Month: October 2021

5 date night ideas for tired parents

Before children, we used to date each other a lot. We had endless date night ideas. We went on a 5* holiday to Mexico, had numerous hotel stays. Nights out and shopping trips were a regular occurrence.

We would regularly go out for Friday happy hour and I would leave my work colleagues to go ‘date’ my now hubby. I classed it as being more important. We would order bottles of wine in a fancy wine bar, along with tapas. Sometimes I would go get my hair done first. Wonderful memories.

We had fun. I have no regrets about the lack of social interactions we have now.

Because we both lived life to the fullest at University, then together, we have no regrets. There isn’t a single day I’m resentful for the life I have now. It’s just another amazing chapter, which is different from the social life we had before.

date night ideas

Undoubtedly life has now dramatically changed. We have to be a little more creative with our date night ideas. There is no avoiding the fact we can’t just go out when we want to. Even on days off, we have nursery pick-ups to sort out, and responsibilities that come along with looking after a toddler.

Because we both lived life to the fullest at University, then together, we have no regrets. There isn’t a single day I’m resentful for the life I have now. It’s just another amazing chapter, which is different from the social life we had before.

Whatever life throws at us, it is important to fit in some time to still date each other. Anyone who’s experienced the full force of a toddler will know you can’t even have an adult conversation in their presence. They get angry at not being acknowledged. And sometimes this could mean toys being thrown at you. A ‘date’ for us could be as insignificant as an hour-long conversation, without ‘toddler’ interruptions.

We get time to just be adults, which is very important to being a successful parent.

Here is a rundown of the practical alone time we’ve managed to fit into our hectic schedule recently:


We love walking, but with a toddler, we are limited as to the walks we can go on until she is a little bit older. 

On a recent rare weekday together, when she was at nursery, we walked together and it was lovely. Just the two of us, talking, taking pictures, and saying hello to the other walkers. Because it was a weekday, it was fairly quiet and we had a beautiful landscape with bluebells and a lovely river all to ourselves.

We did this walk when I was newly off work following my breakdown and it helped me. I still look back at the pictures and think I’ve come a long way since then. During the walk, I thought I would never feel better again.  

Watching films 

The perfect date night idea. We can now only do this when we have a night together, without a toddler running around. Because we can, we usually end watching a three-hour film.

For me it has to be epic, otherwise, I am wasting my time. I am very picky when selecting films.

Who knows, we might even make it to a cinema soon!

date night ideas

Wandering around the supermarket 

It may sound simple, but wandering around a supermarket, a shop, walking with a coffee, is amazing when you don’t have to chase after a toddler or carry three large bags of supplies around with you.

There is also the element of doing something for ourselves. When we visit a shop as a twosome, we might purchase an item of clothing for ourselves, a scented candle. Instead of thinking about buying for the little one.

We get time to just be adults, which is very important to being a successful parent.

Going for a coffee

The ultimate date night idea. COFFEE DATE!

We recently popped into a brand new Starbucks drive-through and sat outside in the sunshine with a lovely coffee together, before a nursery pickup. 

It was amazing, to have time to chat and be still for a while. Nowhere to be and not a care in the world. we all need this!

A drive to nowhere

Sitting in the car admiring the view, listening to music, letting the world go by. I talk more about our love of driving aimlessly in the car in this post, Want to have fun on a budget? Need to entertain the kids? Follow my 10 easy steps…

Jump in the car and see where it takes you! The benefit of doing this without a toddler, is loud music, car chatter and not thinking about nappy changes, potential car sick of retrieving the dummy which as just thrown on the floor!

Final thoughts

Do you have any creative date night ideas? I would love to know in the comments below.

date night ideas

How I forgave myself for not seeing the light sooner

Forgiveness is absolutely essential to recovery. In this post, I will explain how I forgave myself.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. It allows us to learn from the past, but it can also trick us into believing we should have done something to help our past selves sooner than we did. Even though I believe in fate, I believe someone is watching over me and guiding me through life, I still make comments to myself and others about how I let these dreadful things happen to me. 

It takes serious hard work and possibly a life-changing event to fully realise the bad habits you’ve created in your life. You listened to anxiety and created your life around it, rather than replacing it with positive thoughts and taking control of your own life. It’s a pretty heavy discovery to make. You weren’t living to your full potential.

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    You don’t consciously think about it. You don’t have time to think with the negative anxiety thoughts going through your head every minute of every day. It’s too much to expect someone to transform their lives under these conditions. 

    How I forgave myself

    It’s important to clarify, I don’t actually believe in my rational brain that anyone can control toxic anxiety. It controls you. By toxic anxiety, I mean the type that rules your life and changes your behaviour. It takes serious hard work and possibly a life-changing event to fully realise the bad habits you’ve created in your life. You listened to anxiety and created your life around it, rather than replacing it with positive thoughts and taking control of your own life. It’s a pretty heavy discovery to make. You weren’t living to your full potential.

    BUT the point is, you had no control and probably a lack of awareness about what was happening to you. 

    Mental health issues like this often come with a whole host of other negative side feelings. Shame because you sit on the toilet crying at work, or crumble in meetings. Guilt because you push people away. Embarrassment because you took it out on the wrong person. The list goes on.

    Living in denial

    Before exploring how I forgave myself, we need to rewind time.

    I personally became so enthralled in hiding what was really going on, it was normal to me. I didn’t even really know I was hiding it. You don’t consciously think about it. You don’t have time to think with the negative anxiety thoughts going through your head every minute of every day. It’s too much to expect someone to transform their lives under these conditions. 

    The catalyst for me changing my way of life really was breaking point. I had a milder breaking point during pregnancy. Not that any of them are mild at all. I just took some annual leave from work and nobody knew. Hell, I didn’t even know it was called antenatal depression until recently. How can we change if we don’t understand what’s happening to us? 

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    What prompted me to change?

    It didn’t just take the breakdown, but it was also the added pressure of redundancy and being off on long-term sick from work for mental health. 

    Naturally, when this happens, you reevaluate and ask what got you to this point. How did I get here? What can I do to prevent this in future? It’s like I was forced to acknowledge my situation. But it involved me literally deciding the last 15 years hadn’t worked and I should try something new. 

    It isn’t even this simple. Amongst the darkness of getting over a breakdown, where you literally struggle to get out of bed. You can’t breath due to severe anxiety, or get yourself motivated. You inevitably start asking big questions your mind can’t really deal with. 

    Where am I in the recovery process now?

    For me, this process resulted in anger and I discuss my setbacks in this post and this post

    At this point, even during a phased return to work, I am still a work in progress and I am not fully healed. 

    Bearing all of this in mind, you can easily see how feelings about why you’ve let yourself suffer for so long creep into your mind. Maybe it’s a natural human instinct to do this. 

    How I forgave myself

    Why is forgiving yourself essential to recovery?

    It leads me to why forgiveness is absolutely essential to recovery. And how I forgave myself.

    I am not the person I was before, I feel a change. How can you be the same person you were before this life-changing event? Of course, you transform into something different. This is what trauma does to a human being.

    I’ve had two huge life changes in a short period of time, just after the pandemic: redundancy and a mental breakdown. But I’ve survived and you can too. 

    Forgiving your past self is one of the big steps in facilitating change.

    How to practice self-forgiveness and look after yourself

    This post has some really useful tips for self-forgiveness.

    I personally want to keep doing all of the following…

    Connecting with other people

    Whether it’s online, for the blog. Walking to nursery and saying good morning to someone, or going out with friends. Connecting with other human beings has been one of the most therapeutic things I’ve done since my breakdown. I intend to keep making connections. Other people can add perspective to our lives and make us realise our past lives weren’t actually all that bad.

    Talking about my experiences

    Starting the blog was one of the main things that got me through a difficult time. I can’t really put it into words, but I felt compelled to set up the blog. Like someone was sending me a sign I just couldn’t ignore. Like it was my purpose in life to help others. And every single day from now on, this is what I intend to do.

    It helps me to forgive my past self, because I am using the experiences I was once ashamed of to write. And these posts are helping others. How can I regret my past actions if this is the case?

    Realising what is important in life

    It sometimes takes a terrible experience. Maybe even years of getting it wrong, to realise the right way. I am thankful this horrible year has made me realise family is the most important thing and everything else I do in life should be centered around them.

    I can now create a life with a good work-life balance and remember to enjoy every moment I get with family and friends.

    Maybe it took my past experiences to get me to this place. Maybe I should be thankful to my past self, rather than believe forgiveness is required.

    Final thoughts

    I hope you liked this post on how I forgave myself.

    Let me know what you think in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

How I forgave myself

    Today I am asking should a toddler be allowed a fancy tablet

    Why I was apprehensive about allowing my toddler to use technology  

    Before our little one was born, I was against the use of technology. I had a minimal allowance for a TV schedule planned out for her and we made a cage to hide our mobile phones. I never considered the possibility she would be allowed a fancy tablet.

    Yes, I know. It all quickly went out of the window. 

    She now has a top-of-the-range tablet, access to Amazon Prime, Netflix, BBC iPlayer. She’s a toddler! Ohhh I also forgot, she now has Disney Plus on her tablet too. I remember VHS and we were lucky if we got a few Disney films for Christmas! 

    I mean let’s be real for a second. The fear parents have in this day and age is whether exposure to technology could potentially pose risks further down the line. Does allowing her to have a fancy tablet cause her potential danger?

    allowed a fancy tablet

    Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

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      The real issue 

      I mean let’s be real for a second. The fear parents have in this day and age is whether exposure to technology could potentially pose risks further down the line. Does allowing her to have a fancy tablet cause her potential danger?

      An addiction to video games. Setting up social media accounts at 13 years old, pretending to be 16. Demanding a personal mobile phone. We all read the horror stories and thankfully it isn’t something I have to deal with yet. These sensitive issues are for another blog post, probably from someone who has lived through these experiences. I truly feel for any parent worrying about the online world when it comes to their children. 

      It can absolutely be a scary place for adults and I see examples of it every day.  

      Techology taking over 

      Part of my anxiety about ‘screen time’ was caused by a world in which I feared large corporations were taking over. I wanted to support small businesses and not buy from Amazon. I didn’t want Google to know everything about me. But whether I like it or not, it’s how we live these days. And you cannot very well start a blog without accepting this reality.

      We, as adults are allowed a fancy tablet, mobile phones, a smart TV, Alexa. How can we have all this in the house and say no to her accessing technology?

      This NY Times article really resonates with me, because it talks about setting an example. We do still have the ‘phone cage’ and this blog post I wrote, 9 easy steps to ensure quality family time is a top priority talks about how we prioritse family time by putting our mobile phones away at a certain point in the evening.

      Fear of social media

      I’ve mentioned in this post, 13 motivations for joining the incredible mental health blogging bandwagon, how I felt the opinions of other people massively impacted my mental health during pregnancy. 

      For two years I didn’t go anywhere near social networks. I wouldn’t even allow my hubby to show me funny posts on Facebook. How ironic!

      Since having a child, allowing her to have limited use of technology, and experiencing a mental breakdown, I’ve now embraced technology to its full extent. I mean, I set up a blog, pretty much by myself (hubby & Bluehost support get a special mention for the handful of tasks I couldn’t fathom!) 

      Since starting the blog, I’ve realised it’s time to embrace the technological world we live in. I mean it’s pretty hard to ignore, unless I actually get my wish of living in a log cabin in the woods, in peace. No toddler coming to the toilet with me. Let me dream for a second, please!

      allowed a fancy tablet

      How I made technology work for me 

      Using technology on your own terms, for its intended purpose. Limiting the amount of screen time or personal details you divulge, can be helpful if privacy is a concern for you. Setting boundaries is also a great way to remain in control. My blog is anonymous at the moment and I’m still making valuable connections with people. 

      I want to mirror this with my little one and set a good example for her by how we as adults use technology. I found this interesting study by the Lego Foundation, which heavily focuses on technology for learning and developing creative skills. When the question about limiting screen time is posed, they correctly say it isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach and they include some practical guidance for parents. The full study can be found here.

      In summary, whilst she is allowed a fancy tablet, this comes with certain boundaries. Child lock being the most obvious one, limited screen time and since she first got it, we’ve added learning and development apps. We frequently play these together and talk about what she is learning.

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      Social media 

      I think the use of social media can be beneficial if you have boundaries. It sounds a bit silly, but I can personally step away from my social media platforms when I need to because of the blog. I have many other tasks on my plate and social media is just one of them.

      This doesn’t take away from the genuine connections I make and how supported I feel by others. This is all real, I just don’t constantly live in the online world.  My post mentions how the blogging community is also the most understanding bunch of people I’ve ever connected with. And that definitely helps. 

      Some of the boundaries I set for myself

      I have a personal rule, where I would never post pictures of our little one on social media. The hubby rarely does and asks permission from me first, because he respects my decision and the thinking behind the decision. Everyone is different. We all have different values and just like our decisions in life, we will decide what’s best for us when it comes to the use of technology and social media. 

      Measures you can put in place for young people using phones and social media

      A friend of mine has the family tracking app. It gives her peace of mind when her young teens are out of the house, with friends, for a bit of freedom. They also regularly check social media accounts for dodgy messages and all the other scary stuff. It’s something I would definitely use when the time Is right! 

      I also think being honest with a child is valuable. As parents, we already try to do this with small things and she’s only two years old. I would like to find a balance between honesty and not completely dulling her spirit. Hopefully, the world we live in will be better in the future, when this conversation arises. 


      In summary, I think the use of technology in a safe way, with set boundaries and measures in place, is harmless. Technology can be a benefit to us all if used in the correct way. It should be viewed as a useful addition to our lives. Social media breaks are needed and I intend to take them regularly. We should be living in the real world and not focusing solely on our social media friends, evening though some of mine are amazing and funny Tweets are addictive. 

      I just wish I was lucky enough to have on-demand cartoons when I was a kid. Don’t worry, I will remind her daily just how fortunate she is. 

      What are your thoughts on these issues raises in this article?

      Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

allowed a fancy tablet

      A look back on how far I got with the blogtober challenge

      I recently decided to stop the blogtober challenge. However, I wanted to look back at the posts I created, published, and promoted.

      Following the blogtober challenge, I am particularly proud of the mental health-related topics I released. I will be honest and confess I was unsure about releasing some of them. But I decided to be brutally honest and share the reality of mental illness. I hope it helps other people.

      All the lovely comments and feedback on my posts have spurred me on to continue to ensure my blog thrives. I am now ready to tackle some of the other goals I have and work on bigger projects. I am also starting to see the results of my hard work.

      blogtober challenge

      Here is a summary of the posts I released during the challenge

      My final post of the blogtober challenge

      To everyone still taking part

      You can do this!

      I enjoy reading your daily posts.

      It’s the final week of October 2021 – you got this 🙂

      Reflecting on the goals I’ve achieved this month

      To add some context regarding my blogging journey so far, I released my first post on 12 August 2021.

      I found my feet in September 2021 and worked very hard to spread the word about my blog. I then decided to turn my half-written blog posts into the blogtober challenge.

      The challenge meant I was busy. It was fast-paced and involved a lot of late nights and early mornings. However, it taught me I am able to maintain quality but also keep up with my goals. It just involves hard work and determination.

      All the lovely comments and feedback on my posts have spurred me on to continue to ensure my blog thrives. I am now ready to tackle some of the other goals I have and work on bigger projects. I am also starting to see the results of my hard work.

      I now have confidence I am able to break down the next project into manageable sections and complete it.

      blogtober challenge

      Final thoughts…

      I hope you’re all having a wonderful October.

      This time of year is so magical. Cold weather setting in, Halloween fun, and the lead-up to Christmas.

      After the constraints we’ve faced over the past few years, I wish you all the fun this season has to offer.

      Let me know what you have planned in the comments below.


      Why I believe I inherited my writing skills from my ancestors

      I’ve seen some posts from fellow bloggers recently discussing creative outlets, their main reason behind having writing as a passion. What motivates them to write and why do they enjoy it so much? It got me thinking.

      I wanted to share my personal journey and my love of writing. I haven’t ended up at this point by accident. I picked up skills from my ancestors and I was always destined to reach this point.

      I loved each and every one of these experiences. They made me who I am today… a writer. 

      skills from my ancestors

      Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

      How it all began

      Throughout my life, I’ve taken steps to turn my passion into something more. My ideas have usually been about giving back to society. 

      I wanted to study journalism and imagined myself uncovering some huge injustice, like Erin Brockovich. I then wanted to be an English teacher and during my university placements to further this dream, I spent time helping underachieving students. I worked with the Communications Manager for an NHS Trust, interviewing nurses and writing pieces for a newsletter. I loved each and every one of these experiences. They made me who I am today… a writer. 

      There is no avoiding the fact that writing is definitely in my blood Something which was pre-destined for me.

      Further back in time 

      In this post about why I’m grateful to be a writer, I explain the following:

      I still have a nursery rhyme book I wrote lists in when I was tiny. From the age of 12, I was writing folders full of poetry. I wrote for our local newspaper and still have the clippings. I have a portfolio folder full of the pieces I wrote for work experience and throughout my university days and I one day dreamed about writing a book. I also toyed with the idea of becoming an English teacher.

      I still have boxes full of diaries I wrote in during my younger days and sometimes go through them. It makes me feel nostalgic about those days. I really should read them again soon and get some inspiration for the blog. When we moved in together, I told my now hubby I was keeping these to one day contribute towards my book. It’s vital information I needed to keep, justifying the reason for taking up so much space in our storage cupboard.

      During the worst times of my life, living through anxiety and depression, I’ve used journaling as the main technique to help me get through it. There is something about releasing the words onto the physical piece of paper. Therapists have taught me to rip them up afterward and complete a breathing exercise. Literally releasing the negative energy from my body and it really does make you feel better when you complete this exercise.

      skills from my ancestors

      My relatives and their writing 

      When we first moved into our house, nearly 6 years ago, I was adamant I wanted to display two pieces of writing, one from my grandpa and another from my aunty on our wall. I didn’t consciously know at the time, but it’s because it inspires me each day. I literally wanted to view the skills I picked up from my ancestors.

      Discovering treasure

      I first came across the below piece of writing when my grandma used to let me go through her things. Like any little girl would. She had drawers full of jewels, an old 1950’s suitcase packed full of old photos and amongst all these wonderful gems, was this letter my grandpa sent to my grandma. I loved it from the first time I saw it. I was probably about 10 years old. 

      There is no avoiding the fact that writing is definitely in my blood Something which was predestined for me.

      skills from my ancestors

      Writing supplies 

      As writers, we all need our vital supplies. I used to be adamant about writing paper lists only, but I’ve come around to the idea of technology, due to starting the blog. Paper lists mean I basically had to cross everything out, because life is so hectic. 

      That isn’t to say I don’t like my paper-based stationery. It still excites me and I write notes as I’m working.

      The only way I can describe the excitement I feel is this. When I walk down the stationery aisle at Wilko, I hear the York Minster choir singing in my head and I feel an excitement I just cannot describe (BTW I cried when they sang on a random visit when they were practicing!). This should convey the level of excitement I feel.

      Purchase your Wilko stationery here…

      A list of some more amazing stationery…

      Paperchase – I have an absolute obsession with the shop. I’m basically banned from entering a shop or buying online. I do keep trying to convince my little one she loves it because of course, daddy won’t say no to her. I have a solution, a shopping trip with the little one and grandad. 

      We haven’t even broached the subject of Smiggle yet… hmmmm!

      Boots – each year I get a new piece from the Zoella collection. The hubby is fully aware it is to be added to my Christmas list. 

      Final thoughts

      What inspires you to write?

      Do you have another passion you feel comes from family members?

      What skills did your ancestors pass down?

      Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

skills from my ancestors

      How learning helps me become a better blogger

      I’ve always loved learning. I got excited about my university lectures and even take online courses to this day. I realise some people are not built like this, but I am that type of person. I thrive on learning something new. And my passion for learning certainly helps me become a better blogger.

      Reading books is something I love (a bit more difficult with a toddler these days), and I have a newfound love of podcasts. I’ve always loved documentaries, But I Should Be Fine: How to gain relief from anxiety, overthinking and pesky self-doubt“>self-help books, and anything factual. 

      The same theme runs throughout my life. What can I learn or gain from using this time? This is why I feel like I fit in perfectly in the blogging world. 

      become a better blogger

      Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

      Before watching a film, I ask myself, will it teach me something, will it be a waste of my life? Yes, I’m that person and the hubby & I spend more time deliberating on which film to watch, rather than actually watching. He finds it incredibly annoying! 

      The same theme runs throughout my life. What can I learn or gain from using this time? This is why I feel like I fit in perfectly in the blogging world. You can read more about the benefits of learning here.

      Making connections with other bloggers

      Becoming a better blogger means being part of a community. For those who don’t know, the blogging community is amazing, welcoming, supportive, always willing to help one another. I’m gaining more value than I ever would have at a face-to-face support group. Mainly because I can easily connect with others around the world, not just confined to my local area. 

      I look forward to interacting with these people on a daily basis. It isn’t hard work to me, it’s learning, growing, and collectively working towards a goal. My goal is to raise awareness of mental health issues and helping parents hopefully avoid the mental struggles I had to endure. 

      Replying to comments from fellow bloggers not only makes me feel warm inside and confirms I am on the right path in starting the blog, but I also learn something new about myself each time I respond. I wrote the original blog post and it’s unique to me. When replying to comments, I find myself giving away more information, stating something I maybe didn’t realise about myself. It’s a great process.

      Here is a list of why soaking up information helps my creative process:

      1. Reading 

      I am literally that person who used to highlight my books at university. I still have copies of the ones I studied with bookmarks & post it’s all over them. Keeping them and looking back reminds me of how much I learned. To me, the notations, the post-it’s, those beautiful colours, equals new information. This post explains my love of all things stationery

      Who used to buy second-hand books from Amazon? I was particularly excited when one arrived with other people’s notations. My mind would run wild: what could this previous owner teach me? What did they gain from reading this? Is there something I haven’t already thought about myself? 

      1. Online courses

      Here is a list of the courses I regularly take:

      Eventbrite – they have free online workshops and if you miss the actual event, they email you the details so you can soak up the information at a later date

      Centre Of Excellence – a range of cheap courses, particularly in areas of self-care and mindfulness

      Daily OM – The beauty of their courses is you can choose an amount to pay. This makes learning affordable for you. The courses are also easy to navigate and interesting to work through

      Future Learn – a range of courses in a wide range of subjects (some are free)

      OpenLearn – this is one I haven’t yet tried, but I have it saved in my favourites. If anyone has done their courses, let me know below

      become a better blogger

      Blogging courses

      I am now at the point where I want to take some courses other bloggers have put together, to become a better blogger. It’s true that the best resource really is other bloggers. People who’ve experienced the same problems, worries as you. They are of course best placed to pass on their knowledge. 

      It will probably be around November time when I start my learning journey. Watch this space as I will be recommending some I have taken myself. 

      1. Podcasts 

      I’d heard of podcasts and during the period of working from home, colleagues told me they listened to them. I always just thought, no I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on two things at once. That is still true. My learning brain needs to pay full attention to the information at hand. 

      Therefore, I now reserve podcast time for the bath or sitting in the park on a bench. Concentration music is needed when I’m blogging or writing. 

      1. Reading other blog posts 

      We are all unique in our own way and what I love about the blogging community is there is no competition. Bloggers frequently share ideas for post titles, we contribute to each other’s posts, provide ideas, help out, guest post. 

      This being the case, reading someone else’s view on something can sometimes make you think, yeah I like that subject and this is how I would write about this particular topic. Maybe I know about it and should write about it for others to read. 

      This aids your own creative process and I genuinely smile when I read other people’s work.

      1. Commenting on other people’s blogs

      Whilst I usually let the comments on my blog build up and become a little overwhelmed at having to reply to 30 in one sitting, I honestly love the process whilst I’m doing it. 

      Replying to comments from fellow bloggers not only makes me feel warm inside and confirms I am on the right path in starting the blog, but I also learn something new about myself each time I respond. I wrote the original blog post and it’s unique to me. When replying to comments, I find myself giving away more information, stating something I maybe didn’t realise about myself. It’s a great process.

      One of the goals on my spreadsheet is to collate my comment replies and use them as a basis for another blog post, something useful. Yet to be decided. 

      Final thoughts

      As human beings, we are all learning and evolving constantly. If you’re not actively doing this, you’re static and it isn’t a great place to be in. I feel alive doing what I love each day and intend to keep blogging despite any setbacks I may face.

      How are you becoming a better blogger? Or a better version of yourself through learning.

      I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

become a better blogger

      Knowing when to stop is how I know I’ve evolved

      I know I’ve evolved – what an amazing statement. What’s better is a really mean it!

      Friends, I’ve made the executive decision to end my participation in #blogtober. It’s the best thing for me.

      I’ve been feeling a bit flat lately, deflated, and not sure why. The old me would never have recognised it needed to happen. I would have carried on regardless and ticked off another superwoman task on my endless, unachievable list. 

      However, the new me is all about a manageable to-do list and living life to the full.

      I know I've evolved

      My reasons for ending the challenge

      Well. Firstly I’m exhausted. I am sure my fellow bloggers who are taking part in Blogtober are feeling the same. I want to say a huge well done to anyone who is still going. Along with the bloggers who didn’t take part, well because blogging is the hardest work I’ve probably ever done. But I love it. 

      When I first started this challenge, I had enough content and I still have endless ideas recorded and blog posts partly written. But I reached a point where I’m just not feeling it. I am not happy with the posts I still need to finalise and I think I am experiencing burnout or the beginning of it. Something is missing and dare I say it, I think I may have writer’s block. Maybe more writers exhaustion. I need a break and luckily I am on another mini holiday at the point this post is being published. Cheers to that!

      Perspective and starting my fixed blogging schedule

      I’ve achieved so much in my short time blogging, but I was planning to release a fixed blogging schedule and try and plan as far in advance as I can. I am going to reorganise some posts and start the below schedule from Monday 18th October 2021.

      I know I've evolved

      Because I’m all about self-care, taking mental health breaks, and generally avoiding ever experiencing a mental breakdown again, it’s something I must do. 

      I know I’ve evolved because I feel differently now. But I will be honest and say before Blogtober began, I had thoughts about looking weak if I gave up. I also wondered what other people would think. Those toxic anxiety thoughts are creeping back in, but I’m not going to let them. I’ve challenged myself by completing two weeks of this amazing challenge and now it’s time to get organised. From now on, I have the blog to focus on, alongside working and I need to plan ahead.

      Final thoughts

      Hey, did I just write a blog post after releasing some pressure on myself after totally giving myself a break? It works. 

      Here’s to all you amazing bloggers for putting out amazing content each week. I can’t wait to keep reading your work and interacting with you. I can’t help but smile when I reply to comments and read your creations. 

      Take care of yoursleves and eachother

I know I've evolved

      Affirmation cards from Mål paper to help inspire and motivate

      #GIFTED #AFF

      Mål Paper

      If you are following my blog, you will know I am all about self-care and I am beginning to put tools in place to manage my anxiety moving forward. I need some help to inspire and motivate, and I am sure you do too.

      A technique I have already started using is affirmations. I’ve always had quotes on my walls and in my daily planner to motivate me, but I now intend to go further than this and say these affirmations to myself, out loud, to literally change my way of thinking and become more positive. I’ve spent too long living in the negative.

      You can imagine I was over the moon when Mål Paper asked me to review their affirmation cards. Please check them out.

      help inspire and motivate

      PLEASE NOTEthis is a review of the product and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

      Details about the brand

      Mål Paper also takes inspiration from the Scandinavian minimalist and clutter-free way of living. As a result, we create simplistic and effective productivity tools that help you to focus on your wellness, fulfilment and potential.

      Our collection of products has been designed and produced to foster positive daily habits – with the end result of a happier, calmer and more productive way of living.

      You’ve seen my recent post, which includes some gratitude quotes and positive affirmations. 

      What a perfect time for me to be gifted these amazing affirmation cards. I was so excited when they arrived and I feel grateful to have another tool to combat my anxiety.

      Why I am changing the way I live my life

      I have a child now and the main motivation is setting a good example and being a supportive participant in my family. When suffering from severe anxiety in the past, I’ve pushed everyone away, including my long-suffering hubby. 

      How can I possibly be on this journey of discovery and not see it through until the end? My eyes have been opened and I know what the problems were in the past. That said, I also know a cognitive behavioural change doesn’t just happen overnight. It takes hard work. 

      Because I’m predispositioned to suffering from anxiety issues, due to my personality traits, I also have to work harder than most other people to maintain a good standard of mental health. 

      Why it’s vital I finally put tools in place to manage my mental health

      I personally believe wanting to change your life isn’t enough. The research says we must rewire our brains, create new habits, and really put in some hard work in order to change for good.

      This will take daily work, probably for the rest of my life. Therefore it’s time to put tools in place so it doesn’t feel like hard work. On tough days it’s also important for me to have a solid reminder about why I actively changed my life for the better. 

      Through my blog, I also want to help inspire and motivate other people. I am doing this by discussing my honest reality of living with a mental illness and my journey to recovery.

      Some cards which resonate with me

      We are all at different stages in our life journey and I am starting to learn everyone you meet is unique. We are shaped by our personality, past experiences and therefore different techniques will be needed based on the person you are.

      I was excited to receive and open the pack of cards and I also had fun taking photos (maybe my photography skills will improve the more I do it!).

      These are some of the cards I was drawn to initially…


      help inspire and motivate

      What an amazing quote. It resonates with me because I am trying to carve out the life I’ve always wanted. A balance between work and family time. Being my own boss would be the ultimate dream. I am doing this by creating new, healthy routines. Therefore this is one card I will use the most.


      help inspire and motivate

      I was drawn to this card because I am in the process of healing. Maybe I always will be. I intend to use the power of my mind to my advantage, instead of fighting against it. These are words I can definitely relate to.

      Final thoughts

      I intend to use this pack of cards daily. I love that they are compact and handy to carry around or dot around the house. They will allow me to visualise positivity, as well as say it out loud. What a great prompt.

      You can purchase your deck of cards here.


      Why I’m glad the negative aspects of office culture will be left behind

      I am discussing the negative aspects of office culture today because I spent most of my career in an environment which for most of those years was friendly, inviting, and accommodating. At times, it was also hectic, stressful, and sometimes negative. The negative aspects certainly took a toll on my mental health.

      Naturally, when redundancies are announced, the lead-up to this happening, usually means staff don’t experience the same support they once did and there is a negative vibe. Even if this just stems from a feeling that something is not quite right.

      I hear all too frequently about managers getting away with treating staff poorly and I’m hoping this is something that will change. 

      The pandemic and how this impacted negative aspects of office culture

      The pandemic certainly made us all stop, take stock of our lives and assess the important aspects. We were literally forced to do this because we couldn’t go anywhere. Those who had thrown themselves into work and other distractions were suddenly forced to spend time at home. Family time was essentially forced upon us and I personally came out the other side thinking it wasn’t such a bad thing.

      Whilst I’m sure everyone has had a completely unique experience, there is no denying we’ve all had some thinking time to assess our priorities. 

      Regardless of the impending redundancy, I look back on these toxic workplace traits as something I just could never allow into my life again. As an introvert and empath with high anxiety levels, I will be looking for a future job role that involves helping people, a charity, a small business and will probably never want to work for a large company ever again. Unless they are amazing (side note – I’ve seen pictures on Linkedin where some big companies are giving wonderful goodie bags to new starters – I think I’ve been in the wrong job!).

      Continue reading for a list of the main toxic traits I witnessed in the workplace…

      Buzzing around like the world was going to end 

      This is top of my list for negative aspects of office culture. I don’t know if our managers just didn’t have a clue what they were doing, or drank 10 cups of coffee that morning. But each day there would be a panic-like buzz. Whispering in the middle of the office, taking one another into meeting rooms. 

      Watching this take place was stressful. The body language created a sense of impending doom. What announcement will they land on us today? What could possibly be that bad all this energy is required? I still ask myself what was so urgent. 

      On the days I worked 12 hours, I had no home life. I couldn’t function or speak, barely ate, and pretty much went straight to bed for not enough hours before the next workday. This isn’t good for anyone’s mental health, especially when you’re contracted to work 7 hours. 


      I worked in office environments whilst at University. Since then, I’ve unfortunately witnessed bullying. Mainly from managers to employees, but also between employees. Some of it is unconscious bias or someone said, not intending to hurt another individual, but it still happens. 

      I hear all too frequently about managers getting away with treating staff poorly and I’m hoping this is something that will change. 

      Not understanding our work-life balance 

      For years, it’s been quietly expected I will ‘get the job done’. This sometimes meant 12 hour days (I get paid to work 7 hours), working weekends, and doing constant overtime weekly for periods of up to 18 months. 

      A work pattern like this suggests something isn’t working, better organisation and management are required. It takes its toll on staff and I am hoping since the pandemic, it’s something that will be addressed by companies. You don’t have time for life when you’re working 12 hour days, 5 days a week.  

      In my career, generic statements were used to guilt people into working more than they should – statements like:

      you get paid a lot

      we need everyone to chip in and help out

      once we get past this busy period, things will be better

      On the days I worked 12 hours, I had no home life. I couldn’t function or speak, barely ate, and pretty much went straight to bed for not enough hours before the next workday. This isn’t good for anyone’s mental health, especially when you’re contracted to work 7 hours. 

      The clique 

      You’ve probably all experienced this. For me, it’s the ultimate negative aspect of office culture. The manager’s clique or certain employees being favoured because they are friends with managers. 

      I find it so cringe to think about this now! But it impacts employees in offices up and down the country. What about people missing out on opportunities because of this culture?

      It reminds me of mean girls or the cool group at school and everyone else is excluded. Just stop it already!

      Bad management 

      What do they say? Poop rolls downhill in offices. Well, I use the same logic for bad management. 

      If the person at the top doesn’t know what they are doing, is inexperienced, or frankly, they don’t care, it stands to reason that poor decision making will be a factor and generally employees will have a lack of direction. 

      I’ve experienced this on many occasions. This isn’t good for anyone’s mental health. 

      I must also mention I’ve had some amazing, understanding managers as well. The point is, you shouldn’t have to class yourself lucky if you get a good one.

      Culture of being afraid to speak up

      I know many colleagues who have been afraid to speak up on these issues, for fear of being viewed a certain way by colleagues or risk of losing their job. This is unacceptable and I hope office culture changes in this respect.

      Mental health in the workplace

      I think this is a good time to talk about how mental health in the workplace can be improved.

      From what I see, businesses are starting to incorporate mental health training. My hope is that soon, every manager up and down the country will have the same standard of mental health training and companies will adopt separate absence policies for dealing with people who have suffered from poor mental health. Especially when this poor mental health is linked to workplace stress. After already suffering from mental struggles, you don’t need work pressure added to this burden when you return.

      I hope we see change. I am sure you will see me writing about this topic in another future blog post.

      Final thoughts

      Have you experienced negative aspects of office culture? I would love to hear your experiences in the comments?

      Do you think office culture is improving since the pandemic?


      Why you won’t regret booking an overnight stay at a Village Hotel

      #AD #AFF

      Looking to book an overnight stay?? For those who can’t wait, here is the all-important button to book:

      I love this hotel chain, simply because everything you could want is onsite. You park the car, forget about it, check-in and there is so much to entertain you for the duration of your stay. 

      How many people have checked into a hotel and something was missing? Sometimes it is strikingly obvious, sometimes you can’t put your finger on it. I’ve never had this feeling at a Village Hotel. I have had this feeling many times at other hotel chains. Booking an overnight stay isn’t always easy if you haven’t stayed somewhere before.

      You can read more in this post about my love of holidays, The Great British seaside holiday and the reasons I love it so much.

      You can find more information about what to expect from your stay at Village hotels here.

      booking an overnight stay
why you wont regret booking an overnight stay at a village hotel

      Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

      I would estimate we’ve stayed at our local hotel about 5-10 times previously, and I can’t wait to return soon. 

      The process during our previous stays

      Upon checking in you are greeted by a friendly member of staff. I love that the check-in desk is a cube-shaped station, where staff can walk around to greet you. They all have fancy tablets and the whole experience just seems more friendly than standing at a long desk (usually I can’t see over the desk). There is more of a friendly, personal vibe at Village hotels. 

      Booking revolution 

      It seems they now have a free membership programme where you can get exclusive benefits. Find out more here

      They also have great offers and more details can be found here


      They have improved their technology since the pandemic. You can use your phone as a room key, click & collect food, and even find Alexa in some rooms. When we stayed there was a large TV with a Sky package and a Tassimo coffee machine. All of these elements add to the comfort of your stay.

      The App

      We all like an easy way to book an overnight stay! Download the Village Hotels app and you can do the following: 


      1. Check-in before you arrive. 

      2. Get your room key delivered straight to your smartphone. 

      3. Pre-order food and drink in the Pub and Grill and reserve a table to dine in.  

      4. Order and pay for food and drinks in the Pub & Grill. You must book a table in advance Book now 

      5. Pre-order drinks in Starbucks. Click and collect only. 

      6. Order and pay for room service 

      7. Check-out (that’s if you want to leave)

      Find out more here.

      Working from a Village hotel 

      You can even work from here and there are membership options for businesses. See more here

      When do I move in and split my time between blogging and the spa – I can dream!


      Before booking your overnight stay, I would just check whether there are additional charges for use of the facilities or extras. The website mentions there could be charges when they are at full capacity. 

      How to book 

      I don’t know about you, but I’m going to do a search now and plan my next stay. I can feel the relaxation already. I just have to arrange a stay for our little one at the grandparents.

      In the meantime, here are some blog posts for ideas on keeping the little ones entertained:

      Here are the buttons you need to book…

      Have you stayed in a Village Hotel before? Or do you plan on staying?

      I would love to hear from you in the comments below…
