blogging community

The secret of how an anxiety-prone person manages a new blog

If things go wrong, like me losing my whole website one day, I panic. I am pre-dispositioned to act like this. Whilst my anxiety will never go away, I can put tools in place to manage it. I now have to find ways to balance the blog and my anxiety levels.

The excitement of starting a blog means I wanted everything to be perfect and I was eager to upload several posts and progress the blog as quickly as I could.

Pick your battles and only trade your energy where you believe it is worthy.

Like other young families, I have some time management issues. Working around childcare, having a messy hubby, housework, learning a million new things at once, I have struggled with also fitting in self-care. In my free moments, I’m always asking myself whether I should work on the blog instead of resting. I need to remember that I’m still in a recovery period following a mental breakdown, and whilst writing for this blog and speaking out about mental health is helping me, it’s about taking it one day at a time.

It’s lovely to be part of the mental health blogging community. Having like-minded people who know how you feel is amazing, so thanks to everyone who offers me support on a daily basis. Becoming a blogger is the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.

Tips on how I am currently managing my anxiety levels


I know I talk a lot about naps on the blog, but they do so much good. My anxiety is worse when I’m tired and therefore I must take time to rest if I don’t want other areas of my life to get out of control.

Brushing off the insignificant things

Naturally, when you suffer a mental breakdown and are going through redundancy, you identify the things in life that simply don’t matter. And you train yourself to not care or use your precious energy on this particular thing in life. Pick your battles and only trade your energy where you believe it is worthy.


I am still taking anti-depressants and intend to continue doing so for as long as I need them. There is no shame in this, despite the stigma still surrounding the issue.

Without medication, I wouldn’t have been able to get to a place where I could start recovery or let myself heal. Think about a pot on your broken arm or pain medication whilst a sprained ankle is healing. You wouldn’t be able to even begin the healing journey without these measures. Mental health is no different. My hope is that by speaking out, the perception will change.

Not stessing out about things outside my control

I’ve come to realise there are more factors outside our control in our lives than the ones we can do something about. I previously worried about other people and changing things. I don’t anymore.

It’s sometimes easier said than done and I will be honest, at the moment I still have the same reaction to difficult life circumstances. The difference now is, I stop to think about whether it’s the correct reaction and I evaluate this before proceeding.

blog and my anxiety levels

Organising things inside my control

Before pregnancy, when everything kind of fell apart, I had standing orders set up to make bill payments and I was super organised. I am now trying to find some sort of middle-ground. In this middle-ground, the automatic stuff like money, shopping lists, meal planning is taken care of. This leaves time for the more enjoyable elements of life.

I am still working on the plan and hope to have it resolved soon. My family and I can then look forward to a bright future and concentrate on living life.

Working on the blog when it suits me

To clarify, I work at least 3-4 hours daily on the blog, and during the first three months, it was a lot more. Because I have a little one to entertain during the day, I usually work early in the mornings and late at night.

The point here is, I am free to do special things with the little one during the day. We have just started visiting soft play areas and going swimming regularly. This is the reason I would like to turn my blogging passion into a full-time job, eventually. I can then achieve my dream of finally having a work-life balance.

Vowing to never return to what caused my stress in the first place

Long work hours

Pressure to hit targets

The office environment

Significant travel time to work

All the above are things I can control and make adjustments to in my life. I now have the confidence to achieve a future job role or self-employed status which means I don’t have to put myself through this anymore.

For me, any of these factors may cause me to get to breaking point again. It’s now about creating a happy, healthy future and avoiding the impact on my mental health.

Final thoughts

I hope this post has given you some insight on why I started the blog in the first place and how I am managing all elements of life with very little time.

I know these issues impact many families. I would love to hear from you in the comments below. You are not alone.

blog and my anxiety levels

A roundup of my mental health-related posts so far

I thought it was time to share my mental health-related posts so far.

As I started this blog due to a decline in my mental health and because I wanted to help other people. I thought it was a good time to reflect on the mental health-related topics I have covered so far.

mental health-related posts so far

August 2021

I released my first post on 12 August 2021. Obviously, a lot of work went on behind the scenes prior to this date. These were the mental health-related posts I released during August 2021:

7 crucial steps I took to gradually recover from my breakdown

Breathe Bracelets – 10 breaths bracelet

September 2021

This was my first full month of blogging, where I really found my feet. I worked very hard to spread the word about my blog.

You must check out this self-heating eye mask for relaxation

October 2021

The month of #blogtober. I decided to take on the challenge. These are the posts I released during the month, which were related to mental health.

How to Fight Off Anxiety

World Mental Health day 2021

The stark truth about my last anxiety-filled day and exactly what it felt like

Why it’s vital to understand the workplace conditions which led to my breakdown

5 vital tools to prevent seasonal affective disorder during the cold months of the year

How relaxing our routine transformed our lives

An open letter to my anxiety

How I plan to transform after years of being ruled by fear

Final thoughts

I still feel incredibly privileged to be speaking about my journey and receiving feedback about the fact this is helping other people. It makes my heart smile.

I’ve saved some of the amazing feedback I’ve received. The reason for saving it is because I feel overjoyed at the incredible support I’ve received from the blogging community. THANK YOU, FELLOW BLOGGERS.

Honestly, the Twitter blogging community have kept me going during tough times and I am thankful to be part of such an amazing group of people. Shall we share some more love??

mental health-related posts so far
mental health-related posts so far
mental health-related posts so far
mental health-related posts so far
mental health-related posts so far

Thank you for coming on this journey with me

mental health-related posts so far

My personal growth as a blogger and my goals for the future

#AD – It’s time for me to look back, at both my personal and professional growth. A reflection period, to help my recovery following a mental breakdown and motivate me to reach my goals for the future. 

goals for the future

Personal growth

Because my personal growth is inextricably linked with my professional growth, I have to talk about my situation. Two significant life-changing events happened which caused a ripple effect and improved my life. A mental breakdown and redundancy at work made me want to live my life differently. I would never have started the blog without living through these events. 

Professional growth

It’s clear to me now, my career taught me a whole host of transferable skills, all of which are required if you want to be a successful blogger. 

I’ve achieved a lot in my three months of blogging and I now intend to up my game and monetise my blog. I had my goals recorded on a spreadsheet before I launched the website and now these goals are becoming reality. 

Goals for the future

It’s easy to compare yourself to others in the blogging world. But the truth is no two people are the same. We are individuals and therefore cannot be compared. But of course, it’s healthy to aspire to be successful and view other bloggers as role models for your success. 

When I talk about blogging goals, there are certain people I have in mind. If in five years I am as successful as they are, I will be happy. Following this path has increased my confidence and now allows me to read other people’s success stories and believe I can achieve the same level of success. Why not? The old me was full of doubt, but not anymore. 

These are the goals I want to reach by the end of 2021

Create and sell digital products 

There are so many platforms you can use to create and sell your products. It’s great to see additional features on social media, making it easier to sell. One of the first tasks I had on my to-do list when setting up the blog was to gain followers on social media and interact with other, like-minded people. 

I am in the process of writing an e-book. In addition to making money to support the cost of running my blog, I want this product to offer valuable lessons to other people and teach them something. Turning my knowledge and experience into something useful for other people is my ultimate dream. 

Worksheets and checklists have helped me get through tough times in life previously. I’ve used them to manage my everyday life and during therapy sessions. I want to create a structured way for other people to benefit from this format. 

Learning is a passion of mine. The blogging world is a constant learning curve and I thrive on it. My ultimate goal would be to create a course for other bloggers. To communicate in a format that is easy to understand and teaches them something they wouldn’t have known before embarking on the learning material. 

To create any of these products, I will be researching and relying on eCommerce platforms. 

Continue to produce relevant, engaging content

The main reason I set up the blog was to get my message out there. I am discussing a subject that is of paramount importance and I hope to change the stigma surrounding mental illness. I, therefore, view it as a duty to keep talking openly and honestly about my mental health struggles. My mission is to help other people. 

Work with brands

The brands I’ve worked with so far were aligned with my content and purpose. I enjoyed finding out about the products and recommending them to other people. I hope to continue down this path. And of course, I have a list of brands I would ideally like to work with. Who knows what amazing opportunities will come my way. It’s exciting. 

Use my skills to create more opportunities

I am currently looking into setting up a second blog and I am excited to create new challenges for myself. 

Using the skills I’ve taught myself recently may also bring future career opportunities. I intend to keep learning. 

What will 2022 bring?

The pandemic had a lasting impact on every area of our lives. Marketing messages are no different and the online world became our go-to for everything when we were unable to leave the house. 

It’s an exciting time to be a blogger and I genuinely enjoy interacting with brands and other bloggers each day. 

Now it’s time to put in the hard work required to achieve my goals. 

goals for the future

How learning helps me become a better blogger

I’ve always loved learning. I got excited about my university lectures and even take online courses to this day. I realise some people are not built like this, but I am that type of person. I thrive on learning something new. And my passion for learning certainly helps me become a better blogger.

Reading books is something I love (a bit more difficult with a toddler these days), and I have a newfound love of podcasts. I’ve always loved documentaries, But I Should Be Fine: How to gain relief from anxiety, overthinking and pesky self-doubt“>self-help books, and anything factual. 

The same theme runs throughout my life. What can I learn or gain from using this time? This is why I feel like I fit in perfectly in the blogging world. 

become a better blogger

Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

Before watching a film, I ask myself, will it teach me something, will it be a waste of my life? Yes, I’m that person and the hubby & I spend more time deliberating on which film to watch, rather than actually watching. He finds it incredibly annoying! 

The same theme runs throughout my life. What can I learn or gain from using this time? This is why I feel like I fit in perfectly in the blogging world. You can read more about the benefits of learning here.

Making connections with other bloggers

Becoming a better blogger means being part of a community. For those who don’t know, the blogging community is amazing, welcoming, supportive, always willing to help one another. I’m gaining more value than I ever would have at a face-to-face support group. Mainly because I can easily connect with others around the world, not just confined to my local area. 

I look forward to interacting with these people on a daily basis. It isn’t hard work to me, it’s learning, growing, and collectively working towards a goal. My goal is to raise awareness of mental health issues and helping parents hopefully avoid the mental struggles I had to endure. 

Replying to comments from fellow bloggers not only makes me feel warm inside and confirms I am on the right path in starting the blog, but I also learn something new about myself each time I respond. I wrote the original blog post and it’s unique to me. When replying to comments, I find myself giving away more information, stating something I maybe didn’t realise about myself. It’s a great process.

Here is a list of why soaking up information helps my creative process:

  1. Reading 

I am literally that person who used to highlight my books at university. I still have copies of the ones I studied with bookmarks & post it’s all over them. Keeping them and looking back reminds me of how much I learned. To me, the notations, the post-it’s, those beautiful colours, equals new information. This post explains my love of all things stationery

Who used to buy second-hand books from Amazon? I was particularly excited when one arrived with other people’s notations. My mind would run wild: what could this previous owner teach me? What did they gain from reading this? Is there something I haven’t already thought about myself? 

  1. Online courses

Here is a list of the courses I regularly take:

Eventbrite – they have free online workshops and if you miss the actual event, they email you the details so you can soak up the information at a later date

Centre Of Excellence – a range of cheap courses, particularly in areas of self-care and mindfulness

Daily OM – The beauty of their courses is you can choose an amount to pay. This makes learning affordable for you. The courses are also easy to navigate and interesting to work through

Future Learn – a range of courses in a wide range of subjects (some are free)

OpenLearn – this is one I haven’t yet tried, but I have it saved in my favourites. If anyone has done their courses, let me know below

become a better blogger

Blogging courses

I am now at the point where I want to take some courses other bloggers have put together, to become a better blogger. It’s true that the best resource really is other bloggers. People who’ve experienced the same problems, worries as you. They are of course best placed to pass on their knowledge. 

It will probably be around November time when I start my learning journey. Watch this space as I will be recommending some I have taken myself. 

  1. Podcasts 

I’d heard of podcasts and during the period of working from home, colleagues told me they listened to them. I always just thought, no I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on two things at once. That is still true. My learning brain needs to pay full attention to the information at hand. 

Therefore, I now reserve podcast time for the bath or sitting in the park on a bench. Concentration music is needed when I’m blogging or writing. 

  1. Reading other blog posts 

We are all unique in our own way and what I love about the blogging community is there is no competition. Bloggers frequently share ideas for post titles, we contribute to each other’s posts, provide ideas, help out, guest post. 

This being the case, reading someone else’s view on something can sometimes make you think, yeah I like that subject and this is how I would write about this particular topic. Maybe I know about it and should write about it for others to read. 

This aids your own creative process and I genuinely smile when I read other people’s work.

  1. Commenting on other people’s blogs

Whilst I usually let the comments on my blog build up and become a little overwhelmed at having to reply to 30 in one sitting, I honestly love the process whilst I’m doing it. 

Replying to comments from fellow bloggers not only makes me feel warm inside and confirms I am on the right path in starting the blog, but I also learn something new about myself each time I respond. I wrote the original blog post and it’s unique to me. When replying to comments, I find myself giving away more information, stating something I maybe didn’t realise about myself. It’s a great process.

One of the goals on my spreadsheet is to collate my comment replies and use them as a basis for another blog post, something useful. Yet to be decided. 

Final thoughts

As human beings, we are all learning and evolving constantly. If you’re not actively doing this, you’re static and it isn’t a great place to be in. I feel alive doing what I love each day and intend to keep blogging despite any setbacks I may face.

How are you becoming a better blogger? Or a better version of yourself through learning.

I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

become a better blogger