such as mental health and many others including sexual health, healing holistically and parenting. Teela Jam focuses on three themes which include self-love, personality and confidence. Its overall aim is to support people to be themselves in a world that tells them not to be and as well as that to not feel stuck by the hard times.

    A new collection for you to check out

    Kiddie Jam

    Other ways to contact

    You can check out Teela Jam on YouTube now.

    Mind Body Sole

    PLEASE NOTE – I am recommending Mind, Body & Sole because they do amazing charity work. They did not sponsor this post

    You may have seen me promoting this charitable organisation on Twitter. If you missed, it please check out their posts.

    I purchased a T-shirt a while ago and I wanted to include the brand here today, simply because they do such fantastic work helping people in need. I personally want it to continue and I will do what I can to help the cause.

    Check out their online shop. And help someone in need.

    Other ways to contact

    You can check our Mind Body Sole on Facebook and Instagram. Also by emailing.

    Check out all my previous gift guides below

    8 Unique & Personalised Handmade Gifts On Etsy

    Ways to Initiate Etsy Gift Mode – Mummy Conquering Anxiety

    Amazing Valentine’s Day Offers & Discounts 2024

    The Latest Offer From The Body Shop

    10 Great Sustainable Clothing Items For Christmas Gifts

    My Top 10 Decor & Gift Picks for the Holiday Season

    5 Quirky Gift Ideas For Your Loved Ones

    6 Father’s Day Gift Ideas You Don’t Want To Miss Out On

    The Spark Company (AFF)

    Great Causes

    I am so excited to be working with The Spark Company and I love their mental health-related T-shirts.

    A bit about how The Spark Company began

    Welcome to Spark, a community for anyone who believes in the radical notion that everyone should be treated equally. 

    We’re what people call feminist killjoys, a term that we’re actually quite proud of. We’re here to put our money where our ‘loud feminist’ mouths are, creating apparel and accessories that scream feminism + equality while whispering quality + sustainability seductively (and consensually) in your ear at the same time.

    We know that ethical shopping is important to our community, and we ain’t no pump and dump brand. We’re all in, meet your parents, stand outside in the rain with a speaker above our head kinda into this, and we want you to be too. 

    Final thoughts

    I hope you enjoyed reading all about these wonderful brands.

    I think you will agree we have a great list of meaningful apparel sellers:

    • Businesses born out of tough circumstances
    • Small businesses – which I love promoting
    • Mental health advocates
    • Advocating for women’s rights
    • Sustainable clothing

    What are your favourite designs?

    And will you be ordering any of these amazing items?

    Great Causes