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Habits Causing You To Be Emotionally Fragile

Today I have a great guest post to share with you all! With some tips on how to be less Emotionally Fragile.

Trishna Patnaik has a BSc (in Life Sciences) and MBA (in Marketing) by qualification but is an artist by choice. A self-taught artist based in Mumbai, Trishna has been practising art for over 14 years. After she had a professional stint in various reputed corporates, she realised that she wanted to do something more meaningful. She found her true calling in her passion which is painting. Trishna is now a full-time professional painter pursuing her passion to create and explore to the fullest. She says, “It’s a road less travelled but a journey that I look forward to every day.” Trishna also conducts painting workshops across Mumbai and other metropolitan cities in India. 

Trishna is an art therapist and healer. She works with clients on a one-on-one basis in Mumbai.

Trishna fancies the art of creative writing and is dappling her hands in that too, to soak in the experience and an engagement with readers, wanderers and thinkers. 

Emotionally Fragile

In this post, we will explore:

Habits Causing You To Be Emotionally Fragile

What is emotional fragility?

Why am I emotionally fragile?

How to be less fragile

Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

Whether you think you can, or think you can’t—you’re right.

– Henry Ford

Being emotionally fragile means you have a hard time managing difficult emotions:

  • Little bits of worry throw you into cycles of anxiety and panic.
  • Small bouts of sadness lead to spirals of self-criticism and depression.
  • Tiny bits of irritation quickly blaze into hours or days of anger.
  • When you are emotionally fragile, even small amounts of painful emotion consume you.

It is possible to escape this pattern of emotional fragility and learn to be more emotionally resilient. If you want to be more in control of your emotions, you need a better relationship with them.

Many people have an unhealthy relationship with their emotions because they are afraid of them. So they get in the habit of running away from or trying to get rid of these painful emotions. Unfortunately, this particular fight-or-flight reaction to your emotions trains your brain to see them as dangerous, which only makes you more afraid of your emotions in the long run.

  • If you want to feel stronger in the face of difficult emotions, you must unlearn the habits that are keeping you afraid of them.
  • We all feel emotionally fragile sometimes. But if you feel this way a lot, chances are several of these habits are the cause.
  • If you can learn to identify these habits and work to undo them, emotional resilience won’t be far behind.

When you are feeling emotionally fragile, step away from the outside world

– Vijaya Gowrisankar

How do we go about managing Emotional Fragility, please check the pointers below:

1. Trusting your thoughts

Your mind throws thousands of thoughts at you each day, many of which are accurate and helpful. Though many of them are also misguided, random, or downright untrue!  This is completely normal. Emotionally resilient people understand that they should not blindly trust every thought that crosses their minds.

If you do, it is a set-up for emotional fragility:

  • If you accept every worrying thought as true, you will end up chronically anxious.
  • If you accept every revenge fantasy as a good idea, you will end up overly aggressive.
  • If you accept every self-criticism as valid and accurate, you are going to end up with pretty low self-esteem.

If you want to stop being so emotionally fragile, cultivate a healthy scepticism of your own thoughts.

Go ahead and listen to your thoughts, but don’t be afraid to dismiss them too.

 “Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.”

― Hippocrates

2. Relying on coping skills

A common trap that emotionally fragile people fall into is relying on coping skills to feel good.

A coping skill is a technique or strategy you use to temporarily feel better:

  • Doing some deep breathing exercises when you feel stressed.
  • Repeating your positive self-image mantra when you feel bad about yourself.
  • Texting your therapist when you’re feeling down and cannot seem to shake it.
  • While coping skills have their place, relying on them can be dangerous.

Coping skills are emotional Tylenol. They temporarily make you feel better, but they rarely address the underlying issue.

Fear isn’t a problem:  It’s a message from your brain that something in your life is dangerous or not working.

Sadness isn’t a problem: It’s a message from your brain that you have lost something valuable.

Anger isn’t a problem: It’s a message that your brain thinks something in your life is unjust and should be dealt with.

If you consistently treat your emotions like problems, don’t be surprised if they keep feeling that way.

“What remains in diseases after the crisis is apt to produce relapses.”

― Hippocrates

3. Breaking promises to your own self!

Emotionally fragile people often struggle with low self-esteem.

While there are many initial causes of low self-esteem, there’s one thing that almost always keeps people stuck in it:

People with chronic low self-esteem have usually gotten in the habit of breaking promises to themselves.

Think about it: If you frequently break your promises to yourself, how could you trust yourself or be proud of yourself?

Low self-esteem and emotional fragility go hand-in-hand because it’s hard to confidently manage painful feelings if you don’t believe in yourself:

It’s hard to tell yourself that you’ll be okay despite your worries if you don’t trust yourself.

It’s hard to remind yourself of your positive qualities when all you can remember is a string of broken promises to yourself.

It’s hard to fight back against self-criticism and doubts when you aren’t proud of yourself.

A powerful way to fight back against emotional fragility is to start keeping your promises to yourself.

The trick is to start small: If you tell yourself you’re going to finish your report before lunch, do it; if you tell yourself you’re going to call your sister after work, just do it, even if you don’t feel like it.

You’re stronger than you think, but you will never feel that way until you start learning to trust yourself.

“Self-esteem is the reputation you have with yourself.”

— Naval Ravikant

4. Going with the flow

There’s nothing wrong with being easygoing sometimes. But if you always find yourself “going with the flow” and following the lead of others, you are probably keeping yourself emotionally fragile.

If you always “go with the flow” when your husband suggests Italian food, he’s never going to know that you don’t actually like Italian food all that much.

If you always “go with the flow” and say yes to new assignments at work, your manager is never going to know that you’re burnt out and unhappy in your job.

If you always “go with the flow” and agree to host Thanksgiving at your house, your family is never going to understand why you frequently seem irritable and resentful toward them.

Going with the flow seems nice, but it’s actually the opposite: it’s a lie that ends up hurting everybody in the end.

If you want to build up the courage to be more of yourself and express what you really want confidently, practice assertiveness.

Being assertive means you’re willing to express your wants and needs in a way that is true to yourself and respectful of others. And it’s a skill anyone can learn.

It may feel awkward and scary at first, but being honest about what you really want will improve all your relationships—especially your relationship with yourself.

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”

— Joseph Campbell

5. Being judgmental towards yourself

It’s a sad fact that most people grow up learning that the only way to properly motivate yourself is to “get tough” with yourself.

Most of us internalize from a young age that unless we beat ourselves up with lots of self-criticisms and tough self-talk, we’ll end up slacking off or not performing well. Our families and culture glorify performance and success (especially academic success), and we end up having our self-worth tied to our ability to achieve and be successful. So we come to over-rely on judgmental behaviour and self-criticism as a motivator.

But here’s the problem…

While fear can be an effective motivator in the short term, it has disastrous emotional consequences if it’s your only form of motivation.

When you’re constantly critical and judgmental of yourself, you begin to feel as if nothing is ever good enough. So you double down and get even tougher with yourself, which of course only makes you feel worse.

  • It’s pretty hard to feel confident when you are judgmental of yourself every time you feel afraid.
  • It’s pretty hard to feel motivated when you are judgmental of yourself every time you lack energy or enthusiasm.
  • It’s pretty hard to feel good about yourself when you’re constantly talking trash to yourself in your head.

Start to practice a little self-compassion and you’ll find yourself far more resilient than you ever thought was possible.

“If your compassion does not include yourself it is not complete.”

— Jack Kornfield

6. Reassurance-seeking

Emotionally fragile people often get stuck in the habit of asking for reassurance anytime they feel scared, sad, or upset.

On some level this makes sense: If you don’t trust yourself to manage difficult feelings well, and someone else you do trust tells you everything’s going to be okay, that’s an awful tempting strategy.

But chronic reassurance-seeking has one major downside:

Every time you ask for reassurance, it’s a vote of no confidence in yourself.

Think about it from your own brain’s perspective:  If every time you feel bad, you immediately rush to have someone else make you feel better, what does that say about your own self-confidence and belief in yourself?

Of course, we all need help and support sometimes. But if other people are your default strategy for feeling better, you might need to rethink your game plan.

“Goddamit, whenever a person wants reassurance he tells a friend to think what he wants to be true. It’s like asking a waiter what’s good tonight.”

― John Steinbeck

7. Staying busy all the time

One of the least well-known habits that leads towards emotional fragility is constantly staying busy!

People in this habit never let a minute go by without having something to do. They keep their schedules so packed that they never have any space for mental downtime and the chance of being alone with their own thoughts.

While this constant activity and preoccupation can make you feel productive and on top order of things, it’s often just a mask for something unhealthy:

Constant busy behaviour is often a primitive defence mechanism for avoiding painful feelings.

For example:

  • If your relationship is unhappy but you are too afraid or ashamed to try and improve it, constant busyness helps you avoid that pain.
  • If, deep down, you’re profoundly unhappy in your work, constant busyness helps you avoid that pain.
  • If you’re afraid to be alone with your own thoughts, constant busyness helps you avoid that pain.

But that’s not actually true… Constant busyness temporarily helps you avoid those pains, but it never really addresses them.

You’re just kicking the can down the road. And all the while, those problems are just festering and growing bigger with time.

Chronic business is a form of emotional procrastination—putting off the hard work of dealing with painful feelings by always having something to do.

Ultimately, if you want to end the cycle of emotional fragility and become more resilient, you have to start facing your fears and dealing with them head-on. You can only do this if you free up a little time in your schedule to self-reflect and ask yourself what really needs to be addressed.

“There is nothing the busy man is less busied with than living: there is nothing that is harder to learn.”

― Seneca

How to Reduce Anxiety Through A Daily Journal Practice 

Guest blog post: brought to you by Amber Louise of the Lady Boss Nomad blog

daily journal practice

Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

One of the greatest lies we tell ourselves is that we’re stuck in a rut. However, did you know it’s not only possible to change your situation but to also change yourself too?

The mind is a powerful thing. It can be our greatest ally or our biggest enemy. The key to reinventing yourself is to gain control over the mind and start living the life you want to live. One way you can do this is by keeping a journal.

Since my mid-teens, I have kept some form of a journal whether it be an art journal, a diary or a bullet journal. Now I keep a journal for creative brainstorming in both my business and personal life and I keep an A5 journal for all my mixed media art. 

being 100% honest about your thoughts and feelings can be difficult to start with. You need to remember that your journal is a safe place. It’s a non-judgmental space which enables you to say exactly how you feel with no repercussions or judgements. 

It’s a wonderful outlet especially for me as I suffer from GAD or Generalised Anxiety Disorder but, the high functioning kind which can easily go undetected by others. So you see it’s extremely important for me to have a creative and reflective outlet as a busy boss lady that runs her blog.

Here in this post, I want to share with you my best tips for creating a daily journal practice that can reduce your anxiety and stress. These are life-saving tips that can improve your whole mindset and is a form of self CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy technique. 

Tip number 1: Choose the right journal for yourself 

Ok, so this one may sound a little silly, but the journal you choose can have a significant impact on how effective it is. Your journal is supposed to inspire and motivate you to use it. So, if you don’t love it, you’re not going to feel very inspired.

Take your time to choose the right journal. Think about its design and how the pages are set out. Do you love it? Can you see yourself writing in it every day? It may sound a little ridiculous, but the right journal will pick you. 

Tip number 2: Start by writing about the things you’re grateful for

Once you’ve got the right journal, figuring out how to start it can be pretty tough. So, if you’re struggling, start by writing a list of the things you’re grateful for. This can either be done first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening. There are advantages to doing it during both times, so it’s all about what works for you.

All too often, we spend most of our time focusing on the things we don’t have or the things we wish we had. This makes us forget about the positive things we do have. Journaling helps you to focus on the positive things in the here and now, rather than wasting time and energy wishing for something more.

So how can this help you to reinvent yourself? Well, the more positive you are, the easier you’ll find it to make a change. It’s often our negativity which sets us back in life so anything which makes us more positive can help us to reinvent ourselves. 

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Tip number 3: Be absolutely honest in your journal 

Journaling isn’t going to help you if you aren’t 100% honest. The trouble is, you may find you spend so much time hiding how you feel, that being 100% honest about your thoughts and feelings can be difficult to start with. You need to remember that your journal is a safe place. It’s a non-judgmental space which enables you to say exactly how you feel with no repercussions or judgements. 

Once you’re honest about your thoughts and feelings and what you want from life, you’ll be able to see what you need to do to change.   

Tip number 4: Write down your biggest goals

Use the journal to write down what it is you want to achieve. This can be done in the form of short term and long-term goals. It’s important to see the big picture. Where do you want to be in 3-5 years and how could you potentially get there?

Writing down your goals and identifying the steps you need to take to make a change, will help massively.

Tip number 5: Make it a daily routine if you can

It’s important to use your journal daily. Set up a daily routine where you write in your journal at a specific time. Once you’ve gotten used to writing in the journal, it will become an automatic habit you carry out each day.

As with anything, to reinvent yourself, you need to be persistent and committed. So, be sure to write in your journal every single day.

daily journal practice


These are just 5 ways that you can reduce your anxiety daily through journaling practice. The more you do it, the more chances you’ll start to see – both in how you feel and how you act. I am 100% certain that a journal will help you to reduce your stress and anxiety if you make it part of your daily routine. 

It can also improve your focus and generate creative brainstorming which is crucial for busy CEOs and boss ladies. Often I will use my journal to brainstorm blog post ideas or even a whole product launch. If you too a busy boss lady who has high functioning anxiety then definitely give this a try. Other ways you can use your journal are brainstorming recipes or jotting down positive affirmations. I just know you’ll love this practice as much as I do! 

Download and print your own 74-page Anxiety Journal here: 

About my guest blogger

Amber Louise is the busy CEO and Founder of the Lady Boss Nomad. She inspires women with useful tips, resources, motivation & encouragement to help their digital businesses thrive. She helps female entrepreneurs launch a digital businesses. This service is for those who already have digital products but just need a robust platform or for newbies needing ideas on which digital products to sell, she goes through ebooks, eCourses, printable’s etc. She can offer guidance on the best tools and resources for digital businesses and blogs about product launching, marketing and sales page creation.

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It’s January 2023 & Time To Start The Year With Some Fresh Content

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Welcome to my January 2023 advertisers

Welcome to January 2023. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday period. And you are ready for some fresh content and amazing products to check out!

I regularly post on Twitter about the blogging community and how it is great to be part of such a supportive group. In addition, I am also overjoyed to be offering my advertising slots to small business owners. Look out for updates on these advertisers and their amazing work, throughout the month on Twitter.

Check out this fresh content for a fresh, new year…

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Ladyboss Nomad

I am so excited to bring you fresh content from a returning advertiser… Amber has released a sister site the Lady Boss Business Group (LBBG). With a focus on wellness first, and business second because mental and emotional health is paramount to building a successful business. The blog focuses on keeping you motivated amidst the challenges, ups and downs of being a lady Boss CEO. It is a place for comradeship and community among like-minded women. 

A little bit about the blog

Having owned a successful service-based bookkeeping business and starting as a small business owner running my bricks-and-mortar greeting card business on Etsy I know a few trade tricks. I’m a smart savvy business owner with a creative edge. I can help you with your product creation through to launch, list building and marketing of your new products. If you’re service-based I can help you set up systems to attract the right clients.

Blog posts to check out

Ways to connect with Amber





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Final Thoughts

Please show these amazing bloggers some love. And look out for fresh content from them throughout the month.


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My Current TBR List and Why Reading Is Helping Me Mentally

Because I am excited by stories and books again, it was time to dedicate a space on my blog to all things books! Reading is currently helping me mentally. And I wanted to share this passion, in the hope, it might help other people out there.

You can check out Book Corner because it’s where you will hear about my latest book reviews, what I am currently excited about reading, and any stories that literally knocked my socks off.

Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

A much-needed break to help me mentally

If you follow me on Twitter, you will know I am taking a two-week break from blogging in September. Whilst writing and being creative is my passion, I have worked non-stop on this little passion project since July 2021. It’s time to refresh and return better than ever. Because I have so many exciting things in the pipeline.

Follow me on Goodreads to hear about my reading progress. Whilst I am not sure I will achieve my target for 2022, I hope to make some reading progress during my two-week blogging break. I can’t wait to get lost in these stories and restore my mental well-being.

Mummy’s books

Her Last Holiday
it was amazing
I’m going all out & saying this is one of the best books I’ve ever read. The pace, the writing, is outstanding. I couldn’t wait to keep turning pages and it’s renewed my eagerness to get through my TBR list!
My Friend Anna: The True Story of the Fake Heiress Who Conned Me and Half of New York City
it was amazing
Great read, from the real perspective of a person central to the drama. A raw, emotional story of how friendship was used to manipulate someone.
The Lost Hours
it was amazing
Absolutely amazing! Gripping right from the very beginning. Strong characters and the second half of the book had me constantly turning the pages. I loved the characters and got to know them all very well. Would love to see this as a fil…

Books transporting us to a new destination

I have been struggling recently, with physical illness, and being run down. This means I’ve taken a hit emotionally and mentally. I am finding that reading allows me to switch off and recover, which I am thankful for. I often read books to get transported to the destination the book is set in. Lately, I need something to bring me out of the fog and reading is helping me mentally.

helping me mentally

Let’s dive into my current reading list

As any book lover will experience, there were many titles on my list to choose from. I managed to narrow it down into a manageable reading list. And put them in an order I was happy with.

Mental Health books currently helping me mentally

It is important to me, to read about mental health, as well as write about it on this blog.

I recently visited the Bradford Literature Festival recently and attend a talk by Horatio Clare, discussing Heavy Light. Reading about mental illness from the perspective of the person is something very interesting to me. As such, I am so eager to read this title. It just had to come top of the pile.

helping me mentally
My images from Bradford Literature Festival

Heavy Light, by Horatio Clare

I haven’t finished this book yet. But I can say, it is so well written. And I relate to so much of the content. Whilst I haven’t experienced psychosis, I have experienced seeing a situation from a completely different perspective because of my anxiety and depression. During my pregnancy and stay in the hospital, my and my hubby’s accounts of what took place are so different. It’s like talking to people who were in hospitals at opposite ends of the country. Therefore, I can relate to some of what Horatio and his partner experienced. It is a helpful insight into mental illness, and the lack of support for individuals who are unwell. Also a heartbreaking insight into what their families go through.

“The words with which a breakdown is treated are all medicalised – illness, treatment, nurse, doctor, meds – but the mechanism of treatment belongs to retribution: incarnation, surveillance, behaviour monitoring, parole. For crimes against normality, we get a label and a chemical life sentence. I hate this mechanism. I refuse to believe in it.”
― Horatio Clare, Heavy Light: A Journey Through Madness, Mania and Healing

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The Power Of Letters

If you follow my blog, you will know a letter I wrote was published in an anthology. The proceeds of the book went to the Prince’s Trust and the letters are designed to give the youth of today hope that things can get better. I was honoured to be part of this project.

I can’t wait to read the other amazing letters featured. However, with how I have been feeling recently, I think waiting for a little would be better for me mentally.

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The Psychopath Inside

This was a recommendation I picked up and I am so excited to see what it is all about. I feel like this book will contribute to helping me mentally. And will also tie in with the work I am doing in my hypnotherapy course, which helps me to understand how the brain works.

More about the book – From Amazon

The Psychopath Inside, tells the fascinating story of Fallon’s reaction to the discovery that he has the brain of a psychopath. While researching serial murderers, he uncovered a distinct neurological pattern in their brain scans that helped explain their cold and violent behaviour. A few months later he learned that he was descended from a family with a long line of murderers which confirmed that Fallon’s own brain pattern wasn’t a fluke.

As a scientist convinced that humans are shaped by their genetics, Fallon set out to reconcile the truth about his brain with everything he knew about the mind, behaviour, and the influence of nature vs. nurture on our personalities. How could he, a successful scientist and a happy family man with no history of violence, be a psychopath? How much did his biology influence his behaviour? Was he capable of some of the gruesome atrocities perpetrated by the serial killers he had studied?

Combining his personal experience with scientific analysis, Fallon shares his journey and the discoveries that ultimately led him to understand that, despite everything, science can teach us, humans are even more complex than we can imagine.

The Man Who Died Twice, By Richard Osman

I know this title is part of a series. But having read the reviews, I have decided to read this one as a stand-alone book. We all have different preferences when reading and personally, I want titles which have great reviews, otherwise, I simply won’t finish them. This book sounds like the best one in the series. Obviously, I can’t pass judgment until I’ve read it. Sign up to be alerted each time a blog post is released, and you can catch up with the review when I finish it.

helping me mentally

The Girls, By Lisa Jewell

Getting lost in a book is helping me mentally. I love nothing more than a thriller, or crime drama. Therefore, naturally, it is the type of book I love reading.

A bit more information (courtesy of Wob)

Dark secrets, a devastating mystery and the games people play: the gripping new novel from the bestselling author of The House We Grew Up In and The Third Wife.

You live on a picturesque communal garden square, an oasis in urban London where your children run free, in and out of other people’s houses.

You’ve known your neighbours for years and you trust them. Implicitly.

You think your children are safe.

But are they really?

Midsummer night: a thirteen-year-old girl is found unconscious in a dark corner of the garden square. What really happened to her? And who is responsible?

Utterly believable characters, a gripping story and a dark secret buried at its core: this is Lisa Jewell at her heart-stopping best.

The Thursday Murder Club, By Richard Osman

I have decided to add this to my list, but whether I read it or not will be very much based on how I like the other one in the series. I realise it sounds a bit quirky to read the titles in this order, but I love doing things my own way and this feels right. If I like the first title, it will be like watching the series and then the prequel.

A Thousand Moons, By Sebastian Barry

This is another title, which is technically a series, but can be treated as a stand-alone book. I can’t wait to read this one. I love high-quality writing. And the reviews suggest I won’t be disappointed with this one.

A Thousand Moons skips forward a few years from Days Without End and although it’s in effect a sequel, the novel stands alone, wasting no time with backstory as it launches into its typically rollicking tale.

The Guardian

More about the book –

Even when you come out of bloodshed and disaster in the end you have got to learn to live.

Winona is a young Lakota orphan adopted by former soldiers Thomas McNulty and John Cole.
Living with Thomas and John on the farm they work in 1870s Tennessee, she is educated and loved, forging a life for herself beyond the violence and dispossession of her past. But the fragile harmony of her unlikely family unit, in the aftermath of the Civil War, is soon threatened by a further traumatic event, one which Winona struggles to confront, let alone understand.

Told in Sebastian Barry’s rare and masterly prose, A Thousand Moons is a powerful, moving study of one woman’s journey, her determination to write her own future, and the enduring human capacity for love. (courtesy of Amazon).

‘Nobody writes like, nobody takes lyrical risks like, nobody pushes the language, and the heart, and the two together, quite like Sebastian Barry does.’ ALI SMITH

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

My hubby has been nagging me for years to get the full Harry Potter series and read it. He is aware I love the description and imagination in a book, much more than in a film. Up to now, I have been reluctant. But I will be giving this a go and see what happens. And whether I then want to read the rest of the books. Stay tuned on the blog and also on Twitter.

Final thoughts

I have so many titles on my bookshelf and I intend to continue my reading journey, with another Goodreads challenge in 2023. Stay tuned to the blog, on Book Corner for more of my current reading lists.

helping me mentally

Getting To Know Me – Behind The Blogger Challenge!

I’ve had a rough week and due to this, I’ve felt unmotivated when it came to blogging. This is what led me to accept the Behind The Blogger Challenge.

Despite my woes, opening Twitter on Friday morning, I had a lovely surprise with @DTblogs tagging me in his getting to know me post. 

I love these kinds of posts. They allow us to get to know bloggers better and it’s fun. I genuinely felt a pang of excitement at knowing this was now the first task on my blogging to-do list for the weekend. What a great way to get back into blogging!

With the week off from my job, I can spend time doing what I love. A mix of blogging and resting. Bring on the daytime naps with the little one. Hopefully this post is the beginning of getting ahead on my blogging tasks.

Behind The Blogger Challenge

Here are some things you don’t know about me and I haven’t yet talked about on the blog. Let’s get into Behind The Blogger Challenge

I completed two 10k races 

I am no runner. But I gradually worked up from smaller runs. I found running helped my mental health and it became addictive to set my mind free and just go for it. 

Conquering not one, but two 10k races, I am immensely proud of myself. It was one of the toughest challenges, simply because it did not come easy to me and in all honesty, I didn’t train enough for either race. But I did it! And I still have the medals on display. My little one plays dress-up with my Race For Life, 5k medals. Who knows, maybe we will dress up and do one together to honour my family members taken too soon by cancer. 

All my grandparents were taken by cancer 

A grim and scary fact, but something which affects families across the world. My relatives were impacted by different forms of cancer and therefore doctors have assured me the heredity risk is low. However, I went through an extremely angry period in my late teens because I never met my grandma due to this awful disease. It’s probably what prompted me to participate in these fitness events. I have predominantly raised money for cancer charities. I think it’s also why I am spiritual and somehow feel a connection to my loved ones.

I wear glasses 

It didn’t happen until I was in my early 20s, but my dad always warned me it would. 

Luckily I can still see quite well without my glasses and mainly need them for working and watching television. Or these days when I’m in zombie mode. Your eyes don’t function properly on five hours of sleep and a busy day ahead of you. 

These days I have trendy colourful frames and they suit me. I also feel more intelligent when I wear glasses for work. What is it with that perception people have? 

I am civilly partnered but we call it marriage

I have a blog post in my drafts all about this, so one day you can all read about it. 

The basic gist of it is, we wanted to be a partnership, neither of us like much attention (we were glad it was a restricted guest allowance during lockdown) and we wanted an even, fair legal partnership. Therefore we decided to be civil partners. 

You can turn it into a marriage further down the line and if we ever did, I envision an all-inclusive in Mexico for three weeks, with the little ones older and involved. Mexico was our first holiday as a couple and what an unforgettable experience. Whilst I was there I checked out the wedding brochure and it’s cheap to do, compared with UK prices. 

I eat raw patatoes and frozen chips 

Before anyone asks, I’ve done this for years. Not as a result of pregnancy. Although during pregnancy I completely went off most of the foods and drinks I loved. Strange. 

I think the raw potato thing comes from Sunday dinners at home when my mum would leave potatoes soaking in the pan and they looked yummy. I also like the crunch. I can’t explain the frozen chips thing, but every single time I cook them I eat at least 1 or 2 before putting them in the oven. 

I volunteered to visit the elderly

I was previously part of a charity that receive referrals for befriending an older person, who may be vulnerable and in need of company. As you can imagine, this was very rewarding and I am always on the lookout for new volunteer opportunities. Unfortunately, due to being pregnant and super busy all the time, I had to stop.

If you’re interested in doing this, check out the Age UK befriending service.

Behind The Blogger Challenge

Final thoughts

Honestly, I’ve loved writing this Behind The Blogger Challenge piece and I feel like I was meant to be tagged in it. It’s brought back my writing mojo.

I nominate these amazing bloggers to accept the challenge if they feel able to do so:









It’s May – I have some great bloggers for you to check out

It's May

I am SO excited to announce I am a nominee in the BLOGGER OF THE YEAR category at the Mental Health Blog Awards 2022 & also a speaker on the day!


My blogging journey started with attending the 2021 awards & it’s a dream come true to be involved this year…

Check out ALL OF this year’s nominees.

AD – PLEASE NOTE – this is a paid advertisement

Please go and show my May 2022 advertisers some love, by commenting, sharing their posts, and interacting with one another. I regularly post on Twitter about the blogging community and how it is great to be part of such a supportive group of people.

There is something for everyone in this bunch.

I will start with two amazing advertisers returning for a second month on this blog, and I am so happy to have them.

It's May


It's May

A little bit about the blog

My blog was originally set up to discuss all things book related and to share what I have learned about the environment. I am passionate about both of these subjects but occasionally I comment on TV and films as well as travel. Check out my posts to find out about great books, tips for being ecofriendly and other life hacks.

Blog posts you should check out

My Top List Of Books To Buy

Three Wishes – Book Review

Ways to connect with Jamie



Living Deliberately – Andrea Hunt

It's May

A little bit about the blog

I am a supportive motivator as a coach, and I’ve always loved being around people from all over the world. I’m a transformational life coach and happy to help you reach your goals for a richer, more fulfilling life. Likewise, I help people understand gain self-awareness so they can figure out what’s keeping them stuck, which limiting beliefs hold them back, or what emotional meets are not getting met so they can understand how to create better boundaries and standards in their relationships. In particular, I can help you when you’re at that point of saying ‘Enough!’ – I want something better!

Blog posts you should check out

EFT Tapping & its Life-Changing Importance For Your Emotional Health

4 Helpful Ways to Start Boosting Your Inner Confidence

Andrea also has a new programme coming up.

If you’re like many people, 2022 might not exactly feel like it’s gotten off the ground for you yet. The last few years have been hard on everyone and many people feel stuck in a constant cycle of stress, uncertainty, stagnancy &  lack of fulfilment. 

This special Spring Clean Your Life & Mindset Package is an exclusive combination of transformational life coaching and EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) that will kick start your personal growth so you can start making changes in your life immediately. 

  • Get clear on what’s not working
  • Uncover where your mindset is sabotaging you to start replacing those beliefs with more helpful, motivating ones
  • Start letting go of past issues and experiences that still affect how you see yourself today
  • Uncover your strengths to quiet that mean little voice that criticizes you, compares you to others, or tells you you’re not good enough.  
  • Envision the life you want along with transformational life coaching and future pacing exercises to make it all real in your head.

Check out the full details here

Ways to connect with Andrea




Sign up for my monthly newsletter, to gain access to exclusive offers & updates

Sign up for my freebie library. Each week there will be a new freebie added to help organise your life and take away some stress!

And now for a NEW ENTRY this month

Lady Boss Nomad – Amber

A little bit about the blog

Having owned a successful service-based bookkeeping business and starting as a small business owner running my bricks and mortar greeting card business on Etsy I know a few tricks of the trade. I’m a smart savvy business owner with a creative edge. I can help you with your product creation through to launch, list building and marketing of your new products. If you’re service-based I can help you set up systems to attract the right clients.

Please also check out Amber’s other blog.

And lookout for a guest post from Amber on my blog this month.

Blog posts you should check out

Self Discovery Through Journaling is the Key to a Fulfilled Life

How to maintain your motivation

Pick a Product & Get it Download Ready

Drafting a Compelling Sales Page

Ways to connect with Amber





Want to book an advertising spot?

I am taking bookings for the rest of 2022 and you can find more details here.

It's May

Final thoughts

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. 

I also hope you will enjoy checking out these bloggers.

Let me know in the comments whether you’ve checked out their posts? It would be great to hear from you.

It's May

Want to check out these blogs later? Pin this post!

It's May

Great blogs sure to put a spring in your step in April

AD – PLEASE NOTE – this is a paid advertisement

I feel privileged to introduce you to my April 2022 advertisers

It’s now time for me to share other people’s wonderful blogs and hopefully put a spring in your step.

Please go and show my April 2022 advertisers some love, by commenting, sharing their posts, and interacting with one another. I regularly post on Twitter about the blogging community and how it is great to be part of such a supportive group of people.

There is something for everyone in this bunch.

spring in your step

Positive Thinking For Beginners

spring in your step

A little bit about the blog

After hitting rock bottom and realising that there was only one way to go from here, I looked for ways I could turn my life around. Positive Thinking kept showing itself to me through books, TV, conversations, everywhere I went. I eventually took a look into it and realised that I would need to start right at the very beginning, learning positivity and unlearning negativity. My life looks very different now and I created Positive Thinking for Beginners to help others begin their journey.

Blog posts you should check out

Ways to connect with Lisa





Sign up for my monthly newsletter, to gain access to exclusive offers & updates

Sign up for my freebie library. Each week there will be a new freebie added to help organise your life and take away some stress!

Living Deliberately Andrea Hunt

spring in your step

A little bit about the blog

I am a supportive motivator as a coach, and I’ve always loved being around people from all over the world. I’m a transformational life coach and happy to help you reach your goals for a richer, more fulfilling life. Likewise, I help people understand gain self-awareness so they can figure out what’s keeping them stuck, which limiting beliefs hold them back, or what emotional meets are not getting met so they can understand how to create better boundaries and standards in their relationships. In particular, I can help you when you’re at that point of saying ‘Enough!’ – I want something better!

Blog posts you should check out

Andrea also has a new programme coming up.

If you’re like many people, 2022 might not exactly feel like it’s gotten off the ground for you yet. The last few years have been hard on everyone and many people feel stuck in a constant cycle of stress, uncertainty, stagnancy &  lack of fulfilment. 

This special Spring Clean Your Life & Mindset Package is an exclusive combination of transformational life coaching and EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) that will kick start your personal growth so you can start making changes in your life immediately. 

  • Get clear on what’s not working
  • Uncover where your own mindset is sabotaging you to start replacing those beliefs with more helpful, motivating ones
  • Start letting go of past issues and experiences that still affect how you see yourself today
  • Uncover your strengths to quiet that mean little voice that criticizes you, compares you to others, or tells you you’re not good enough.  
  • Envision the life you want along with transformational life coaching future pacing exercise to make it all real in your head.

Check out the full details here

Ways to connect with Andrea





spring in your step

A little bit about the blog

My blog was originally set up to discuss all things book related and to share what I have learned about the environment. I am passionate about both of these subjects but occasionally I comment on TV and films as well as travel. Check out my posts to find out about great books, tips for being ecofriendly and other life hacks.

Blog posts you should check out

Ways to connect with Jamie



The Grumpy Olive

spring in your step

We are The Grumpy Olive, a team of three sisters blogging from London. On our blog, we write about all the things we love and including food, coffee, beauty and books among the many things. You can expect to find easy but tasty recipes, the latest in books and also some talk on beauty and travel because we may fancy that here and there. But most of all, The Grumpy Olive is a little corner of the internet where everything is just fun, new and upbeat – just what the doctor ordered!

Blog posts you should check out

Ways to connect with The Grumpy Olive





Want to book an advertising spot?

I am taking bookings and you can find more details here.

spring in your step

Final thoughts

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. And these great bloggers helped put a spring in your step.

Let me know in the comments whether you’ve checked out their posts?

spring in your step

Want to check out these blogs later? Pin this post!

spring in your step

AD – Introducing an amazing blogger – Sophie’s blog – Starting Today

Today I am introducing you to an amazing blogger. Sophie’s blog, Starting Today, is definitely worth a read. Grab a cup of tea and enjoy.

You will remember my advertiser’s post, where I said I was impressed by the photography on the website. I mean, these images are kind of blogger goals and where I would like to be with the images I post on my own blogs’ and social media accounts. 

amazing blogger

I wanted to pick out two of the blog posts which really resonated with me and explain why you should go and read them today!

Single Parents are not Monsters – STARTING TODAY

This post is so honest and powerful! Sophie is honest about making a difficult life decision to benefit herself and her children. And the poem is beautiful. 

You HAVE to check it out!

Rose of Thorns some thoughts on anti feminism – STARTING TODAY

Check out this amazing blog post, for a balanced argument about feminism and the way our family units have evolved. You will also find some great, symbolic photos to accompany the post.

amazing blogger

For those of you who missed the advertiser’s post. Here are the all-important details you need to connect with Sophie.

Why I loved checking out Sophie’s blog

Please all go take a look at this blog. It is aesthetically pleasing and the images on the website are amazing. To write this post, I had a look around the site and I am impressed with what I found. Sophie covers lifestyle and photography on the blog, and you will find some amazing images scattered throughout her blog posts.

A little bit about Sophie

Sophie is a freelance photographer who looks at life philosophically. She has always been creative, but hid from her creativity for so long, afraid it was a negative aspect of her character. Now she embraces it. Her blog, Starting Today is a place where she shares her thoughts, vision, and passions. She combines photography, poetry, and writing to share her lifestyle and thoughts. Uniquely ambitious, with a zest for life, she loves to encourage others to be themselves, always. 

Blog posts you should definitely check out

Submerged in ambition, but moulded by clay. – STARTING TODAY

5 ways to Find Bloggers to promote your products – STARTING TODAY

Ways to connect with Sophie

You find Sophie on Twitter. She is also on Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook.

Final thoughts

Have you already checked out Sophie’s blog? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

amazing blogger

Violence & Depression – How Working In Security Impacts Men

I have a great guest post for you today. From

I am happy to support any message about mental health, whatever industry that may be in. None of us are immune to the impact of mental health problems. And it’s all about raising awareness.

Working In Security

Whilst I am aware both men and women work in the security industry. It is a predominantly male-dominated occupation. And more importantly, we know men’s mental health isn’t talked about enough.

I hope this post helps anyone out there, who may be struggling mentally!


It’s no surprise that working in the security industry can be demanding and at times dangerous. But few of us realize just how deep an impact it has on the mental health of those who take this job on, especially men. 

Recent surveys have revealed a concerning level of depression among workers in this sector, as well as alarming trends in violence against employees. In this article, we will explore these issues and potential solutions to improve overall well-being in the security industry.

Working In Security

Violence in the Security Industry

A recent survey from found that 51% are verbally abused every time they work, with 98% of incidents occurring in nightclubs and bars. 

Alongside this, 24% of workers also reported experiencing physical and verbal violence at least once a week. These statistics highlight the dangerous environment in which many people are required to work, and the toll it can take on their mental health.

Male Depression in the Security Industry

Not only is there an alarming level of violence in the security industry, but also a concerning level of depression among male workers. 

A report from found that 57% say that an incident has affected their mental state more than 24 hours after the event, with almost half of those sympathizing that an incident has been severely traumatic. This highlights the serious mental health issues that can arise from this job, and the lack of access to resources to help with it.

Causes of Depression in the Security Industry

The causes of depression in security workers are complex, but there are a number of potential factors contributing to it. 

These include long hours and low pay; lack of support from employers; poor working conditions and lack of job security; exposure to high levels of violence or trauma, and the stigma attached to talking about mental health issues.

Managing Depression in the Security Industry

Given the serious implications of depression for security workers, it’s important to look at ways to manage this issue and improve overall well-being in this sector. Employers can help by providing better working conditions, a secure job contract, and access to mental health services. 

Additionally, having clear policies on anti-violence, training on how to respond when an incident occurs, and a supportive workplace culture can all help to reduce the risk of depression.

Ways to Combat Depression

Get more exercise

Exercising more can help to reduce the symptoms of depression, and it’s particularly important for security workers who may be struggling with long hours and stress. Taking regular breaks from work and getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day can make a big difference.

Get more sleep

Lack of sleep can exacerbate depression and anxiety, so it’s important for security workers to make sure they get enough rest. This means making sure you have a relaxing bedtime routine, avoiding stimulants such as caffeine late at night and trying to stick to a consistent sleep pattern.

Seek professional help

It’s also important to seek professional help if you or someone you know is struggling with depression. Speak to your doctor or a mental health professional who can provide advice and support, as well as access to therapy and medication if necessary.

Identify your stressors

Depression can be triggered by a range of stressors, so it’s important to identify what these are in order to manage them. This could mean looking at the environment you work in and making changes to reduce your exposure to violence or trauma; challenging stigmas around mental health issues; taking steps to improve working conditions; or talking about your feelings with a friend or family member.


The security industry is an important but often overlooked sector and one in which workers face daily challenges to their mental health. 

By acknowledging the issues of violence and depression among those in this field, employers can take steps to improve overall well-being by providing better working conditions, access to mental health services and a supportive workplace culture. With these measures in place, security workers can feel better equipped to manage their mental well-being and take steps towards a healthier future.

Check Out My Alarmingly Amazing October Advertiser’s

AD – PLEASE NOTE – this is a paid advertisement

Want to book an advertising spot? I am taking bookings for the rest of 2022; you can find more details here. There will be increased prices from 2023.

Welcome to my October 2022 advertisers

Please show my October 2022 advertisers some love, by commenting, sharing their posts, and interacting with one another. I regularly post on Twitter about the blogging community and how it is great to be part of such a supportive group.

Look out for updates on these Alarmingly Amazing bloggers and their amazing work, throughout the month on Twitter.

Time to check out the Alarmingly Amazing advertisers

Life Of Morag

A little bit about the blog

I started Lifeofmorag after a life-changing accident as a way to fill my time and give me focus. That was back in 2018. Now four years on I write about a range of topics from travel (I have visited 39 countries) to books to social issues. I also write a lot about chronic illness and mental health, both from my own experiences and coping strategies. 

Blog posts you should check out

Turkey: An overview of my adventure

Tips for working with a disability

Ways to connect with Morag



Lady Boss Nomad

Alarmingly Amazing

A little bit about the blog

Having owned a successful service-based bookkeeping business and started as a small business owner. I’m an intelligent savvy business owner with a creative edge. I can help you with your product creation through launch, list building and marketing your new products. If you’re service-based I can help you set up systems to attract the right clients.

Blog posts you should check out

Collaborations Can Make Hobby-Based Businesses Money!

Unexpected Ways to Profit from Your Hobby

Ways to connect with Amber





The Grumpy Olive

Alarmingly Amazing

A little bit about the blog

We are The Grumpy Olive, a team of three sisters blogging from London. On our blog, we write about all the things we love and including food, coffee, beauty and books among many things. You can expect to find easy but tasty recipes, the latest in books and also some talk on beauty and travel because we may fancy that here and there. But most of all, The Grumpy Olive is a little corner of the internet where everything is just fun, new and upbeat – just what the doctor ordered!

Blog posts you should check out

October 2022 Book Releases You Should Read

Pumpkin Pie Spice Pancakes Quick Recipe

Sausage And Chorizo Casserole Recipe

Pumpkin Spice Latte Iced Easy Recipe

Ways to connect with The Grumpy Olive





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Sign up for my freebie library. With new freebies added to help organise your life and take away some stress!

The latest freebie…  Download the new checklist bundle – bright colours for making organising more fun…

Alarmingly Amazing

Final Thoughts

Please show these amazing bloggers some love. And look out for updates about them throughout the month.

Alarmingly Amazing