
Introducing The Writer’s Job Newsletter – Why I’m grateful to be a writer

#AD – a review of The Writer’s Job Newletter

Gratitude day is the perfect time to talk about something I love – writing! In this post, you will hear all about why I’m grateful to be a writer.

Today, I will be sharing my thoughts on The Writer’s Job Newsletter. Firstly, I want to share with you why this newsletter had such an impact on me, and in order to explain this to you, we need to step back in time, just a few years.


When my love affair with writing began

Every day I’m grateful to be a writer. It’s in my blood.

I still have a nursery rhyme book I wrote lists in when I was tiny. From the age of 12, I was writing folders full of poetry. I wrote for our local newspaper and still have the clippings. I have a portfolio folder full of the pieces I wrote for work experience and throughout my university days and I one day dreamed about writing a book. I also toyed with the idea of becoming an English teacher.

I still have boxes full of diaries I wrote in during my younger days and sometimes go through them. It makes me feel nostalgic about those days. I really should read them again soon and get some inspiration for the blog. When we moved in together, I told my now hubby I was keeping these to one day contribute towards my book. It’s vital information I needed to keep, justifying the reason for taking up so much space in our storage cupboard.

It’s the reason newsletters like this are invaluable. It’s a quick and easy way for budding and established writers to gain access to people and organisations seeking their services. Everyone benefits.

During the worst times of my life, living through anxiety and depression, I’ve used journaling as the main technique to help me get through it. There is something about releasing the words onto the physical piece of paper. Therapists have taught me to rip them up afterward and complete a breathing exercise. Literally releasing the negative energy from my body and it really does make you feel better when you complete this exercise. If this is something you feel like trying, Zoella talks more about journaling here. The benefits of journaling and how to get started are also discussed in this article.

More on the therapeutic benefits of writing creatively

This Independent article, along with this article discusses the benefits of writing creatively and how it can improve your mental health. Whilst writing in a diary is a form of creative writing because your personal thoughts are recorded on paper, like a story, there are other creative ways you can process your emotions. On the flip side, some believe feeling strong emotions actually fuels creativity. You can read more on this here.

Personality type and how this impacts the way you express yourself creatively

Although I’m grateful to be a writer, it has some downsides. You sometimes become consumed by the creative process and it’s hard to step away when you literally have thoughts spilling out of your head. It can be exhausting at times.

I’ve asked myself this question in the past… Can personality type really impact how we interact with the world and possibly make us communicate in a different way to others? You can read all about my personality type here.

I write about it in this blog post, because interestingly my personality type indicates I am creative and a possible job includes ‘writer’. Is it therefore coincidence that I started a blog?

I remember taking this Myers-Briggs personality test as part of a training course at work and it honestly makes you realise a lot about yourself. If testing your personality to discover more about yourself is something you’re interested in, you can read more in this Hubspot blog.

You can also read more about the Advocate personality type here. For anyone who has read my previous blogs, I think we can all agree this is true – “Advocates may feel that they aren’t allowed to rest until they’ve achieved their unique vision of success, but this mindset can lead to stress and burnout.”

Why are writers so important – using our voice to affect change

Writers are vital, for not only sharing stories or reporting news events but also giving a voice to a cause or a topic we need to discuss in society. For this reason, newsletters like this are invaluable. It’s a quick and easy way for budding and established writers to gain access to people and organisations seeking their services. Everyone benefits.

With the Internet allowing us to make connections all over the world, hitting rock bottom this year meant I relied on the one trusted method I had to express myself – writing. And I felt compelled to start a blog. To use the one thing I was good at to help others. To tell my story and hopefully make a difference in changing the stigma surrounding mental health. You can read more on why I started blogging here.

I am grateful we have writers in the world and respect everyone who is bravely speaking out on the topic of mental health at the moment. Changes in society don’t happen overnight, but collectively we can make an impact.

time for action writers impacting change in society

Making connections and grabbing opportunities

I’ve made connections with some amazing people since creating my social media accounts and starting the blog. One of them being Della and I need to introduce you to the amazing newsletter she runs. 

Just knowing there is a newsletter out there containing paid freelance writing jobs makes me excited. It’s something I hadn’t seen previously and I thought it was handy to have this vital information in one place. It also brought me a sense of confidence. I felt worthy of such jobs and also wondered whether it would be something I would consider in the future. 

I am now actively looking for freelance writing opportunities and starting off small, but still taking action to reach my goals.

At the moment, my blog is there to help others, but it’s no secret I would be overjoyed if I could make a living from writing. The newsletter email also contains non-paid work, but great opportunities to gain experience and exposure for someone new to blogging, like me. 

My review

I’ve now received two Newsletters via email and found the links posted include varied subjects, from gaming to engineering, so there really is something for everyone. I love the fact the newsletter is set out into easy-to-read sections and includes paid jobs, calls to pitch, details of competitions, and other useful information.

HERE are the all-important links you need:

You can find the Twitter account here.

The Newsletter website can be found here. Pay them a visit and sign up – you won’t be disappointed!

Final thoughts

The newsletter will be my go-to when seeking out paid jobs or other opportunities which could help me achieve my future goals. I still get excited when I receive the email on a Sunday and I hope you will too.

As I am actively on the hunt for opportunities, I will keep you posted on any progress I make.

On gratitude day I thought it was apt to share why I’m grateful to be a writer and why I’ve always relied on this communication method to express myself…I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

Let me know in the comments below whether you’ve subscribed to the Newsletter and how useful you found it.

Please also remember to let Della know about your experience. I am sure she would appreciate the feedback.


I’m participating in Blogtober – here are 4 reasons I’m thrilled about it

I think I’ve previously mentioned, I don’t do anything by halves. It’s all or nothing with me. That’s why I’m participating in Blogtober.

I started the blog on 15 August 2021 and decided I would absolutely be doing Blogtober as soon as I heard about it on Twitter. I love a challenge, so why not? There is also the small issue of trying to get my blog out there, rank, spread a message, become more popular – surely posting throughout October will help with this. 

If you don’t know what Blogtober is, you can read more about it here.

participating in Blogtober
my schedule

Mental Health Awareness Day

As the main topic of my blog is mental health, the lead-up to Mental Health Awareness day is a perfect time for me to share mental health-related posts during the week Monday 4th – Sunday 10th October.

You can read more about why I started a mental health blog in this post.

Will you be writing about mental health during October 2021? Let me know in the comments below.

When you’re passionate about something, you excel at it. It doesn’t feel like hard work!

#Blogtober – LET’s GO!!!

I am so excited to be participating in Blogtober, on the first day of October I needed to share my excitement.

Halloween is my favourite occasion and we do something to celebrate each year. You can read more about my DIY Halloween costumes below. This year I am super excited for autumn and I am focusing on the lead-up to Halloween, celebrating the small things. You can read more in my blog posts below:


The Low Spend Guide to Halloween 

It’s the Season to Get Warm & Cosy With Candles

How You Can Use The Blogtober Challenge To Increase Engagement

I am not ready to stop talking about Halloween

My review of Kemps Farm, Horsforth pumpkin picking event

4 times I rocked Halloween parties with my homemade costumes

participating in Blogtober
pumpkins on stairs
doorway decorated
participating in Blogtober
All about autumn

In true celebratory style, these are the reasons I am participating...

  1. Making connections 

Out of all my social media platforms, I’ve had the most success on Twitter and I genuinely look forward to opening the app each morning, simply because the blogging community is so supportive and kind to one another. Check out my about me page, for the low down on my story leading up to starting a blog.

  1. I have LOADS of content

Like other bloggers, I have so many half-written blog posts. I usually get inspiration in the early hours of the morning and have to record my thoughts. This then turns into a blog post, but I like to get the writing bit done first. 

Before I bought hosting or started my research on blogging, I was writing and recording titles for blog posts on a spreadsheet. I knew what I wanted to write, but I just didn’t have the time to write the posts in full yet. 

Blogtober is the perfect opportunity to force me to organise these posts and it’s exactly what I’ve done. Why not spend a full month posting blogs, when they are pretty much ready to share with the world??

participating in blogtober
I'm thrilled
  1. I love a challenge 

I’ve mentioned this above, but I need to open up to you a little more about the reality of my personality. I am driven, determined, and stubborn. I was born this way. It’s usually what causes my high anxiety levels, but it also has its benefits. I am a hard worker and given my recent circumstances (mental breakdown, impending redundancy), I am determined to carve out the life I want to live. Hard work, determination, manifesting the future I want. What better opportunity to totally make this happen than Blogtober. You can read more about how I motivate myself in this post, 8 questions I’m asking myself in preparation for gratitude day.

Let’s do this!!

  1. It’s what I love 

When you’re passionate about something, you excel at it. It doesn’t feel like hard work!

I’ve always loved writing, it’s how I communicate best and I use this medium to express myself. Why not do a whole crazy month of expressing myself. It’s like a dream come true. 

Yes, I will be busy! But I will also be doing something I absolutely love each day and this makes me smile.

Final thoughts

I want to wish my fellow bloggers who are participating in #blogtober a successful month.

Here are a few affirmations to spur us on…

  1. I am succesful
  2. I am worthy
  3. Today will be amazing
  4. I am at peace
  5. I accept myself
  6. I have the tools I need to succeed in life
  7. I am calm & collected
  8. I am grateful for everything I have In my life
  9. My life is full of abundance and happiness
  10. I’m proud of myself for my acomplishments
  11. I am confident
  12. I will listen to my instincts
  13. Others’ thoughts or judgements won’t impact me
  14. I have love, happiness, & prosperity
  15. I will remain positive during tough times
  16. My own self care is a priority to me
  17. I can, I will, I am
  18. I have the tools to create the future I want
  19. I respect myself and others
  20. I will live with an open mind & an open heart
  21. My past experiences do not define me
  22. I do not need to control the future
  23. What is destined for me will arrive in due course
  24. I choose happiness, resilience, and gratitude
  25. I have the power to control what I think
  26. Spreading kindness is my main goal
  27. My life is overflowing with joy
  28. I have a grateful heart & a happy mind
  29. Today will be filled with beauty
  30. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life
  31. My past experiences have made me stronger
  32. I will leave yesterday’s mistakes are behind me
  33. My life is exactly where it should be right now
  34. I am brave, and I am willing to face my fears
  35. I am willing to step outside my comfort zone

Are you participating in Blogtober? Let me know in the comments below…


Why your fellow bloggers are an excellent resource

When I first started my blogging journey, I was overwhelmed and I didn’t have a clue. Naturally, I made mistakes. I haven’t repeated these mistakes with my second and third blogs. Simply because I now have experience. 

Using this logic, why not tap into the vast knowledge each blogger has? You should absolutely treat other bloggers as trusted sources because they do this job consistently. They have lived through mistakes and genuinely want to help other people with the products they create. 

I only wish I had tapped into some of these amazing resources, from fellow bloggers, earlier on in my blogging journey. 

fellow bloggers

Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

Throughout this blog post, I am going to talk about some of the fellow bloggers I have come across and why their products are a must on your blogging journey.

Izzy Matias

I first came across Izzy when I won a giveaway for her blogging course and can I just say, I am loving working through this at the moment.

I’ve just won a second giveaway with her – how amazing! 

You will not be disappointed by her products and it may just provide you with the concrete foundations you need to stay motivated on your blogging journey. 

Blogging isn’t easy and at times you can feel like giving up. Outlining your purpose and your goals is essential, to keep you motivated. Izzy will help you do this.

Reinventing Neesha

Another absolute trusted resource is Neesha. After years of blogging, she definitely knows her stuff and I find her eBook and money-making emails so helpful.

If you’re starting out on your journey and you are interested in using affiliate marketing to make money, buy and read this eBook. Buying this book will literally change the way you think about writing your blog posts. It is also encouraging me to be selective about the products I promote, in order to get the best return for the time I spend working on the content.

fellow bloggers

Lynn Mumbing Mejia

Lynn’s content is so inspirational. It’s like looking at those perfect interior design Pinterest photos. Her blogging templates are no different!

I will be honest and admit when I first started blogging, I thought I could do everything myself! It soon became apparent there was limited time for all the wonderful ideas swirling around in my head. Whilst I intend to eventually create my own Gumroad shop, creating social media templates is time-consuming and I just cannot fit it in. Therefore I have purchased templates for each one of my blogs. And they are so easy to use.

Here are some of my favourites from Lynn:

Nora | 50 Pinterest Templates Canva

We all want amazing Pins which will draw in readers to our blog. Pinterest is a difficult game anyway, but then creating your pins from scratch, adds even more stress. These beautiful templates will take away the added stress, leaving you to write, set aside some time for self-care, or whatever you love doing in your spare time.

Sign up to my monthly newsletter, to gain access to exclusive offers, updates

Lucy Instagram highlight covers

I didn’t use Instagram highlight covers initially, but let’s be honest, the profiles with them look more professional, dont they?

Because I love seeing them, I have purchased highlight covers for each of my blogs, and I am so glad I did. This post is motivating me to finally add them to my social media accounts. They are so cute and I can’t wait to see what they look like.

50 Pinterest templates

More amazing Pinterest templates to ease the stress on you.

Media kit

We all need a media kit. If you want to monetize your blog and impress brands, it’s a must. You can view mine here. The best resource I can find about why it is vital is from Rosie. Please take a read.

Should you want to create a media kit, look no further than this amazing template by Lynn.

Sign up for my freebie library. Each week there will be a new freebie added to help organise your life and take away some stress!

freebie library

Gemma Jayne

There is no denying, starting out on your blogging journey can cost money. At first, I was worried about the amount I spent and whether I would ever get this back. However, if you don’t start, you will never know. You just have to go for it.

After struggling with money myself, this Step by Step Guide to Budgeting eBook is a useful resource for anyone who wants to take control of their finances.

Given my own struggles with money, I set up my second blog about budgeting and making the most out of the money you earn.

Eleanor Jones

If you’re looking to improve your writing, both within your blog posts and social media copy, look no further.

Check out Eleanor’s blog and you will see she clearly knows what she is talking about. Check out her amazing, affordable eBook here.

Final thoughts

I hope you enjoyed reading my post.

Do you use templates or take training courses from fellow bloggers? Let me know in the comments below.

fellow bloggers

Pin it for later

fellow bloggers

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.

Oscar Wilde
fellow bloggers

Why it’s the right time to put cards on the table and share more about my life

I will be honest and say, when I started this blog, I was mentally and emotionally in a bad place. It was two months since my mental breakdown and I felt I HAD to do something to help others. Writing for the blog and making connections throughout the mental health and blogging community was my lifeline. All of it pulled me out of a dark place. But I wasn’t yet ready to reveal more about my life. 

The reason for my hesitance was fear and lack of self-confidence. I still thought my toxic workplace could impact me and I wasn’t sure whether my writing would be well received. As I was already in a vulnerable position, it was the correct decision to start an anonymous blog. 

put cards on the table

Recently I slowly started changing this and you can see some of my posts where I reveal more about my life below:

Anonymous blog VS sharing more about your life

There are great reasons to start an anonymous blog. Internet safety is a huge factor and whilst I am willing to reveal more about my life, I certainly won’t be publishing every detail. You can read more about the pros and cons here.

Check out the interview I did for ClaireMac’s blog, where I discuss online privacy and how much I would be comfortable sharing about my child.

Introvert vibes

Throughout my life, I’ve often done things by myself, but community and honesty are what brought me back to living my life.

Along with my personal development and the significant changes I’ve made to my life, it was time to fully step into my comfort zone and embrace the change needed.

What’s next?

This month I’ve had my work cut out for me with a video editing project for my speaker slot at the Mental Health Blog Awards. It was my first time editing a video and to say I hit many roadblocks along the way is an understatement. But this is how you learn and grow. I am proud of myself.

As well as appearing at the awards, I am considering updating my social media profile pictures. Whilst I am not at the TikTok dancing stage just yet, it’s time for other people to connect with the face behind the blog. I will use whatever means necessary to get my message out there.

put cards on the table

The secret of how an anxiety-prone person manages a new blog

If things go wrong, like me losing my whole website one day, I panic. I am pre-dispositioned to act like this. Whilst my anxiety will never go away, I can put tools in place to manage it. I now have to find ways to balance the blog and my anxiety levels.

The excitement of starting a blog means I wanted everything to be perfect and I was eager to upload several posts and progress the blog as quickly as I could.

Pick your battles and only trade your energy where you believe it is worthy.

Like other young families, I have some time management issues. Working around childcare, having a messy hubby, housework, learning a million new things at once, I have struggled with also fitting in self-care. In my free moments, I’m always asking myself whether I should work on the blog instead of resting. I need to remember that I’m still in a recovery period following a mental breakdown, and whilst writing for this blog and speaking out about mental health is helping me, it’s about taking it one day at a time.

It’s lovely to be part of the mental health blogging community. Having like-minded people who know how you feel is amazing, so thanks to everyone who offers me support on a daily basis. Becoming a blogger is the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.

Tips on how I am currently managing my anxiety levels


I know I talk a lot about naps on the blog, but they do so much good. My anxiety is worse when I’m tired and therefore I must take time to rest if I don’t want other areas of my life to get out of control.

Brushing off the insignificant things

Naturally, when you suffer a mental breakdown and are going through redundancy, you identify the things in life that simply don’t matter. And you train yourself to not care or use your precious energy on this particular thing in life. Pick your battles and only trade your energy where you believe it is worthy.


I am still taking anti-depressants and intend to continue doing so for as long as I need them. There is no shame in this, despite the stigma still surrounding the issue.

Without medication, I wouldn’t have been able to get to a place where I could start recovery or let myself heal. Think about a pot on your broken arm or pain medication whilst a sprained ankle is healing. You wouldn’t be able to even begin the healing journey without these measures. Mental health is no different. My hope is that by speaking out, the perception will change.

Not stessing out about things outside my control

I’ve come to realise there are more factors outside our control in our lives than the ones we can do something about. I previously worried about other people and changing things. I don’t anymore.

It’s sometimes easier said than done and I will be honest, at the moment I still have the same reaction to difficult life circumstances. The difference now is, I stop to think about whether it’s the correct reaction and I evaluate this before proceeding.

blog and my anxiety levels

Organising things inside my control

Before pregnancy, when everything kind of fell apart, I had standing orders set up to make bill payments and I was super organised. I am now trying to find some sort of middle-ground. In this middle-ground, the automatic stuff like money, shopping lists, meal planning is taken care of. This leaves time for the more enjoyable elements of life.

I am still working on the plan and hope to have it resolved soon. My family and I can then look forward to a bright future and concentrate on living life.

Working on the blog when it suits me

To clarify, I work at least 3-4 hours daily on the blog, and during the first three months, it was a lot more. Because I have a little one to entertain during the day, I usually work early in the mornings and late at night.

The point here is, I am free to do special things with the little one during the day. We have just started visiting soft play areas and going swimming regularly. This is the reason I would like to turn my blogging passion into a full-time job, eventually. I can then achieve my dream of finally having a work-life balance.

Vowing to never return to what caused my stress in the first place

Long work hours

Pressure to hit targets

The office environment

Significant travel time to work

All the above are things I can control and make adjustments to in my life. I now have the confidence to achieve a future job role or self-employed status which means I don’t have to put myself through this anymore.

For me, any of these factors may cause me to get to breaking point again. It’s now about creating a happy, healthy future and avoiding the impact on my mental health.

Final thoughts

I hope this post has given you some insight on why I started the blog in the first place and how I am managing all elements of life with very little time.

I know these issues impact many families. I would love to hear from you in the comments below. You are not alone.

blog and my anxiety levels

A list of my proudest achievements since starting my blog

When starting a blog, self-doubt is real. I’ve lived with self-doubt ruling my daily life for 15 years. It was a daunting prospect to set up something I’ve created and promote it to the world (hopefully ‘the world’ will eventually see what I write).

Because I consider myself the least technology savvy person you could come across, it is a huge achievement I’ve managed to set up and run a blog by myself.

It’s now time to look back at my proudest achievements and future goals for the blog.

my proudest achievements

This is the definition of ‘achievement’ from Oxford languages


1.a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage.”to reach this stage is a great achievement”

my proudest achievements

Continue reading for a rundown of my proudest achievements


I wasn’t bad at researching, given my essay writing traumas at University. Also, the fact I love finding out new information helps.

Because I literally started this journey by researching late into the night for months, I became great at it. I felt compelled to start a blog. I couldn’t explain why, but something inside me told me I must do it.

Of course, when I googled how to go about doing this, I was directed to Pinterest. It’s how I know all of us bloggers should persevere with our pins. Even though I know it is tedious. Imagine becoming a brand new bloggers source of information. That’s ultimate #blogginggoals.

When I get an idea in my head, I love researching information to support what I’m saying, or highlight there is a lack of information about a particular issue.


I’ve always loved writing. A lot of my proudest achievements include writing.

However, I honestly believe the more you do something you get better at it. With the help of Grammarly and Yoast, I am now in the flow of how to write and format a blog post.

And other writing opportunities are also coming my way, as a result of me starting the blog.


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Getting over my fear of social media

I honestly think social media made my existing anxiety issues worse in the past. It fed into the negative voice in my head and increased my innate ability to constantly compare myself to others. Because I’m an introvert, I was overwhelmed by seeing everyone’s whole lives playing out online. Even though they were my friends.

Setting up social media accounts for the blog comes with boundaries. Whilst I genuinely love interacting with other people, this is only in relation to the blog. I can take a break or stand back from social media whenever I choose to. It’s exactly what I’m doing if I need to. I also make good use of the block button when it’s required.

my proudest achievements

Being organised

I thought I was organised before. Blogging literally involves wearing several hats daily. Therefore you have to be organised enough to focus on one task and set realistic deadlines. You are accountable to yourself and therefore you have to meet the deadlines you set, otherwise, you only have yourself to blame.

Technical knowledge

SEO, Google Analytics, keyword research.

You will have heard these terms, but probably don’t understand what they mean (I still struggle with the technical side).

I slowly worked my way through each of these tasks and all the other technical and analytical tools you need. I am proud that I’ve only had to ask for help on a handful of occasions and the rest I have figured out for myself. There is always a useful blog post or YouTube video to provide vital information for the task at hand.

Working solo

I loved working from home during the pandemic and I would love to do this full time from now on. I am a homely person by nature and being close to my little one and nursery is helpful. Cutting out traveling time is a huge bonus.

Because you are at home, you have to stay motivated. Luckily I am a very self-driven and organised person. Therefore working solo suits me.

New projects

My proudest achievements have probably been managing several new projects at once.

From August to October 2021, I submitted four guest posts to other bloggers. I was asked to write for a charity anthology. I also produced three adverts for brands. This was in addition to posting on my blog and completing two weeks of blogtober.

I will now be moving on to my future projects, which involve more work and can be time-consuming. I am confident it will all be worth it in the end though.

Watch this space.


For a while, I thought ranking on Google was a myth. You look at the stats and think how can this be a thing, nobody is viewing my blog. Then one day it happens.

It happened to me following a weekend away with family. I was feeling deflated. I had writer’s block and my confidence was lacking slightly. I checked my DA score in the bar on holiday and it was 9. I was over the moon. It was a pivotal moment where I felt my hard work had paid off.

Armed with this new information (thanks to Google), I was excited to start the big projects in my goal planner. It was a proven fact that hard work pays off. Therefore, my logic told me more hard work was required.

Improving design and photography skills

When I first started blogging, I thought I would use Canva and that would be the end of it. However, there is no avoiding the fact you will be required to take some photographs. I am learning as I go along. Luckily, my hubby has a professional camera and an eye for a great image. He is helping me with the photos and teaching me. Still lots of work to be done on my photography skills. Hopefully, this goal will factor in a future list of my proudest achievements.

Final thoughts

Who knows where this blogging journey will take me next. It’s great to look back at what I’ve achieved.

Let me know in the comments what you are proud of? What have you achieved lately? What are your personal and professional goals?

I would love to hear from you.

my proudest achievements

How learning helps me become a better blogger

I’ve always loved learning. I got excited about my university lectures and even take online courses to this day. I realise some people are not built like this, but I am that type of person. I thrive on learning something new. And my passion for learning certainly helps me become a better blogger.

Reading books is something I love (a bit more difficult with a toddler these days), and I have a newfound love of podcasts. I’ve always loved documentaries, But I Should Be Fine: How to gain relief from anxiety, overthinking and pesky self-doubt“>self-help books, and anything factual. 

The same theme runs throughout my life. What can I learn or gain from using this time? This is why I feel like I fit in perfectly in the blogging world. 

become a better blogger

Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

Before watching a film, I ask myself, will it teach me something, will it be a waste of my life? Yes, I’m that person and the hubby & I spend more time deliberating on which film to watch, rather than actually watching. He finds it incredibly annoying! 

The same theme runs throughout my life. What can I learn or gain from using this time? This is why I feel like I fit in perfectly in the blogging world. You can read more about the benefits of learning here.

Making connections with other bloggers

Becoming a better blogger means being part of a community. For those who don’t know, the blogging community is amazing, welcoming, supportive, always willing to help one another. I’m gaining more value than I ever would have at a face-to-face support group. Mainly because I can easily connect with others around the world, not just confined to my local area. 

I look forward to interacting with these people on a daily basis. It isn’t hard work to me, it’s learning, growing, and collectively working towards a goal. My goal is to raise awareness of mental health issues and helping parents hopefully avoid the mental struggles I had to endure. 

Replying to comments from fellow bloggers not only makes me feel warm inside and confirms I am on the right path in starting the blog, but I also learn something new about myself each time I respond. I wrote the original blog post and it’s unique to me. When replying to comments, I find myself giving away more information, stating something I maybe didn’t realise about myself. It’s a great process.

Here is a list of why soaking up information helps my creative process:

  1. Reading 

I am literally that person who used to highlight my books at university. I still have copies of the ones I studied with bookmarks & post it’s all over them. Keeping them and looking back reminds me of how much I learned. To me, the notations, the post-it’s, those beautiful colours, equals new information. This post explains my love of all things stationery

Who used to buy second-hand books from Amazon? I was particularly excited when one arrived with other people’s notations. My mind would run wild: what could this previous owner teach me? What did they gain from reading this? Is there something I haven’t already thought about myself? 

  1. Online courses

Here is a list of the courses I regularly take:

Eventbrite – they have free online workshops and if you miss the actual event, they email you the details so you can soak up the information at a later date

Centre Of Excellence – a range of cheap courses, particularly in areas of self-care and mindfulness

Daily OM – The beauty of their courses is you can choose an amount to pay. This makes learning affordable for you. The courses are also easy to navigate and interesting to work through

Future Learn – a range of courses in a wide range of subjects (some are free)

OpenLearn – this is one I haven’t yet tried, but I have it saved in my favourites. If anyone has done their courses, let me know below

become a better blogger

Blogging courses

I am now at the point where I want to take some courses other bloggers have put together, to become a better blogger. It’s true that the best resource really is other bloggers. People who’ve experienced the same problems, worries as you. They are of course best placed to pass on their knowledge. 

It will probably be around November time when I start my learning journey. Watch this space as I will be recommending some I have taken myself. 

  1. Podcasts 

I’d heard of podcasts and during the period of working from home, colleagues told me they listened to them. I always just thought, no I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on two things at once. That is still true. My learning brain needs to pay full attention to the information at hand. 

Therefore, I now reserve podcast time for the bath or sitting in the park on a bench. Concentration music is needed when I’m blogging or writing. 

  1. Reading other blog posts 

We are all unique in our own way and what I love about the blogging community is there is no competition. Bloggers frequently share ideas for post titles, we contribute to each other’s posts, provide ideas, help out, guest post. 

This being the case, reading someone else’s view on something can sometimes make you think, yeah I like that subject and this is how I would write about this particular topic. Maybe I know about it and should write about it for others to read. 

This aids your own creative process and I genuinely smile when I read other people’s work.

  1. Commenting on other people’s blogs

Whilst I usually let the comments on my blog build up and become a little overwhelmed at having to reply to 30 in one sitting, I honestly love the process whilst I’m doing it. 

Replying to comments from fellow bloggers not only makes me feel warm inside and confirms I am on the right path in starting the blog, but I also learn something new about myself each time I respond. I wrote the original blog post and it’s unique to me. When replying to comments, I find myself giving away more information, stating something I maybe didn’t realise about myself. It’s a great process.

One of the goals on my spreadsheet is to collate my comment replies and use them as a basis for another blog post, something useful. Yet to be decided. 

Final thoughts

As human beings, we are all learning and evolving constantly. If you’re not actively doing this, you’re static and it isn’t a great place to be in. I feel alive doing what I love each day and intend to keep blogging despite any setbacks I may face.

How are you becoming a better blogger? Or a better version of yourself through learning.

I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

become a better blogger

My September round-up post

Welcome along to my first round-up post! It’s a little late, as we are a few days into October, but I still wanted to reflect on the previous month and set my goals for October.

My personal progress

I’ve been through a lot in my personal life over the course of starting the blog and definitely had an interesting journey with my mental health. A lot of bumps in the road. You can read more about my mental health struggles here.

I am proud of how far I’ve come in less than two months and it’s time to acknowledge my first full calendar month of blogging.

round-up post

How it all began

I released my first blog post on 12 August 2021. Prior to this, there was a lot of research, writing, and quickly learning a lot of technical elements, which isn’t my strong point. I am proud of how far I’ve come in less than two months and it’s time to acknowledge my first full calendar month of blogging.

September 2021 blog posts

It wouldn’t be a round-up post without a look back at last month. I release 7 posts in total, which I am proud of.

l released this post on 2 September 2021 and I loved writing it! It made me excited for everything this spooky season has to offer.

This post was released on 5 September 2021 and it is one I will personally always refer back to. Because I love everything about autumn.

I released this post on 8 September 2021 in the lead-up to our holiday, because I was excited about it. Some context here, about four months ago due to my breakdown, I couldn’t even talk about booking a holiday, let alone become excited. Writing this was a huge step in my recovery.

This post was released on 12 September 2021 and I felt compelled to share my experiences, in the hope of helping others.

This post was released on 14 September 2021 and I was honoured to write about such an amazing newsletter.

This post was released on 19 September 2021 and it was a huge step in my recovery to start thinking about gratitude.

This post was released on 24 September 2021 and it signified a change in me. Once you reach a certain point in your mental health journey, I feel there is no going back.

Goals for October 2021

This is my first time setting goals! Then a round-up post to follow on the final weekend of the month. Read more here about why goal setting is important.


I want to smash Blogtober and use this time to start other projects I want to work on. My main goal is to keep up with comments and how fast-paced it is.

Up my game on Pinterest 

I have started pinning several different pictures for each blog post and I am hoping this will help.

350 blog views by month end

Based on my current stats this should be achievable.


Reach 1500 followers on Twitter.


Reach 3500 followers on Instagram and start using reels & stories more.


Get my first affiliate sale. I would be so happy!

round-up post

Final thoughts

What are your blogging goals for October 2021?

What do you include in your round-up post?

Let me know in the comments below, I would love to hear from you.

round-up post