I’ve seen some posts from fellow bloggers recently discussing creative outlets, their main reason behind having writing as a passion. What motivates them to write and why do they enjoy it so much? It got me thinking.
I wanted to share my personal journey and my love of writing. I haven’t ended up at this point by accident. I picked up skills from my ancestors and I was always destined to reach this point.
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How it all began
Throughout my life, I’ve taken steps to turn my passion into something more. My ideas have usually been about giving back to society.
I wanted to study journalism and imagined myself uncovering some huge injustice, like Erin Brockovich. I then wanted to be an English teacher and during my university placements to further this dream, I spent time helping underachieving students. I worked with the Communications Manager for an NHS Trust, interviewing nurses and writing pieces for a newsletter. I loved each and every one of these experiences. They made me who I am today… a writer.
Further back in time
In this post about why I’m grateful to be a writer, I explain the following:
I still have a nursery rhyme book I wrote lists in when I was tiny. From the age of 12, I was writing folders full of poetry. I wrote for our local newspaper and still have the clippings. I have a portfolio folder full of the pieces I wrote for work experience and throughout my university days and I one day dreamed about writing a book. I also toyed with the idea of becoming an English teacher.
I still have boxes full of diaries I wrote in during my younger days and sometimes go through them. It makes me feel nostalgic about those days. I really should read them again soon and get some inspiration for the blog. When we moved in together, I told my now hubby I was keeping these to one day contribute towards my book. It’s vital information I needed to keep, justifying the reason for taking up so much space in our storage cupboard.
During the worst times of my life, living through anxiety and depression, I’ve used journaling as the main technique to help me get through it. There is something about releasing the words onto the physical piece of paper. Therapists have taught me to rip them up afterward and complete a breathing exercise. Literally releasing the negative energy from my body and it really does make you feel better when you complete this exercise.
My relatives and their writing
When we first moved into our house, nearly 6 years ago, I was adamant I wanted to display two pieces of writing, one from my grandpa and another from my aunty on our wall. I didn’t consciously know at the time, but it’s because it inspires me each day. I literally wanted to view the skills I picked up from my ancestors.
Discovering treasure
I first came across the below piece of writing when my grandma used to let me go through her things. Like any little girl would. She had drawers full of jewels, an old 1950’s suitcase packed full of old photos and amongst all these wonderful gems, was this letter my grandpa sent to my grandma. I loved it from the first time I saw it. I was probably about 10 years old.
There is no avoiding the fact that writing is definitely in my blood Something which was predestined for me.
Writing supplies
As writers, we all need our vital supplies. I used to be adamant about writing paper lists only, but I’ve come around to the idea of technology, due to starting the blog. Paper lists mean I basically had to cross everything out, because life is so hectic.
That isn’t to say I don’t like my paper-based stationery. It still excites me and I write notes as I’m working.
The only way I can describe the excitement I feel is this. When I walk down the stationery aisle at Wilko, I hear the York Minster choir singing in my head and I feel an excitement I just cannot describe (BTW I cried when they sang on a random visit when they were practicing!). This should convey the level of excitement I feel.
Purchase your Wilko stationery here…
A list of some more amazing stationery…
Paperchase – I have an absolute obsession with the shop. I’m basically banned from entering a shop or buying online. I do keep trying to convince my little one she loves it because of course, daddy won’t say no to her. I have a solution, a shopping trip with the little one and grandad.
We haven’t even broached the subject of Smiggle yet… hmmmm!
Boots – each year I get a new piece from the Zoella collection. The hubby is fully aware it is to be added to my Christmas list.
Final thoughts
What inspires you to write?
Do you have another passion you feel comes from family members?
What skills did your ancestors pass down?
Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.