I thought it was time to share my mental health-related posts so far.

As I started this blog due to a decline in my mental health and because I wanted to help other people. I thought it was a good time to reflect on the mental health-related topics I have covered so far.

mental health-related posts so far

August 2021

I released my first post on 12 August 2021. Obviously, a lot of work went on behind the scenes prior to this date. These were the mental health-related posts I released during August 2021:

7 crucial steps I took to gradually recover from my breakdown

Breathe Bracelets – 10 breaths bracelet

September 2021

This was my first full month of blogging, where I really found my feet. I worked very hard to spread the word about my blog.

You must check out this self-heating eye mask for relaxation

October 2021

The month of #blogtober. I decided to take on the challenge. These are the posts I released during the month, which were related to mental health.

How to Fight Off Anxiety

World Mental Health day 2021

The stark truth about my last anxiety-filled day and exactly what it felt like

Why it’s vital to understand the workplace conditions which led to my breakdown

5 vital tools to prevent seasonal affective disorder during the cold months of the year

How relaxing our routine transformed our lives

An open letter to my anxiety

How I plan to transform after years of being ruled by fear

Final thoughts

I still feel incredibly privileged to be speaking about my journey and receiving feedback about the fact this is helping other people. It makes my heart smile.

I’ve saved some of the amazing feedback I’ve received. The reason for saving it is because I feel overjoyed at the incredible support I’ve received from the blogging community. THANK YOU, FELLOW BLOGGERS.

Honestly, the Twitter blogging community have kept me going during tough times and I am thankful to be part of such an amazing group of people. Shall we share some more love??

mental health-related posts so far
mental health-related posts so far
mental health-related posts so far
mental health-related posts so far
mental health-related posts so far

Thank you for coming on this journey with me

mental health-related posts so far

Sharing is caring!