Family time

9 easy steps to ensure quality family time is a top priority

Since having a baby, I get it – there are not enough hours in the day. Quality family time sometimes comes bottom of the list, but it’s up to us to prioritse it!

I thought I was busy before kids (probably busy getting enough sleep & pampering myself. Those were the days).

Due to the excitement caused by my newfound love of blogging, and my existing anxiety issues, it’s easy to forget to switch off for family time. I am currently getting swept up in a world of online kindness from the mental health and mummy blogging community, and it’s addictive.

That said, we all need a cut-off point…

Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

I’ve created a list for you…

Here are a few of the tips I’ve been trying out to ensure we all have a happy home life and there is a balance between work-life and home-life.

1. Device-free time 

At 7 pm we put our phones away and have quality family time. By this, I mean no distractions. We play with our little girl, dance, sing, and jump on the bed. We enjoy bath time and have fun. It’s lovely. We are all fully present at that moment in time and thoroughly enjoy each other’s company. We have at least two hours each day of one-on-one attention and I believe this is what young children need.

At the time of writing this, we’ve just been flipping soft play food in the pan, as Daddy Pig does with the pancakes (anyone who understands this, thanks for being on the same wavelength as me). 

9 steps to ensure quality family time is a top priority

2. A positive attitude

However tired the hubby & I are, we try our best to create a happy home vibe in the evenings (easier said than done if one of us is moody or angry, but we try!).

We do our best to be kind to each other and not lose our temper. A negative vibe doesn’t make for quality family time.

If one of us is unable to change our mood, we have some alone time. My ultimate dream is to have a bath with this.

“I am going to switch off now and talk about something else”

3. Relaxing drinks

Whether it be a glass of red wine or herbal tea this is my fave one.

We have something to make us feel good, without feeling bad about it. 

Admittedly, drinking alcohol during the week only serves to make me more zombie-like. But there are occasional moments where a toddler tests you so much, only a vodka will solve your problems. 

Everyone is different, whatever drink you enjoy, take some time and look after yourself. 

4. A nap

In our house, we tend to go to bed late (the toddler decides the time, not us, and yes we have tried all the sleeping techniques going. She is just nosy and strong-minded, hehe) and wake up early. This means during the week, we barely get enough sleep to function. If anyone has any outside-the-box strategies you’ve tried, please comment below. HELP!

Since having a child, I believe naps can benefit you hugely. They are essential to ensuring quality family time is a top priority.

Just laying down and curing those aches for a while, closing your eyes, switching off, and resetting yourself. It does wonders for us personally (I am more prone to unhealthy anxiety levels when I don’t get enough sleep) and as a family. 

everyone needs a nap

Still with me after the nap?

We have a few more points to cover on quality family time…

5. A healthy, enjoyable meal 

We’ve always been good at meal planning and cooking in the evenings (although we don’t manage to get tea organised as quickly as I would like). The slow cooker is your friend, this is the one we use Using it means we can switch off, have quiet time, a nap, or go for a walk, without worrying about watching the oven. 

Quality family time to me means eating together and enjoying a meal. It’s an important time of the day.

We are trying to cook healthy, nutritious meals that we can also give to our little girl (luckily she has a varied diet at nursery and therefore likes most foods – see how long this lasts).

6. Switch off from work 

We’ve all been there – it’s easy to get stuck in work mode. To rant about something or someone who annoyed you that day. At the height of my career (when I was starting a new relationship & before kids), I was working 12 hour days and barely talking to my now Hubby when I returned home (I hope I never have to do it again – time to hopefully prioritse family time from now on).

We’ve found the key is to openly say, “I am going to switch off now and talk about something else”. Maybe try a small breathing exercise together (hubby does this mostly to help my anxiety I think) and put the drama out of our head and our precious family-time. 

What’s the point in worrying about something you can’t change until the next day.  Simply put, It’s not worth it! Try to live in the moment and be fully present.

7. A nice bath or some quiet time 

If we can, we all take some quiet time. Luckily we have an independent toddler and therefore the feeling is mutual when it comes to alone time. 

Whether it is time away from the toddler, to play phone games, read, visit the gym, or see our friends (we try our best to set aside time, even if it’s 10-20 minutes per day).  

8. Something good to watch on TV 

We have the usual binge-watching box sets which are for family time only (we would be in trouble if we dared watch the programme alone. It’s like a relationship violation).

Watching TV allows us to switch off, relax and quiet our brains for a while. I believe in small doses, it can be beneficial. With a toddler running around playing musical instruments, we only get small doses these days. We have to save film watching for when she sleeps at the grandparents. 

9. Be kind to each other and ourselves (LOTS of self-care)

It’s easy after a long day of working to snap at each other and get stuck in moody mode. 

As mentioned above, it’s sometimes incredibly difficult to snap out of it when you’re in the midst of toddler madness and return from a tough day at work.

Since my ongoing recovery from rock bottom, doing simple things has made me feel better and sometimes turned a day from negative to positive. I, therefore, see the value in a 20-minute bath (I am now suggesting it for the hubby as well and not just me). We both report sleeping better and just feeling more relaxed in general.

I love using these bath salts and face masks. I want to get in a bubble bath right now please!

bee kind

if you’re feeling energetic during family time, see my blog post, A list of 20 children’s activities absolutely essential for improving adult mental health.

Final thoughts on quality family time

My baby is growing up fast and it’s a fact, nothing in life is certain. We try our best to live each day to the fullest and enjoy each other’s company, sealing our lasting bond with one another (cheesy I know!). 

I am personally trying to carve out a life where I work from home, choose my hours, spend time with my little pumpkin, and make room in our lives for another child. It’s clear to me now another child would be incredibly difficult to manage without some sacrifices. I don’t want those sacrifices to be made because I am out of the house, traveling to a workplace where I am not supported, and working 40 hours per week. 

Who knows what the future holds. I just know the work-life balance must to central to the decision.

I have a goal in sight, let’s see what happens…

I would love to hear from you if you’re dealing with a similar juggling act in life. Please feel free to comment below.

Lots of love

mummy conquering anxiety

The secret of how an anxiety-prone person manages a new blog

If things go wrong, like me losing my whole website one day, I panic. I am pre-dispositioned to act like this. Whilst my anxiety will never go away, I can put tools in place to manage it. I now have to find ways to balance the blog and my anxiety levels.

The excitement of starting a blog means I wanted everything to be perfect and I was eager to upload several posts and progress the blog as quickly as I could.

Pick your battles and only trade your energy where you believe it is worthy.

Like other young families, I have some time management issues. Working around childcare, having a messy hubby, housework, learning a million new things at once, I have struggled with also fitting in self-care. In my free moments, I’m always asking myself whether I should work on the blog instead of resting. I need to remember that I’m still in a recovery period following a mental breakdown, and whilst writing for this blog and speaking out about mental health is helping me, it’s about taking it one day at a time.

It’s lovely to be part of the mental health blogging community. Having like-minded people who know how you feel is amazing, so thanks to everyone who offers me support on a daily basis. Becoming a blogger is the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.

Tips on how I am currently managing my anxiety levels


I know I talk a lot about naps on the blog, but they do so much good. My anxiety is worse when I’m tired and therefore I must take time to rest if I don’t want other areas of my life to get out of control.

Brushing off the insignificant things

Naturally, when you suffer a mental breakdown and are going through redundancy, you identify the things in life that simply don’t matter. And you train yourself to not care or use your precious energy on this particular thing in life. Pick your battles and only trade your energy where you believe it is worthy.


I am still taking anti-depressants and intend to continue doing so for as long as I need them. There is no shame in this, despite the stigma still surrounding the issue.

Without medication, I wouldn’t have been able to get to a place where I could start recovery or let myself heal. Think about a pot on your broken arm or pain medication whilst a sprained ankle is healing. You wouldn’t be able to even begin the healing journey without these measures. Mental health is no different. My hope is that by speaking out, the perception will change.

Not stessing out about things outside my control

I’ve come to realise there are more factors outside our control in our lives than the ones we can do something about. I previously worried about other people and changing things. I don’t anymore.

It’s sometimes easier said than done and I will be honest, at the moment I still have the same reaction to difficult life circumstances. The difference now is, I stop to think about whether it’s the correct reaction and I evaluate this before proceeding.

blog and my anxiety levels

Organising things inside my control

Before pregnancy, when everything kind of fell apart, I had standing orders set up to make bill payments and I was super organised. I am now trying to find some sort of middle-ground. In this middle-ground, the automatic stuff like money, shopping lists, meal planning is taken care of. This leaves time for the more enjoyable elements of life.

I am still working on the plan and hope to have it resolved soon. My family and I can then look forward to a bright future and concentrate on living life.

Working on the blog when it suits me

To clarify, I work at least 3-4 hours daily on the blog, and during the first three months, it was a lot more. Because I have a little one to entertain during the day, I usually work early in the mornings and late at night.

The point here is, I am free to do special things with the little one during the day. We have just started visiting soft play areas and going swimming regularly. This is the reason I would like to turn my blogging passion into a full-time job, eventually. I can then achieve my dream of finally having a work-life balance.

Vowing to never return to what caused my stress in the first place

Long work hours

Pressure to hit targets

The office environment

Significant travel time to work

All the above are things I can control and make adjustments to in my life. I now have the confidence to achieve a future job role or self-employed status which means I don’t have to put myself through this anymore.

For me, any of these factors may cause me to get to breaking point again. It’s now about creating a happy, healthy future and avoiding the impact on my mental health.

Final thoughts

I hope this post has given you some insight on why I started the blog in the first place and how I am managing all elements of life with very little time.

I know these issues impact many families. I would love to hear from you in the comments below. You are not alone.

blog and my anxiety levels

Why It’s time to let you in on another one of my passions so you can get to know me better

I hope this post will allow you to get to know me better.

Because I struggle with control issues, due to my anxiety, I’ve realised my love of baking is possibly about a total loss of control: causing mess, chaos and the final outcome is always uncertain!

Maybe I just need some time to completely switch off and let go. I think my mind is glad of the rest. I enjoy the process and get seriously creative with ingredients and decoration. 

In my real life I like everything in order, lists are my best friend. But when I bake, I don’t stick to recipes, I’ve tried many vegan alternatives in the past. 

Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

I just love experimenting.

I firstly need to explain I believe I’ve Inherited this talent. About 5 years ago I gave it a try and was strangely amazing at baking. Even down to the small details. I would randomly know when my items were baked without setting a timer, and self-taught decoration tips very quickly, using YouTube videos. 

get to know me better
baking chaos

It’s time for me to tell you all about my baking journey…

I firstly need to explain I believe I’ve Inherited this talent. About 5 years ago I gave it a try and was strangely amazing at baking. Even down to the small details. I would randomly know when my items were baked without setting a timer, and self-taught decoration tips very quickly, using YouTube videos. 

For years I was on a mission to practice my skills by baking for every occasion I could. The only problem with baking as a hobby, or attempting to turn it into more, is you need a lot of time. Which I don’t usually have! 

There is also a lot of debate about whether turning a hobby into a full-time job is beneficial, or whether you would take the joy you experience away from it. I find baking therapeutic, but would I still find it therapeutic if it was my main source of income? Here at some tips, if you feel like becoming a pro-baker. I decided a while ago, it’s something I want to do for fun.

Someone say The Great British Bake Off??

There was talk of me applying for GBBO at one point and I actually read through the application and almost started practicing. Imagine that! Maybe one day.

I’ve even experimented with ingredients and the science behind a baked product. I don’t need weighing scales and I’ve substituted a lot of components to focus on healthy baking or using cheaper ingredients.  

Why I stopped baking 

It’s difficult to gauge exactly when and why I stopped baking. I previously booked annual leave from work to make amazing creations for family members’ special occasions. Maybe it was my all-or-nothing mindset, telling me if I couldn’t make something fantastic there was no point. 

Then life got in the way. The lead-up to my recent breakdown meant I struggled to find time to do anything enjoyable in life. I listened to my anxiety brain and told myself there was no time for baking or anything else I enjoyed in life for that matter. I’ve said goodbye to the negative thoughts now and you can read more about that here.

Has the baking spark come back? 

Since my breakdown, I’ve made an effort to bake, in order to restore some part of my sanity, which was lost in this whole sorry mess. 

It made me feel whole again and took my mind off the severe anxiety I was experiencing. I enjoyed giving out the baked goods and sending them to family and friends. This was one of the main motivations for baking in the first place. You can check out the other techniques I used to recover from my breakdown here.

get to know me better

Who made the cakes during my hiatus? 

During my hiatus from baking, there were times I needed baked goods for special occasions but just couldn’t bring myself to be the baker of these items. The thought of it made me stressed, instead of excited.

For these times, I enlisted the help of online sellers. I ordered a tray of brownies for my partner’s 30th birthday and put them on a very expensive cake stand. This is his fave dessert so they went down a treat! I think they were all gone within an hour. Lesson learned. Next time I will hide the baked goods until later in the party. I think he managed to squirrel some away before the party-goers descended. He isn’t the sharing desserts type, haha! 

Where should I seek out these brownie sellers, you ask?

For those times you’re just not feeling creative, need something as a gift or treat for a friend, or just want a Saturday night in and a box of brownies (no judgment here), look no further….

Today I need to tell you about Bake Me A Gift. They are offering 10% off your first order, using code: AF2110. Valid until: 31st Dec 2021.

Grab your brownies here and make someone happy this Christmas!

For the times I simply can’t be bothered to bake, or I’ve got my fill of self-care elsewhere, online brownies will be my only option.  

Final thoughts 

Are you a bake-off potential candidate or maybe never baked anything before? I would love to hear your stories in the comments below…

get to know me better

How I forgave myself for not seeing the light sooner

Forgiveness is absolutely essential to recovery. In this post, I will explain how I forgave myself.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. It allows us to learn from the past, but it can also trick us into believing we should have done something to help our past selves sooner than we did. Even though I believe in fate, I believe someone is watching over me and guiding me through life, I still make comments to myself and others about how I let these dreadful things happen to me. 

It takes serious hard work and possibly a life-changing event to fully realise the bad habits you’ve created in your life. You listened to anxiety and created your life around it, rather than replacing it with positive thoughts and taking control of your own life. It’s a pretty heavy discovery to make. You weren’t living to your full potential.

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    You don’t consciously think about it. You don’t have time to think with the negative anxiety thoughts going through your head every minute of every day. It’s too much to expect someone to transform their lives under these conditions. 

    How I forgave myself

    It’s important to clarify, I don’t actually believe in my rational brain that anyone can control toxic anxiety. It controls you. By toxic anxiety, I mean the type that rules your life and changes your behaviour. It takes serious hard work and possibly a life-changing event to fully realise the bad habits you’ve created in your life. You listened to anxiety and created your life around it, rather than replacing it with positive thoughts and taking control of your own life. It’s a pretty heavy discovery to make. You weren’t living to your full potential.

    BUT the point is, you had no control and probably a lack of awareness about what was happening to you. 

    Mental health issues like this often come with a whole host of other negative side feelings. Shame because you sit on the toilet crying at work, or crumble in meetings. Guilt because you push people away. Embarrassment because you took it out on the wrong person. The list goes on.

    Living in denial

    Before exploring how I forgave myself, we need to rewind time.

    I personally became so enthralled in hiding what was really going on, it was normal to me. I didn’t even really know I was hiding it. You don’t consciously think about it. You don’t have time to think with the negative anxiety thoughts going through your head every minute of every day. It’s too much to expect someone to transform their lives under these conditions. 

    The catalyst for me changing my way of life really was breaking point. I had a milder breaking point during pregnancy. Not that any of them are mild at all. I just took some annual leave from work and nobody knew. Hell, I didn’t even know it was called antenatal depression until recently. How can we change if we don’t understand what’s happening to us? 

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    What prompted me to change?

    It didn’t just take the breakdown, but it was also the added pressure of redundancy and being off on long-term sick from work for mental health. 

    Naturally, when this happens, you reevaluate and ask what got you to this point. How did I get here? What can I do to prevent this in future? It’s like I was forced to acknowledge my situation. But it involved me literally deciding the last 15 years hadn’t worked and I should try something new. 

    It isn’t even this simple. Amongst the darkness of getting over a breakdown, where you literally struggle to get out of bed. You can’t breath due to severe anxiety, or get yourself motivated. You inevitably start asking big questions your mind can’t really deal with. 

    Where am I in the recovery process now?

    For me, this process resulted in anger and I discuss my setbacks in this post and this post

    At this point, even during a phased return to work, I am still a work in progress and I am not fully healed. 

    Bearing all of this in mind, you can easily see how feelings about why you’ve let yourself suffer for so long creep into your mind. Maybe it’s a natural human instinct to do this. 

    How I forgave myself

    Why is forgiving yourself essential to recovery?

    It leads me to why forgiveness is absolutely essential to recovery. And how I forgave myself.

    I am not the person I was before, I feel a change. How can you be the same person you were before this life-changing event? Of course, you transform into something different. This is what trauma does to a human being.

    I’ve had two huge life changes in a short period of time, just after the pandemic: redundancy and a mental breakdown. But I’ve survived and you can too. 

    Forgiving your past self is one of the big steps in facilitating change.

    How to practice self-forgiveness and look after yourself

    This post has some really useful tips for self-forgiveness.

    I personally want to keep doing all of the following…

    Connecting with other people

    Whether it’s online, for the blog. Walking to nursery and saying good morning to someone, or going out with friends. Connecting with other human beings has been one of the most therapeutic things I’ve done since my breakdown. I intend to keep making connections. Other people can add perspective to our lives and make us realise our past lives weren’t actually all that bad.

    Talking about my experiences

    Starting the blog was one of the main things that got me through a difficult time. I can’t really put it into words, but I felt compelled to set up the blog. Like someone was sending me a sign I just couldn’t ignore. Like it was my purpose in life to help others. And every single day from now on, this is what I intend to do.

    It helps me to forgive my past self, because I am using the experiences I was once ashamed of to write. And these posts are helping others. How can I regret my past actions if this is the case?

    Realising what is important in life

    It sometimes takes a terrible experience. Maybe even years of getting it wrong, to realise the right way. I am thankful this horrible year has made me realise family is the most important thing and everything else I do in life should be centered around them.

    I can now create a life with a good work-life balance and remember to enjoy every moment I get with family and friends.

    Maybe it took my past experiences to get me to this place. Maybe I should be thankful to my past self, rather than believe forgiveness is required.

    Final thoughts

    I hope you liked this post on how I forgave myself.

    Let me know what you think in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

How I forgave myself

    How relaxing our routine transformed our lives

    All right, who made up routines, and why were they imposed upon us?? Relaxing our routine was the best thing I did!

    I get that some people need routine and this is fine if it’s what motivates you. I will probably be in need of a routine when I return to work, but for now, it’s time to not be so stringent. It’s time to relax and try a different way. We want to be less stressed as a family and I can change this by making a few adjustments.

    Following a string of events: depression and anxiety throughout my pregnancy, the pandemic, working from home, a toxic work environment due to impending redundancy. I’d had enough of my old way of doing life. It wasn’t working, and it was time for a change. After this series of events, it isn’t surprising I eventually had a mental breakdown. A person can only take so much before reaching a breaking point. 

    relaxing our routine

    Personally, I’ve spent at least 15 years working my backside off, not having enough time to do anything and generally being stressed and anxious most of the time. 

    It was time for a change! Relaxing our routine was the only way forward.

    The science behind routine… 

    Whilst there are a lot of articles out there discussing the benefits of keeping to a routine, there are also a lot discussing why it doesn’t work for some people. This article discusses the difference between a habit and a routine. Was it the case that I had picked up bad habits during my anxiety-fuelled years?

    Regardless of the reason behind relaxing our routine and why it needed to happen, I decided it was time for a change.

    Following a string of events: depression and anxiety throughout my pregnancy, the pandemic, working from home, a toxic work environment due to impending redundancy. I’d had enough of my old way of doing life. It wasn’t working, and it was time for a change. After this series of events, it isn’t surprising I eventually had a mental breakdown. A person can only take so much before reaching a breaking point. 

    Because I was at rock bottom, what did I have to lose by changing the way we do things? Why not throw out our routine completely? 

    Baby routines 

    When our little one was a baby, we tried sleep routines, googling techniques, took advice from other parents. Despite this, she’s strong-willed and basically does what she wants! 

    She also lived her early years through the pandemic. A period of time in which all of our usual routines were turned upside down, taken away, or possibly changed forever. Children are resilient and as much as I worried about what impact the pandemic would have on her, it appeared to have none (I realise some children were impacted by the pandemic and it has greatly affected some people’s mental health).

    What prompted me to change things 

    Relaxing our routine wasn’t easy. We have a hectic schedule, like any other family with a feisty toddler running around. Given our individual circumstances: me off work recovering from a breakdown (the hubby sprained his foot during this time also and had to recover), and our baby girl needing a break from me rushing her out of the door to value a job which ate my soul each day, I made the executive decision to break all family routines. 

    Routine, it’s time for us to have a break from each other… Maybe when I need you back, we can be friends again…

    relaxing our routine

    How relaxing our routine transformed our lives 

    In this new world of pleasing ourselves, we had a sleep-in when we wanted, I emailed the nursery to let them know we would be slightly late. I felt able to recover, finally, due to prioritising my rest. Who really cares if we do the nursery drop at 9.30 am instead of 8 am – nobody! 

    Why do we as human beings put so much pressure on ourselves to meet deadlines, run around in stress mode? Do we feel busier and more important because we are so strict with ourselves? 

    During our hiatus from routine, if I wanted to write on Google docs on my phone in bed late at night, that’s what I did. If I wanted to stay up until 2 am extracting ideas from my head, because this is the time I was the most creative, this is what I did. 

    The cleaning took a back burner. When I say took a back burner I mean, I went from a clean freak to probably completing the same level of cleaning as other normal people. I was finally one of those people, where if the dishes at the side of the dishwasher piled up, it wasn’t such a bad thing. 

    Moving forward 

    Now I’m further down the line in the process of my recovery from a mental breakdown, it might be time to start introducing some basic routines again, but slowly. 

    And to be honest, I don’t think I will ever adopt such stringent routines as the ones in my old life. They held me back, cut me off from thriving, and were created out of self-limiting beliefs. 

    In line with carving out a new, healthier path, there needs to be new rules and routines to abide by. After all, I am a different person now.

relaxing our routine

    The secret to a happy and fulfilled life is actually really simple

    During my anxiety years and especially during down periods, I told myself I couldn’t go out do things and it was the worse thing I did to myself. A travesty. I cut myself off from happy times, spending time with people I love, enjoying the little things in life, all because I subscribed to black & white thinking and had a script full of self-limiting beliefs constantly running over and over again in my head. And I let it happen…

    It’s time to carve out a new healthy path and ditch the old way of thinking. It previously damaged my mental health and I must avoid this ever happening to me again in the future. You can read more about when my mental health struggles began here.

    Want to know the secret to living a happy and fulfilled life? Read on…

    It was also nice to shop without the little one running around. There is a perception parents shouldn’t leave children out and I feel guilty when I do! But it is so important, we as parents, take time for ourselves. I breathed a sigh of relief in the first charity shop because I had images running through my brain of the little one grabbing every item off the shelves and me telling her off. It was reassuring to know I didn’t have to contend with this today, she was at nursery being entertained instead.

    The secret to a happy and fulfilled life is actually really simple

    Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

    Today, my mum suggested a trip to the charity shops and some breakfast. A simple activity I would usually be inclined to say no to due to lack of money. She kindly treated me to a coffee, sandwich and gave me some spending money, because she knows money is tight for us at the moment. I’ve told her I visit the supermarket and walk around adding up what I’ve spent. My parents know what this feels like to count the pennies and we are so lucky to have them helping us out. Shout out mum & dad if you ever happen to read this!

    Our trip and why outings work wonders for your mental health 

    Because we are still on holiday as a family, I had the family car today, which made the trip easier. I usually travel around by public transport or walk, which I don’t mind. It does me good. We ditched the second car years ago because it wasn’t cost-effective. Today, having a car, was a luxury I am not used to. 

    Wandering around, without a care in the world, not knowing what time it is, and browsing the shelves, was therapeutic. 

    It was also nice to shop without the little one running around. There is a perception parents shouldn’t leave children out and I feel guilty when I do! But it is so important, we as parents, take time for ourselves. I breathed a sigh of relief in the first charity shop because I had images running through my brain of the little one grabbing every item off the shelves and me telling her off. It was reassuring to know I didn’t have to contend with this today, she was at nursery being entertained instead.

    We had a chat about loads of topics I can’t even recall now, catching up about life and you know what, this time is much more valuable than worrying about money issues. Yes, we all need money to live and you can achieve wellness by managing your money correctly (I don’t want anyone to have the worries I’ve experienced over the last year due to financially overcommitting), but you also have to live life and ensure you get out of the house to do activities that fit within your budget. 

    There are plenty of free and cheap things you can do and I am passionate about sharing my tips with others. You can read more about how you can have fun on a budget in my blog post here.

    My mental breakdown this year has shown me you have to set aside time to spend with family, spend a little money, and enjoy your life. If you take the time to do this, all the other parts will fit into place and surely you will be in a better place to tackle difficult issues you may be going through. 

    My charity shop haul 

    Living a happy and fulfilled life means doing something you love! And I love shopping.

    As I am so excited and refreshed following my outing this morning, of course, I had to write a blog post about it. I’ve even become one of those bloggers taking pictures of everything (well roping the hubby in with his great phone camera, IT skills, and photoshop knowledge). I am no expert (I will leave the flatlays to a professional website, like Canva), but here is the picture of my haul:

    charity shop haul
happy and fulfilled

    The items I bought and why I loved them

    Of course, I had to get the little one some toys and activities to entertain her. We are the stage where we need constant entertainment to reflect the experience she gets at nursery. It’s so much fun, but also hard work.

    She loves Peppa Pig and now has a Peppa Pig torch which was £1.25. I know she will be overjoyed when she comes home from nursery today and sees this toy, and the look on her face is well worth £1.25.

    I also got her an activity book for 50p. She isn’t yet at the stage where she can work through the activities, but she loves colouring books and drawing all over the pages. She will get endless enjoyment for 50p. Winner!

    The Meccano set is parts only and I didn’t realise this in the shop, but for £1.99 I am not going to moan about it and she can do some building. It’s also an excuse for us to add other Meccano parts to her Christmas list. 

    I got some home decorations to spruce the place up a bit, ahead of my larger autumn purchases (a future blog post will cover the topic of what I purchased!). We needed a fresh bowl of Pot Pourri and it was just sat on the shelf as if it had been waiting for me, because I’ve been talking about it loads this week! £2.00 – bargain!

    The little gold pot will be an addition to our rose gold decor (I previously bought the other items from Poundland). It was 40p.

    We all need body lotion in our lives and I love seeking it out in charity shops. There are so many unwanted gift sets given away. You get a cheap item, whilst also raising money for charity. Win, win. 50p for this lotion. I can’t wait to try it.

    On winter days, I love wearing these headbands. They keep the hair off your face and also cover your ears. I haven’t got a light coloured one, so had to purchase this. £1.99. Can’t go wrong with something so useful.

    Books – these were 50p each and I will be adding them to the stack of books I intend to read. I might even do a before and after blog post, to encourage me to read them all. Lack of reading isn’t because I don’t love doing it, it’s getting the time with a toddler who believes every physical item in the house is hers.

    Why I’m now happy and fulfilled 

    I’ve spent years shying away from some activities out of fear, lack of money, or lack of time. 

    My mental breakdown this year has shown me you have to set aside time to spend with family, spend a little money, and enjoy your life. If you take the time to do this, all the other parts will fit into place and surely you will be in a better place to tackle difficult issues you may be going through. You can read more about how I recovered from my breakdown here.

    It would have been easy to say no to going out today, due to money worries, but it’s exactly because of the money worries why I needed to get out of the house, get some fresh air, spend some time not caring about a thing, and having quality mummy daughter time. 

    The point is, don’t live such a busy life you need to pay money to feel somewhat normal. How about living a more mediocre life and having quality time to spend with family and friends? What’s the point in earning so much money anyway, if you’re always too tired to spend it?

    happy and fulfilled 
i had a script full of self-limiting beliefs constantly running over and over again in my head, and I let it happen

    Simplify life 

    In the past, my mum & I might have visited Village Hotels for a spa day. Whilst we will return at some point, I am now looking for cheaper alternatives to get out of the house and still have fun. 

    Having fun and finding fulfilling activities is simple, we as human beings tend to overcomplicate it. These are some of the things I used to say to myself when working 12 hour days:

    • To feel better I need a spa day
    • I am so stressed from working 12 hour days, I need to treat myself 
    • Work hard, play hard
    • I deserve it
    • I am too tried to spend the money I earn

    I previously equated living a happy and fulfilled with spending money. This doesn’t always bring you happiness. I would much rather do something free with my loved ones, like sitting in the park.

    Don’t get me wrong, if you want to do the above activities and have luxuries in your life, go for it. I will resume cheap spa days when I can afford it again! 

    The point is, don’t live such a busy life you need to pay money to feel somewhat normal. How about living a more mediocre life and having quality time to spend with family and friends? What’s the point in earning so much money anyway, if you’re always too tired to spend it?

    To read more posts on mental health, see the other blogs I’ve written below…

    7 crucial steps I took to gradually recover from my breakdown

    Recovery from my breakdown was not an easy task. Previously I viewed self-care as selfish. I would be doing something…

    Read More..

    Breathe Bracelets – 10 breaths bracelet

    #GIFTED POST – When the lovely lady from Breathe Bracelets messaged me about her shop, I was excited about the…

    Read More..

    Why I’m revealing my honest feelings about a setback in my recovery from a breakdown

    The reason I am sharing this post with you today Following a setback in my recovery, I wanted to share…

    Read More..

    8 questions I’m asking myself in preparation for gratitude day

    World gratitude day is fast approaching – Tuesday 21 September 2021! In preparation for gratitude day, I’m thinking about all…

    Read More..

    Final thoughts 

    What steps are you taking to live a happy and fulfilled life?

    In the future, I want to create a life where quality time with family is balanced with working enough to pay bills and live comfortably. It is clear to me now, the type of job I was doing in the past and the long hours I worked, damaged my mental health. It’s time to prioritise happiness and the big secret is actually that it’s very easy to do, with a mindset change. 

    Here’s to a happier and more fulfilled life for us all. 

    What are you doing to balance family time with work-life? Do you think your views have changed since the pandemic?

    I would love to hear from you in the comments below. 
