Mental Health

Blog posts relating to mental health subjects

Joining TikTok & How It Helped Me Grow in Confidence

From where I was mentally and emotionally back in 2021. Had you told me I would be dancing in my living room to TikTok videos, I genuinely would never have believed it. It would be a long time before I would Grow in Confidence!

Pretty much all of my adult life, I’ve dealt with intrusive thoughts and high levels of anxiety. I don’t know exactly where it came from, but being hard on myself, a perfectionist and slightly controlling didn’t help matters. Coupled with the fact I was in a soul-destroying job. And I’m an empath who cannot help but soak up everybody’s energy. It’s taken me years to finally feel confident in myself and embrace who I am.

Let’s dive into how TikTok helped me Grow in Confidence, embrace the challenges life throws at us, and find a community of liked minded people

Grow in Confidence


I used to think confidence was a mask, an act that people put on. Now I realise it’s being your true self. Authentically and without apology. Nobody walking this earth is perfect and we never will be. There is no point in striving for perfection. We will always be disappointed with the results if we aim for perfection. So why set ourselves up for failure? Especially when we have the ability to thrive in life. If you follow my blog, you will know it took me years to answer these questions.  

We are all just muddling through

Following my mental health struggles, I now see people as people. We are all facing some sort of struggle. And trying our best to get through the day and have happy moments. This is why I can write honestly and authentically for my blog. My main blog has been live on the internet for almost two years. And I know my writing helps people because the comments on my blog and social media accounts prove this. 

When we struggle mentally, we often just need to know we are not alone. It can help to see an uplifting social media post or knowledge that someone is going through a similar situation. To give you some context, when I first started the blog it was totally anonymous for the first year. Mainly because I was still living in fear. And this was due to workplace trauma and the anxiety of working in such a hostile environment, for so many years. I also didn’t have the confidence to show my face. 

Enjoying TikTok

I have slowly shared more of myself and my life. And graduated to video content on TikTok

I must say, I am really enjoying making these videos. It fills me with confidence and allows me to embrace the don’t care attitude. Don’t get me wrong, I care about the important things in life. But I no longer reserve a space in my head for drama, caring what others think of me, or pointless emotions, like jealousy and anger. 

Helping those people who also struggle mentally

I want my TikTok account to be a place where people feel safe to share. Where another mum can feel less alone, after seeing a vulnerable post about my struggles. I want other mums to know it’s totally okay to want a break from your kids. And actually put plans in place to take one. Regularly.

For anyone struggling mentally, I want those people to know this is a daily battle for me. And it’s totally okay to have good and bad days in life. It’s all about balance. And riding out the ups and downs. 

Mentally we need to stay on top of our mental well-being in order to stay well. Just like we would do physio on a weak muscle in our physical body. I just wish society would catch up with this pretty simple notion. 

Come join me over on TikTok and dance your way through the challenges life throws at us!

Final thoughts

Ultimately, I am here to tell everyone out there, it does get better. Hang on, stick around, and get out of bed. Get up and fight! Trust me, I know how painful and draining it is to even think about getting a shower and walking out of the door, following a mental breakdown. But you must. This world needs you. 

Grow in Confidence

The Greatest Gift I Gave Myself in 2022 Was Self Improvement

With the Valentine’s Day hype now over, it’s a good time to reflect on the self-improvement gifts I give to myself. And how doing this benefits me hugely. My hope is that one day we normalise taking time for self-care. Instead of seeing it as laziness.

If you follow my blog, you will know in the past I struggled with my mental health. Mainly because I was super organised, controlling and pretty uptight. However, it’s clear now that underneath all that, I was an anxious wreck. And I certainly wasn’t a happy person. 

self improvement

It was time for a brain reset. Strangely my mental breakdown gave me this, in part. But obviously not in a healthy way. And I needed to, once and for all, align my habits and circumstances with what I truly wanted out of life.

Why I chose hypnotherapy

Although a series of life circumstances made me reassess my whole life, there was still something missing. I knew I didn’t want to seek out counselling or a therapist, as I had used these tools several times in the past. Some of it worked and some of it didn’t. The option of a life coach was considered. But when I settled on a hypnotherapy course, I basically got the whole package. A life coach, a guide, impactful meditation. And a range of tools to use in my life moving forward. This was a lifetime solution. And once you go through intense meditation sessions, your brain is permanently changed for the better. There is no going back, in the best way possible. 

Case study of our sessions

You might remember me posting on social media about Kevin, my therapist, writing a case study summarising our sessions together. It’s great to read through the progress we made. And I hope this will give you all an insight into how a hypnotherapy course can help you. 

Why not sign up to download the PDF document and read it? Maybe you are ready to begin your hypnotherapy journey… 

Read all the blog posts in my hypnotherapy series

Looking way back to my past self

Sometimes when you’re in the moment, you cannot stand back from the situation enough to use hindsight and make informed decisions about what happened. As a process, hypnotherapy doesn’t look too far back to your past self. The theory is that it doesn’t matter. And I agree with this.

However, I’ve recently been having a huge clear out of my camera roll (it’s a must as a blogger – all those TikTok videos take up a huge amount of space) and noticed a few things about who I was five years ago (I use the five-year mark because this is around when things started changing for me):

There were numerous helpful quotes saved to my phone, from social media. Now I try to be the one creating these images for other people.

I reflected on group photos with people who are no longer in my life. They were not on my wavelength and they were a total drain on my energy. Whilst I wish others well in life, I must surround myself with non-toxic people. I’ve learned, you don’t have to be everyone’s friend. And it’s okay that people are on totally different paths in life.

There were endless images of self-development notes I started writing. The inner work on myself began several years ago. I just didn’t realise it at the time. It wasn’t easy to comprehend where this journey would take me. I resigned myself to a life of stress because I genuinely thought that was how everyone lived.

Ultimately, a series of events which happened over the last five years would force me into changing my circumstances and myself, whether I liked it or not.

self improvement
Read more about my circumstances on this page

The impact of not aligning your goals, priorities, values and character traits

I now feel in synch, with my priorities, goals and how I live my life. Imagine planning a train journey. You book activities in Norfolk for a 7-day period, but your train is heading to Wales. You’re in the wrong place. heading in the completely wrong direction. That’s how I felt for years!

Imagine starting a construction job, but you don’t have the materials to begin the first stage. I felt like this daily – like a really important component of my life was missing! Like my life, the people around me, and how I was living, were totally out of sync with my goals. Once major changes happened in my circumstances, it was clear I still had old habits, which also didn’t match my circumstances. 

It was time for a brain reset. Strangely my mental breakdown gave me this, in part. But obviously not in a healthy way. And I needed to, once and for all, align my habits and circumstances with what I truly wanted out of life.

I will be honest and say, everyone, is a constant work in progress. There is always work to do on yourself and we as human beings, should never stop progressing.

Reflecting on my hypnotherapy journey

It’s now time for me to reflect on my hypnotherapy journey and summarise the benefits and what I learned. 

It’s important to note that since completing the course, I’ve been able to cement considerable changes in my life. I had started making progress on significant life changes before I met Kevin. However, the power of hypnotherapy in implementing lasting changes is the reason I am where I am today. 

These are the main differences in who I was before 

Be Intentional in everything I do

Set boundaries in ALL areas of my life

Say no when I need to protect my mental health

Value my time 

Be kind to self 

Experience joy daily

Practice gratitude

Consciously participate in fun activities with my toddler

Talk openly about emotions and problems in order to solve them

Help and guide others who may be feeling low

An example of how my life has transformed

A great example is my career, I spent 15 years in a stressful, demanding career and I genuinely thought everyone endured this level of stress. Turns out it wasn’t what everyone experienced in their working lives. During my hypnotherapy journey, I completely changed my career and finally pursued my passion for helping people. I put in a lot of work and successfully applied for two job roles. I am finally putting one of my main character traits and values top of the list – HELPING OTHERS!

I still have bad mental health days – just like everyone else

To clarify, I still have bad mental health days. If you follow me on TikTok you will know this. But how I deal with the bad days or weeks, is what makes a huge difference. And honestly, I wouldn’t be in a position to do that as well, without the tools the hypnotherapy course gave me. Resilience to deal with your life circumstances and challenges is the best gift I ever gave myself.

I approach each day now with a mindset of what can I achieve. What is the list for the day? Let’s smash this. I work hard, but no longer play hard. Our new family goal is watching the pennies, saving and planning for the future. 

Final Thoughts

I am so thankful I had the opportunity to go on this wonderful journey with Kevin. It’s the best thing that could have happened to me. And I truly believe that everything happens at the right time. Sometimes things come along that you really need. And this was one of them!

Have you tried hypnotherapy?

Is it something you’ve been thinking about trying?

Have you downloaded the case study yet? I would love to hear your comments on this below.

self improvement

My Favourite Self-Care Products For Mother’s Day

It’s no secret that I love affordable but effective beauty products. And I try and fit in self-care whenever I can. These trusted beauty products, allow me to quickly transform from mum mode into work or going out mode. And given our recent family financial difficulties, my purchases must also be affordable.

I want to share some of my favourite self-care products in this gift guide.

self-care products

Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

My Favourite products from the No7 range

self-care products

Here are some of the trusted No7, everyday self-care products I am currently using. And why I love them so much

Gel Finish Nail Colour 10ml (pictured above)

Every few months, I pick another colour from the range. It is part of my self-care routine, to do my nails for work and also when I go out. Let’s all just agree right now, that blogging images also look better when someone has their nails done! However, finding the time to do them is a different story.

Lip & Cheek Tint 10ml (pictured above)

I tried this product a while ago and it’s great. I bought a light shade of pink and it’s a lovely addition to the cheeks for going out. It also added some much-needed colour to my cheeks for work the other day.

High Shine Lip Gloss 8ml (pictured above)

Again, this is a product I use daily. If I fancy a bit of subtle colour at work, or for going out. It’s an easy-to-use product, and the coverage is great. It also has lasting power, without getting bitty.

Lift & Luminate TRIPLE ACTION Primer

I have tried several make-up primers in the past. But this one is silky smooth and gives a flawless finish to your makeup. I notice a difference when I don’t use it!

No7 The Full 360 Mascara 7ml

As someone with pretty short eyelashes, I need something which transforms my eyes from a normal working mum to going out to party mode. This mascara does just that and it’s a trusted product I keep going back to. Because it works. And it’s affordable.

Strength & Growth Treatment 10ml

In the past, I haven’t been kind to my nails. And I am now seeing the impact of the damage. As I frequently use nail polish, I need to use a treatment to look after my nails.

Stay Perfect Base Coat 10ml

A few years ago, I decided to start using a base and top coat with my nail polish. Simply to protect my nails and also give me a more flawless look. If you use this base with the gel finish products, it can give the look of fuller nails. A bit like you would get when they apply shellac in a salon. But with much less cost involved!

Gel Finish Top Coat 10ml

Exactly what it says on the tin. A flawless finish protects the colour of the nails underneath. If I am on holiday, this product can bring staying power to the nails, which is a must. Who wants to be doing their nails when they can be at the beach, with a cocktail instead?

Lift & Luminate TRIPLE ACTION Serum Concealer 8ml (pictured below)

I use this product daily. In place of a BB cream or foundation. The coverage is great and it leaves my skin looking fresh throughout the day.

self-care products

I recently made a TikTok post about the self-care products I use daily, whilst sitting at my desk blogging. Featuring the No7 Protect & Perfect Eye Cream & Lip Care

In need of a gift or want to treat yourself – have a browse at Boots Fragrance

My Favourite self-care products from The Body Shop

Mother’s Day wellness

Why not pick up a wellness gift set for the amazing mum in your life?

self-care products

Because I love The Body Shop so much, I have made it a mission to try some new self-care products. And I must say, I am not disappointed. Read my review of them below.

the body shop

Trusted products I use frequently

Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter

This goes on in a solid form but quickly melts to a nice clear butter. Not too heavy but feels nourishing and brings off the day’s impurities. It also smells lovely and there is a calming, take-the-day-off sense about it. I will now be adding it to my skincare routine and using it a few times a week. Along with my Edelweiss skincare products

Almond Nail And Cuticle Oil

This nail oil smells divine. I’ve been on the lookout for some great cuticle treatments for a while and thought I would try this. The brush and applicator allow just the right amount. And the consistency turns from a slight gel to oil once brushed on. A bit like smelling fresh cherry Bakewell baking in the oven, whilst you partake in self-care.

Edelweiss Serum Concentrate Sheet Mask

Let’s start with opening the packet – there is so much liquid in there, which gives great overall coverage and you know you’re in for a real treat. I will be honest and say I usually opt for the much cheaper sheet masks. And although this price point is higher, you literally get what you pay for and this product has a quality all over it.

I’ve never tried a sheet mask where the moisture soaks into the face and the mask eventually goes dry. But this happened with the Edelweiss mask. It smells lovely and my skin was left feeling nourished and refreshed after using it. I will be purchasing more. 

Banana Truly Nourishing Shampoo 

I bought a little bottle of this to try it. When I’ve used banana products from other brands before, they can be overpowering and sickly. However, this has just the right amount of fragrance. It honestly makes my hair feel lovely and the smell brings about a relaxing sense. I will be purchasing a bigger bottle. 

Strawberry Shower Gel

I’ve loved the fruity scents from The Body Shop since I was a teen. It just depends on what scents you’re into the most. I feel relaxed, looked after and like I’m in a field picking strawberries when I use this product. Love it so much, so I had to treat myself recently.

Hemp Hand Protector

This is so nourishing with a hint of fragrance. You can tell it’s helping to protect your hands. My hubby uses it every day before work and I also love pinching a bit of it too!

Hemp Heavy-Duty Lip Care

As I suffer from dry lips, this product is a must for me. Especially to protect your lips in the cold weather.

Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask

I’ve used this product for a while now. And even before I purchased the Edelweiss range, the charcoal mask left my skin feeling fresh. And my complexion was noticeably clearer.

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed reading the rundown of the trusted beauty products I use daily.

Do you use any of these products? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

And I would love your suggestions on any other products I should try…


The ultimate list of self-care package gift ideas for every occasion

If you follow the blog, you’ll know I’m all about self-care. In addition to other aids, it’s what helped me recover from my breakdown. I finally started looking after myself after years of not doing so. 

And sometimes we need some products to assist us with our regime. A self-care package. What better way to relax?

In this post, I wanted to draw your attention to some of the trusted products I’ve used for years. The type of gifts I open, smile, and think to myself my family knows me well. 

Getting a new self-care product makes me happy. It’s also an excuse to ask my hubby to cover childcare so I can spend time trying it out

self-care package

Quick note: Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.

The reason we ALL need a bit of self-care in our lives

These days, with lack of sleep and toddler madness, sometimes self-care for 15 minutes is all I have to make me feel a little bit better. And I take the opportunity. I’m currently writing this post with a face mask on, listening to yoga music. This is the first 15 minutes I grabbed to myself today and it’s 9 pm. I always need a self-care package on hand, for the moments I get to spend alone.

As a parent, making time for self-care is so important, and we should take time for ourselves. Even if it’s 5 minutes. Focusing on yourself will make you feel better. It will boost your energy and spur you on for the rest of your day. 

I learned the hard way, we should never neglect ourselves. Personal care is a basic human need and one I love to indulge in now. 

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    Speaking of indulgence, let’s dive into the list of must have products to add to your self-care package

    The Body shop 

    Shopping online at The Body Shop brings back so many memories. I remember buying the animal-shaped soaps because they smelled and looked amazing. 

    I was impressed by their ethos and I love scrolling through their range of products. 

    They come highly recommended by family and friends and are my go-to gift when I need to purchase something for Valentine’s Day. For any special occasion, you cannot go wrong with a purchase from The Body Shop. 

    Some of my product highlights 

    My brother loves the satsuma range and you will always find this in my shopping basket. 

    I love the sweet-smelling body butter and scrubs. The raspberry scrub smells good enough to eat. What an amazing addition to a relaxing bath, or even a quick shower for the busy mums out there. 

    For a previous anniversary, I purchased from the spa range. If you feel like getting romantic, it smells divine and you won’t be disappointed.

    Sign up to my freebie library. Each week there will be a new freebie added to help organise your life and take away some stress!

    freebie library
self-care package

    Sensory retreats

    I’ve been checking out the self heating eye masks and they look fantastic. They also come highly recommended, by customers leaving reviews and also top beauty influencers. You can find out more on their website.

    Getting a new self-care product makes me happy. It’s also an excuse to ask my hubby to cover childcare so I can spend time trying it out

    The beauty of it is, through sensory retreats, you can also buy now and pay later with Klarna. (PLEASE see their website for specific T’s & C’s.)

    self-care package

    Spectrum collections 

    I’ve recently been checking them out for an occasion I have coming up. My relative loves make-up and I am impressed by the huge range of cute brush collections I found on their site. 

    Alice In Wonderland bundle

    I am loving the Alice In Wonderland bundle and would love this as a present for myself. Hehe!

    Hello Kitty

    For the present I need to buy, I love the look of these Hello Kitty brushes.

    It’s also a huge incentive, free delivery applies to all orders over £40.00 and you can use the Klarna app for your purchases. Mine got used a lot over the Christmas period.

    Final thoughts 

    If you like any of the products discussed in this post, or you want to browse at your leisure (I love a good internet shopping session!), click on the buttons below. 

    Do you use any of these products and what will you be purchasing for Valentine’s Day this year? 

    Let me know in the comments below, I would love to hear from you. 

self-care package

    Pin it for later

    self-care package
    self-care package

    Look No Further Than Elfland UK for Your Christmas Eve Box

    I can’t be alone in wanting to get the perfect Christmas Eve Box for my toddler. How many other parents out there end up with the same, generic gifts from discount stores?

    These treats are some of the highest quality, cute gifts I’ve seen and I just had to share them with you today!

    Quick note: AFF-GIFTED Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links. If you go through an affiliate link to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be helpful for other people.


    DONT FORGET – In some of the boxes, there is the chance to find magical tickets to win wellness products or the ultimate prize – a family trip to Lapland.

    Let’s dive into the list of items to make a magical Christmas Eve Box

    Elfland Sleepy Bedtime Giftset

    Christmas Eve Box
    Elfland Sleepy Bedtime Giftset

    What’s included in the box?

    1 x Box of 5 Sachets of Elf Eyes Self-Heating Eye Mask (worth £16.50)
    1 x Magic Wish Wand (worth £5.95) 
    1 x The Lost Wish Book (worth £9.95)
    1 x Happiness Spells and Wish Wand Instructions
    1 x Sleepy Elf Meditation (worth £3.95)
    1 x Lost Wish Colouring Page

    What other goodies are on offer, for my Christmas Eve Box?

    ‘Limited Edition’ Christmas Eve Treat Box


    1 x Box of 5 Sachets of Elf Eyes Self-Heating Eye Masks (worth £16.50)
    1 x Magic Wish Wand (worth £5.95)
    1 x The Lost Wish Book (worth £9.95)
    1 x Sleepy Elf Pillow Spray (worth £8.50)
    1 x Sleepy Elf Pulse Point Oil (worth £8.50)
    1 x Lost Wish Colouring Page
    1 x Sleepy Elf Meditation (worth £3.95)
    1 x Happiness Spells and Wish Wand Instructions 
    2 x Camellias Tea House Very Berry Tea (worth £0.88)

    Elfland Lost Wish Book & Character Explanations

    This book is perfect for your Christmas Eve Box. I have let my little one start reading it now, in the build-up to Christmas.

    Discover The Lost Wish by Clare Anderson and Emily Jacobs, illustrated by Emma Kurran, where imagination is limitless, and pure adventure awaits. It’s a tale guaranteed to excite and inspire young readers everywhere. 

    Set off on a remarkable journey through a mystical land! Join Siena, a bright and brave little girl, who one stormy night, steps through a magical archway and into Elfland; a thrilling world of friendly elves, dangerous dragons, flying pixies and talking rats! Discover what adventure awaits her.

    Buddy Soft Toy from The Lost Wish

    I will be purchasing this today, as an addition to my little one’s Christmas Eve Box. And to tie in with the theme of the book.

    Christmas Eve Box
    Buddy Soft Toy

    Meet Buddy, Siena’s faithful and loyal companion from The Lost Wish, now available as a cute and cuddly plush toy.

    This super soft and squishy plush toy is made for hugs and playtimes. Take Buddy everywhere with you as you adventure together day and night. 

    Where you go, Buddy goes! Just like in the book, The Lost Wish, let Buddy be your most loyal friend and protector, someone who you can enjoy life’s adventures with. Just squeeze him tight, and Buddy will always be by your side, on hand to protect you no matter what.

    The Lost Wish Gift Box

    Christmas Eve Box
    The Lost Wish Gift Box


    2 x Elf Eyes Self-Heating Eye Masks (worth £7.90)
    1 x The Lost Wish Children’s Book (worth £9.95)
    1 x Magic Wish Wand (worth £5.95)
    1 x Sleepy Elf Relaxing Pillow Spray (worth £8.50)
    1 x Lost Wish Colouring Page
    1 x Sleepy Elf Meditation (worth £3.95)
    1 x Happiness Spells and Wish Wand Instructions
    2 x Camellias Tea House Very Berry Tea (worth £0.88)

    In every box, there is the chance to find magical tickets to win wellness products or the ultimate prize – a family trip to Lapland.

    Elfland Wish Wand

    I am so in love with this product because it’s really special and a keepsake. These items can be used for every Christmas from now on and I can’t wait for my little one to open this item in her Christmas Eve Box.

    Christmas Eve Box
    Elfland Wish Wand

    Suitable for age 5+ the Elfland Wish Wand is the perfect gift for all wannabe wizards and little elves, pixies, fairies, or just anyone who believes in the power of the imagination to bring dreams and magic to life.

    Elfland Elf Eye Masks Box

    Elf Eyes have been created for children but are suitable for the whole family. Each mask is unscented. 

    Elf Eyes Self-Heating Eye Masks are Especially Good For: 

    • Creating a magical experience for children as the eye masks heat up when placed over the eyes  
    • Helping to calm and relax overactive minds when excitement is high 
    • Christmas Eve boxes and stocking fillers 
    • Helping the whole family relax and sleep the night before Santa comes! 

    How to use your Sensory Retreats Elf Eyes Self-Heating Eye Mask 

    • Find a quiet cosy place to rest and recline 
    • Open the pouch and unfold your Elf Eyes Eye Mask 
    • Gently place the mask over your eyes and fit the loops comfortably around your ears 
    • Within a couple of minutes, you’ll begin to feel a gentle sensation as the Elf Eyes warms up 
    • Simply allow yourself to drift off as you enjoy approximately 25 minutes of deeply relaxing and soothing warmth 
    • If using on children (aged 5+), you may need to secure it with an extra knot to tighten the loops – adult supervision is advised while children wear the mask 

    Other wellness products for your little ones, to add to your Christmas Eve Box

    There are so many other products in the Elfland range. Including Sleepy Elf Relaxing Pulse Point Oil – 10ml and Sleepy Elf Relaxing Pillow Spray – 30ml

    You can check out the whole range here.

    Christmas Eve Box

    Recent posts on the blog

    Feel free to check out some of my recent posts on the blog.

    Life Won’t Stop Throwing Challenges Our Way So The Key Is Mental Strength

    AD / PR – please note – the sessions have been gifted in exchange for my honest thoughts about the process

    The theme of mental strength came up in my latest Hypnotherapy session with Kevin. And it’s an important topic I want to explore a little more. 

    The fight, flight, and fear responses are triggered by our primitive brain and is essentially a safety mechanism which was useful many years ago. It saved the lives of our ancestors. But is it fit for purpose in today’s modern world? 

    I think it’s still useful, but the world has changed dramatically. Let’s be honest, in 2022 the world a scary place. The planet and its inhabitants are unstable and the feeling something bad could happen at any moment is anxiety-inducing in itself. 

    Put aside the current condition of the world, and imagine only staying within your family circle. Keeping yourself locked away in your protective bubble. You will still face disagreements, loss, and hurt. There is no avoiding the fact that life will throw us a curve ball, at some point. And it’s only a matter of time. 

    Rather than dwell on the fact this unpredictable moment is coming, I have chosen to strengthen my mind. So that, when this situation arises, I can respond and react differently. 

    And it’s going really well, so far. I already feel better. But we have lots more work to do in order to build my mental strength. 

    mental strength

    Previous posts in this series

    If you want to follow my hypnotherapy journey, you can check out the two posts below:

    Achieving Personal Development – My Journey With Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy

    A Powerful Concept – The Ability To Change Our Brain

    Download my new workbook – a freebie designed to organise your busy life

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    mental strength

    Your reaction is a choice 

    I know these words are true. But it isn’t as simple as just saying this sentence. I certainly don’t feel this way. Currently, I can’t fully control my response to situations that trigger me and this is why I need help to build my mental strength. The science behind hypnotherapy is hugely beneficial, to try to understand how it impacts my thinking (and therefore my behaviours).

    At the moment, we are exploring tools to stop the moment anxiety gets out of control and assess the reaction. A lot of research says our reaction is often the thing which causes us the most distress, rather than the event itself. It’s our response to it which is problematic. Obviously in reality it isn’t as simple as this. And the research is more complex than I can explain. 

    Your reaction is a choice 

    I hope one day soon I will truly feel the full impact of these words and I can shout them from the rooftops. And fully take control of every reaction I have in life. That’s the goal!

    Why choose a therapist to assist you in building mental strength?

    There are some people out there who believe you can read a book, or watch YouTube videos to become an expert, I was previously one of them. However, some experiences you need to be guided through. Especially when we are talking about accessing and changing the subconscious mind.

    Hypnotherapy is about understanding how the brain works. Knowledge is power. But there is a lot to learn and this can only be done properly by taking it one step at a time. In this respect, weekly or fortnightly sessions provide enough time to consume the information and provide meaning.

    I have to put the work in!

    Kevin provides me with tools to do my own work. He’s like a guide. How much of the reading I choose to do in between sessions and how many trance recordings I practice in my own time, is completely up to me.

    The work we complete during the sessions is also dependent on my life circumstances and the people around me and how I form relationships. We are also looking at the problems I currently face in being able to fully thrive as a person.

    Final thoughts

    I think people often go to therapy thinking someone will fix them (I did in the past) but change doesn’t happen without the individual wanting to make a change and working to do it. 

    If you want to start your journey of change, you can book a FREE discovery call with Kevin here.


    Check out a summary of my blog stats, the brands I have worked with and recent feedback I’ve received.

    For collaborations, or any other queries you can contact

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    A Powerful Concept – The Ability To Change Our Brain

    AD / PR – please note – the sessions have been gifted in exchange for my honest thoughts about the process

    Throughout this post, I want to introduce you to a powerful concept. In the past, I have looked into neuroplasticity and how the brain functions. But I only scratched the surface. My latest hypnotherapy session provided a comprehensive overview of the brain model: essentially how the brain functions according to its different parts. And more importantly, how this can impact our automatic responses to stressful situations.

    The information Kevin provided me with blew my mind. Pun intended! Talking through how the brain functions react during panic attacks and how you pick up bad habits, which then become programmed responses, really resonated with me. It’s how I’ve lived for the past 15 years. But this type of solution-focused hypnotherapy asks you not to dwell on the past. It’s time to use it as a lesson and move forward. To a better, brighter future.

    powerful concept

    The brain model 

    Understanding the brain model made me think about the mechanisms at play when my anxiety levels rise. It also makes me feel less guilty about the flight or fight reactions I experienced in the past. Another benefit is it definitely makes me feel more sympathetic towards anyone else showing their emotions through anger. There is always an underlying reason behind someone’s behaviour. When talking about toddler tantrums recently, someone said to me “all behaviour is communication” and it’s so true. 

    Knowing my brain just reacts in a certain way, which is beyond my control, and this happens so fast before your logical brain can kick in, allows me to view anxiety differently. I now feel empowered with this knowledge and I feel like I have the building blocks to move forward.

    perma hypnotherapy
    Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

    Kevin as a therapist 

    We visit a particular therapist because they make us feel at ease and Kevin certainly does that. The way he uses humour to break up heavy topics helps me immensely. Similarly, I feel comfortable going through the trance part of the session with him. His voice is very soothing and it was an enjoyable experience to completely switch off. Something I feel I haven’t achieved for a while.


    What I love about these sessions is the onus that the work is done by me and only I have the power to change things. The therapist is there to guide you. The weekly homework is there so I can put into practice what I’ve learned. It was great to read through the information he sent and also try a few of the trance recordings for myself.

    It is important to note, that although I don’t expect a quick fix, I am certain this journey will improve how I respond to life circumstances. I have started on level one of my building and although I have a way to go, I am starting to walk the path to a more fulfilled life.

    In every area of life, understanding what is happening to us and why helps. Knowledge is power!

    To book a free discovery call with Kevin, visit this page. Kevin can also be reached via Perma Hypnotherapy and directly at

    powerful concept

    Understanding the Causes of Stress and How to Overcome Them

    Stress is a common experience for many people, and it can profoundly impact mental and physical health. In this blog post, we will explore the various ways to cope with stress better and develop strategies to manage its effects. We’ll discuss how to recognize stress triggers, identify healthy coping strategies, and incorporate techniques such as relaxation techniques and mindfulness into your daily routine. Finally, we’ll look at various available resources to help you deal with stress effectively. Whether you’re just beginning to feel overwhelmed or looking for long-term solutions, this guide will provide some useful guidance on managing stress in your life. Ready to reduce the causes of stress?

    causes of stress

    What is Stress?

    Stress is defined as the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. It can originate from a wide range of sources, such as work, family responsibilities, relationships, health concerns, or significant life changes. While some amount of stress is normal and even beneficial in certain situations, prolonged or excessive levels can lead to a variety of physical and mental health problems.

    Causes of Stress

    Stress can be caused by a variety of factors, including difficult life situations such as job loss and family issues or even seemingly manageable things like work deadlines. Other common stress triggers include financial problems, health concerns, relationship issues, and time pressures. Some people may also experience causes of stress in response to unexpected events such as natural disasters or personal tragedies.

    Recognizing Stress Triggers

    The first step in managing your stress is to identify the things that trigger it. Pay attention to your physical and emotional reactions when you feel overwhelmed, and try to pinpoint what triggered your reaction. Once you know what causes your stress, you can begin to develop strategies for dealing with it more effectively.

    Signs and Symptoms of Stress

    The signs and symptoms of stress can vary from person to person but generally include physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, digestive issues, and skin problems. Mental health symptoms include difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much, irritability or mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Other common signs include feeling overwhelmed or constantly in a rush; lacking motivation; avoiding social situations; procrastination; frequent crying spells, and reduced productivity at work.

    Understanding Your Response to Stress

    It is crucial to understand how your body responds to different levels of stress in order to develop strategies for managing it more effectively. Common responses to stress can include increased heart rate, shallow breathing, muscle tension, and feeling overwhelmed. Recognizing these signs in yourself can help to identify when it is time to take a break from a stressful situation.

    Coping Strategies

    Stress is an inevitable part of life and can be challenging to manage. However, learning how to cope with stress and practice self-care effectively is essential for maintaining good physical, mental and emotional health. Developing healthy habits such as engaging in regular physical activity, practising mindfulness, eating well, and creating routines or calendars can help reduce stress levels daily. By implementing these strategies into your lifestyle, you will start to feel more relaxed and better equipped to handle any challenges that come your way. Additionally, seeking professional help, if necessary, is also crucial in managing thoughts or feelings that are overwhelming or disruptive.

    Benefits of Physical Exercise for Reducing Stress

    Regular physical activity can help to counter the adverse effects of stress. Exercise releases endorphins that can improve your mood and reduce feelings of depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Additionally, it helps to strengthen your body’s natural defences against stress-related illnesses such as high blood pressure or heart disease. A combination of aerobic exercise (such as running), strength training (such as weightlifting), stretching, and relaxation techniques are all beneficial for managing stress levels.

    Eating Healthy Key to Managing Anxiety and Stress

    Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for managing stress. Eating foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can help improve mood and reduce feelings of fatigue or irritability. Making dietary changes such as eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and reducing your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, or caffeine can help to reduce stress levels. Avoiding processed foods and caffeine and getting enough sleep can also contribute to better overall health, which will help with your ability to cope with stressful situations. Avoiding overeating is also crucial, as this can lead to feeling sluggish, irritable, or anxious, which can further contribute to stress.

    Mindfulness Practices: An Effective Tool in Dealing with Stress

    Mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, and tai chi are beneficial techniques for reducing stress levels. By intentionally bringing awareness to your present moment experience and allowing yourself to observe thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment, you can recognize patterns in how you respond to stressful situations.

    Organizing Your Time: Creating Calendars; Routines

    Creating routines and calendars for managing your daily activities can help make you feel more organized, reducing feelings of overwhelm and anxiety associated with stress. By planning out your day, you can prioritize tasks and create a more structured method of managing workloads. This will help to make sure that all necessary tasks are completed in a timely manner, leaving room for moments of relaxation or enjoyment.

    Prioritizing Self-Care

    It is important to remember that your well-being comes first. It is easy to get caught up in work or daily tasks, but it is essential to take time out for yourself in order to relax and focus on your own needs. Prioritizing self-care activities such as getting enough sleep, spending time with loved ones, taking breaks from screens, journaling, and practising relaxation techniques can help to reduce stress levels and improve your overall well-being.

    Seeking Professional Help

    Suppose stress has a significant impact on your daily life. In that case, it may be beneficial to seek professional help from a counsellor or therapist who can provide more effective strategies for managing your responses. Talking about how you feel with someone trained in mental health issues can help to alleviate anxious thoughts or feelings of despair. Delta 8 Gummies could also be used as an additional tool for managing stress levels. These gummies are derived from hemp plants and contain CBD, which has been proven to reduce anxiety and stress levels. The gummies are available in a variety of flavours, making them an easy-to-use option for those looking for a quick way to relax and destress.

    Simple Tips for Everyday Living that Promote Well-Being and Reduce Stress Levels

    Living a healthy lifestyle that is balanced and manageable can reduce stress levels. Taking time for yourself to engage in activities or hobbies that you enjoy, getting enough sleep, spending time with friends and family, laughing more often, creating boundaries between work and home life, and setting achievable goals are all simple strategies that can be used on a daily basis. Additionally, learning how to say no to tasks or requests that exceed your ability to manage them effectively can also help reduce feelings of stress and overwhelm.

    Stress is an inevitable part of life, and it is essential to learn how to manage it effectively. Finding the right mix of activities that work best for you on an individual basis is key to reducing stress levels and promoting overall well-being. Remember to be kind to yourself, take a break when needed, reach out for professional support if required, and don’t forget to have fun along the way. With these tips in mind, you will soon find yourself better equipped to cope with life’s challenges with confidence.

    causes of stress

    6 Key Tools I Use for Mental Well-being Self Maintenance

    In the final stages of recovery from my mental breakdown, it was about putting tools in place to survive daily life from now on. Understanding my triggers has helped me reduce the mental impact of certain situations. In this respect, self-maintenance is required.

    For example, I know lack of sleep impacts me negatively. Therefore, I have rest or a nap if it’s needed, and I have time to do so. Meditation has also allowed me to feel refreshed, without spending too much of my time on this activity. Practice makes perfect!

    We need to start treating mental well-being maintenance with the same importance as physical wellbeing maintenance.

    Quick note: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links; if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for you.


    Even when I feel mentally well, I now understand that ongoing self-maintenance is required. A runner doesn’t just go for one run, and then stop. We need to start treating mental well-being maintenance with the same importance as physical well-being maintenance.

    It’s essential I build on the foundations of self-maintenance I discuss below.

    Positive thinking 

    Every single day since my mental breakdown, I’ve worked hard to replace negative thoughts with positive ones and try not to let my mind run away with itself. The blog has helped and I feel like I’ve processed a lot of emotions by writing about my experiences

    I also now understand that we manifest and create the world we live in, from our thoughts. Whether these are positive or negative can have an impact on our well-being and our outlook on life.

    Planning time for self-care 

    Regardless of your circumstances, we live in a fast-paced and busy world. It is easy to tell ourselves we are too busy, or tired to fit in self-care and self-maintenance. But it must be done. Constant self-care was one of the main factors in recovering from my mental breakdown. I was forced to be kind to myself. And I’ve continued this far beyond recovery.

    Meditation for self-maintenance

    You may have already viewed my page on my blog, following my hypnotherapy journey. Because of this transformative course, I am now well-practised at mediating and I get huge benefits from doing this.

    Life Coaching 

    Life coaching is something I tried in the past, but I recently opted for the hypnotherapy course instead. The sessions are made up of assisting you in finding your power and the path you want to take – so essentially it is life coaching with the addition of some other concrete tools you can use for the rest of your life.

    Maintaining connections 

    I have written on the blog before about hiding away from social situations during my anxiety-filled days. Making new connections and being honest with my family and friends about my struggles, allowed me to heal. Following my breakdown, the support network I had was vital.

    I now make a point of ditching any relationship which doesn’t serve me (not everyone in life is supposed to get along). And I seek out, value and nurture connections which align with my values. Favouring like-minded people has allowed me to finally attain the career I want and be surrounded by people who want to help others. All of which have a positive impact on my mental well-being.

    Affirmations for self-maintenance

    If you follow the blog, you will know I have affirmation cards dotted around the house, Particularly around my workspace, to motivate me and encourage me to think positively. Especially if I am having a bad day.

    The ones I use are centred around career, empowerment and confidence. But there are so many other decks available, depending on your preference. Maybe you want a journal to record gratitude or affirmations in a different format. Take a look at the various options below:

    Final thoughts

    I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

    Do you use affirmation cards for self-maintenance? Would they work for you?

    I would love to hear from you in the comments below.


    You can view more of my posts in the wellness category below:

    6 Sustainable Brands & My Honest Thoughts After Trying The Products

    Joining TikTok & How It Helped Me Grow in Confidence

    My Favourite Self-Care Products For Mother’s Day

    A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Good Mental and Behavioural Health

    Understanding the Causes of Stress and How to Overcome Them

    6 Key Tools I Use for Mental Well-being Self Maintenance

    10 Ways To Improve Your Mental Well-being In Winter

    Look No Further Than Elfland UK for Your Christmas Eve Box

    6 Areas I’ve Of My Life Which Have Drastically Improved – Perma Hypnotherapy

    Using Self Hypnosis To Achieve Life Goals – Perma Hypnotherapy

    Things Are Changing for the Better but There Is Still Progress to Be Made

    I Have More Advent Calendars To Share From The Body Shop

    Introducing The Gel Wax Melt by Village Wax Melts

    My Guide To The Best Apparel Out There Contiburing To Great Causes

    Life Won’t Stop Throwing Challenges Our Way So The Key Is Mental Strength

    A Powerful Concept – The Ability To Change Our Brain

    How Your Mental Health And Physical Health Go Hand In Hand

    4 Ways to Unwind and Destress As a Parent

    Why You Should Never Stop Moving Forward

    Albert Einstein famously said that life was like a bicycle: if you don’t keep moving forwards, you lose your balance. 

    What he meant by this was quite interesting. He was saying that you really do need to go with the flow rather than remain stagnant. You have to aim at something, otherwise, everything becomes such a chore. 

    Here are some reasons why you should keep moving forward. 

    The Past Cannot Serve You

    The first reason for moving forwards is that the past really cannot serve you. Regardless of how well (or badly) things went in the past, nothing that happened can determine what goes on in the present moment (unless you happen to be in prison). 

    Unfortunately, the human mind has a habit of holding onto things from the past, either in the form of regret or nostalgia. When you don’t stop moving forward, though, the need to remain in the past disappears. You’re just focusing on the situation in front of you, instead of looking backwards. 

    You Experience New Things

    Regularly moving to new areas is something that everyone should practice. That’s because you have an opportunity to experience new things. Staying in the same locale your entire life can get a little stale. 

    Buying Meriton Apartments in one city, and then renting them out when you go to the next is a great way to fund your lifestyle and keep moving forward. You can try new work, explore different areas, and meet new people. It’s all incredibly exciting. 

    moving forward

    You Can Start Again

    Life doesn’t always work out the way you want it to. You can find yourself in situations that trap you or make you feel bad

    But when your fundamental driving force in life is to keep moving forward, these situations don’t last for long. Sure, things will go bad from time to time, but you always have the opportunity to move on. Starting again is something that you can absolutely do. 

    You Learn So Much More

    When you travel around the world, you learn a lot about life. But when you stay in the same place, you don’t put yourself in situations that help you grow.

    You Improve Your Skills

    Many people work the same job for years on end because they worry about the consequences of moving on and doing something different. They wonder what might happen if they strike out and do their own thing. They fear losing money and falling out of contact with colleagues. They worry about what will happen to their network, pension, or social status.

    But these fears aren’t usually worth listening to. Sure, you could wind up a little poorer, but there’s always money to be found. There are always new opportunities to make a good go of life. 

    Your Failures Aren’t Final

    Lastly, constantly moving forwards ensures that your failures are never final. Yes, things will go wrong. But a life of motion and activity will always produce fruits, regardless of the depths of its lows. If you stay in the same place, then your failures are final.